People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves.
Oliver Goldsmith

Health ebooks

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Category: Self Help, Fitness, Health

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Title: NO-MIND FITNESS Self-Mastery Guide
Author: Colin Brown

The NO-MIND FITNESS Self-Mastery Guide is a motivational guide that provides an entire framework for self-mastery and high-level performance in all areas of your life.

If you take it absolutely seriously, this motivational guide can light a huge fire under you and help you realize that the term "overachiever" is utter nonsense.


"I recommend working with Colin everyone I come across who is seriously interested in improving themselves. Yes, Colin principally focuses on helping his trainees achieve their fitness goals. But my work with him has yielded much, much more. Aside from flying through strength plateaus in the gym, Colin's consistent encouragement, the example that he sets, and the supplemental materials (see his Self-Mastery Guide) he regularly sends his trainees, have inspired me to make significant and meaningful changes to many of my habits and attitudes. I am not the same person I was before we started working together, and I expect to become stronger and more resilient in every respect as we continue working together.

"Read Colin's blog [] to get an idea of the kind of changes working with him will inevitably foster in your life. Better yet, here is an example of how he has helped me. I quit a job in December 2013. I wanted to pursue a new line of work and expected to find a new job quickly, but was frustrated by several late-round interview rejections. It was at about this

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: NO-MIND FITNESS Static Stretching Routine
Author: Colin Brown

The NO-MIND FITNESS Static Stretching Routine contains my full-body static stretching routines. In particular, the guide includes the following:

  • My short stretching routine, which takes about 5 minutes
  • My medium stretching routine, which takes about 25 minutes
  • My long stretching routine, which takes about 45 minutes
  • A total of 43 stretches. Each stretch includes a photo and description.

I have personally used all three stretching routines. Currently, I use the medium routine on workout days (post-workout) and sometimes on off-days.

All three routines significantly reduce soreness and improve recovery and flexibility.

The routines work well with virtually any fitness program, including the following:

  • General strength training, powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, or bodybuilding
  • Cardiorespiratory training: running, rowing, biking, swimming, rucking
  • CrossFit
  • Military Athlete
  • P90X or P90X2

The e-book is a .pdf file with password protection. You can view it using Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.

The e-book comes with a 30-day refund policy. If you're not satisfied with the static stretching routine, please email me and I will issue you a refund.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Cooking, Health, Remedies

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Title: Sip The Years Off Your Face: Revitalizing Juice and Smoothie Recipes
Author: Tracy Patterson

These 53 of my favorite recipes that supercharge your beauty transformation by letting you drink these beauty superfoods.

Here’s what I mean:

In liquid form — in the form of a juice or a smoothie…

…the rejuvenating nutrients, minerals, enzymes, and living-energy go straight to your skin cells, your hair and nail cells.

You will detoxify energy sapping, age-accelerating toxins out of your body fluids, increase energy, emotional well-being…

…virtually eliminate cravings and hunger and lose excess weight with these easy to prepare juice and smoothie recipes as well. Not to mention, save a ton of money!

…it’s because it takes so little time to make them, preserve them, drink them.

Bonus to the "The Beauty Food Bible: Feed Yourself 20 Years Younger"

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Category: Health, History, Spirituality

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Title: The Hidden Realm of God: The Historical Jesus and His Healing Philosophy
Author: James Gaither

The Hidden Realm of God presents a case for understanding the historical Jesus as a philosopher and healer.  It explores the teachings of Jesus in comparison to popular 1rst century philosophies and 21rst century holistic health research.  

The teachings of the historical Jesus discussed in this work are identified based on the work of New Testament history scholars.  The teachings are arranged thematically to reveal the scope and primary ideas found in the words of the historical Jesus.  Those primary ideas are related to recent scientific studies on effects of mental attitudes, meditation and other spiritual practices.  

The relationship of Jesus' teachings to Cynic, Stoic, Pythagorean, and other philosophies is examined. There are also sections exploring the most probable biography of Jesus, based upon modern scholarship. The book reveals the sophistication of Jesus' philosophy and the humor found in his parables and sayings.

The Hidden Realm of God also provides ways to apply the basic healing ideas in Jesus' philosophy. 

The author has been a minister for over 30 years and a professor of Church history, philosophy, and world religions for over 20 years.  Through his extensive knowledge of biblical scholarship, spiritual practices, philosophy, and holistic health research, he brings a fresh perspective to the life and teachings of Jesus.

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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Better Eyesight Naturally
Author: John O'Dowd

Now we all have different levels of eyesight, no matter how old or young we are. What I want to do for you in this manual is help you keep your eyes as sharp as possible throughout your entire life.

There’s no reason you need to be dependent on extra-heavy glasses… or need large-print books… or be unable to read at all, as a lot of elderly people experience and are embarrassed to admit.

