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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Fiction ebooks

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Category: Children, Science Fiction, Fiction

The Jules Verne Collection

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-17
My Rate 5
I like this book as the author work was often written in the form of a travel ebook, which took the readers on a voyage to the moon in From the Earth to the Moon.

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Title: The Jules Verne Collection
Author: Jules Verne

Enormously popular French author, the founding father of science fiction with H.G. Wells. Verne's stories, written for adolescents as well as adults, caught the enterprising spirit of the 19th century, its uncritical fascination about scientific progress and inventions. His works were often written in the form of a travel ebook, which took the readers on a voyage to the moon in From the Earth to the Moon (1865) or to another direction as in A Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864). Many of Verne's ideas have been hailed as prophetic. Among his best-known ebooks is the classic adventure story Around the World in Eighty Days (1873).

"Ah - what a journey - what a marvelous and extraordinary journey! Here we had entered the earth by one volcano, and we had come out by another. And this other was situated more than twelve hundred leagues from Sneffels, from that drear country of Iceland cast away on the confines of the earth... We had abandoned the region of eternal snows for that infinite verdure, and had left over our heads the gray fog of the icy regions to come back to the azure sky of Sicily!" (from A Journey to the Center of the Earth, 1864)
Jules Verne was born and raised in the port of Nantes. His father was a prosperous lawyer. To continue the practice, Verne moved to Paris, where he studied law. His uncle introduced him into literary circles and he started to published plays under the influence of such writers as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Fiction

The Time Machine

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Title: The Time Machine
Author: Herbert George Wells

The Time Traveller (for so it will be convenient to speak of him) was expounding a recondite matter to us. His grey eyes shone and twinkled, and his usually pale face was flushed and animated. The fire burned brightly, and the soft radiance of the incandescent lights in the lilies of silver caught the bubbles that flashed and passed in our glasses. Our chairs, being his patents, embraced and caressed us rather than submitted to be sat upon, and there was that luxurious after-dinner atmosphere when thought roams gracefully free of the trammels of precision. And he put it to us in this way--marking the points with a lean forefinger--as we sat and lazily admired his earnestness over this new paradox (as we thought it:) and his fecundity.
`You must follow me carefully. I shall have to controvert one or two ideas that are almost universally accepted. The geometry, for instance, they taught you at school is founded on a misconception.'
`Is not that rather a large thing to expect us to begin upon?' said Filby, an argumentative person with red hair.
`I do not mean to ask you to accept anything without reasonable ground for it. You will soon admit as much as I need from you.
You know of course that a mathematical line, a line of thickness NIL, has no real existence. They taught you that? Neither has a mathematical plane. These things are mere abstractions.'
`That is all right,' said the Psychologist.
`Nor, having only length, breadth, and

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Category: Fiction, Horror, Mystery

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-17
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book as one can enjoy eight short stories at a price of one which are The eight stories: "The Site of Blood", "The Riches of Worms", "The Eyes That May See", "The Curse of the Tracks", "The Decision of a lifetime", "Altars and Altered", "Hanging From Hinges", and "In The Blink of an Eye"

Reviewed by rajat on 2011-02-03
My Rate 5
i like it a lot

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Title: Mind Games (A Book of Short Stories and Shorter Poems)
Author: R. Joseph Reece

Reece's second work contains eight short stories ranging from science fiction to folkore.
"Mind Games" is a culmination of stories that, although are fantasy, border on the realm of believability.

The eight stories: "The Site of Blood", "The Riches of Worms", "The Eyes That May See", "The Curse of the Tracks", "The Decision of a lifetime", "Altars and Altered", "Hanging From Hinges", and "In The Blink of an Eye" swing form one realm of fantasy to another, leaving the reader wondering the next time he or she drives past a cemetery or hears a train in the distance.

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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Fantasy, Fiction

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Author: Myles Thatcher

When a bomb goes off inside Sentinel Forces' own Earth base in the Smoky Mountains, James Scarborough and Yanna Holland are sent on a desperate clandestine mission across the galaxy to infiltrate the inner sanctum of the High Priests of Xenorzede, racing the clock to find a way to defuse the most pervasive and insidious psychopolitical plot that mankind has faced. When Sentinel Forces officials back on Earth find out that James Scarborough also has been implanted, it seems the last hope is gone.

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Category: Fiction, Horror, Young Adult

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Title: Pandora Reborn
Author: John Coon

Ron Olsen's life takes an unexpected turn when he is forced to relocate to Deer Falls with his mother and younger brother after his parents get divorced. Ron hates the idea of being stuck in a small Colorado town away from his father, his friends and his club soccer team. He worries that the move will kill a promising soccer career and ruin his chances to land a college scholarship. 

Deer Falls is not just another sleepy farm town. After being sent to detention on his first day of school, Ron is told the town is a hub of supernatural activity. He is skeptical, but circumstances soon open his eyes. 

The warning to Ron takes on a frightening new meaning when a mysterious woman in black is freed from a chest that imprisoned her. A series of unexplained deaths follow.  

Ron soons learns this woman is an ancient witch who is determined to rain down death and destruction on the entire town. He and his friends find themselves drawn into a battle with this ancient and powerful evil. 

