Health ebooks

Reviewed by bisola on 2010-08-27
My Rate 3
i bought and read through the ebook ''natural cure for acne report'' by Charles Silverman but i discovered that most of the plants and the form in which to be used for this treatment programme cannot be found in Nigeria please how can you be of help
Reviewed by rosa on 2009-06-12
My Rate 5
very effective
Reviewed by Barbara on 2008-01-10
My Rate 5
very simple to use
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Title: The Homemade Medicine
Author: Charles Silverman
Your Home Remedy Field Manual For Everything Life Has To Throw At You!
Take a look at just a few of the things covered inside...
Step-by-step natural Home Remedies and recipes for treating and maintaining oral health
- home remediesSave money making your own Low-Cost mouthwash, so natural that is safe for children.
- home remediesPrevent Tooth Decay by using a number of herbs that kill bacteria that thrives in the mouth.
- home remediesLearn how to treat oral Thrush by making a Fresh Killer home remedy mixture that fights the infection.
- home remediesInstantly reduce inflammation and pain by making a natural rinse that taste great.
Heal and protect your digestive system with these home remedies
- home remediesYou can mix a fast acting Heartburn preparation that refreshes your stomach without over depleting the digestive acids.
- home remediesYou can also make a natural laxative syrup for smooth and controlled results.
- home remediesWith your own extra potent Blackberry remedy for diarrhea you can get effective relief with out any side effects.
- home remediesSleep like a baby by making a home remedy for Ulcer Pain Night Reliever formula.
- home remediesRelive Diarrhea by following a few instructions to make a rice preparation for diarrhea that also returns fluids and nutrients lost to the
Rating: (4.33 after 3 votes)

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-19
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book"Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program"as by reading this book one will learn how to stop not only smoking habits but also various other bad habits.
Reviewed by Roger Kevin Johnson on 2011-11-22
My Rate 5
I quit smoking weed thanks to this program.
Thank you so much
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Title: Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program
Author: Gary Evans
The Cannabis Coach™ is a complete "how to stop smoking weed" program with very fast results.
The Cannabis Coach will not only help you to stop smoking pot but it will also help you with other bad habits.
After many years of successfully helping weed smokers the "Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program" has demonstrated to be an authority when it comes to marijuana addiction.
Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by Jenna on 2009-06-10
My Rate 5
I found this a practical, down-to-earth read that had simple things to do to improve my memory without too much hassle.
Reviewed by on 2009-06-04
My Rate 5
This is one of the few books on the topic that is actually written by experts. I've heard that Gillian personally answers her emails.
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Title: Seven Second Memory
Author: Gillian Eadie & Dr. Allison Lamont PhD
How to Remember in Seven Seconds
Did you know that it takes seven seconds for your brain to process information you want to remember? That's a long time! Try counting that out now.
This ebook will help you to:
- Rely on your memory to support you in public situations - you'll be as confident, decisive and assertive as everyone else
- Improve the clarity of your thinking about the actions you need to take to remember with accuracy and precision
- Take simple steps to make the changes in your everyday life that will bring about unbelievable results in your life and career
- Increase your chances of top grades at school or university, by using your study time more effectively and efficiently
- Have the reputation of never forgetting birthdays, names, faces and facts.
- Ensure that you will be a serious contender for the next job promotion
- Approach new projects, new learning and new data with confidence, knowing that you have the memory powers to succeed
- Amaze your friends and family with the details you can
Ebook Type: MS Word
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by Bill Turbett on 2010-05-29
My Rate 5
Very informative article, well-written, sounds like it should work!
Reviewed by tony on 2009-04-14
My Rate 2
like it
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Title: The Ultimate Rotator Cuff Training Guide
Author: Brian Schiff
"Are You Tired of Suffering From Nagging Shoulder Pain?"
Discover How a Medically Proven Exercise Program Designed by a Physical Therapist Will Finally Allow You to Stop Relying on Medications, Injections and Other Useless Remedies to Eliminate Your Rotator Cuff Pain and Prevent Future Shoulder Injuries.
Dear Friends, Athletes, Exercise Enthusiasts, and Fitness Professionals,
Has your life been disrupted or ruined due to shoulder pain? Ask yourself if you currently suffer from any of the following symptoms associated with rotator cuff pain. Any of these sound familiar?