With ebook Better Eyesight Naturally, you’ll know the exact steps to not only preserve your eyesight… you’ll know how to potentially improve your eyes so you see even better than you did years ago.

Bonus to the "Grow Younger Blood"

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Category: Health, Home, Spirituality

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Title: Ancient Secrets for a Healthy Home
Author: Mallory Neeve Wilkins

Non fiction, reference, Feng Shui, Vaastu Shastra. Ancent Secrets for a Healthy Home.

Everyone carries the mystcal movement of Earth's, energy from their birth year, throughout their whole life. The teachings of the ancient masters and sages who mapped the path of the earth's energy over 5000 years ago, are finally written for all to read. These secret studies that were once passed on by word of mouth are now passed on by the written word with all the calculations for everyone to read and comprehend. 

When there has been a change in health, creativity, relationships, career or prosperity... then it is time to make corrections within you environment. All the medications, yoga, healing remedies, mantras, etc will only work to the level of a healing environment. You need to be situated in your personal best location environment possible to achieve the topmost results. Correct your environment, then you can take your treatments or cures, and the results will be considerably better and longer lasting. It has been written that if you 'Control the forces of nature, you can control your life.'

Ancient Secrets talks about the ways and means of calculating your personal energy charts and applying corrections to your environment and home, room by room.

The sacred studies of China and India have endeavored to bring harmony and well-being to people, buildings and the environment. At one time or another, everyone

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Category: Health, Relationships, Remedies

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Title: Hot Blooded

It’s no secret that having healthy circulation and youthful blood flow can make sex a hundred times better… no matter how old or young you are…

In fact, if your blood flow is not working right, sex may not even be possible as you age…

When I realized that a number of clients were getting ebook Grow Younger Blood purely to enhance their sexual performance, I thought it was time I made a separate manual on the subject.

Hot Blooded” is where I tell you everything you need to know to rapidly increase the passion, frequency, and enjoyment of your love and sex life.

Whether you’ve struggled with erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, or even if you just want to step things up a bit in the bedroom, ebook “Hot Blooded” will show you exactly how your blood health is connected to your sexual powers and what steps you can take to enjoy sex more and perform more impressively than you ever have before…

Bonus to the "Grow Younger Blood"

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Category: Fitness, Health, Medicine

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Title: So You've Got A Cataract? What You Need to Know About Cataract Surgery.
Author: David Richardson, M.D.

A Patient's Guide to Modern Eye Surgery, Advanced Intraocular Lenses & Choosing Your Surgeon

This is about cataract surgery and cataracts. A patient centered book written in a friendly and easy to read writing style that makes the book easy to understand. A must-have for people who are thinking of having a cataract surgery.

Key topics are as follows:

  • About Cataracts
  • What You Need To Know About Cataract Surgery
  • Preparing For Cataract Surgery
  • What To Expect The Day of Surgery
  • The Days After Surgery
  • Intraocular Lenses
  • Risks of Cataract Surgery
  • Cataract Surgery and Glaucoma
  • Cataract Surgery with Other Eye Diseases
  • A Word About Laser Cataract Surgery
  • How To Choose A Cataract Surgeon
  • "INFORMED CONSENT" Document (Sample)

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Children, Family, Health

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Title: A Guide to Teenage Depression
Author: Patrice Foster

Teenage Depression a growing problem that left many grieving Parents wondering why did I not see the signs earlier. Life is hard for everyone but for adolescent  this becomes more difficulty when face with mental illness. Parents see their happy child just going through a phase which is  fills with angry, screams, sadness and never ending mood swings. Often caregiver feel alienated and home becomes a hostile environment; long working hours become the norm. Afraid or ashamed teenage depression is not talk about it's a secret  hiding from the very people who maybe able to help. Left alone Teens begin to cut themself.

Why or what is causing these behavior Bullying & Cyberbullying can take its toll... too many kids afraid to go to school. Too many kids stated "I want to died " and not taken seriously. 

A guide to Teenage Depression  bring awareness to Parents, Teachers and schools . Get the facts, know the signs of Teen depression. Know the difference between being sad or just having a bad day vs depression. It's important if you have teens to get the information now and share your knowledge with friends,  family, coworker, and schools so that your child can be prevented from being another statistics.

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Category: Health

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Title: The Psychology of Living Well With an STD

Information on sexually transmitted diseases for someone you care about or yourself. As you have searched for information, you have probably come across a lot of STD medical information. This eBook tells you:

  • Systematically learn about STDs and take steps for recovery
  • What to do if you suspect STDs
  • How to stay positive and be happy even if you have STD
  • How to talk to your partner and tell them that you have STD
  • How to deal with the anger and manage the stress of having STD
  • Live well with STDs
  • Keep your relationship happy
  • Overcome and live with the STD diagnosis
  • How to take of your physical body

Bonus to the "The Essential Guide to Cure Chlamydia"

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