Computers ebooks

The Secrets of Microsoft Word
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Title: The Secrets of Microsoft Word
Learn These Amazing Key Features That Most Microsoft Word Users Don't Have a Clue About And Obtain A Powerful Advantage For Your Business
Dear Friend,
How much is professionalism worth to your business?
Suppose you could just open up Microsoft Word and use it to solve tons of small business problems.
Imagine...You need a business card, or want to design a fancy brochure for your business.
Sounds difficult?
Well, it isn't if you have the right guide.
Think about it...
Microsoft Word is one of the most powerful software programs around --And it's probably just sitting there on your computer, waiting for you to explore it!
There's tons of hidden features that you can use to save money in your business.
But Learning How Is The Hard Part...
It could take you a lot of exploration and experimentation to figure out to put it's full potential to work for you.
But instead of knocking yourself out trying to find these solutions yourself, you can now find them quickly and easily inside this brand new manual...
"The Secrets of Microsoft Word."
This short, easy to see manual contains tutorials that will help you...
- Make impressive sales charts and presentations with a few clicks
- Save money on ink cartridge costs with 1 simple step that takes about 12 seconds - and it even makes your printer print faster
- Make Business
Rating: (3.66 after 3 votes)

Java Scripts Magic
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Reviewed by The AH Basic Company on 2018-11-04
My Rate 5
THis such a nice book "Java Scripts Magic"as it has various things relating to Java Scripts such as Java Script,Dynamic HTML,CSS and more.
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Title: Java Scripts Magic
Author: Greg Fisher
Now you can add cutting-edge design wizardry to your web pages for less than the price of a large pizza without deciphering programmers 'techie' manual, wasting time searching for scripts, or taking a three month $1,000 web design course...
- Java Script
- Dynamic HTML
- and more
Learn all the latest techniques without confusion
ADD them to your web pages in a flash, effortlessly
Makes web design so much fun you'll be glued to your computer uncovering the possibilities
Turnkey examples kick out perfect web pages in minutes
Simple to understand fool proof manual make it the perfect expert solution for screaming fast results
Re: NEW Website Magic With Easy 'Paste-In' Java Scripts!
Have you ever tried to follow a programmer's "simple" manual?
It's like they talk a different language than the rest of us.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE all the cool stuff they come up with. But why can't they explain how to use their latest inventions so the 'normal' person can understand?
Now picture this. Imagine yourself using the latest breakthroughs to make your web pages come alive without hours of frustration trying to get the techniques to work right.
Push-button success. Without confusion. Without hassles.
Stop Them In Their Tracks...Or Else!
The web is a graphic medium. Besides offering compelling... Click here to read the full description!
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Newbies Guide To Making Software
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Reviewed by sourav choubey on 2008-10-06
My Rate 5
this is so good but student are very poor i mean they hade not purchase all books, so u can free thare all books
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Title: Newbies Guide To Making Software
Who Else Wants To Start Generating Wild Profits Creating In-Demand Custom Software?
Thousands now create software (for insane profits) who never thought they could! Click on the button below and I'll give you a crash course on how you can too start creating custom software and profit wildly doing it. Or just keep reading to discover more!
Dear Internet friend,
Would you like to make millions in the software industry?
Or maybe just start another modest income stream? Technology like broadband Internet and simple programming languages have made creating custom software a reality for literally EVERYONE.
You'd be surprised to know who is making money selling software! And you can too when you find out that...
- Tens of thousands of new software products are released each year by developers who are making lots of money doing it!
- Bill Gates isn't the only one making megabucks from software!
- Anyone can create software if they can use their imagination just a little bit.
One thing is certain... Now is the perfect time in history to create custom software products (for cheap) that sell like crazy! Just look at the benefits of acting now...
- Cheaper than ever before now that the Internet has eliminated the need for packaging, printing, and guides (everything can be downloaded!)
- Unlimited marketplace and thousands of hot niches just waiting for new software to... Click here to read the full description!
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Photoshop Secrets
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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-26
My Rate 5
I like this book"Photoshop Secrets" and will give 5stars because Photoshop is the number one graphics software that is used by many graphic designers and artists who want to get their projects just right.
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Title: Photoshop Secrets
Are You Frustrated Because Your Graphics Are Not Looking Professional?
Have You Been Slaving Over Your Projects, But Find Yourself Not Getting What You Want From Your Generic Graphic Software?
Dear Friend,
Well, you're about to discover some of the secrets and tips to enhance your images, photos and other projects that you are trying to create and make look professional. First, you need to get rid of that software that you've been using for years. Besides, it can only do so much for you. A lot of the features that you need are not there. However, there is software that can really enhance your projects and blow them out of the water! Do you know what is is? Drum roll, please.......It's Photoshop!
Photoshop is the number one graphics software that is used by many graphic designers and artists who want to get their projects just right. This graphics software has everything you need and more!
However, if you don't know the secrets to getting your projects where you want them to be, then you're a lost cause. Don't fret, because it doesn't have to stay that way. Here is a report that can take you from the beginning to some of the more advanced techniques and methods that you can use to enhance your images and photos. Just think, when your friends and family see your work, they will be more than amazed!
In order to get to that point, you will have to
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

