One of the secrets of life is to keep our intellectual curiosity acute.
William Lyon Phelps

Health ebooks

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Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: The Ultimate Guide for Buying Authentic COACH on Ebay

Stop Worrying About Authenticity!

Just Imagine Being Able To:

  • Never Get Ripped Off Buying Coach on eBay!
  • Know the Number One Counterfeited Coach Items Listed on eBay!
  • Become the "Go To" Person Your Friends Flock to For Advice on Buying Authentic Coach Bags on Ebay!
  • Spot a Shady Auction Without Even Seeing the Purse!
  • Buy Your Favorite Authentic Coach Bag on eBay With Complete Confidence!


...And that's just for starters!

With the right knowledge you'll...

  • Buy COACH Safely on eBay.

    Often it's best to avoid buying a Coach from a photo at all. I've seen eBay sellers use the same photo to sell a variety of different purses or minis. Now I'm not saying photos aren't important - you can certainly spot some fakes with them - but knowing how to avoid bad auctions and dubious sellers play a major role in protecting yourself too.

  • Gain Peace of Mind from Knowing ALL the Facts.

    Some fakes are really hard to spot and fraudulent sellers know it, but once you're armed with some of my Coach "insider secrets" there'll be no more second guessing. You'll instantly know if what you're looking at is a genuine Coach. (I guarantee you'll be in seventh heaven once you know the difference.)

  • Scoop Bigger Bargains Knowing these
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Category: Body, Fitness, Health

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Title: The Fat Burn Truth
Author: Sebastian MacLean

Here's Just a Small Sample of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy of The Fat Burn Truth Today:

Book 1: Getting Started

  • Preparation tips for beginning your Naturally Massive development
  • Get the history behind the method
  • Learn about some the methods used to develop the program
  • Health and nutrition tips to enhance your progress

Book 2: Burn Phase

  • The vital role that water plays in this part of your training.
  • The Burn Phase workout's most frequently asked questions and all the answers you need.
  • Sample workouts that cover exercise details and specialized instruction on form.
  • The details behind why the Burn Phase is necessary and what it does for your body.
  • What supplements you can take and which ones you shouldn't while going through the Burn Phase.
  • Menu samples and meal structure for the Burn Phase
  • Exactly how you can design your own macronutrient structured meal plan.
  • A specialized diet method for causing your system to eliminate fat and build muscle tissue.
  • A detailed examination of frequently asked Burn Phase questions.
  • The Burn Phase workout, which covers what you will need to do in the gym for maximum effect.
  • The Burn Phase cardio workout that targets rapid fat loss and maximum muscle tone retention.

Book 3: Boost Phase

  • The Boost Phase workout's most
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Category: Health, Medicine

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Title: Attacking Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue

Are You Tired of Hearing; "You Look Fine To Me, How Can You Be In So Much Pain All The Time?"

Learn How You Can Avoid Further Fibromyalgia Syndrome Pain and Increase Your Energy Levels, Literally, In As Little As Just 7 Days!

This is where, Self Help for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue fits in, this ebook answers many of those questions you still have.

There's a lot of nonsense out there. Honestly, there are too many "experts" or "specialists" who really don't understand what you are going through because they don't take the time to really listen to you.

Is this really beneficial for you? Have you truely gotten better yet? Do you feel like you should have made more progress by now? These specialists should realize what I've said for years:

  • Diet and balanced nutrition play a critical role in easing your pain.
  • Stress management helps with your Chronic Fatigue.
  • Altering your lifestyle will help your pain dramatically.
  • There is a good chance you will experience other health side-effects from long-term medication use.
  • Educating yourself plays a key component in getting better.
  • You cannot eliminate fibromyalgia pain with medication alone and do you really want to be on medication
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Category: Beauty, Health

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Title: Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal

"How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery."