- Weakness
- Pain with reaching behind your back
- Pain with overhead reaching or throwing
- Interrupted sleep or pain at night
- Inability to lay on the affected arm/shoulder
- Dull ache in the upper arm
- Difficulty or pain with getting dressed
- Decreased range of motion
The Ultimate Rotator Cuff Training Guide is the most ebook available on the market today with A to Z information on injury, anatomy, clinically proven exercises, and step-by-step training techniques to alleviate & prevent these all too common shoulder injuries!
- Straightforward training outline for people with healthy shoulders
- Reveals 12 proven exercises you should be doing for your rotator cuff
- Reduce the chances that rotator cuff tendonitis will sideline you or your
Rating: (3.5 after 2 votes)
Title: The Doctor Who Cures Cancer
Author: Kelley Eidem
Discover the Remarkable Genius Of Dr. Emanuel Revici And How His Revolutionary Cure For Cancer Has Given New Hope To Cancer Victims-Even Those With Advanced Stage IV Cancer...
A glimpse at what you will discover...
- The surprising link between your URINE pH pattern THAT YOU CAN MONITOR AT HOME and a whole host of diseases-including cancer-that doctors still fail to recognize and test for.
- Why certain drugs and supplements can shrink a tumor... and others can grow it faster. You'll discover how to analyize your cancer "pain pattern," and identify which substances to take and which to avoid.
- How to apply the prinicples of the Revici Method in your own life PLUS simple things you can do to help get the word out about this amazing cancer cure that has been ruthlessly sidelined by the medical establishment.
- How Revici's treatments have implications for Arthritis, Heart Disease, Migraines, Alzheimer's Disease, Viral Infections, Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, Herpes, AIDS, some forms of Childhood Retardation, Schizophrenia, and other diseases.
- The Revici drug-available only in German pharmacies-that successfully treats a whole host of conditions (including trauma-induced shock) with no apparent side effects.
- Two classes of organic molecules with the power to eliminate cancer pain within a few minutes, and begin shrinking tumors in a matter of days or weeks.
- A remarkably effective
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by William on 2009-07-25
My Rate 5
Just what I was looking for, clearly explained.
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Title: Erectile Dysfunction
ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION... contains 160+ POTENT pages of outstanding information - illustrations, graphs, charts, tables, and occasional doses of humor - all presented in clear, consise, easy to understand explanations and solutions for ED sufferers.
This eBook is a great read, full of interesting info. It will tell you:
- What exactly is ED?
- Twenty-two sexual myths - many widely believed - that can cause undue anxiety and ED.
- Treatments - much, much, more than the big three - Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis.
- Think you have ED? Perform a self-assessment.
- The sexual response cycle - what's supposed to happen and when?
- The prostate - how does this important gland affect sexual function?
- Risk factors - the effect of smoking, drinking, prescription drugs, recreational drugs, illicit drugs, and much more.
- Is it physical or psychological?
- Is ED a normal consequence of aging? NO!
- Important questions to ask your doctor.
- How common or uncommon is it?
- How an erection works.
- Counterfeit, generic, soft tabs, melttabs, and dissolvable oral ED meds - Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis knockoffs - What you NEED to know.
- Do you ride a bicycle? You'll definitely want to read this.
- Could ED be a symptom of more serious health problems? YES. Find out more.
- Injections, pumps, and implants are all discussed and
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-17
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book as by reading to this book one will get answer to the following questions which are ,
• What causes high blood pressure - and how to prevent those causes and ensure your blood pressure stays normal!
• How to use your diet to lower your high blood pressure - you are what you eat . . . find out here what you should be eating!
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Title: Blood Pressure Reduction Guide
Author: Paul Johnson
"Former High Blood Pressure Victim Reveals All-Natural, Drug Free Methods To Overcome Hypertension Once And For All..."
Discover Drug-Free, All Natural Steps For Overcoming High Blood Pressure Today!
Get The Blood Pressure Reduction Guide Today and Discover:
- What it means to have high blood pressure - when you first discover you have high blood pressure, and you're hearing terms like hypertension and cardiovascular disease and talk about medications and lifestyle changes, it's all enough to make your head spin, here I tell you everything you need to know about this dreaded condition in layman's terms!
- What causes high blood pressure - and how to prevent those causes and ensure your blood pressure stays normal!
