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Health ebooks

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Category: Health

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Title: Banish Cold Sores!
Author: Gary Townsend

"Discover The 3 Stupid-Simple Steps A Desperate 5 Year Cold Sore Suffer 'Accidentally' Stumbled Upon That Instantly and Permanantly Banished His Humiliating Cold Sores - After NOTHING Else Worked!"

Discover What The Medical Industry Doesn't Want You To Know!

Inside You'll Discover:

  • 2 remarkable supplements that SUPERCHARGE your immune system like nothing else (this extra layer of defense will leave any remaining HSV1 gasping for air, completely unable to pose any threat)
  • How to quickly and easily implement the 3-main all-natural steps that will immediately stop cold sore outbreaks (put these simple steps into action and cold sores won't stand a chance!)
  • Facts and statistical evidence about cold sores that may surprise you.
  • A little known, dirt-cheap substance you rub on your face that instantly permeates the skin, enters the HSV1 virus itself, and immediately kills it (your cold sore will heal in just 3 days, instead of 9!)
  • The secret technique you apply to your body that instantly makes it impossible for the HSV1 virus to survive (do this 1 thing and it will not be possible to get another cold sore)
  • 1 dirt cheap item you can find at your grocery store that will... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Body, Health, Medicine

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Title: Stop Shin Splints Forever... How to Stop Shin Splints Forever and Get Back to The Sport You Love
Author: Gary Buchenic

"Discover How To Stop Shin Splints Forever Without Giving Up The Sports You Love"

This ebook teach you everything you need to know to put an end to your shin splints quickly, easily and permanently!

Inside you'll discover:

  • A simple and shockingly easy treatment to get immediate relief from pain and inflammation using a simple ingredient that everyone has in their own home
  • THE shin splint treatment secret of Jerry Lindgren, one of the greatest runners of all time
  • How to prevent the reoccurrence of shin splints
  • The proven 3-step method that has helped thousands of people get rid of shin splints for good.
  • The dirty little secret that the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to know about pain killers
  • Why conventional treatments don't work and why they often make your shin splints worse
  • The single most important secret (less than 5% of shin splint sufferers follow) behind long term shin splint relief
  • A simple, scientifically proven method for getting dramatic relief from your pain in just 15 minutes
  • 5 mistakes to avoid that almost everyone is guilty of, which instead of curing your shin splints, weakens and destroys your body's natural ability to heal itself (and almost everyone is doing it!)

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

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Title: The Fatty Liver Solution

How You Too Can Finally Say Goodbye To Your Flabby Belly, Fatigue & Digestive Troubles - Using This Totally Natural & Simple Step By Step Program

What You'll Discover Inside "The Fatty Liver Solution"

  • Easy, fun, and gentle ways to integrate exercise into your life. How to make exercise enjoyable and fun using these 6 exercise principles (even if you have hated exercise in the past!).
  • The unique Step-by-Step program that that effectively treats and reverses Fatty Liver Disease at the core, no matter what label your doctor has given it: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), alcoholic fatty liver, hepatic steatosis, steatohepatitis
  • An individualized treatment strategy for Fatty Liver Disease: Including precise treatment strategies to relieve you from the most troublesome symptoms, including weight that just won't budge, fatigue, abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, nausea, blood sugar imbalances, high cholesterol, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and many more.
  • The "2-Phase Treatment Plan". Chances are Phase 1 is all you'll need... but just in case, there is Phases 2, to cover all the bases. It's all detailed in
  • Eight easy ways to reduce one of the most insidious causes of fatty liver disease. (This silent killer causes a whole host of problems... but I'll show you how
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Category: Beauty, Health

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Title: Acne Erasing Secrets
Author: David King

"Now You Are Guaranteed To Get Rid Of Your Acne In 4 Days Flat Or Your Money Back"

What Actually Causes Acne?