HTML Fast Track 101
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Title: HTML Fast Track 101
This Set Of Over 35 Fantastic Tools And Tutorials Will Help You Discover How To Create Profitable Web Sites Instantly With Ease!
Dear Friend,
How much is learning html worth to your future?
Suppose you could see a short tutorial, and be able to upload your web pages tonight!
Imagine... you see the short tutorials, use the dynamite software that we include, then you make a quick webpage and upload it...Your site is up and running!
Sounds too good to be true?
Well, it isn't if you have the right training resources.
Think about it. HTML is one of the most powerful skills you could ever discover. It's so wonderful because every business needs a webpage. Simply put, HTML is easy to discover and can be a very profitable skill.
But Learning HTML Quickly Is The Hard Part...
It could take you months and can cost you a small fortune in software and training to figure out just the right methods that make some web pages work well - while others fall flat on their face.
But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with just the right html training solution, you can now have it inside a new product called:
"HTML Fast Track 101"
At last! Every secret to learning html and web pages quickly is here!
I know you're probably still skeptical and a bit on the conservative side, but think about this - if you keep doing the same things over and over
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:
How to Buy Computers Dirt Cheap & Sell them for Incredible Profits
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Title: How to Buy Computers Dirt Cheap & Sell them for Incredible Profits
Author: Don Lapre
Info Reports From Self Made Millionaire!
Computers are involved in just about every part of our life from our places of employment to the microprocessors in our cars and toasters. It is currently estimated that one in three households in America has a computer. It is further estimated that up to 60% of the working population uses some type of computing device at their place of employment. In less than 20 years, the computer has infiltrated society at a rate incomparable to any other innovation of mankind. Comparatively, it was almost 50 years after the airplane was invented before any of us had ever flown!
There is perhaps no time like the present to consider buying and selling computers! The media hype and innovations in software make using a computer easier and easier. Bill Gates, president and CEO of the Microsoft software empire, is personally worth over 40 billion dollars. Microsoft is the second largest company in the world only surpassed by General Motors. Microsoft has accomplished this with only 33% of the population owning computers in comparison to over 56.6% of the population owning an automobile. The market for computers is exploding and the majority of the population does not even own one yet!
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- About the Author
- Everything You Need To Know About... Click here to read the full description!

Absolute Beginners Guide To CGI
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Title: Absolute Beginners Guide To CGI
Author: Radhika Venkata
Can you count the number of hours you have sat in front of your monitor trying to figure out what CGI means, let alone what it does?
Well, you're not alone and someone has finally done it and here it is!
The Absolute Beginners Manual to CGI!
This is not just another jumble of cgi scripts that have been thrown together in a hasty attempt to increase page count or add value to a poorly written product.
The Absolute Beginners Manual to CGI! literally takes you by the hand and manuals you step-by-step through the mysterious land of scripting. And, it is written in a style that guarantees understanding by any novice.
Here's a sample of what you'll find:
- What is a cgi-bin?
- What is CGI and how does it work
- What to look for when buying a script
- Where to find scripts
- How to install a cgi script
- What is Perl
- Telnet explained
- What are file permissions
- What is SSI and what does it mean to you
- Common errors and debugging.
Written specifically for the novice, The Absolute Beginners Manual to CGI, even provides you with charts and graphs that explain how the flow of information integrates through your browser.
This is a definite "must-have" addition to the arsenal of any webmaster. All too often seasoned veterans forget just how daunting a task it is for the novice to sail through

