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Josh Billings

Fitness ebooks

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Category: Body, Fitness, Weight Loss

Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution

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Title: Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution

Are You Tired Of Failed New Year's Weight Loss Resolutions That Leave You Even More Overweight Than Ever Before?

Not Anymore - Finally Succeed With Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution Once And For All And Get The Body Of Your Dreams In //

  • Are you frustrated that you end up even more overweight than you were the year before and find yourself making yet another new year's resolution to lose the weight?
  • Sick and tired of trying year after year to lose weight but keep finding yourself back in the same rut?
  • Do you feel like a failure because you are unable to stick to any diet?


Between 60% and 98% of American adults will be on a diet at some point in the new year, sadly most will fail within the first 90 days and will find themselves right back where they started and even worse, heavier than they were prior to dieting.

Why do people fail diets or rather, why do diets fail people?

Simply because they are unrealistic and provide only a temporary fix to a lifelong problem.

Whether it be your new years resolution or a goal to lose weight, you will never be able to have permanent, long lasting results until you first address the issue of why you gained the weight in the first place.

Get off the diet merry-go-round once and for... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Diet, Fitness, Weight Loss

Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself

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Title: Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself

"Tired of Trying To Loose Weight And It Never Works or You Have To Starve Yourself Well Here's A Weight Loss Plan That takes Care of Your Weight Problem And You Can Still Eat!"

In This Book, You'll Learn How To Lose Weight And Not Feel Hungry! In An Easy Step-By-Step Process That Enables You To Feel Good About Loosing Weight As Well As Feeling Good Because Your Stomach Is Still Full!

Dear Friend,

According to recent surveys done, over 66 percent of Americans age 20 and over are overweight by at least 20 pounds. Obesity is at an all time high as America becomes the fattest nation on the
face of the earth! If you're like me, you think that's troubling!

Most of us could stand to lose a few pounds, or at the very least start down the road to a healthier lifestyle. We have become a nation dependent on fast food chains and quick-fix pre-packaged
foods in order to accommodate our busy lifestyles.

If you've found yourself with a couple of spare tires around your mid-section, you probably know you should go on a diet. But you dread doing that because you don't want to have those hunger
pangs that you think inevitably come with diets and weight loss.

Change Your Thinking Today...

You don't have to be hungry when you diet. In fact, you might find yourself enjoying the kinds of foods you never thought

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Diet, Fitness, Weight Loss


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General Weight Loss Tips

1. Set realistic goals. Anyone who has ever set an unrealistic weight loss goal will tell you that not meeting your own expectations is the fastest way to fail at weight loss. You should plan to lose no more than 1-2 pounds per week. In general, people who set realistic goals will exceed it during at least the first few weeks. Exceeding your weight loss goals will give you something to get excited about, and keep the weight loss process positive.

2. Get support. When you make the decision to lose weight, enlist the help and support of your friends and family members. Having people around you who will encourage you through the process is a great way to start. Be careful about telling those people who might be discouraging, either by not supporting your goals or by hounding you every time they see you eat something that they deem inappropriate for someone who is dieting. Neither of these scenarios is helpful!

3. Discover to keep things in moderation. When your goal is to lose weight, remember the old saying...all things in moderation. By following this mantra with eating and working out, you will lose weight at a reasonable pace and feel good while doing it!

4. Join a program. Weight loss groups like Weight Watchers are popular for more than just their diet plans. They help people to form a

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Category: Fitness

Exercise Without Efforts

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Title: Exercise Without Efforts

"Everyone Knows Getting Regular Exercise Helps Stay In Shape, Improves Overall Well-Being And Boost Life Expectancy - So Why Don't You?"

If You Like The Idea Of Losing A Few Pounds, Stopping Aging Dead In It's Track, Shaping A More Flexible Or Sexier Silhouette, But Can't Fit Gym Or Workout Sessions In Your Schedule, Please Read On.

Dear health seeker.

If you have come across this information today, it is safe to assume that you recently decided that your overall health level wasn't par with your expectations.

Maybe you'd like to regain that lost silhouette that you remember having ten years ago, fight the symptoms and potential harm caused by physical conditions, or maybe you just want to keep those aging lines and wrinkles at bay for a couple more years...

No matter the specific reason, you are here today looking for a solution to help you get your health back under your control, without the strenuous work or time consuming work-out sessions at the local gym.

Today's lifestyle makes it harder and harder to keep, constantly adding even more damageable stress and pressure to perform. Let's admit that after spending over 8 hours at work and driving through monster traffic, hitting the gym becomes the least of your worries - especially when you have kids at home.

So, where in this world can you... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness

Eating Your Way to Fitness

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Title: Eating Your Way to Fitness

"It's A Shame For You Not To Get Fit And Healthy -- When Other People Do It So Easily!"

Lose Weight and Body Fat Without Giving Up the Yummy and Tasty Foods You Love!

Dear Friend,

Most available fitness, weight loss, and diet programs in the market today, advocate quick weight loss practices which may be disadvantageous and/or damaging to your health. The situation becomes a big issue and a potential problem if you happen to be diabetic, have carbohydrate sensitivity, high blood pressure, not physically fit or simply too lazy to engage in prolonged, sustained and intensive exercise and workouts.

Some programs even advocate the use of non-FDA approved food supplements to induce fat and weight/loss, which may or may not be effective in your case.

Every Individual is Unique!

Individual uniqueness must be taken into consideration when you want to engage into an effective weight loss program! You must realize that there is no magic formula or a single effective approach that will work successfully for any and all persons.

But despite our individual differences, you can achieve weight loss through eating the correct foods!


