Military ebooks
Title: El Gran Conflicto
Author: Ellen White
Language: Spanish
Se recrudece una guerra espiritual y cósmica en los cielos y la Tierra. Embatallados en El Gran Conflicto, desde la eternidad pasada hasta los tiempos actuales, se están luchando dos fuerzas una contra la otra por la soberania universal. Este libro se explica como inicio la guerra global, como llegará el punto culminante y como se terminará. Con desarrollos muy chocantes que pican la mente y despiertan las ascuas del alma, tambien la obra ilumina la visión y da revelación acerca de la manipulación espiritual en un mundo religiopolitico, con regimenes represivos, los movimientos religiosos, los derechos y las libertades amenazados y la decodificación del misterio de la unión de poderes mundiales. Se vislumbra un gran conflicto internacional. Sin embargo, los siglos habian estado marcado a fuego por el conflicto armado y tambien mas silencioso per subtil, practicamente incesante a lo largo y ancho del planeta. Estos fueron los grandes conflictos mundiales que generaron millones de muertos y desplazados durante la Media Edad, el Renacimiento y la Iluminación, con anos interminables de creciente competitividad entre las grandes potencias europeas por hegemonia en el Viejo y el Nuevo Continente.
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Get Your Gun Guide
- I’ll show you how to ditch what you have now for the only gun that outperforms them all.
You’ll never quite run out of bullets for this one.
Warning: It’s deadlier and messier than an AA2 Automatic Shotgun… and it never backfires! - They’ll even try to cut a deal with you. And I’ll share some of the tricks on how to make the best of this opportunity.
- Once you know how to choose the right weapon and how to use it when someone tries to attack you, you’ll always be the one left standing.
This is what will get you out when the military police come for your guns.
And there’s no way they can see this coming.
They’ll run from your house covered in shame, never to come back.
Title: War Stories For My Grandchildren
Author: H. F. Jansen Estrup
A memoir of conflict in short stories featuring:
1945 Sambo, 1942-1951 Bad Dog Stories, 1951 Round and 'Round Things, 1950 Korea, 1957 Mutiny, 1962 The Drowning of Helen Lee, 1963 Ciphers and Symbols, 1964 Chaser, 1966 Sea Dragon, 1968 Loose Lips, 1969 Don't Drop the Load, 1972 Judgements, 1973 Fireworks ... and many, many others.
The author, born at the end of the Great Depression, was emotionally imprinted by WWII and his experience and studies have been a lifelong response to that trauma.
This ebook has been described as 'brilliant' and 'necessary' ... 5 stars!
Ebook Type: Other
Rating: (5 after 3 votes)
Title: The Rise Of Chu's- a family with a broad smile
Author: Kaushal Yogi
The book is about a story of a political family who is in politics since the times of apes. they are maintaining themselves in politics beacuse their family have a very peculier tradition- of writing their personal experinces of politics about how to rule, in that book.
the story runs parallel to the quesion hour of parliament, wrote humorously.
all five present member of the family are politicians. and all five are doing well. a baby is about to be born to a young couple of the family- Al Chu & Ana Chu.
the couple prepares for it like every standard couple prepares themselves. they are doing everthing that they feel they should do.
with time as the baby grows up, he too feels the urge of joining politics because of the circumstances around him. he takes out the book of Chu's- the diary.
by the end he is seen as joining the politics, but on the other hand question hour is still running parallel and nothing chances both, in the type of questions or the answers.
to know more about the author, click on the page below:-
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Policing America's Empire - Pax Americana
Author: Fred Dungan
Forty-five years ago I was drafted into the U.S. Army during my sophomore year at the University of California at Irvine, despite earning good grades. The draft board ruled that my Social Science major wasn't essential to the war effort. After completing Basic Training, I attended Military Police School at Fort Gordon, Georgia, for twelve weeks. Following graduation, I was sent to the 534th Military Police Company at Fort Clayton in the Panama Canal Zone. My duties were to eliminate communist insurgents infiltrating the border, maintain discipline, and enforce the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
This is a non-fiction account of my 18 month tour of duty. At 19 years old I was given almost unlimited authority. As long as the Provost Marshal judged my actions to be in the best interests of the U.S. Army, I could get away with murder.
I have PTSD. This book was my effort to dredge up incidents that were buried dep in my subconcious and restore my sanity.
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: OtherAudio Included,
Title: Quest for Honor
Author: David Tindell
What price would you pay to restore your honor?
Jim Hayes lives a quiet widower's life in Wisconsin. Unable to prevent the murder of his pregnant wife six years ago, Jim has trained in the martial arts and studied the warrior ethos, vowing that the next time he is called upon to act in defense of the innocent he will not fail, and his honor will be restored.
His estranged younger brother Mark, a career Army officer commanding a base in Afghanistan, approaches the end of his military career and wonders if civilian life will provide him with the same sense of honor he has found in uniform.
In lawless Somalia, terrorist chieftain Yusuf Shalita, tired of endless jihad, has decided to defect. Armed with intelligence about an imminent and massive attack planned against the US homeland, he tells CIA he will turn himself over to the only American he has ever known who was an honorable man: his old college friend Jim Hayes. This condition will bring the Hayes brothers back together in a way they never would have imagined.
Jim Hayes' time is now.
Title: As Angels Weep
Author: L.W. Hewitt
Throughout occupied Europe common people gathered around their kitchen tables and plotted treason. It was a crime to save a life. For three little Jewish girls living in a Berlin orphanage the night they called "Broken Glass" began a terrifying ordeal - the beginning of the Holocaust.
As Angels Weep is based on the true story of the Kindertransport - the grass roots efforts of people all over occupied Europe to save the lives of its children. They were not just the rich and powerful, like Oscar Schindler. Sometimes they were small and powerless, but slipped through the cracks of the Nazi juggernaut to earn through pain and blood the final victory against tyranny.
The stories are based on compilations of true events even while the stories and the characters themselves are fiction. The French village of Le Chambon is very real. It was here where thousands of Jews simply disappeared like rain falling on the fields and woods, never to be discovered by the Gestapo. The loading dock at Rödermark and the home of German industrialist Herr Koenig in Amsterdam represent but a few of the places where people raised their fists against the bloodiest empire in human history, and won.
Book 4 - The Juno Letters series; Sales page contains links to all ebook formats.
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