Tame Your Personal Computer
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Title: Tame Your Personal Computer
Author: Teresa King
Amazing New Survival Manual Guarantees You Can Conquer The PC Beast Right In Front Of You!
When was the last time you wanted to throw that monitor you're looking at through a window? This morning? Last night? Five minutes ago?
Have you ever spent hours upon hours digging through "techno babble" and "geek speak" trying to find an answer to a very simple question?
Maybe it was at 3:00 a.m. after spending almost 24 straight hours wading through "trouble shooting" text.
Or, how about this one. Have you ever called one of those so-called "help lines?" You know the ones I mean.
You're put on terminal hold and you have to keep listening to stale elevator music with the exception of an occasional break where some idiot tells you how much they appreciate your patience?
Then, when you finally get a warm body to speak to, the meter starts ticking and ends up costing you hundreds of $$$$$!
If you want to put an end to your PC Nightmares once and for all, "Taming Your Personal Computer" is a must have tool for your arsenal.
Written by veteran author, Teresa King, this is a tutorial that will definitely teach! Unlike other "guides," this manual reflects her knack for getting to the heart of a question and answering it the way you'd like to hear it. . .namely. . .plain English!
Here is a small sample of some of what you will discover:
- The right ways to start and shut down your

Healthy Computing
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Title: Healthy Computing
Who Else Wants To Stay Healthy, And Fit While Working In Front Of A Computer Day In And Day Out?
- No gain of extra inches at your waistline....
- No eyestrains, back pains, or other discomforts...
Dear Friend,
You have been using computers since your childhood. Now, you have a long list of discomforts and ailments to your credit.
Your doctor says that it is the nature of your work that has made you an unhealthy person through the years.
You are getting in worse shape mentally and physically as the years roll on, from the life you have chosen working in front of a computer!
What next? I have heard so many cases like this from people from different walks of life. Most of them are professionals like software engineers, transcriptionists, medical coders, data entry operators, secretaries, and animators who spend almost the entire day in front of computers.
I myself have been suffering from so many disorders at a very young age due to the simple reason of not taking much care of my health while sitting in front of the computer.
Now, I have learned the hard way from my own experience. I do give advise to my friends and relatives on healthy computing if this topic happens to come across in our conversations.
The first time I had to sit back and think if this machine was giving me more trouble than comfort, is when I had this flinching pain on my neck, which radiated down to
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Understanding PC Hardware
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Title: Understanding PC Hardware
- Would you like to buy peripherals or upgrade your PC, but haven't a clue where to start?
- Do you feel like a complete dummy when you walk into a computer shop?
Here's a quick and easy way to learn all about the components that make up a PC and how to select new components and peripherals that suit your needs and budget.
Dear Friend,
The first personal computers were home-built by electronics hobbyists.
When Apple, IBM and others began selling ready-made systems to "normal" folk, most buyers never considered opening the case, even to look, much less make changes.
That was roughly 25 years ago - one human generation, but more than a dozen generations for computers.
By the second decade of the personal computer age, computer stores were selling hard drives, memory upgrades, sound and video cards and other components to an increasingly large segment of the home computer market who wanted to make their PC "more" than what the manufacturer sold them.
Today, such parts can be found in any office supply or general merchandise store - even some supermarkets and drug stores.
But even with this wide and easy availability, even with prices that continue to drop as capabilities continue to rise, many people are convinced you have to be an electronics wizard to open that case.
"Understanding PC Hardware" will help dispel that myth, explaining in simple language, just what each part
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:
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