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Nonfiction ebooks

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Category: Nonfiction

Consumer Defender & Awareness Reports

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Reviewed by Ted Custer on 2005-05-19
My Rate 4
After reading this book I think it is a real rip-off. It gives no real help. It is not a reality type
book it doesn't give any answers at
all. I rate this as a "2".

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Title: Consumer Defender & Awareness Reports
Money-Making Software that sets you and your customers on the path to riches in your personal and business life!

A Safer, Healthier, Wealthier Home Life

This exclusive info-software brings readers tips for a safer, healthier, wealthier home life. Not only does it show how to keep away criminals, con artists, bill collectors and traffic cops, it tells how to sleep better, lose weight, eat a sensible diet and much, much more.

Even better, this handsome program becomes a lucrative Mail Order product for you! Customers love the fact that they can not only use the tips to become safe, healthy and wealthy but also resell the product along with complete resale and reproduction rights.

What This Info Report Software Contains

"Consumer Defender & Awareness Reports" for Windows 95/98 uses a good-looking, fun-to-use software interface to deliver 20 reports on home and family betterment. Its insider information isn't readily available, which will have consumers clamoring to discover the secrets it reveals, such as:

  • Never-before-revealed secrets of millionaires (discover from celebrities Winston Churchill, Alfred Hitchcock, Sophie Tucker and others)
  • Seven steps to repairing a damaged credit rating (tested and perfectly legal!)
  • How to sleep better (the proper temperature of your bedroom makes an enormous difference, and it should be cooler than you think)
  • Ways to lower the cost of auto insurance (can you believe that good grades in school may do it?)
  • Simple but powerful ways to hold on to... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Business, Manuals, Nonfiction

What You Should Know BEFORE You Borrow Money

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Title: What You Should Know BEFORE You Borrow Money
Author: Patty Baldwin, Lori Chambers
Easily Learn How To Understand All The Financial Jargon So You Can Borrow Responsibly!

Hands fisted, knuckles white and angry tears pouring down her cheeks, Carol stormed through her front door and headed straight for the telephone. She tries to compose herself as she dials 911 to report her car as stolen.

The 911 operator takes her information and lets her know that an officer should be there momentarily. When the officer arrives, he takes her statement but also asks if there is any chance the vehicle was repossessed.

Carol jerks her head around at that question and tells the officer that she was 3 days late on her payment to a company that offers vehicle title loans. But, she queries, "surely that couldn't be the problem? It's only 3 days! Isn't there supposed to be a grace period?"

The officer completes the statement and suggests that she contact the company who gave her the loan. After asking her to let the department know if it was indeed repossessed he leaves.

Carol calls the company and gets the bad news! Yes, just 3 days late and her vehicle is repossessed. Yes, she can get it back but in addition to the late payment she will have to pay the towing charge, impound fee and a penalty fee.

This scenario sounds pretty drastic, doesn't it? Well, think again. It happens every single day more times than you would believe!

Carol is not a "bad" person. She did what all of us have probably had to do on occasion. She had an emergency and she required some quick cash. She is young, living on her own for the first

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Category: Finance, Nonfiction

Surviving the Debt Crisis

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Title: Surviving the Debt Crisis
Author: Craig Maugham

Decipher the Headlines and Beat the "Bailouts"

It's all around us. You can't hide from it. It invades every corner of our lives. Turn on the radio and it's all over the airwaves. Click on the TV and watch the "talking heads" telling you all about what you already know!

All we hear is gloom and doom. People are losing their jobs. Retirement funds are being decimated. The dollar is shrinking. The seriousness of our financial crisis can't be emphasized enough.

Is it possible for you to make it through these troubling times without total devastation? Yes, it is and we'll address that in a moment.

Before we do, however, it's critical to understand how we got here in the first place. It is very difficult to work your way out of a bad situation unless you know what it took to arrive there.

The only way to do that is to analyze the problem and take the necessary action to insure a reversal of our personal circumstances. Understanding what has happened and why is the first step.

What happend?

"Surviving the Debt Crisis" has everything you need to understand what has happened and provides an objective analysis of how our economy has plummeted to such an all time low.

Learning about the structure of the economy in the U.S. is key to understanding the government debt. "Surviving the Debt Crisis" presents a

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Home, Nonfiction

Real World Sustainability

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Title: Real World Sustainability
Author: Andy MacDonald

Our Responsibility Reduce, Re-use and Recycle

We see the effects everywhere we look. Rain forests are being decimated; land fills choking the landscape; polluted lakes, rivers and oceans. And we won't even discuss global warming.

The planet is systematically being destroyed at all levels. Yes, as a society we are finally beginning to address some of the problems with regard to big business. But that doesn't mean we can ignore the situation individually.

Many people ask what difference can one person make? Singularly they feel that their efforts couldn't amount to much when looking at the problem on a global scale. But what we do personally does have an impact.

As a society, we have to believe that what we do individually does make a difference. Multiply the efforts of one by the thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of people on earth and together we can make a difference.

It may be the most blatant form of optimism but we must believe that if people "knew better" they would "do better." And, therein lies the problem. Regardless of the headlines most of us just don't know where to begin.

That's where "Real World Sustainability" comes in. You can consider it a primer for everything you need to know about how to do your part. While your mantra should become "Reduce, Re-use and

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Christian Books, Nonfiction, Religion

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-15
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book as it give true image of dalits ,untouchability as i too against untouchability and caste system in society that why i like most.

