Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.
Aldous Huxley

Health ebooks

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Category: Health

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Title: The Miraculous Diabetes Formula
Author: Matt Traverso

The Clinically Proven System That Will Show YOU How To Quickly Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes

Here’s a small sample of the mind-blowing secrets The Miraculous Diabetes Formula™ will unveil:

  • Why most diet books completely miss the mark when it comes to making you eat healthier – and why this program has been so successful in reversing type 2 diabetes.
  • The astounding truth about losing weight and managing type 2 diabetes (HINT: it’s a lot different than you probably think)
  • The right way (and wrong way) to cut out “bad carbs” from your diet…and how to add delicious alternatives!
  • The sinister truth about fruit juices and soft drinks that will SHOCK you.
  • Find out how Big Pharma totally dominates medicine, controls the FDA and gets you hooked on their drugs. (Hint: American medical system is now the leading cause of death in the US). This is really at the heart of why you can’t trust the advice most doctors give you for treating your diabetes – that is, IF you want to actually get better.
  • Those not-so “innocent” yet everyday toxins that are currently attacking your body and severely damaging your pancreas. They poison your insulin-producing beta cells, making your diabetes worse. You’ll learn the best way for detoxifying your body to get these nasty chemicals out of your body.
  • What the Trojan Horse
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Category: Health, Men

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Title: Shoot Ropes
Author: David McLaren

Naturally Increase Sperm Volume by up to 720%

Secret strategies used by male porn stars to maximize semen volume and ejaculation distance to SHOOT ROPES of semen and blow massive loads!

Shoot Ropes is a step-by-step guide to boost your semen volume and other areas of sexual beastliness. It is a more effective and more affordable alternative to volume pills and other male enhancement gimmicks.

The name of this book may be Shoot Ropes and its main benefit may be increasing your semen volume by a staggering amount, but that is not the only way this book is going to help you give your sex life a serious upgrade.

  • The Best Supplements For Increasing Semen Volume (NOTE: supplements are optional)
  • How to Increase Ejaculation Distance by up to 6 Feet!
  • 5 Habits to Keep You in "Stud Mode" 24/7
  • How to Increase The Thickness and White Color of Your Baby Gravy
  • Boost Male Fertility by Increasing Sperm Count and Quality
  • Increase the Size, Weight and Fullness of Your Testicles
  • Better Results From Exercise, Effortlessly Strip Off Fat and Pack on Muscle
  • Significantly Raise Your Libido and Sexual Appetite
  • The Best Diet for Sexual Health and Performance
  • Increase Your Stamina and Orgasm Timing
  • Tools and Techniques to Make Your Orgasms Insanely More Pleasurable, Instantly!
  • Improve Your Overall Health, Energy Levels and Sense of Well
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Medicine

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Title: Cancer Cures & Cover-ups

Ignorance is not bliss.

Know Your Natural Treatment Options - Survive and Thrive!

The "War On Cancer" is lost - doomed from the beginning actually. The new ebook by Mark Porringa is a sobering reality check of all that is wrong with modern Oncology, particularly its ludicrous obsession with terribly inadequate conventional treatments sarcastically known as the "slash, burn and poison" trio (radiation, chemotherapy and debilitating surgery). A growing chorus of high profile critics now advocate approaches which naturally correct the underlying causes, rather than merely suppressing the symptoms with great bravado and violence.

Cancer Cures & Cover-ups provides a riveting synopsis of numerous suppressed therapies that have fallen prey to a disturbing quagmire of corporate greed, intellectual arrogance and politics at its worst, primarily expedited by Big Pharma's control of dimwit government regulators, and the machinery of "techno-medicine" spinning out of control.

To treat cancer effectively one needs to follow a comprehensive treatment regime involving:

  • Tumor Remission to halt cachexia, dipatch cancerous cells and shrink tumors.
  • Tissue rejuvenation to redifferentiate damaged cells and repair invaded tissues and organs.
  • Parasitic cleansing to reduce irritation of the tissues and taxing of the repair
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Category: Health, Home, Medicine

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Title: Beat Reflux
Author: David Bristol

Beat Reflux Guide

Today you have an opportunity. An opportunity to finally cure your reflux for good. You have tried what the doctors have told you. You have taken all the pills. The symptoms go away but the acid reflux is still there.

This ebook can help you do that. It will show you step by step how to finally get rid of your reflux for good.

Here is what you will learn in the Beat Reflux guide

  • How to save thousands of dollars from never needing acid reflux medicine again
  • How to stop using dangerous medications
  • How to enhance your digestive health.
  • How to eliminate the risks of cancer and other life threatening diseases
  • How to stop the burning
  • How to be totally free from pain and sleep soundly at night
  • Learn the causes of reflux and how to eliminate them
  • How to Eliminate Reflux without the use of medication
  • How to eliminate burping and flatulence.
  • Focus on the root cause of reflux - rather than the symptoms


  • Much, Much More

The system is all natural and easy to use. You are just minutes away from taking your first steps to having painless days and nights.

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Category: Health, Women

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Title: My Story : One Womans Journey With Multiple Sclerosis

Today Valerie Moffat walks, drives, showers and cooks for herself and no longer suffers constant shaking, trembling, chronic fatigue, double vision or slurred speech...

How does it work?

The normal human body's immune system can easily cope with the many different things it is subjected to in every day life. 'Toxic' substances (so called because they can be toxic to the human body) are found everywhere - in food, the home, at work - everywhere. Most are found is such small amounts that for most people, they aren't a problem - the immune system has it covered. Different people might find different substances more toxic than others.
For people with MS, the story is different. The immune system is working double time. Even the smallest exposure to toxic substances tax the immune system. And since most people don't know where these toxins lie, or which substances are, they can't avoid them.

