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Albert Camus

Health ebooks

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Category: Beauty, Health, Remedies

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Title: Teeth Whitening 4 You

How to Whiten Your Teeth Easily, Naturally & Forever!

Say goodbye to expensive and dangerous teeth whitening treatments forever! This 100% safe, cheap and ALL-NATURAL alternative will give you a brighter, whiter smile from home - and in just a few weeks...

Dear Friend,

  • Have you had enough of feeling embarrassed by your teeth?
  • Are you sick and tired of seeing discolored, yellowish teeth staring back at you in the mirror each morning?
  • Do you worry that the sight of your discoloured teeth may be affecting your personal or work relationships?
  • Have you considered having a commercial teeth whitening procedure, but have been put off by the high costs and potential dangers?
  • Do you just wish that there was a quick, easy and 100% SAFE way to achieve brighter, whiter teeth, without having to pay thousands of dollars to do it?
  • Would you like a beautiful, pearly white smile, just like you used to have when you were young?

If you answered “YES” to any of those questions, then you’re in exactly the right place...

Because this ‘whistle-blower’ has finally had enough of the industry's teeth whitening lies - and is about to reveal a safe, all-natural and cheap way to achieve sparkling white teeth from home

This surprisingly simple teeth whitening system will finally allow you to...

  • Boost your confidence and self-esteem in a... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Men

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Title: Self-Coaching To Overcome Premature Ejaculation
Author: Sarah Simon

What YOU have to Master:

  • Have all the answers to your "how"s and "why"s about sexuality and particularly your problem.
  • Understand your physical sexual mechanical functioning and your personal sexual behavior.
  • Define your couple style and determine all the environmental aspects under which your problem evolves.
  • Understand all the characteristics and origins of premature ejaculation.
  • Set up reasonable expectations and realistic objectives.
  • Select the best and most suitable approach to overcome your problem.

The effects of this document on your state of mind will be pleasurably surprising…

  • You will learn to acquire more control over your impulsions. - You will understand how your body reacts to the sexual stimulations you undergo and will be able to detect and control them.
  • You will discover all the secrets of sexuality!  - All those small details you may neglect and which give a totally different aspect to your sexual behavior.
  • You will learn what to do and especially HOW to do it.  - Your understanding of the sexual behavior of your partner, her needs and reactions, will help you offer her what she desires most.
  • You will build a more harmonious couple. - Your couple style really needs to change! Your behaviors and habits, your environment, everything needs to be improved and be adapted to your new life.
  • You will set up
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: PCOS Unlocked
Author: Stefani Ruper.

Overcome PCOS Easily, Inexpensively, and with Positive Health and Weightloss Benefits, For Good.

PCOS Unlocked is brilliant in its simplicity. It gets to the very root of your problem - to the underlying health problem causing all of your symptoms - and gives you a direct, no-nonsense plan for solving it that will get you on the road to better health immediately.

In this Manual, you'll discover:

  • What caused your acne, weight gain, infertility, and other hormone symptoms. Hormones are tricky! Fortunately I understand them very well. I break down the causes and influences of PCOS for you in plain, no-nonsense English.
  • Why most doctors have PCOS all wrong. Doctors often misdiagnose women who have PCOS with something else! Even when they do catch it, they almost always fail to fix the underlying problem causing the PCOS.
  • How diet and lifestyle help heal you. Some doctors won't talk to you about food and PCOS, but that's wrong. Eating the right foods is one of the most helpful secrets for overcoming PCOS.
  • How to exercise to beat PCOS. Not all exercise is created equal! Certain exercises heal your hormones and help you overcome PCOS.
  • How birth control affects PCOS. Most women don't know it, but here you'll learn: birth control has a big impact on your hormones and your health. I show you how to overcome problems from birth control.
  • How to understand test results. Did your doctor run tests on you,... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included, Video Included,
Category: Health

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Title: Treat Your Feet
Author: Jennifer Adolfs

Exercises Designed to Treat and Prevent Common Foot Ailments

This ebook will help you:

  • treat your own feet with stretches and strengthening exercises designed especially for your feet and ankles.
  • improve the lives of countless people who are suffering from common foot pains and ailments.
  • find out how to treat and prevent your foot ailments for good and to keep them strong and you well balanced!

