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Fitness ebooks

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Category: Health, Fitness, Weight Loss

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Title: Quick Wellness
Author: Chin

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Body, Fitness

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Title: free Reiki Level 1 and 2 eManual
Author: Claude Leonard

After numerous years of performing Reiki sessions we have determined to bring a new manual and to bestow it to everyone. This Reiki eManual will assist you comprehend all the steps of a Reiki session. What Reiki can do for you. All the Reiki positions that a Practitioner should use during a session and much more. You can use this Reiki eManual for your own knowledge and you can use it in a class setting.

Reiki is believed to be a japanese stress release that encompasses a healing component. The reasoning behind this is that it was born in Japan. Anyone in the universe could use this technique to help the physical body with the healing process, or manage stress, or guide a meditation. Reiki can also doo all of the above at the same time.

The Reiki is also considered to be universal energy and therefore you do not need anything else to help you body, mind, spirit and soul to be at peace.

Reiki does need to be experienced to understand. This eManual will guide you on what is to be expected during a session. Anything else should be avoided for your safety. Reiki does not hurt and functions only to heal the body, mind, sprit and soul.

Enjoy the reading and then give Reiki a chance.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fitness, Food, How To

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Title: Formerly Fat - 3 Surprising Easy Steps to Kill Your Belly Fat and Get Measurable Fat Loss Result within 7 days
Author: Sherwin Tng

As you're reading this ebook, I know that you're interested in losing fat naturally and eating healthier. It contains many shocking food revelations.about the clever lies that have been bombarding us all these years through multi-million dollar advertising campaigns and lobbying.

I want to show you some easy ways to lose your stubborn body fat deposit, and stop being fooled by the deceptive and unethical marketing that just want you to buy more of their cheap processed foods that are either totally useless or damaging your body.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fitness, Weight Loss, Women

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Title: The Dummies Guide To Burn Calories, Lose Weight, and Look GREAT Naked!
Author: Edyth Cardona

Ever just wanted to lose weight fast, and effectively?

But Never really knew how?

You've tried every diet in the book...

Worked out countless of hours...

Only to find yourself moving onto the next one with no results.

Well my guide is going to show you how to effectively lose weight, and get past those barriers that you find yourself on a consistent basis trying to run through.

I have a quick and easy 10 reasons of what you should do, and how you can get the body that you've always dreamed of.

No fluff, and no more lies.

Your beautiful just the way you are, but this will add the icing on the cake.

Because you deserve it.

You've put enough time, and effort trying to figure out the secret, and it's finally here.

Short, simple, straight to the point.

Anyone can impliment it.

Even if you've never had success before.

Keep in mind though that this will take some effort on your part, and it will take some time, but not much.

And it's 100% worth it.

Imagine... going to the beach, and not being ashamed of your body.

Anyways enjoy,

Edyth Cardona

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fitness, Food, Health

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Title: Paleo Diet Evolution™ Recipes & Cookbook Taster
Author: Ron Benson

You do not have to be stressed about and bored with your diet. You can enjoy eating good tasting food, and still lose weight and be healthy! The Paleo Diet Evolution™ Recipes & Cookbook Taster eBook provides 14 Days Of Delicious and Healthy Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Meals! You will also be able to determine how to get the best results from the 7 most beneficial diets.

The Paleo Diet Evolution™ Recipes & Cookbook Taster is the first book in a 5 eBook series, that will provide the knowledge you need to achieve your optimal health, weight loss, body building, and/or your body sculpturing goals. The title of the next book in the series is Paleo Diet Evolution™ GROW YOUNG AGAIN 1 Meal At A Time!

Right now there is a Introductory Special for the 139 page Paleo Diet Evolution™ Recipes & Cookbook Taster eBook on Amazon. You can get a

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Category: Self Help, Fitness, Health

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Title: NO-MIND FITNESS Self-Mastery Guide
Author: Colin Brown

The NO-MIND FITNESS Self-Mastery Guide is a motivational guide that provides an entire framework for self-mastery and high-level performance in all areas of your life.

If you take it absolutely seriously, this motivational guide can light a huge fire under you and help you realize that the term "overachiever" is utter nonsense.