So you might be asking yourself, what causes my acne? You know that it's crucial to know what causes your acne right? There are several things that cause acne and in Acne Erasing Secrets we will cover the causes more in depth and how to treat them most effectively to get rid of your acne quickest.

  • The 1 cause of acne is nutrient deficiency. Deficiency is the lack of nutrients that your body is missing out on. Your body needs certain vitamins and minerals to operate and without them your body is affected negatively and acne is caused.
  • The 2 cause of acne is toxicity. If your body acidic then your acne will grow and spread faster. When your body is alkaline meaning balanced it will operate at a healthier level. Your skin will be clear and acne free.
  • The 3 cause of acne is stress. Stress is a cause of acne in 2 ways believe it or not! Stress slows the healing process so your skin cannot recover from the acne. It also increases hormone production which leads to oily skin. When the oily skin and bacteria meet they create acne and then it spreads.
  • The 4 cause of acne is a hormonal imbalance. This can be caused by stress but is also caused by what you are eating in your diet. When your hormones are
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Ebook Type: Audio Included, Video Included,
Category: Health

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Title: Stop Acid Reflux Now
Author: Kathryn Whittaker

"Long-suffering Former Excruciating Acid Reflux & Heartburn Patient Sick & Tired of Being Preyed Upon By Uncaring Drug Companies Finally Discovers Guaranteed, Proven & Effective Relief In The Most Surprising Place..."

Read this ebook and you'll discover:

  • 6 additional causes of acid reflux - you probably don't know all of these but you definitely should as they can have a tremendous impact on the type of treatment you should pursue!
  • 18 symptoms that may indicate an infant has acid reflux - and how to best relieve the baby's pain!
  • 3 tips for treating acid reflux when you are pregnant - follow these tips and you'll be feeling better in no time!
  • What are Acid Reflux, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and heartburn - and what are the differences between the three conditions and what that means in relation to the treatment you should seek!
  • Why infant reflux is so common - and what you can do to help ensure your baby doesn't develop it!
  • 7 all-natural quick tips - that you can use to begin feeling better immediately!
  • 8 effective ways to treat acid reflux naturally - these tips are sure to put you on the fast track to good health!
  • The six types of people who commonly suffer from acid reflux - find out if you are on this list as well as what you can do to remove
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Category: Health

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Title: Eliminate Restless Leg Syndrome
Author: Jeremy Coughlin

"I'll Show You How To Get Rid Of Your Restless Leg Syndrome In 2 Simple Steps Without 'Miracle Pills' Or Costly Prescriptions!"

Here's the true story of how a totally fed-up, desperate, and completely humiliated 32 year old man banished his restless leg syndrome after nothing else worked!

Discover What The Medical Industry Doesn't Want You To Know About!

Here's Just a Sample of What You're About to Discover:

  • A little known, dirt-cheap trick you can do that instantly permeates your system and immediately starts to multiply the effectiveness of helping your body rid itself of restless leg syndrome (it's like supercharging your body!)
  • The secret technique you apply to your body that instantly puts your restless leg syndrome at ease(do this 1 thing and it will be almost impossible to for restless leg syndrome to bother you again)
  • One dirt cheap item you can find at your grocery store that will make sure you get a restful nights sleep!
  • How to quickly and easily implement the 2-main all-natural steps that will immediately stop restless leg syndrome (put these simple steps into action and resltess leg syndrome won't stand a chance!)
  • The single most
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Category: Health

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Title: The Truth About Menopause
Author: Shelli Stein

Learn How from a Woman Who's Doing Just That and Wants to Teach You Her Secrets

It was created for women just like you. There are 4 types of menopausal women: which group are you in?

  • I've never been very active
  • I think I'm active enough but I'm not sure I'm doing the right things and I can't seem to stick with any program very long
  • I'm fairly active but I know I should be doing more
  • I'm very active but I've heard recently that because menopause is a time of change I may actually be causing myself harm and undue stress with all this exercise

No matter which group you identified with, or even if you find yourself bouncing from one group to the other, The Truth About Menopause speaks to you. 