This Foot Ebook will outline for you:

  • Common foot injuries or conditions that develop from overuse, under-use, and just normal wear and tear as we are on our feet all day long.
  • Some little known stats and facts about our feet; why they hurt and how we can keep them happy and healthy.
  • Pictures and detailed descriptions of how to properly stretch, massage, and strengthen your feet, both with and without special props.

Benefits you won’t get anywhere else:

  • Strengthening exercises specific to the foot, lower leg, and ankle.
  • Stretching exercises specific to the foot and lower leg.
  • Balance exercises specific to Aging feet and ankles.
  • Free coaching and advice through the contact form on website!
  • Great Pictures and detailed descriptions of every exercise!
  • Happy Feet Once Again!

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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Natural Lupus Treatment
Author: Gary Levin

It's not as simple as adding carrots and berries to your diet. I use a step-by-step Treatment System that is based on a deep knowledge of the human body, my years of experience & the thousands of clinical studies I have reviewed.

I've written down my complete Method for Treating and Eliminating the Symptoms of Lupus in an EASY TO UNDERSTAND EBook. You will never need to buy anything else from me to make this method work. You can download it and be reading within seconds.

You will learn how to pull your body's chemical processes in line with a simple vitamin regimen and a nutrition method I found that works better than all the Lupus medicines combined and is available everywhere.

There is no medical speak in my e-book. I keep it simple and easy-to-grasp just like I'm talking with one of my patients.

No more worrying about taking pills and/or injections on a daily basis or using other costly chemicals to take your Lupus away.

Nothing is 100% in medicine but the vast majority of Lupus sufferers who use my method see their Lupus significantly reduced or permanently eradicated in a few short weeks.

Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Lupus-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.

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Category: Health, Medicine

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Title: Grow Younger Blood
Author: John O’Dowd

Top Doctors Are Now Recommending These Simple Steps To Slash Your Risk Of A Heart Attack Or Stroke, Make You Look And Feel Years Younger Than Your Real Age, And Help You Live Longer Than You Ever Expected – All Without A Single Illness!

You absolutely MUST reverse Toxic Blood now, while you can, so that you can experience life as it was meant to be lived:

  • Your veins surging with life-giving circulation normally seen in people in their teens and twenties, giving you more stamina, greater energy, and longer lasting drive…
  • Your heart, pumping strong and steady, sending oxygen-rich blood to every cell in your body…
  • Your brain, once your blood has been detoxified, can finally perform at its peak, allowing you to recall memories once forgotten as you feel more alert and focused every day...
  • Your skin, smoother and more supple in appearance, simply from receiving that nourishing oxygen you’re currently being deprived of…

Quick-Start Younger Blood Breakthrough #1

  • This little Circulation Savior is amazing in what it does.
  • You can feel good about literally saving lives with your blood... and at the same time be saving your own life... and making yourself feel amazing along the way.
  • See, when you donate blood to the Red Cross or any blood bank in your area, your body instantly starts replenishing your body with new blood...... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Mind

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Title: Insomnia Free for Life

“Doctors Predicted I Would Never Cure My Insomnia. But Contrary To Their Prediction, I Cured My Insomnia Using a Simple Fool-Proof Method, After Years of 'Trying.' You Can Too! Here's How...”

Do you...

  • Wake up during the night and can't fall back to sleep?
  • Have trouble falling asleep at night?
  • Wake up hours before your alarm clock goes off each morning?
  • Need to rely on sleeping pills to get some sleep?
  • Feel exhausted after waking up, even after getting a full night's sleep?
  • Feel sleepy and lightheaded all day cause of lack of sleep?
  • Dread the anticipation of spending hours counting sheep and staring at the ceiling all night?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then you have a serious sleep problem that's preventing you from enjoying your life.

I studied, researched and tested every treatment, method and technique written on paper. It wasn't until I almost gave up that I found an effective and side-effects-free method for curing insomnia.

