Health ebooks

Recognizing And Dealing With Nut Allergies
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Title: Recognizing And Dealing With Nut Allergies
"Do You Know The Warning Signs To Save A Family Member's Life?"
Did you know that peanut allergy is the most common cause of food related death?
Researchers say that one in every 200 children born will have some type of peanut allergy and only 25% of kids grow out of it. Most children start exhibiting symptoms as early as six months old, but some don't start showing allergic reactions until well into their toddler years.
With such a prevalent and dangerous epidemic effecting your kids, do you know all that you can about this dangerous allergy? Do you know enough to identify the signs that one of your children might be at risk?
Recognizing symptoms early is crucial to helping your child cope with his allergy and to create a healthy diet plan that will enable him to live a long and happy life.
When my wife and I had our first child, like most parents we were overjoyed. We thought that nothing could make us happier than a little bundle of our own.
The first few years were fine and we were content with our little family. We were even considering having a second kid, but then things took a turn that we didn't expect. Three years into our child's life, she started rubbing her eyes.
At first we didn't think much of it, we thought maybe she needed her eyes to be checked and we took her to an optometrist. We were a little... Click here to read the full description!
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Living Safely with High Blood Sugar
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Title: Living Safely with High Blood Sugar
Author: Tom Moore
Hyperglycemia Is Dangerous!
Understanding Hyperglycemia can be one of the most important actions you can take to insure your good health. Understanding the condition and your diabetes diagnosis is critical to your health and well being.
Diabetes has reached alarming levels globally. Sadly, if left unchecked it can lead to serious medical problems or even death. You need to know how to see if your hyperglycemia is related to diabetes.
Also discover how lifestyle, nutrition and diet can affect the condition.
Many people go undiagnosed for years because they do not understand that their body is exhibiting signs of hyperglycemia. This is unfortunate because the disease is treatable if diagnosed.
High blood sugar or hyperglycemia can cause serious damage to your kidneys, eyes, nerves, blood vessels, and heart. Sometimes, hyperglycemia might cause coma and eventual death.
Early detection of hyperglycemia can help you adopt proper treatment methods before it gets worse.
Written in plain English, this manual could prove to be a life saver for you or someone you care about. Not only does it provide you with a list of potential symptoms "Living Safely with High Blood Sugar" it will also:
- Learn how to test for hyperglycemia and when it accelerates into full-blown diabetes.
- Explain
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Dealing With Asthma Naturally
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Title: Dealing With Asthma Naturally
Do You Suffer From ASTHMA?
Chronic asthma is a paralyzing, suffocating and socially isolating condition that can cause anxiety that can trigger even more attacks.
Before you know it you are caught in a vicious cycle!
Put an end to the dependence on inhalers, buying expensive prescription drugs and avoidance of allergenic situations and animals.
Get control of your life again and Deal With Asthma Naturally
Dear Asthma Sufferer-
I know you would not be on this page with me if you weren't suffering from acute asthma or its persistent breath stealing cousin - chronic asthma.
If you are exasperated with this frustrating condition that leaves you breathless, fearful and anxiety ridden then you need to read this e-Book.
Is Asthma affecting your life in these ways?
- Do you avoid going to gardens or outside because of a fear that you can't breathe?
- Do you avoid going to fairs, zoos and other public events where there might be animals for fear of having an asthma attack?
- Have you heard other people complaining about how high maintenance you are because of your asthma behind your back?
- Are you spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on air cleaners hoping to remove airborne triggers for your asthma?
- Are you constantly vacuuming to try
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Aromatherapy For Cynics
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Title: Aromatherapy For Cynics
"Are You Curious About The Healing Power Of Aromatherapy But Not Convinced It Really Works?"
You may not believe it, but aromatherapy can be extremely useful in helping heal complicated emotional and medical problems. It can help promote a positive emotional state of being and has been proven to help deal with problems ranging from grief and anger issues to asthma, migraines and even chicken pox.
Aromatherapy is an effective healer due to the essential oils that are used in the treatment. The essential oils mesh naturally, which causes their molecules to create a synergy that is easily inhaled. This process allows the treatment to be absorbed into the body quickly, making aromatherapy work faster that most modern medicinal treatments.
The molecules released through aromatherapy will stimulate and affect portions of your brain. The triggers that it provides to the brain can produce emotions, can mask other types of emotions and can calm the body to allow additional treatments to work.
Most people don't realize it, but doubt, fear and anxiety can all work against their body's natural attempt to heal itself. These harmful emotions can block pharmaceutical cures as well. Aromatherapy acts to calm the body and allow medicine to heal.
You might not accept that smelling certain fragrances can heal you, but if you are suffering from a chronic illness, can you
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51 Tips for Dealing with Endometriosis
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Title: 51 Tips for Dealing with Endometriosis
Do you have endometriosis? Do you think you do, but aren't sure? Are you having a hard time learning to cope?
51 Tips for Dealing with Endometriosis can help!
Dear Friend,
Endometriosis is a painful condition that affects a lot of women. This e-book is designed to make you more aware of endometriosis, and some things that you can do to treat it.
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In this e-book you'll discover...
- How endometriosis is diagnosed
- Symptoms of endometriosis
- Treatments that help
- Frequently asked questions
- Coping strategies
- Tips for parents
Find all these tips and more! Start making your life easier today!
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Curing Halitosis the Natural Way
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Title: Curing Halitosis the Natural Way
"My Girlfriend Left Me , But I Went On To Marry Her Best Friend After Making One Vital Change In My Life"
I'm not going to skirt around the issue here. If you are reading this page, then you have bad breath and it is a problem.