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Category: Fiction, History

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Title: Evlampia – The Complete Series
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc

Evlampia - The Complete Series contains all four of the Evlampia e-books. The tetralogy is a view on the early days of the ascendancy of the New Times. The decisive but impossible to consummate rupture with the past, the pedantic search for new principles, and a desperate life that seeks to grow roots someplace beyond the soil of continuity are examined through the eyes of four different people at four different times. Their stories span the length of nine centuries and the width of three continents, yet their lives are intrinsically connected in ways they would have never imagined. The tetradic form of the four basic elements - air, earth, water, fire - is applied to the sequence of their individual narrations to underscore the dominant trait of their ordeals. Each one is guided by a singular spirit, by a natural element which upbringing and circumstances brought to preeminence, but in the end, they will all arrive to the same realization: the constant and uninterrupted primacy of a fifth one.

This e-book is available for purchase for $17.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fiction, History

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Title: The Calendar and the Republic
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc

Short description: When the empire came to its foretold end, Patriarch Ieremias took it upon himself to designate a ruler for the times to come; when the preordained number of years was concluded, he forbade discussions on new calendars. The tasks that lay ahead were daunting, their hardships unimaginable; yet his directions could not have been any simpler. And for all the simplicity, the centuries that followed came ripe with complications, mistaken paths, preventable catastrophes and unstoppable repetitions. Such was their cruelty that, every time one cared to look back, the question had to be raised again whether all that had happened was real or simply dreamt of.

About these cycles is the Calendar and the Republic. Naturally, it is a study of the attributes of Time - of such parts of the mystery as can be understood - and is intended to demonstrate the logical merging of History with the greater continuity of things. But if it portrays the distinct characters and types of a certain era, with all their unique reflections and fears, and unusual conditions that prompted extraordinary actions, it also brings up a very baffling riddle: the one of their seamlessly unvaried return.

About this e-book: This e-book is available for purchase for $9.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.

Short excerpt from Chapter 1: a. The... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fiction, History

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Title: “Go West,” They Told Themselves and Took to Troubled Waters – The Third Book of Evlampia
Author: Demetrios S. Theodoropoulos, MD, DSc

Short description: No one sets out to test the borders of sanity, no one wants to challenge the limits of fate; but it happens, and when one arrives there he seldom realizes it. One say, measure, proportion and reason have suddenly evaporated; resolve has given way to abandonment. And it turns out it was surprisingly easy: a few years of disturbed sleep, a season of postponed happiness, a line of unheeded signs - and one false step.

About the series: "Go West," They Told Themselves and Took to Troubled Waters - The Third Book of Evlampia is the third book in the tetralogy of Evlampia. The tetralogy of Evlampia is based on the tetradic idea of the four basic elements of the natural space - air, earth, water, and fire.

This e-book is available for purchase for $4.00 in PDF, EPUB (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Android, Sony, and other eReaders), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle Devices) format.

Short excerpt from Chapter 1 - A day like a thousand years: Saturday, the twenty-seventh of August 1922, on Saint Poemén's Day, a Turkish army began marching unto Smyrna. Days before, the last Greek regiment had been ordered out. The French, Italian and British Allied Forces stationed in Smyrna had already made sure there would be no escape routes - and where was one to go anyway? The bloodiest week of the twentieth century was about to begin; another one followed, and then another. These were... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Christian Books, Fiction, Romance

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Title: To Hell With Love
Author: Andrea' Porter

Gina Saldana is a single successful hair salon owner who is in her mid-thirties who believes that she has found her prince charming in her now fiance' Bernard. When Gina asks Bernard to move in with her, a suspicion in the back of her mind won't let her rest. Meanwhile, her bestie, Ceal, questions the relationship and soon Gina finds her Bernard isn't quite the prince charming she hoped for, her world is shattered.

As for Gina's estranged sister Tracey, love has been on her mind a lot lately too, but not with a warm fuzzy feeling. Tracey's pain from the past haunts her, keeping her from the beauty of love that she sees in so many others lives. After all she's gone through in life Tracey's not willing to let anyone get too close.

Although they are worlds apart, Gina and Tracey both begin to view romance as too risky a proposition and are ready to throw up their hands to say, "To hell with love!" But at a time when they least expected it, their idea of love are on the brink of renewal.    

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Category: Adventure, Family, Fiction

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Title: DOG BONE SOUP, A Boomer's Journey
Author: Bette A. Stevens

DOG BONE SOUP by Bette A. Stevens is not only the title of a Boomer's coming of age novel, it's a staple in the paltry diet of Shawn Daniels and his family.

Plodding through New England snow on a winter's morning Shawn is ready to leave it all behind: a life of poverty, his dad's drinking, abuse, near-starvation, the bullying and belittling by the community, living in foster care, his parents' divorce and so much more as he leaves to join the US Army in the era of the 1960s. Shawn Daniels is ready to start a new life, but after he boards his plane he can't seem to shake those memories out of his head.

DOG BONE SOUP is the story of the life of a poor boy growing up in a rural New England college town in the 1950s and 60s, a place where Shawn's father is known as the town drunk. Shawn and his younger brother Willie are in charge of taking care of everything that needs to be done around the ramshackle place they call home. But, when chores are done, the boys strike out on both serious and hilarious adventures that don't cost a dime.

Follow Shawn Daniels through the trials and triumphs of life. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you be glad you read DOG BONE SOUP.

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