The Truth About Menopause is:

  • unique tips that are guaranteed to make your menopausal time more enjoyable while reducing stress and other menopausal symptoms.
  • the most complete set of menopause resources for getting active and adding more movement to your life.
  • practical and a STEP-BY-STEP roadmap.
  • guaranteed to give you the answers you want, and will have every other woman asking you WHAT you're doing!
  • easy to use without you having to figure it all out by yourself.

Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way or only way to stay healthy and fit. I'll tell you the exact types of unique workouts that

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Ebook Type: Video Included,
Category: Health

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Title: The Parkinsons-Reversing Breakthrough

"At last, The ONLY Program That Helps Overcome Parkinson's Safely and Naturally ...Now!"

Here's just a few things you'll learn about how to get back into health... and conquer Parkinson's...

  • Those not-so "innocent" yet everyday substances that are currently attacking your body, perpetuating and aggravating your Parkinson's.
  • What to do and what NOT to do to overcome your Parkinson's effectively and permanently.
  • How to create the energy you need to be able to work full time and feel confident you will be able to take care of your loved ones.
  • How the pharmaceutical and food industry are conspiring to poison you and make you sick (Hint: American medical system is now the leading cause of death in the US).
  • Which food industries use advertising to encourage doctors to tell you that their "food" is good for you - just like those cigarette ads in the 1950's!
  • The single most effective fruits and vegetables in cleaning up excess acidic waste... and how to cleanse your inner terrain completely from systemic acidosis.
  • Why, what your Doctor has told you is wrong, and why many medications actually increase the side effects and complications of Parkinson's (primarily by depleting vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients from your body).
  • Which supplements every patient must take to stop the symptoms and boost your body's ability to conquer Parkinson's.
  • How to naturally
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

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Title: My Brain Tumour
Author: Warm Wishes & Lynda Burke

You are probably desperately searching for answers having recently been told that either you or someone very close to you has a meningioma brain tumor. My thoughts and good wishes are with you all.

Your journey is just about to begin and the purpose of me writing this ebook is to share with you my journey in the hope that it will help you to understand the emotions, shock and sheer terror that such news brings and to offer some encouragement.

The one thing I have learnt though throughout my research is that nobody has the exact same experience and it was therefore my aim to include the resources to find good information and associations that have forums for you to ask questions of other meningioma survivors because everybody has a different story and we all experience different events. Your story will be different again and one of your best friends at this time will be your doctor. If you haven't already, find one that has time for you, one that you trust and respect and ask as many questions as you need to.

Extracts from "My Brain Tumour"

'Upon waking up one morning, I yawned and stretched as everyone does at the start of a new day and suddenly felt my lower leg start to flick kick involuntarily....I grabbed my leg but was unable to stop it and as it didn't last very long, I thought I may have trapped a nerve in my back or hip. I have no medical training so why I thought that I have no idea! It just seemed like a sound explanation at the... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

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Title: BACK Injury Guide

Don't Suffer Another Day with Back Pain!
Find out what it takes to wake each morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day's activities without pain or discomfort.

  • Or have you injured your back and are still experiencing chronic back pain?
  • Do you toss and turn at night with muscle and neck pain because you're overcompensating for back pain?
  • Are you having trouble getting out of bed each morning because of constant pain in your back?


If so, you're not alone.

Here's what you'll learn...

  • Why smoking interferes with the healing process
  • What you can do at work to help alleviate back pain
  • What to do if you have shooting pain down your leg
  • Which products work best throughout your rehab process
  • How to relay your symptoms to a doctor and ask the right question to get a proper diagnosis
  • What to expect from your doctor
  • How to prevent new inflammation and restore normal blood circulation to your joints
  • Exact rehab exercise programs for specific back issues with photos and instructions
  • Learn exactly how much rest your body needs and it is not what you might be thinking
  • Exercises you can do that will strengthen your back and prevent muscle imbalances
  • Expected... Click here to read the full description!

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