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William Lyon Phelps

Fitness ebooks

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Category: Fitness, Women

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Title: Pole Dancing Lessons

Get Instant Access To more than 130 video’s, that will teach you to love your body and love your life!

Home Pole Dancing Lessons For The Everyday Women

Transform yourself from out-of-shape and awkward “Jane” into a fit, sexy, and confident vixen in a few short months

Dancing connects a woman to her natural inner sexuality, renewing her inner confidence and helps her to feel genuinely sexy from the inside. I want to offer those benefits to every woman through my pole dancing lessons while simultaneously helping them get in the best toned shape of their lives!

Using my lessons, you’ll be able to:

  • See the results of your hard work -- in the mirror
  • Get in the best shape of your life
  • Have some serious fun!
  • Build health, strength, and energy!
  • Feel genuinely sexy, young and vibrant from the inside out
  • Renew your inner confidence
  • Be surprised to learn you wish you could work out all the time!
  • Connect to your natural femininity, intuition and sensuality
  • Pique men's (or women's) curiosity.
  • Feel completely comfortable in your own skin
  • Open the door to infinite possibilities and take more chances in life

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Ebook Type: Video
Category: Body, Fitness

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Title: Visual Impact Muscle Building
Author: Rusty Moore

Gaining 20 pounds of muscle is NOT impressive if 15 pounds of that is on your butt, thighs, and waist.

Why Simply Gaining XX Pounds of Muscle "Wherever it Winds Up" is Not the Route to An Attractive Body!

Gaining untargeted muscle is easy and over-rated. The problem with following the standard advice of concentrating on the "big 3" lifts (deadlift, squat and bench press) is that it will most likely create a terrible looking, bulky physique.

Just a Few of the Topics I Cover in this Course...

  • Why simply training heavy and using "progressive resistance" doesn't guarantee that you will add muscle mass. Here is what does...
  • A detailed explanation of what a mass building set "feels" like. This way you can be sure that each set actually builds the muscle instead of just making you sore.
  • Why lifting heavy is better for tone and lifting light is better for mass. Almost everyone gets this switched around...get this right and you will be able to create the perfect look.
  • How to specialize on a lagging body part without over-training...turning your weak body parts into strong points.
  • A "bonus phase" strategy that will pack 5-10 pounds of fat free mass quickly onto your physique right before an event...insuring shrink-wrapped skin and full muscles.
  • How to split up your routine if you don't want to add mass to your legs, hips, and butt...& how to structure routine if you do need to add size... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Body, Fitness

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Title: Huge Arms Fast
Author: Paul Becker

Build Huge Arms Fast with Old School Arm Building Workouts

Bodybuilding Historian Rediscovers Lost Secrets of Building Huge Arms Fast

These Amazing Old School Arm Building Secrets Can Add Up To 2 Inches To Your Arms In Only 8 Weeks!

Old school bodybuilders had so many secrets just on building arms, that you could write a book only on that subject.

If you really want to build arms so big that they actually shock people you need to check out the exclusive information that's collected in this awesome book...

The information that's crammed into this amazing new book is some of the most important information you'll ever read when it comes to building massive biceps and triceps.

Here's just some of what you'll learn...

  • How to build huge arms fast without using steroids
  • What are the best exercises for biceps and triceps
  • Should you use heavy weights with less reps or moderate weight for more reps
  • How to get big arms that literally fill up your sleeves
  • How to get amazing arms even training at home
  • How often should you train your arms
  • How to build bulging biceps and hanging triceps
  • The best combinations of sets and reps
  • For biceps should you use a straight bar or an ez curl bar
  • How to get the right balance between biceps and triceps
  • A workout program that can add up to 1/2 inch to you arms in one day
  • How... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Body, Fitness

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Title: Homemade Muscles

Get strong & lean without going to the gym

In this eBook you will read about how went from being an unhealthy skinny-fat guy to getting back in a great physique without even leaving my house and using only a pull up bar.

The only equipment I would recommend you having for this workout plan is a pull bar.

I just offer you a motivational workout plan coupled with coupled with realistic nutritional advice. Nothing more, nothing less!

All the muscle I had as a professional athlete was gone and I felt that I was living in a sick depressed body.

Depending on which of the workout plans I offer you in this eBook you will pick you still have to workout hard 3-4 times a week for an average of 50 minutes.

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Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: The Metabolic Eating Plan

Inside My Hot Metabolism System You Will Discover A 3-Volume Set Of Ebooks That Show You How To Control The Rate At Which Your Body Burns Fat For Energy Consumption.
This Means Automated Fat Loss!
Here is what else I have in store for you:

  • You will learn about the one food type that PROMOTES FAT BURNING and which should appear in all of your meals. Increasing the concentration of this food type in your diet will leave you feeling more full after every meal, and force your body to burn more calories in order to digest it.
  • That aerobic training sessions are NOT a great way to lose fat. In fact, far from it. Aerobic activity actually works to SUPPRESS your metabolism and make gaining unwanted body fat that much easier. If you never lost weight by going to aerobics classes, now you will understand why!
  • You will discover the concepts of INTERVAL TRAINING and workout INTENSITY, and learn how to use these to supercharge the rate at which you build up your metabolic volume.
  • Two fully-illustrated METABOLIC FITNESS WORKOUT PLANS are included, complete with detailed instruction on how to perform the movements, as well as suggestions on what NOT to do to so that you get the best results.
  • The causes of METABOLIC DISRUPTION, slow down, and the specific factors behind your inability so far to burn fat and calories. When you remove these obstacles your metabolic regeneration results will soar!
  • The
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness

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Title: The Beta Switch
Author: Sue Heintze

Now You Can “Turn On” Your Body's Own Beta Switches To Convert Your Most Stubborn Female Trouble Spots Into Fat-Burning Mode — Eliminating The Most Embarrassing Fat On Your Thighs, Bum and Even The Backs of Your Arms — WITHOUT Strict Dieting or Excessive Exercise.