- How to use your diet to lower your high blood pressure - you are what you eat ...find out here what you should be eating!
- How high blood pressure is diagnosed - and what the numbers really mean for your current and future health!
- How blood pressure is measured - few people truly understand this, find out what it all really means here!
- Common prescription drugs for high blood pressure - how they work and what side effects they may produce!
- 7 supplements that have been shown to lower high blood pressure - use the wrong supplements and you could cause more harm than good ...find out here which ones to definitely use and which ones to avoid like the
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-12-19
My Rate 5
this is really good ebook and wil help you to end the problem of dry
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Title: Beautiful Hair & Healthy Scalp Secrets
"Find Out What's Causing Your Crazy Itching, Burning Red Or Dry Itchy Scalp & Dandruff NOW!"
By Using This NATURAL Treatment You Can Permanently Get Rid Of Your Itchy Dry Scalp & Start Getting Relief In 10 Minutes Or Less
Understanding the Cause, Truths & Myths
- Why it is no surprise that recent research has shown " psoriasis conditions are likely to be a disorder of the immune system which triggers inflammation and excessive skin cell reproduction." - including scalp psoriasis
- Foods that aggravate some scalp conditions plus foods that super condition your hair & scalp
- Dandruff causes & anti dandruff shampoos. Why some treatments can make it worse plus - discover powerfuleffective natural antidandruff shampoos that work
- Little known triggers that cause scalp irritation or flaking or make your scalp itchy & even cause allergies
- Use our Scalp Remedy Wizard to create your own remedy
- Traditional treatments, the good the bad and when it gets ugly! Avoid developing senstivities ..
- The top ten toxic ingredients hidden in 90% of hair products in common shampoos to look for & avoid - Little known facts such as which ones cause hair growth retardation and hair loss, eye membrane damage,
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-12-24
My Rate 5
i find this ebook great really and full of tips and good info
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Title: Natural Skinsational
Author: Sue Dolan
Get Ready To Look Naturally Skinsational!
"You Can Love The Way You Look Again! This Recipe eBook Will Show You How. Don't Let Age Steal Away Your Youthful Looks."
"The first ever skin care recipe ebook to focus on homemade anti-aging skin care and facial rejuvenation treatments for aging skin."
"Naturally Skinsational is truly an exciting and totally unique natural skin care recipe ebook. . ." says the Holistic Day Spa:
- You will save an astonishing amount of money on store bought moisturizers, toners, scrubs, facial spa treatments, and skin care products.
- You will learn which herbs and natural ingredients have the best attributes to effectively treat your aging skin concerns.
- You will quickly learn how to take advantage of the amazingly powerful rejuvenating properties of all natural, organic ingredients.
- You will be whipping up your own rejuvenating skin care treatments in just a few minutes and seeing wonderful results as your skin becomes younger looking, healthier, and more vibrant with
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-26
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "The Natural Secrets to a Healthy Brain System" because it tells the Ten Natural strategies to achieve a Healthy Mind and Stress Free Brain and makes brain strong.
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Title: The Natural Secrets to a Healthy Brain System
Author: Nick Hodgson
Please let me share with you my Top Ten Secrets for Maintaining A Healthy Brain...
You will discover...
- Ten Natural strategies to achieve a Healthy Mind and Stress Free Brain - and this could improve YOUR life dramatically.
- The Ten Natural Secrets to a Healthy Brain developed through 22 years of clinical experience.
- Ground breaking research that explains how we achieve a sense of wellbeing and the syndrome that interferes wih this.
- AND: How to get instant access to the Super Brain Self-Help Resources.
Read On...
Follow the steps for achieving a healthy brain, and you can improve your health, mental function, concentration, thinking ability, focus and productivity - as a result you will feel enormously better, have more energy and discover a body that heals more efficiently...
Why purchase the Natural Secrets to a Healthy Brain?
If you have problems with negative thoughts, uncomfortable feelings, crippling emotions, low energy levels, fatigue, even depression or anxiety...
If one of your loved ones show signs of ADHD, compulsive or addictive behaviors...
The Super Brain program will lead you on a journey of discovery about how the brain works, how it malfunctions, and will teach you simple and effective natural secrets for improving your brain chemistry and performance.
- You'll
Ebook Type: VideoAudio Included, Video Included,
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
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