Trust me, I know because it was a massive problem in my life and affected me in ways which someone who doesn't have this problem would never understand. My life has totally changed since I have turned my bad breath into something really pleasant.
I'm not going to tell you lots of different facts about bad-breath and the causes of it, or how you should clean your teeth or suck mints because that is old news. Bad breath, or halitosis, is a massive problem and is no doubt affecting your life, so I am going to cut all of the obvious bull and start telling you exactly what you should do in order to stop smelling like a rotten dustbin.
Oops...was that too harsh?
Well, I am going to have to be harsh if I am going to help you and I assume that you are reading this because you really do want help.
It is estimated that in America, over 7% of people have a serious halitosis problem. When I say a 'problem', I am not just describing having smelly breath when they wake up in the morning, or smelling like an ashtray. I am describing a problem which is literally plaguing the nation with the inability to stand up
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Getting To Know Anxiety
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Title: Getting To Know Anxiety
"Stop Letting Anxiety Rule Your Life And Take Back The Control You Desire Right Now!"
Dear Anxiety Sufferer,
You don't have to keep letting your anxiety disorder run your life. You can take back your inner power and change your life for the better starting today! In order to have control of a thing, you first must understand it. And that is what this handy little manual will help you do. Understand this illness for what it is. And, what it isn't.
Let me further tell you that this manual isn't just for those that suffer on a day to day basis with Anxiety though. This is also a manual for those that may be living with someone wrapped up in this difficult battle.
For a disorder that is spread out across the United States and has more than 40 Million sufferers, it is one of the most misunderstood illnesses in the nation. And why? Not because the information on this dipilitating disorder isn't available. No. But because for someone who is currently struggling to get a grip on their Anxiety, it can be next to impossible to perform such a task. Especially if they are experiencing a full blown Anxiety attack!
And it's also for those out there that might not even know that they, or someone they love is suffering from Anxiety Disorder simply because they have never been told what it is. Would you know what signs to look for?
Here are just a few of the more
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The Secret Health Factor
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Title: The Secret Health Factor
The science behind miraculous discoveries exposed...
"Unleash These Vibrant Health Secrets And Kick-Start Your Miraculous Recovery From Any Disease Known To Man, Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!"
Dear Friend,
Can you honestly say that you haven't been sick for well over over ten years? If you can't, then this is going to be the most important letter you'll ever read!
Whether you're battling migraine headaches, chronic pain or terminal cancer, as long as you apply the knowledge within this book you will flood your body with vibrant health and the results cannot be stopped!
Here's why: This letter is about the book, the "Secret Health Factor", the only book on the Internet that shows you in quick and easy steps how unleash the inherent health force that eradicates infirmities in our bodies!
You Will Be Healed!
You're about to learn the secrets uncovered by someone that has been living in insanely vibrant health for well over a decade! In fact, he hasn't even had a headache for well over a ten years and it's really only due to a simple understanding of what we now call the "Secret Health Factor".
I've laid this simple concept down in my new book, and, once you "get it", nothing can stop you from experiencing exactly what we do every day of our lives.
In fact, you could be putting
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Stress Management
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Title: Stress Management
Stressed and feel like pulling your hair out?
Learn How To Remove The Shackles And Burdens From Your Life To Become Stress-Free!
Dear Friend,
Do you feel tense and uptight most of the time? Is there a chokehold on your life? Are you more than ready to relive pressure and frustration from everyday problems? Well, look no further...
Here's a stress management plan that you can use today! This plan can help you to relieve yourself of the stress you've been dealing with for years. This manual can be your way to escape.
This manual, Stress Management - Simple Solutions To Start Now To Live A Stress Free Life, can help you to start anew and rid yourself of the problems that you have been facing for years.
Everytime you turn around, you seem to be stressed out about something. Some of the things that you're stressed out about are not even worth devoting your time to. Don't fear, that is about to be a distant memory.
With this stress management manual, you will learn:
- Causes of stress
- What is stress
- Effects of stress
- How stress and panic attacks are related
- Warning Signs of stress
- How to use simple solutions and techniques to become stress-free
And More
If you want to know how to live a healthy and
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF

Colon Cancer - Protect Yourself
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Title: Colon Cancer - Protect Yourself
Colon Cancer: The Silent Killer
"Everything You Need To Know About Colon Cancer, The Silent Killer That Can Terrorize You & Your Family"
"You Owe It To Yourself To Be Protected"
Dear Friend,
Do you have a friend or relative that has gone through the embarrassment of colon cancer or colon cancer treatment? Through intrusive in nature, colon cancer pre-screening is important to save your life. If your colon is susceptible for cancer due to heredity or predetermined hormones in your genetic code, you can be at danger of contracting colon cancer. If gone untreated the cancer can spread to your lymph nodes, liver, blood, or lungs. The cancer can spread fast and can be in your body without you even knowing about.
Over 2,000,000 people will develop colon cancer a year and within those numbers over 50,000 people will die. Colon cancer can happen to you at any age but statistically it occurs in people age 35 and up. Women and children can develop colon cancer just as frequently and as severe as adult men. No matter what life style you live, colon cancer can sneak up on you without you even knowing.
There is a Solution to Prevent and Treat Colon Cancer
There are preventive measures you can take to reduce your chance of colon cancer. Through diet, lifestyle choices, and pre-screening you can reduce the
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