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Health ebooks

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Title: 177 Ways To Burn Calories

177 Ways To Burn Calories

If you struggle with weight gain it's a good bet that you have tried at least one of the "fad" diets that crop up on a regular basis.

The truth is that some of these diets may grant you temporary weight loss. In the usual case, however, the weight returns as soon as you stray from the diet.

The bottom line is that you gain weight because you consume more calories than your body is able to use and no diet is a substitute for good eating habits...

Bonus to the "Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal"

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Category: Health

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Title: 43 Nutrition Secrets Revealed

43 Nutrition Secrets Revealed

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to find the long lost Fountain of Youth? I can't promise you that, but I can give you a close second.

Tear down the curtain of mystery that surrounds fad diets. 43 Nutrition Secrets will de-mystify and reveal the answers you need before you start wondering where you are going to store all those special meals that cost an arm and a leg.

Bonus to the "Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal"

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Category: Health

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Title: Cleanse Your Body

Cleanse Your Body!

As another special to you I have also included my ebook "Cleanse Your Body." This ebook will give you an easy to follow guide to cleansing. These Powerful cleanses will give you more energy, improve the condition of your hair, skin, and nails. Not only that but you can shed excess pounds by improving your inner environment. Not to mention that you will be healthier! Everyone is talking about cleanses these days, and now you can start your cleanse too, by using the easy, safe, natural, and effective cleanses I have outlined for free!

Bonus to the "The Natural Cellulite Solution"

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Category: Health

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Title: Improve Your Health By Eating The Right Foods

You really ARE what you eat and this fact plays a large role in how well you get and keep toxins out of your system.

If you've ever been confused by the different types of food and the purpose they serve for your body, this special ebook will clear things up for you. Although food composition can be somewhat scientific, it's all explained in an easy-to-understand format so you can quickly learn what you need to know and not be bothered with a lot of extra fluff.

Here's a taste of what you'll find inside this special bonus report:

  • Find out if buying organic groceries a necessity or a complete waste of your hard-earned money
  • The most important component of your nutritional plan and why you simply cannot go without it
  • Discover which foods are best if you REALLY want to improve your health and stay that way
  • Learn the truth about food additives (are they really that bad for you?)
  • Understand the difference between proteins, carbohydrates and fats and why you need ALL 3 of them


Bonus to the "Basic Body Detox"

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Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: Taking the Waters

"Taking the Waters"
...at Germany's Newest State-of-the-Art Spa

Can Germany's mineralized waters really heal?

Did you know that water can actually cure an "incurable" disease? It's true. A German priest in the19th century proved it by curing himself when doctors gave him no hope. You'll learn all about the German water cure, which is still used throughout Germany today. And the FREE Bonus Ebook even tells you how you can easily benefit from this therapy in your shower at home.

You see, the German water therapy can improve your circulation even better than exercise! And good, strong circulation of the blood is a key to good health.

Germany's historic, world-famous mineral springs are said to have medicinal value. People have been visiting them to "take the waters" since the days of ancient Rome.

This FREE Bonus Ebook includes a description of Germany's newest state-of-the-art spa - an amazing complex of pools that also offers a famous rejuvenating massage with mineralized mud.

Bonus to the "German Cancer Breakthrough"

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Category: Health

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Title: Healthy Eating Secrets

You really ARE what you eat and following the right kind of diet can help you deal with and treat your psoriasis condition.

The "Health Eating Secrets" ebook is one of those rare finds that gives you some truly enlightening (and surprising) information about the foods you eat on a day-to-day basis. You'll find it nearly impossible to not make improvements immediately after you read it. 

When it comes to eating right, there are a number of ways to go about it. And, it's not always the food you eat itself that's the problem, but rather where it comes from or what it's cooked in.

Here's just a sampling of what you'll learn in this eye-opening report:

  • How anyone who is completely overwhelmed with eating healthy and preparing meals can still eat better easily
  • The safest type of plastic container to use (most of them are hazardous to your health)
  • Whether or not pesticides pose a real danger to your health, making organic foods a necessity
  • Which eating type (there are 5) best matches YOUR personality... and strategies that work best for each type
  • The TRUTH about trans fats and what role they play in your healthy eating plan
  • What impact healthy eating has on you if you're overweight


Bonus to the "Psoriasis Essentials"

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Category: Health, Medicine, Science

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Title: An Introduction to Biological Aging Theory
Author: Theodore Goldsmith

Why do we age? The answer to this question is critical to our ability to prevent and treat highly age-related diseases such as cancer and heart disease that now cause the deaths of most people in the developed world.

This short ebook provides an overview of biological aging theories including history, current status, major scientific controversies, and implications for the future of medicine. Major topics include: human mortality as a function of age, aging mechanisms and processes, the programmed vs. non-programmed aging controversy, empirical evidence on aging, and the feasibility of anti-aging and regenerative medicine.

Evolution theory is essential to aging theories. Theorists have been struggling for 150 years to explain how aging, deterioration, and consequent death fit with Darwin's survival of the fittest concept. This ebook explains how continuing genetics discoveries have produced changes in the way we think about evolution that in turn lead to new thinking about the nature of aging.

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Category: Health

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Title: Creating and Maintaining Balance

Holly's breakthrough book, Creating and Maintaining Balance: A Guide To Safe, Natural Hormone Health!

Holly's 130-plus page ebook is an absolute MUST-READ if you want to totally understand hormone changes, how to restore your health and feel normal again...and even why this process is a natural part of life that can feel good instead of terrifying! Holly's ebook has been in paperback print for years but only now is it avaliable to you, instantly, when you pick up NaturaPause today!

Bonus to the "NaturaPause Deluxe"

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

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Title: Overcoming Gastritis
  • Treatments available for Gastritis - including natural and alternative methods
  • Gastritis-Related conditions and complications
  • What is Gastritis and what causes it?
  • How Gastritis is diagnosed
  • How you know if you are at risk for developing Gastritis

Bonus to the "Stop Acid Reflux Now"

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Category: Health

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Title: The Ultimate Guide to Relaxation

Are you sick of the constant stress and mind numbing pace? "The Ultimate Guide to Stress Reduction and Relaxation" is just what you need to finally take control and rid yourself of stress and welcome relaxation once and for all! Managing stress and knowing how to relax are both absolutely necessary to having freedom from ovarian cysts and a healthy and happy life. Stress is a normal part of the hectic lifestyle we all live today.

Learning how to handle that stress and finding methods to relax is no laughing matter.

Bonus to the "Ovarian Cyst Miracle"

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