My step-by-step system will help you to:

  • Sleep even when under stress.
  • Fall asleep fast and sleep like a baby throughout the night.
  • Sleep during the day if you work night-shifts.
  • Sleep without needlessly changing your lifestyle.
  • Sleep without drugs or pills and avoid their side-effects.
  • Wake the next morning feeling energized and
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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Category: Health

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Title: The Essential Guide to Cure Chlamydia

WARNING!!! Dont’ Spend A Single Cent On Harmful Pills, Steroids or Creams Until You Have Read Every Single Word On This Page...


What I Am About To Reveal To You Is So Simple, So Powerful And So Effective. You Will Ask Yourself:

Is Chlamydia easily curable?

The Answer is a big YES!…...Chlamydia is one of the sexually transmitted diseases with proven treatment methods. In fact, there are two main treatment options available both of which have guaranteed results: Conventional medicine and natural medicine. These treatment options AND lots of other previously unknown facts about Chlamydia have been explained at great length in this eBook

The Essential guide to Cure Chlamydia unveils the mystery of Chlamydia and methodically presents all the important bits of information that you should know about Chlamydia.

The books equips you with the essential knowledge and skills to:

  • Spot symptoms of Chlamydia at the earliest time possible
  • Prevent Chlamydia infection or reinfections
  • Differentiate the various treatment options available
  • Lead a fulfilling and healthy sexual lifestyle
  • Avoid developing irreversible conditions such as infertility

Have you suffered the vicious cycle of Chlamydia infection and reinfentions without understanding why this is happening to you? The answer to this and other intriguing

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Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: Brilliant Yoga
Author: Sarah Sanders

Soon you'll experience....

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Eliminated need for toxic stimulants like coffee and energy drinks
  • Increased ability to exercise freely
  • A sleek, slim and toned body
  • Quicker recovery time from injuries
  • Improved aerobic capacity
  • Better, sharper balance and overall core strength
  • Less stiffness and soreness
  • Increased back, neck, shoulder and hamstring comfort and flexibility
  • Increased energy and vitality

Take A Quick Look At What You'll Find Inside....

  • Proven system for everything you need to know to make your yoga practice fun & exciting - whether you're a beginner or a longtime practitioner.
  • Complete step-by-step overview of all the ways yoga can cure, alleviate or minimize the most common problems you're dealing with - from stress to chronic fatigue, weight problems to athletic overuse injuries, and depression to prenatal needs.
  • Comprehensive, easy-to-understand eBook that covers EVERY aspect of yoga in a useful, informative and highly enjoyable way - from what yoga is to yoga and your body and mind, to designing the perfect yoga practice for yourself, to every asana you'll ever need, and specific prescriptions to "treat" fatigue and stress, depression, lack of energy weight loss, toning, and - for women - even help you thrive through your entire
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Psoriasis Program
Author: Eric Bakker

Discover How to Naturally and Permanently Take Back Your Life Utilizing the Most Revolutionary Natural Psoriasis Treatment Program That Stops Psoriasis Directly at the Source...

Just Imagine Experiencing For Yourself:

  • Enjoy socialising without fear, anxiety or any embarrassment!
  • Take back your life by finally stopping psoriasis at the source!
  • Enjoy beautiful skin without all that flaking, dryness or bleeding!
  • No more worries or concerns about toxic side-effects of drugs!
  • No more painful skin when bathing, swimming or exercising!
  • No more expensive pills or creams that treat tha symptoms only!
  • Enjoy going to the beach, shopping, golf or playing any sport!
  • Handle any stress with ease, mental clarity and complete calmess!
  • Look forward (and not dreading) spring and summer time!
  • Get rid of those digestive problems like bloating, gas or constipation!
  • Wear the clothes you love to wear, not clothes that cover your skin!
  • Allow your weight to normalize naturally in a healthy and sustainable way!
  • Add healthy years to your life to spend with the ones that you love most!
  • Look and feel a lot healthier than you have ever before!
  • Say goodbye to those food allergies that are imprisoning your life!
  • Reduce or even eliminate your risk of developing many other chronic diseases!
  • Get rid of thrush, jock itch,
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