"I recommend working with Colin everyone I come across who is seriously interested in improving themselves. Yes, Colin principally focuses on helping his trainees achieve their fitness goals. But my work with him has yielded much, much more. Aside from flying through strength plateaus in the gym, Colin's consistent encouragement, the example that he sets, and the supplemental materials (see his Self-Mastery Guide) he regularly sends his trainees, have inspired me to make significant and meaningful changes to many of my habits and attitudes. I am not the same person I was before we started working together, and I expect to become stronger and more resilient in every respect as we continue working together.

"Read Colin's blog [] to get an idea of the kind of changes working with him will inevitably foster in your life. Better yet, here is an example of how he has helped me. I quit a job in December 2013. I wanted to pursue a new line of work and expected to find a new job quickly, but was frustrated by several late-round interview rejections. It was at about this

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: NO-MIND FITNESS Static Stretching Routine
Author: Colin Brown

The NO-MIND FITNESS Static Stretching Routine contains my full-body static stretching routines. In particular, the guide includes the following:

  • My short stretching routine, which takes about 5 minutes
  • My medium stretching routine, which takes about 25 minutes
  • My long stretching routine, which takes about 45 minutes
  • A total of 43 stretches. Each stretch includes a photo and description.

I have personally used all three stretching routines. Currently, I use the medium routine on workout days (post-workout) and sometimes on off-days.

All three routines significantly reduce soreness and improve recovery and flexibility.

The routines work well with virtually any fitness program, including the following:

  • General strength training, powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, or bodybuilding
  • Cardiorespiratory training: running, rowing, biking, swimming, rucking
  • CrossFit
  • Military Athlete
  • P90X or P90X2

The e-book is a .pdf file with password protection. You can view it using Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.

The e-book comes with a 30-day refund policy. If you're not satisfied with the static stretching routine, please email me and I will issue you a refund.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fitness, Men

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Title: Awesome ABS

Secrets of Creating Rock Hard Six-Pack Abs In 2 Months Or Less...

Here's your chance to create jealousy among men... and desire among showing off your newly-developed lean, sexy, chiseled set of six-pack abs that stop people in their tracks!

How would you like to create hard, sexy six-pack abs in as little as 6-to-8 weeks...

The kind of abs that make men jealous and envious of you -- and seem to magnetically draw women to you...

I know it's hard to believe...and sounds too good to be true...but stick with me and I'll reveal it all to you in the next few minutes:

Most people are not happy with their lives. And, yes...most people do not have six-pack abs that stop other in their tracks!

The first reaction people have when I tell them they can build six-pack abs in just 4 to 8 weeks is that of disbelief.

I don't blame them. And, I won't blame you either if you're still having trouble believing it completely.

I have helped create six-pack abs for many friends, as well as for myself, obviously. (Most of my friends were only willing to give my program a try after they saw my chiseled abs. After all, visual proof is quite powerful.)

I can promise you the same results I promised them... six-pack abs in as little as 4 to 8 weeks.

Bonus to the "Chest Chiseler System"

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Category: Fitness, Health, Medicine

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Title: So You've Got A Cataract? What You Need to Know About Cataract Surgery.
Author: David Richardson, M.D.

A Patient's Guide to Modern Eye Surgery, Advanced Intraocular Lenses & Choosing Your Surgeon

This is about cataract surgery and cataracts. A patient centered book written in a friendly and easy to read writing style that makes the book easy to understand. A must-have for people who are thinking of having a cataract surgery.

Key topics are as follows:

  • About Cataracts
  • What You Need To Know About Cataract Surgery
  • Preparing For Cataract Surgery
  • What To Expect The Day of Surgery
  • The Days After Surgery
  • Intraocular Lenses
  • Risks of Cataract Surgery
  • Cataract Surgery and Glaucoma
  • Cataract Surgery with Other Eye Diseases
  • A Word About Laser Cataract Surgery
  • How To Choose A Cataract Surgeon
  • "INFORMED CONSENT" Document (Sample)

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: How To Stop Back Pain
Author: Sarah Sanders

In this incredible bonus 50-page eBook, you'll uncover the secrets to releasing your body from the aches, pains and everyday affects of that living has on us all.

With this one great resource, you 'll be able to unlock your body 's natural desire to heal itself - no matter if you experience chronic or just occasional stiffness.

On each page, you will gain even greater clarity on how to achieve the body-mind-spirit balance you're seeking with yoga.

I am particularly excited about sharing this brilliantly written book with you as I personally have seen incredible results from its use.

Bonus to the "Brilliant Yoga"

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