Eating Your Way to Fitness... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Body, Fitness

Gaining Weight 101

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Title: Gaining Weight 101

Tired of being the Skinny Guy?

Discover The Secrets To Gain Weight And Muscle!

Dear Friend,

I've heard your story a thousand times before. You're the guy who can't gain weight no matter how hard you try. You've bought the powders, the pills and the magazines and you're still as scrawny as ever. You tried going to the gym, but the looks people gave you made you want to get smaller...small enough to fade away into the woodwork and disappear. You are tired of being shot down by the women you ask on a date (on the rare occasions you got up enough nerve to ask). You're tired of being skinny. You're tired of being weak. You are tired of sitting home alone on a Saturday night.

Or maybe you're married and even though your wife never says so, you feel like she's not physically attracted to you. You know that your sex life isn't anywhere near as fulfilling as it should be for either of you. It is difficult to get romantic when you know your body isn't sexually attractive.

You are embarrassed to take your shirt off at the beach because you don't want anyone to see your spaghetti arms and concave chest. You are tired of having the body of a little boy and want to start looking and feeling more like a man. You want women to notice you when you walk by; you want men to respect you and children to look up to you.

Even if you didn't care what other people think of you (if that were possible)... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness

Fitness: The Guide To Staying Healthy

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Title: Fitness: The Guide To Staying Healthy

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Fitness And Where You Stand Right Now

  • Its Not Only For Weight Loss
  • Where Are You Now?
  • What You Will Discover

Chapter 2: Body Fitness And Its Effect On Your Life

  • Where Are You?
  • What's Healthy?
  • How Can You Improve
  • Your Overall Body Fitness Plan

Chapter 3: Diet Fitness, You Are What You Eat, Really!

  • Where Are You Now?
  • What's Healthy?
  • How Can You Improve?
  • Overall Diet Fitness Plan

Chapter 4: Mind Fitness, A Healthy Emotional Life

  • Where Are You Now?
  • What's Healthy?
  • How Can You Improve?


What does the word fitness mean to you?  To each person, its something different.  To many it's a word that brings on the cringe of pain, of doing something they simply hate and even something they will avoid at all possible costs.  But, that's not necessary for most people.

In fact, fitness can be enjoyable if you know how to make it be just that.  Through this ebook, we will teach you several very key elements to keeping yourself fit.  Each tip and tool given is something that you can do easily, without much help and with the ability to see

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Fitness

The Jogging Guide

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Title: The Jogging Guide

Jogging to Lose Weight

Anyone who is trying to lose weight needs to engage in some kind of aerobic exercise in order to boost the metabolism to burn calories faster. Although a brisk walk will suffice, many people are more comfortable with jogging and feel it works better for them. Making the choice to jog during weight loss will not only help you lose weight but will also help you get into the routine of exercising, a move that will help you keep the weight off when you have reached your goal weight. The ideal exercise for weight loss is a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise-jogging combined with some weight lifting routines.

Getting into the habit of jogging is not a difficult one for most people, but if you have never been one to exercise, it may come as a shock at first. You do not want to try to jump right into a long jogging workout but rather begin slowly and work your way up to where you want to be. Do not rush to reach the amount of time you wish to spend jogging but let your body manual you and let you know when you are ready. If you allow your body to be your manual, it will be much easier to work into a jogging routine
without all of the discomfort.

In order to achieve the ultimate weight loss, you want to make jogging part of your routine but not the only exercise you perform. Although aerobic exercise is what helps you burn calories, resistance xercise helps you build lean muscle mass

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Category: Body, Fitness

Body Sculpture

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Title: Body Sculpture

Don't Read this Report....

Unless you want to miss out on the most exciting information about Sculpted Muscles in a Decade!

That's how important, and timely, this report is!

Dear :
Do you long for a better physique with more shapely and defined muscles? If so, you're not alone! The problem is that while many people would love to have better defined muscles they're not sure how to go about achieving them.

I felt exactly the same way just a few short months ago. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't get the muscles I wanted. None of the diets and exercises I tried worked.

I knew I had to do something.

That's when I started to read everything I could on the subject of sculpted muscles.

What I discovered completely changed my life!

How did I do it?

I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on sculpted muscles does just that!

Everything you need to know to sculpt your muscles is included in this special report:

  • The Link Between Repetitions and Muscle Sculpting
  • Busting the Myths of Muscle Sculpting
  • Handling Plateaus
  • Diet and Muscle Sculpting
  • Exercise and Muscle Sculpting
  • Dance and Muscle Sculpting
  • Understanding the Impacts of Steroid Use

I leave absolutely

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Fitness, Health

Beginners Guide To Healthy Running

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Title: Beginners Guide To Healthy Running
Author: Amanda Whiston

- What do you know about exercise?

"Are You a Couch Potato?"

- The Truth About Running for Good Health!

Dear Reader,

Well, you have finally made a decision. You're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. You know you have to eat right and you know you have to start an exercise program.

Finding a diet plan is easy. There are tons of recipes and charts available that help you identify what your dietary goals must be. When it comes to exercise, however, it starts getting difficult.

Oh, there are also many exercise programs out there. The problem is usually cost. You can join a fitness club. You can build your own exercise gym at home. You could buy one of those machines that are advertised on the TV.

Again, all great ideas. The problem is that each would probably cost you your first born child! Fitness clubs and gyms require a monthly fee and a long-term contract. Each of the other two plans have equally prohibitive costs.

So, What's the Alternative?

Well, it's running, of course! It might cost you a new pair of shoes if you don't already own a good pair of running shoes. Other than that the cost is measured in the amount of time you are ready to invest in your good health.

There are club dues to pay. You don't need to buy high-priced exercise equipment. All you need

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