What if the immune system in MS sufferers DIDN'T have to work double time taking care of these things? Valerie Moffat knows the answer: the immune system, once sufficiently rested, gets to work dealing with the issues brought on by MS. The human body has remarkable healing abilities, and given a chance, it can take care of the symptoms of MS.

Today, Valerie Moffat's quality of life has improved remarkably

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Category: Health, Medicine

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Title: Gout Remedy Report

"Who Else Wants To Find Out Exactly How To Cure Gout Pain From Home, Using 3 Simple Grocery Items???"

Through hours of research, I found some amazing, life-changing, information about gout that you need to know about!

Many "gout experts" have said that gout doesn't have a magical cure - and they may be right to some extent - but in my research I have found several alternative home remedies that have proven to help relieve symptoms, prevent future attacks, and uncover the real cause of gout.

The latest gout research has mysteriously linked gout with a very dangerous disease that affects many people prone to gout attacks.

This dangerous "mystery disease" increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and sudden death!

What is the Gout Remedy Report?

  • A little-known, proven cure related to how you sleep - this shocking discovery could cure your gout forever...
  • An easy to follow step-by-step gout remedy system, with the most comprehensive gout information available, including alternative remedies, treatments, and rock-solid prevention strategies...
  • You'll learn the 7 Best Alternative Treatments available, as well as doctor-approved ways you can improve the
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Category: Health, Self Help

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Title: Better Health Today

How can any " CURE " reach the people without the support of the medical community?

The Answer is Here Today!

Advanced scientific health research now provides the answer for the health care crisis facing millions.

Find out how you can participate in the greatest health care movement ever.

Chapters Include:

  • Synthetics, Chemicals, Additives, and Toxins (As Secondary Causes)
  • Preliminaries (How did we get here? )
  • Foundational Research Results Summary (Nobel Prize Science )
  • Enzymes and Health (As the Basis of Life)
  • Summary and References (Tie It All Together )
  • Essential Fatty Acids, Oxygenation, and Cancer (Nobel Prize Science )
  • ASH Formulas and Rationale (What and Why)
  • Food and Nutrient Considerations (Maximize Your Benefit)
  • Cancer and Cesium pH Therapy (Root Causes )
  • Coronary Heart/Vascular Disease (Root Causes )
  • Chelation of Arterial Plaque and Fibrin (What You Can Do)



  • Now the atmosphere is 20% oxygen, and through a genetic fluke sometime in history, the body quit producing ascorbates.
  • Oxygen is essential to metabolize food and create high energy, and it is also impossible for cancer to exist... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief Secrets Revealed
Author: Susan Reynolds

IBS Sufferers: Discover Straight Forward, Easy To Follow & Effective Daily Actions You Can Take To Be In Control Of IBS Symptoms

"Former Long-Suffering IBS Victim, Worn-Out By Gut-Wrenching IBS Symptoms, Finally Uncovers The Shocking Secret That Bought Relief Once And For All..."

"Strategies on How to Stop IBS in it's Tracks Uncovered. Dramatically Improve the Quality of Your Life."

Gain Control of Your IBS & Your Life!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief Secrets so that you can have all the information you need to overcome this dreaded disorder!

This ebook covers everything from the crucial information you need to know about IBS to what causes IBS including common IBS symptoms, how IBS is diagnosed and most importantly, how you can treat your IBS and regain control of your life!

Here is just some of what you will discover inside Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief Secrets:

  • 4 ways to improve your immune system and reduce your symptoms - follow these tips and you'll put yourself on the fast track to reclaiming control of your life.
  • Effective strategies you can... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Medicine

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Title: Cold Sore Treatment
Author: Dr.Edward Barnes

Medical Breakthrough Guarantees To Permanently Eliminate YOUR Cold Sores In Just 3 Days!!!

No So-Called Miracle Cures.
Only Scientifically Proven Ones!

I've tested countless treatments for cold sores and I've come to the conclusion that:

  • Miracle herbs definitely do not work - Useless!
  • Lotions and super-creams do not work - Waste!
  • Anti-viral prescriptions only provide temporary relief - Failed!
  • Ripping off the part of your lip affected by cold sore - Don't even think about it!


Let Me Ask You, Do You Want...

  • Complete freedom from pain and anguish caused by your cold sores?
  • To no longer be the loser in your battle against cold sores? But, would like to instead experience what's its like to wake up without worrying about your cold sores appearing again?
  • Finally have the money that you would have spent on over-the-counter products, prescription, and visits to the doctor?
  • To never have to worry about passing your herpes simplex virus - 1 (i.e. your cold sores) to your loved ones?


Here's A... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health

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Title: Back Pain Free Days

"Former Back Pain Sufferer Gains Permanent Relief For Back Pain In Just 10 Days, And Finally Reveals The Incredibly Simple, Step By Step Natural Back Pain Therapy Program To End Back Pain Forever, Reclaim Natural Inner Balance and Achieve The Robust Back You Deserve!"

Truth: You have The Natural Ability To Change The Way You Now Live. You Can Restore Your Confidence and Self Esteem With A Recovered Healthy Back.

Do you want to have ...

  • Freedom from shoulder pain, spine pain, lower back pain or sciatica pain ?
  • No more mornings of anxiety or waking up fearing that your back will hurt, as you can be sure that you have a healthy back to go to work ?
  • The information about how you can STOP back ache naturally ? You can even be able to practice the treatment on yourself.
  • A robust back ? So that you can carry out your daily activities and even do the sports and play the games that you like.
  • Much better confidence and self esteem ? Once you have the knowledge to manage your back, you will feel like a 'new' person totally free from back pain.
  • Freedom from taking back pain medicine which actually just mask the pain temporarily ? You avoid the side effects associated with prolonged use of back pain medication and thus have a healthier body as
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