Reviewed by robert on 2009-06-21
My Rate 5
Super great information. We have been provided only part of the story. Hat's off to the aythor

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Title: Truth About Dalits, Caste System And Untouchability
Author: Oliver D'Souza

'Truth About Dalits" presents an extensive insight into India' caste system and the plight of the Dalits. It provides a realistic and scholarly perspective of the Dalit issue, as opposed to the archaic, piecemeal and often repeated information that is increasingly come into circulation. Unlike any other work on Dalits, the ebook uses a combination of religious text, scholarly resources, statistical data and extensive field experience with the Dalits to put forth a work bound to change the common perception and understanding of the Dalit plight. It also debunks the evangelical claim that Dalits want to convert to Christianity.

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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Animals, Home, Nonfiction

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Title: How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches

As a 18 year veteran of the pest control industry, I'll Show How You Can Get Rid of Cockroaches In Your Home Without Spending An Arm And A Leg With Your Local Pest Control Company.

Whether you have German, brownbanded, American, smokeybrown or oriental cockroaches, you will be rid of them for a lot less money than your pest control company charges you.

"Cockroach Be Gone" is an ebook that can be downloaded from the Internet into your computer. I've written this ebook in terms you can understand. Its full of lots of colorful illustrated drawings and more importantly, step by step instructions. So you can't go wrong. It will guide you every step of the way. Anyone can do it if they know how. Thats what I am here for. To tell you how.

If you are in a hurry and would like to order now from my secure server click here for immediate download

Power packed with these features:

  • What rooms to start on first
  • Tips and tricks from an expert
  • Where to start first
  • What you need to do to keep cockroaches from entering your home
  • What to use to treat your home Is it safe
  • What rooms you may not need to treat
  • Specific areas to treat
  • Plus Step by Step Instructions
  • Places you wouldn't think of treating
  • How to treat your home
  • Everything you will need to know to get the job done
  • Colorful illustrated drawings... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Animals, Home, Nonfiction

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Title: Pest Control Facts Revealed

"Stop being cheated by your local pest control company."
Guaranteed to keep you from being cheated, laughed at, lied to and taken for your hard earned cash.

Learn the answers to all of these questions.

  • Shoud you have your home treated for pest control
  • How can you keep from being mislead
  • How can you keep form being cheated
  • Can you trust your local pest control company
  • Are they salesmen or technicians

Should you have your home treated for termites

  • You'll learn how to deal with those $39.95 specials and what to expect when they arrive at your home.
  • You'll learn how to create strategies before they even arrive at your door.
  • You'll also find out how to keep those prices from skyrocketing out of your reach.
  • You'll Learn why you should have your guard up.

These strategies can be used with any service company to save you time, aggravation, insult and money.

You'll also learn...

  • What you should expect after the treatment.
  • What to say and what not to say.
  • The correct way to do a termite inspection.
  • Learn about pest inspections.
  • I'll show you some rules to follow when they arrive at your home.
  • I'll give you some proven questions to ask while they are at your home.
  • Find out what you should pay for pest control.
  • Discover what you
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Category: Mystery, Nonfiction, Science

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Title: In the Beginning

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Entertainment, Nonfiction

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Title: The Mismade Bill: Cash In with This Classic Magic Trick
Author: Joe Libby

The mismade dollar bill is a true classic of close-up and platform magic.

The usual way of performing the trick is to borrow a dollar bill, magically turn it inside out, restore it, and return the restored bill. But this seems a bit anticlimactic.

Thanks to new innovations, the effect can now be improved and have more magical impact!

Imagine giving the mismade bill to the person who loaned it as a souvenir (an impossible object, at that). They will almost certainly keep the bill forever and show it to everybody they know!

Imagine making extra money every time you do the trick! This can happen even when you are being paid by the venue that booked you.

It's certainly possible.

In the new ebook The Mismade Bill: Cash In with This Classic Magic Trick, author and entertainer Joe Libby explains how to do these. But that's not all.

You'll find out about a secret source for the special dollar bills.

You'll find out how to get the bills at better-than-retail price.

And more!

Get your free copy of the ebook today so that you can begin wowing your audiences with the up-to-date version of the mismade dollar bill trick.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Nonfiction, History, Military

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Title: El Gran Conflicto
Author: Ellen White
Language: Spanish

Se recrudece una guerra espiritual y cósmica en los cielos y la Tierra. Embatallados en El Gran Conflicto, desde la eternidad pasada hasta los tiempos actuales, se están luchando dos fuerzas una contra la otra por la soberania universal. Este libro se explica como inicio la guerra global, como llegará el punto culminante y como se terminará. Con desarrollos muy chocantes que pican la mente y despiertan las ascuas del alma, tambien la obra ilumina la visión y da revelación acerca de la manipulación espiritual en un mundo religiopolitico, con regimenes represivos, los movimientos religiosos, los derechos y las libertades amenazados y la decodificación del misterio de la unión de poderes mundiales. Se vislumbra un gran conflicto internacional. Sin embargo, los siglos habian estado marcado a fuego por el conflicto armado y tambien mas silencioso per subtil, practicamente incesante a lo largo y ancho del planeta. Estos fueron los grandes conflictos mundiales que generaron millones de muertos y desplazados durante la Media Edad, el Renacimiento y la Iluminación, con anos interminables de creciente competitividad entre las grandes potencias europeas por hegemonia en el Viejo y el Nuevo Continente. 

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