This is when the emotional trauma really sets in. Here's what often happens:

  • Physical Harm - You've accidently harmed yourself, physically, while undergoing desperate measures to get rid of your mole, wart or skin tag.
  • Expensive Treatments - Even though you can't possibly afford expensive surgical procedures to permanently remove your moles, warts, or skin tags, you've thought about selling your most valuable, sentimental possessions in order to pay for the treatment.
  • Depression & Inferiority Complex - As a result of feeling like you'll endure a lifetime of humiliation and ridicule, you're in deep depression and display signs of inferiority when comparing yourself to others.
  • Wrong Diagnosis - You've tried tons of drugs, potions, and "internet remedies" to even some that are toxic and poisonous.


If you've thought about using any of these methods for curing your skin deformities, RELAX!

Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal™ will help you:

  • You'll get a proven treatment that's SUITABLE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES. Your skin will be regenerated from within so you won't have any problems with compatibility.
  • Free your skin from moles, warts and skin tags, in the privacy of your home, without the need of any
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

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Title: Its About Health

Its About Health - 7th Edition

I don't like to read long-winded sales pages extolling the virtues of an ebook; on a lot of them you have to scroll down through 5 to 10 pages of advertising to find the order button.

If you have miraculously arrived here without attending one of my public lectures, or visited the rest of my web site then here's a quick overview.
The 7th edition of this ebook, It's About Health is 225 pages including:

  • Secrets about vitamins and minerals with the RDA, recommended dosage in supplements, how they work in your body and notes on toxicity.
  • Details on the 11 Steps to Protecting Your Body:
    • Reviewing the Medical Evidence for Supplements
    • Preventing Degenerative Diseases
    • Understanding the Problems with our Food Supply and What You Can Do
    • Understanding Why You Need Supplements
    • Practising Weight Management Techniques
    • Counteracting the Threats of Pesticides & Herbicides
    • Protecting Your Largest Organ-Your Skin
    • Practising Healthy Eating
    • Practising the Basics of a Healthy Lifestyle
    • Choosing Quality Supplements
    • Understanding the Role of Exercise - Do It!
  • The final chapter includes over 100 pages summarizing more than 450 medical research articles covering the evidence in medical journals about vitamins,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Relationships

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Title: Incredible In Bed

"When You Discover These "Secret Techniques" to Give Your Woman Mind-Blowing Orgasms, She Will Beg YOU For Sex Every Night of the Week!"

If You Want to Unlock Your Hidden "Sexual Powers" That Will Make Her Addicted to The Intense Sexual Pleasure Only You Give Her, Then This May Be the Most Important Letter of Your Life...

Here Are Just Some of the Powerful Secrets You're About to Discover That Will Give Her The Most Intense Sexual Please of Her LIFE, And Turn Her Into a Raging Sex Addict...

  • What the REAL purpose of foreplay is, and how to use it to give your woman the best sexual experience of her life - before you even take your clothes off!
  • How to read your girl's mind and give her exactly what she wants. (Use these simple steps, and she'll think you're a mind-reader - guaranteed!)
  • How to make a girl feel deeply wanted!
  • What to do if you're a virgin or (don't have much experience) and still want to give her mind-blowing, multiple orgasms.
  • The 4 stages of sex and how to handle each one like a pro. (Plus, find out which stage is most important if you want to leave her so sexually satisfied, she won't even be able to move afterwards!)
  • Discover how to
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Category: Health, Manuals

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Author: Jedd Johnson

"Sled dragging is a great tool for building your work capacity, improving your recovery between heavy training sessions and building serious levels of total body strength!"

This ebook will help you attain all of your training goals!

  • Are you looking for ways to improve explosive strength?
  • Are you looking for ways to increase upper body stability?
  • Are you looking for ways to improve leaping ability?
  • Are you looking for ways to enhance your grip strength?
  • Are you looking for ways to train triple extension?



There is no excuse for being out-conditioned!

