Health ebooks

Total wellness Guide
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Total wellness Guide
Are You Ready to Experience Total Wellness Are Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired ?
Your ultimate resource for optimum health and wellness. A mult-media resource with video, audio and over 500 pages of current holistic wellness information to support you on your journey to total wellness
Including special features, music for relaxation and meditation, fitness and nutrition tools to help you track your wellness programs and plan nutritious low calories meals.
The Wellness Resource Catalog-quickly and easily access hundreds of quality online health and wellness products.
Dear Fellow Health Enthusiast:
Today more than ever we are bombarded with health news and information, in this day and age it's getting harder to make wise decisions about our health.
At last you can now have access to an easy to use and current health and wellness resource manual edited and compiled by a Registered Nurse. The Total Wellness Manual contained hundreds of current, quality pages of holistic health information with resources for organizing your life, improving your emotion wellness, nutrition tips and fitness and exercise manuals.
In addition to pages of practical health information, the Total Wellness Manual includes streaming health news video and quality MP3 music
I am sure you will use this valuable
Ebook Type: EXE

Quick and Easy Acne Elimination
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Title: Quick and Easy Acne Elimination
Just Released! The Proven Remedy For Clear, Acne Free Skin That Works Quickly, Safely And Permanently!
Dear Friend,
Forget everything you think you know about how to treat acne with expensive medications or painful techniques because as of RIGHT NOW, you will never have to spend another dime on a treatment that just doesn't work!
I am going to show you how to rid yourself of acne quickly and easily from the comfort of your own home, and without ever having to take an embarrassing journey through drug stores, dermatologists or doctors offices ever again.
So let's get serious about your acne and talk about what is REALLY going on in your life because this goes FAR beyond just the acne you're dealing with but how it actually affects everything around you.
First of all, if you've been suffering from severe, recurring acne it's likely that your social life has taken a major nose dive, right? You're embarrassed about the condition of your skin and the last thing on your mind is going out with friends and family because you just don't want anyone looking at you.
And then there's the actual pain involved in having red hot acne flare ups that feel like your skin is on fire. And on top of all of this, you have that constant fear in the back of your mind that this acne you're suffering from will leave ugly, permanent scarring.
I've been there, as
Ebook Type: PDF

Stop Smoking, Kick The Habit Now
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Title: Stop Smoking, Kick The Habit Now
"Now You Can Quit Smoking And Start Living a Healthy Life - Yes, You!"
Have You Ever Thought There's No Way You Can Give Up Cigarettes Without Losing Your Mind? Well, Worry No More - Here's The Answer!
Dear Smoker:
First, let me say that I know how you feel. You've been smoking for quite awhile now and you know that you need to quit. But when you try, you find it's much more difficult than you ever imagined. The reason I know how you feel is because I've been in your shoes.
People who smoke can give you a hundred reason why they smoke and a hundred more why they should quit. So why are there still so many people lighting up? Addiction is the answer to that question. When you take a drag on a cigarette, hundreds of chemicals are introduced into your body. The most addictive of those chemicals is nicotine.
Nicotine is a drug just like cocaine, marijuana, and heroin. When your body is used to having that drug in its system, deprivation can cause some real problems. Those problems keep you from quitting completely and getting on with a healthier lifestyle.
Some Say There's No Hope, But I Know There Is!
That's because I found this amazing book, "Stop Smoking, Kick The Habit Now!" It helped me quit smoking, and I got so excited about it's amazing advice that I now
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Quit Smoking
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Title: Quit Smoking
"FINALLY, Learn How You Can Quickly Kick That Smoking Habit, Easily...Without the Aid of Patches, Pills or Drugs. Discover the Fool Proof Method Your Doctor Never Told You About!"
If you smoke or know anyone that smokes, drop everything that you're doing right now! This may be the most important life-changing letter you may ever read...
Dear Future Ex-Smoker,
It is said that we're creatures of habit - Even if we know that a certain habit does nothing for us, we continue doing it anyway. The fact that you have ended up at this websites probably means that you have considered to quit smoking...Am I right?
Giving up smoking is not easy...Smoking becomes a psychological, emotional and a physical addiction and your behavior has been conditioned to follow a routine that is reinforced into a habit. You know that smoking is bad for you, even potentially lethal to your health, but you continue to smoke.
"Smoking Kills Every Part Of You!"
Now for the hard truth...Each year over 400,000 Americans alone die from cigarette smoking. That includes lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory diseases and second hand smoke - second hand smoke causes about 3,000 deaths from lung cancer each year...So, not only are you killing yourself, your killing others around you!
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Biorhythm Awareness
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Biorhythm Awareness
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Is This Biorhythm Stuff for Real?
- A Little Bit About Captain Biorhythm
- Biorhythm Basics
- Notable Uses of Biorhythms
- The Physical Cycle
- The Intellectual Cycle
- The Emotional Cycle
- How the Cycles Work
- What Are Critical Days?
- Positive and Negative Phases
- Should I Just Stay in Bed on Critical Days?
- Biorhythms and Health
- Critical Is Not Always Bad
- Using Biorhythms to Break Bad Habits
- What Biorhythms Are Not
- Biorhythms in Our Relationships With Others
- Biorhythm Awareness Can Change Your Life for the Better
Ebook Type: PDF