Popular Female Diets Are TOO STRICT, and Trap Fat In Your Trouble Spots

This System Works For ANY Woman — No Matter Your Age, And Regardless Of Where You Store Your Most Stubborn Fat…

Trust me, as all the women you’ve met in this video can attest, this System will work for you, even if…

  • You’ve shared my despair over trapped and stubborn female fat…
  • You’re a busy mom or professional woman like me…
  • You’ve run yourself into the ground with excessive aerobics and cardio…
  • You’ve damaged your metabolism with strict dieting…
  • Or even if you think you’ve tried everything!

The Beta Switch is a simple, step-by-step 12 week nutrition and lifestyle system that switches on your fat-burning Beta receptors and switches off your stubborn-fat storing Alpha receptors…

You’ll quickly master things like…

  • The quick and simple trick to easily tell the exact portions you need for YOUR body-type to maximize your weight loss...
  • The precise 6 day kick-start diet
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness

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Title: The DUP Method

Discover How To Add 20lbs To Your Bench Press, 15lbs To Your Deadlift, And 20lbs To Your Squat In Less Than 3 Months

DUP is the little-known strength training method used by the strongest lifters in the gym that will get you stronger without ever hitting a plateau.

With D.U.P., You Will:

  • Train the same muscle groups and even perform the same exercises on consecutive days.
  • Train lifts multiple times per week.
  • Use a limited number of exercises.
  • Work in a variety of rep ranges with varying levels of intensity.
  • Use periods of over-reaching.

If You Use the D.U.P. Method, You Will:

  • Enjoy training so that going to the gym won't feel like a chore.
  • Be stronger so that you don't feel weak in the gym. This will allow you to have an easier time to lose body fat, or put on muscle mass.
  • Set new PR's regularly, impressing yourself, your friends, and your followers on social media.
  • Be able to eat all of your favourite foods.

With The D.U.P. Method, You Will Discover:

  • The Amazing New Diet Secret Of Strength Athletes And Fitness Competitors
  • 5 Sure Ways To Get Stronger Regardless Of How Busy You Are
  • A New Way To Get Stronger That Has Never Failed
  • Four Things You Have To Do Before Ever Touching A Weight
  • 7 Questions You Must Ask About D.U.P. And The One Question That Will... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness

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Title: The Pull-up Solution

I’ll Teach You How To Rapidly Increase Your Pull-up & Chin-up Numbers, Build Lean Muscle, And Get Stronger…

I’ll Show You How To Do It Safely, Without Wrecking Your Joints, And With No Crazy Workouts. Plus, You’ll Start Seeing Results As Soon As This Week!

Over the years, I’ve discovered a number of key components that are essential to pull-up training success, that unfortunately, most people either don’t know about, or at the very least, don’t use. And thus, they perpetually struggle with exercises like pull-ups among others. But when all of these key components are integrated into one comprehensive system - when you connect the dots - pull-up training success is guaranteed.

This 45-page ebook will guide you through the process of using this system. It was written and formatted with simplicity in mind so that you can work through it quickly.  It will literally take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do each and every day so that there is no guesswork involved – just follow the instructions.

The manual also contains the actual 12-week workout program you’ll be going through with detailed instructions to help you make the most of each and every training session.

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Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: Never Grow Old Fitness Program
Author: Cody Sipe, Dan Ritchie

Eliminate the Pain and Agony of Getting Older while Dramatically Improving your Ability to do What you Love with this Quick and Easy At Home System That Makes You Feel 20 Years Younger.

You’re about to discover a shocking statistic that will change the way you think about your health and future.

You just want a simple, step-by-step plan that you can incorporate into your life right now to:

  • Improve your confidence in your physical abilities so you get much more out of life and can say “Yes”, instead of “no thanks”
  • Discover renewed energy that recaptures your youthfulness so that you can do the things you’re doing now… even BETTER
  • Dramatically increase your stamina and endurance so you can finally play a full round of golf or work in the yard for hours without your body being stiff and sore later.
  • Have the peace of mind that you will be fit and healthy 10, 20 or even 30 years from now.
  • Reduce or even eliminate any discomfort so you can actually get on the floor to play with your grandkids (and then easily get up again!)
  • Be confident that you will have the physical ability to enjoy all the adventures and wonders you have yet to accomplish.

There is a solution that we’ll share with you.

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Ebook Type: PDFVideo Included,
Category: Fitness, Jobs

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Title: Pass The Beep Test
Author: Brent Clayton

Pass the test like a professional athlete! All of the techniques are broken down into simple steps — so you can learn quickly and easily — no matter what your abilities or experience level.”

Here's what "Pass The Beep Test" will do for you...

  • You will have NO worries about feeling embarrassed working out in front of a trainer especially if your endurance or speed and agility is poor...
  • Makes You feel confident and not nervous at your beep test — because you'll feel ready and in peak shape!
  • You can workout in the privacy of your own home and save the money of driving to a gym to work out...
  • You will save hundreds of dollars by NOT hiring a personal fitness trainer so — you save big money on trainer fees...
  • You can exercise when your schedule allows you to whenever you want to and allows you total flexibility...
  • You can plan to take the beep test when you feel physically ready and need to — you can work harder using the programme and boost the exercise levels if you need to be ready sooner...
  • The Day of Your Beep Test you will feel confident and not nervous at your beep test — because you'll know you are READY and in peak shape and ready to pass the beep test the first time with a high score!

Ever feel nervous, awkward, or self-conscious? Most folks do. You are not alone. Don't get embarrassed — Get prepared!

Pass The... Click here to read the full description!

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