Here's just a small sample of what you'll discover when you claim your copy of The Ultimate Sled Dragging Manual:

  • See how to incorporate plates, sandbags, and bands into your sled training in order to replicate game time forces under controlled conditions.
  • Not all sport movements are linear! See how to be creative with rotational movements as well as explosive upper body and lower body movements using the resistance of the sled.
  • Each lift in the exercise index is accompanied with an exercise legend that will explain the purpose for the movement, the set-up,
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Category: Health

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Title: Panic Miracle

"Former Severe Anxiety Sufferer Reveals The Only Holistic System That Will Show You How To Permanently Cure Your Panic Attacks and General Anxiety, Regain Your Self Confidence, and Enjoy Life Without Fear, Using A Unique 3-Step Method No One Else Will Tell You About..."

Do You Experience Any of the Following Mental, Emotional or Physical Symptoms?

  • Do you often feel edgy in "conventional" situations?
  • Do you expereience dizzy feelings prior to having a panic attack?
  • Do you often feel detached from your surroundings?
  • Do you often feel pressure in your chest and throat, followed by an anxiety sensation?
  • Have you ever felt extreme fear of leaving your house?
  • Have you ever felt afraid to get stuck in traffic or even to stand still in red lights while driving to work?
  • Do you suffer from negative thoughts and worries to the point of obsession?
  • Do you often experience hot flashes, especially when you're anxious?
  • Have you ever misdiagnosed your anxiety for a heart attack?
  • Do you constantly battle with unstoppable anxiety thoughts?
  • Do you suffer from spontaneous heart racing?
  • Do you often experience erratic breathing and feel afraid to choke or lose your breath completely when having anxious thoughts?
  • Do you often feel afraid that the next anxiety attack
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

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Title: Immortality: A History and How to Guide
Author: Martin K. Ettington

Immortality is one of those subjects which has been speculated about from the beginning of history.

Why should you listen to me ?

  • Much of the source material I used gives similar reasons for how to extend life indefinitely.
  • Have belonged to multiple societies of adepts and paranormal study including the Rosicrucians, The Theosophical Society, and the American Society of Psychical Research
  • Am student of oriental practices such as Qi-Gong and other energy enhancement techniques.
  • I've studied the paranormal most of my life and have seen the effects of spiritual and energy practices on the health of myself and others
  • As a long term student of enlightenment I know that a long and healthy life is linked to a person's spiritual enlightenment.
  • My theory of immortality is also born out by what some very old persons over the age of 150 years say about why they lived so long
  • As an engineer I'm used to analyzing data and making conclusions based on it.


What you will learn from this eBook:

  • You will learn about the history of the search for immortality
  • Practices to improve your health and longevity
  • Stories of many other persons who may have lived thousands of years
  • Many case histories are given of long lived persons over the age of 150 years old
  • A Theory about how your physical health relates to your spiritual
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

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Title: Ease out of Fear

"A True Win-Win Anxiety Treatment Offer"

Here are just a few things you'll find:

  • The Surprising Truths about how Easily You can once again Experience Peace and Calmness and Then Start to Live Up to Your Full Potential... 
  • The Biggest and Most Common Mistakes that Fear Driven People Make Practically all the Time...and it's Easy to Fix Once You Know What NOT to Do... Learn How to Break the Cycle and Take Back Your Life...
  • A Simple Easy-to Follow System to Quiet Your Mind So You Can Learn the Truths about Your "Real Self"... Your Natural Talents... and Your Unlimited Potential...
  • Get A Hold of a Seemingly Strange Activity that Will Allow you to Plan and Carry Through with All those Activities that Fear and Anxiety Previously Paralyzed You from Participating in...
  • Powerful Secrets to Help You Begin Discovering the Beauty of Life, Nature and of the People Around You So That You Can Begin Doing the Things You Have Always Dreamed Of...
  • How To Have New and Exciting Opportunities Start to Present Themselves Without any Effort on Your Part and Take Back What Fear and Anxiety Have Robbed From Your Life and Relationships...
  • Revolutionary Program that will Allow You to Literally Sense Tension Vanishing from Your Muscles, Joints, Stomach, Face and Head Freeing Up Energy For More Productive and Enjoyable Activities Like Indulging Yourself With That Vacation of
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