How To Manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome
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Title: How To Manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Having issues with irritable bowel syndrome and want to know the
correct way to manage the problem?
"Finally, This Ebooks Explains Everything! You'll Never Wonder If The Misery Will End...
This Ebook Will Ease Your Pain And Enable Your Old Day-To-Day Life!"
Stop Fighting Irritable Bowel Syndromes With Products And Home Remedies That Always Seem To Make Things Worse Than They Ever Were.
Dear Friend,
Stop the suffering once and for all, YOU don't have to live with IBS anymore
There's finally a new, breakthrough ebook created just for people like you!
From now on you don't have experience the abdominal pain, along with all of the information you need to prevent reoccurrence
You'll never find another ebook that gives you the information that I do in this e-book!!!
...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!
You'll uncover a wide array of tips including interesting facts that made them what they are today!
You're going to learn so many things on IBS management! You will not only discover the basics of IBS management but you will discover advanced tips as well...
Here's Just "Sneak-Peak" At What You'll Uncover With Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Treatments that will help you overcome the
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Sleep Well: A Natural Remedy Guide for Healthful Sleep
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Sleep Well: A Natural Remedy Guide for Healthful Sleep
Discover How to Get Rid of Your Sleep Problems Naturally ... So You Can Start Getting the Deep, Restful Sleep You Need!
You're About to Discover Natural Techniques You Can Use to Fall Asleep Faster, Sleep Through the Night & Wake Up Feeling Rested & Refreshed!
Dear friend,
If you are currently having difficulty sleeping, then this is definitely the most important letter you will read today!
Here's why:
I'm about to reveal how you can stop tossing and turning at night and start enjoying a full night's sleep ... naturally! That's right, I'm going to tell you how to start sleeping well without taking any expensive or dangerous medication.
Here's Your Chance to Discover How to Wake Up Feeling Rejuvenated & Attentive ... Instead of Exhausted & Restless!
When you don't get enough sleep for an extended period of time your tiredness will begin to impact every part of your life. For example:
- Emotionally, you may experience relationship problems or a change in your personality
- Physically, you might notice a decrease in your productivity and daily activities
- Mentally, a chronic sleep problem can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety
But I'm here today to tell you that you can overcome your sleep problems and start getting a good night's sleep safely,
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF

The ADHD Success Formula
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Title: The ADHD Success Formula
Accomplish Twice As Much In Half The Time
Audio transcript in pdf format
This is Terry Telford from Today we will be talking to Tellman Knudsen and Stephanie Frank, who are co-founders of a business called Stephanie and Tellman both have ADD. I'll let you get into the details about what ADD is. I have a little understanding, but I think I could go with a few more details. Suffice it to say, Tellman and Stephanie are probably some of the most dynamic people that I've ever met. They are very forward thinking and extremely productive people. Maybe I'll just turn the floor over to you two. Maybe, Stephanie, you can tell us what ADD is and how it affects you. Then, Tellman can talk about it after.
Okay, that sounds great. Attention Deficit Disorder is what ADD stands for. You may have heard of it being called ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It's really a common term for what I like to call creative people. It's a term to describe people who have trouble with focus, organization, prioritization, and who tend to get distracted often.
You might have heard things growing up like, "Why can't you just sit still? Pay attention. You can focus when you want to. Why do you leave half finished things all over the house? Why do you leave the cabinets open?" These are all characteristics of people
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Anxiety and Panic Attacks
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Title: Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Suffering from Anxiety or Panic Attacks?
Discover The Secrets to Stop Attacks in Their Tracks!
Dear Friend,
Your heart is racing so fast and you don't know why, at least not at first. Then your chest tightens and you feel like you are having a heart attack. All of a sudden, you start sweating and getting jittery.
What is going on?
Wait a minute.........these and other symptoms are signaling that you are having an anxiety attack. You're having an anxiety attack because you are worried about this and that. You stay in fear because you don't think things are going to turn out for the best in your behalf. You are in paralyzed mode and frozen with fear, like a pack of ice.
You keep having these symptoms that feel like a heart attack. Pain in the chest, pressure in the chest, and so on. So you decide to go to the emergency room to get it checked out. However, much to your surprise, they tell you that you are not having a heart attack. You spend a few hours taking all of these tests only for them to tell you that it's not what you thought it was.
So, now you are stumped. You are really stumped when they tell you that you are most likely having an anxiety attack. What?? Yes, they did not stutter. You are having an anxiety attack.
Anxiety is a state of mind. You allow your mind to think these thoughts and then you start... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

How to Get Rid of Panic and Anxiety...For Good!
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Title: How to Get Rid of Panic and Anxiety...For Good!
Attention: We'll show you how to stop panic and anxiety right now!
"Revealed! Little-Known, Safe, Yet Powerful Techniques to Totally Eliminate Panic & Anxiety Out of Your Life, Even If the Doctors Have Given Up!"
Imagine you are standing alone on one side of a pedestrian lane waiting for your turn to cross the street. All of a sudden you hear the screeching sound of tires rubbing the concrete road.
At that instant, a sudden feeling of shock engulfs your whole body. You can feel the sensation running from your head, through your spine, and down to your toes. Your heart beats at an abnormally fast rate and you sense an inner feeling of unexplainable fear. You're getting dizzy but you're fighting your way out of it. All of a sudden, you feel that your life is under threat requiring immediate medical attention.
You don't know if you're going forward or backward, to the left or to the right, or if you're going to take a gigantic leap, just to get out of the situation.
Dear Anxiety and Panic Sufferer,
Does the above scenario sound familiar to you? Sounds kind of scary but anyone can be a victim of anxiety and panic attacks.
If you often experience intense feelings of fear, restlessness, dizziness, and difficulty in breathing, then you need to pay attention right away.
Anxiety/Panic Disorder can be nasty... Click here to read the full description!
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