Fitness ebooks
Title: How To Build A Classic Physique
Author: Matt Marshall
The drug-free bodybuilders I researched NEVER did any cardio or crunches. Yet they still had rock-solid abs!
When I started using the tips and techniques from the old-time, drug-free bodybuilders of yesteryear, my body transformed practically overnight.
After I uncovered these ancient muscle-building secrets, I started making rapid progress.
Here’s just a small taste of what’s inside this ebook...
- Why sleeping with your windows open (just a smidge) can actually help you burn fat
- Why eating two bites of pineapple after your workout can actually triple the amount of protein your body uses for building muscle
- A “lazy” way to lose 10 pounds of fat and gain 3.5 pounds of lean mass in your first week
- Why drinking alcohol can actually speed UP your fat loss (not one trainer in 10,000 knows this)
- An almost “magical” food – horded by classic bodybuilders – that can actually boost your testoerone levels, build muscle and burn fat.
- How a plumbing tool – found at any hardware store – can help you build bigger arms
- A proven stay-at-home, no equipment required workout plan that can give you a classic physique
- Plus step-by-step instructions on how to eat... and how to train so you can get a “classic physique.”
By following my system, you can get a lean & muscular physique. What I call a
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:
Title: How To Feel Good Naked In 26 Days
Author: Colin F. Watson
I Had Just Had Enough of...
Those So called Weight Loss "Experts" Who's Scams Left Me Still Fat, Frustrated and Down Right Pissed Off... So I Flipped Them "The Bird" Did Some Research And Uncovered A Simple Natural Molecule That Melts Fat And Reveals Muscle In As Little As 26 Days!
"Discover The Secret To How YOU Can Finally Get Redemption From ALL The Weight Loss Scams And Unscrupulous Diet Programs Full Of Empty Promises And Finally See INCREDIBLE Weight Loss Results Using The Same Program That Helped Me Drop 46 Pounds Of Ugly, Unwanted Fat..."
...and why I'm Convinced the Same Could Happen to You Too!
You see, this program is the "holy grail" of fat loss you've been waiting for. In it, you'll discover things like:Â
- Why you live and die not by your workout - but what you do outside of the gym
- The most effective combination of 'specific' exercises that will help you melt down your problem areas -- FAST
- The "can't miss" way to drop unwanted pounds from your waist - without spending HUNDREDS on ab gadgets
- No more mood swings or uncontrollable food cravings!
- The exact combination of exercises, repetitions, and rest periods you'll need to transform your body with in as little as 60 minutes - PER WEEK
- Simple - sometimes even
Title: Fitter Than the Pros
Author: Yuri Elkaim
"Who Else Wants a Jaw-Dropping Fit Body and Exceptional Health by Modeling the Exact Success Blueprint of 11 of the World's Top Fitness Experts?"
For the first time ever, you can get inside the minds and lives of world's most sought-after fitness experts! Their brains have been picked. Their guards have come down. Their secrets have been divulged. And just for you. Finally, you can think and act like the "1-Percenters" who actually achieve lasting results.
Fitter Than the Pros
For the FIRST TIME EVER you can get inside the minds and lives of the very fitness gurus that you've looked up to for fitness, fat loss, and nutrition advice.
Here are a few inspiring lessons you can look forward to in each interview:
- How they overcame their "bad" habits,
- The motivators that drove them to create exceptional health and sexy physiques,
- The resources that have helped them cultivate "success mindsets"
- How they achieve balance in their lives in spite of being incredibly busy,
- What inspires them to lead healthy lives,
- The specific strategies they use to overcome life's challenges,
- Unique life-changing moments that shaped them into who they are today,
- The mentors and coaches that
Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Title: Fat Loss For Keeps
Author: Carolyn Hansen
How would you like to discover the secret to burning fat and keeping it off from someone who actually knows what they're talking about?
NO! This is not another Diet Book.
Let me show you how to put an end to dieting, double the calories you burn, and Lose Weight WITHOUT Feeling Hungry!
Here's what you'll discover...
- It's not all about what you eat. What you drink is important too.
- Do you like to eat out in restaurants? Go ahead, but read my mini restaurant survival guide first.
- Think fat-free is a good thing? Think again.
- Need ready-made meals plans so you don't have to spend time figuring out what to eat? I'll give you plenty.
- How ancestral genetics impact what we eat today.
- How to kick-start your natural metabolism and create a fat-burning engine.
- The secrets to creating an eating plan that matches your lifestyle.
- Hate to measure portions? Me too. That's why I show you how to "eyeball" portion sizes with uncanny accuracy.
- Too busy to prepare homemade meals every day? Check out this neat time-saving trick.
- Think there's no room for the word indulge when it comes to eating right? Ha! Live large and still lose weight.
- You probably
Title: Fight Gout
Author: Frank Mangano
"Finally, A Resource Designed To Combat Joint Pain And Gout Safely, Naturally And Most Of All Effectively Without The Use Of Any Harmful Drugs Or Surgery..."
Introducing The Mangano Method: An All-Natural Approach To Fight GoutÂ
Let's take a closer look at what you will discover within the pages of this life-changing information included here:
- Kicking Up Your Food - Here you'll learn about a special ingredient that will give your recipes a good kick that it needs while also serving as a natural pain killer.
- Eight Common Symptoms of Gout - Here you'll learn about the symptoms of gout so you don't mistake it for anything else.
- Leveraging The Doctor - Here I'll show you how to use a medical professional's knowledge to your advantage without being mislead.
- Gout And Your Life - Here we'll cover the basics and how gout can affect you and the one's you love.
- Decreasing Inflammation - Here I'll show you a vitamin that can not only decrease inflammation but also protect against joint damage that can be caused by gout.
- Identifying Gout - The first step in defense is recognition. Here you'll get a brief introduction to how to identify our gout.
- A Delicious Treat That Tops The Charts In Fighting Gout - Here you'll learn about a delicious fruit that was shown
Title: The Success System
Author: C Sparky
The Success System
Learn How To Put The Internet To Work For YOU!
PROVEN Step By Step Free Marketing System!
If you find yourself in one of the following difficult sitiuations than this book is for you!
Do you have lots of money but no time?
Do you have lots of time but no money?
Do you have no time and no money?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions than this book is for you.
This book will take you step by step how to set up a successful online business. If you are looking for a way to start making money online part time this maybe what you have been looking for. Most people dream of being able to make money online, an online business can help give you the freedom that you have been looking for.
Best Of All This Is A Simple System That Anyone Can Do!
You will learn how to put this Done For You System To work within a few days of reading this book.
It does not get any easyer than this...
It's your turn to make your dreams come true...
It's PROVEN To Work, It Can Work For You Too!
Ebook Type: Video Included,
Title: Knee Injury Solution
Author: Rick Kaselj
"Discover an Easy to Follow System that Ends Knee Pain For Good Without Relying on Expensive Pills or Invasive Medical Treatments!"
Your New Step-by-Step Pain Relief Program will Finally Give You the Help You Need to Eliminate Pain and Strengthen Your Knees for Life!
Here are the Benefits of The Knee Injury Solution Program:
- Print out ready workout sheets you can take with you and track the exercises you have done
- A quick 10 minute workout that you can do anywhere to make your knees stronger
- 9 exercises that you can do to fend off knee pain
- Exercises to do in order to increase knee movement, range of motion and decrease pain after knee surgery
- A comprehensive guide with photos and descriptions to help you do the exercises right
- A guide for those with knee pain due to an ACL injury so they have a better understanding of their injury
- Videos with easy to understand descriptions of each of the exercises
Premium Program includes all 5 Knee Injury Programs manuals and videos of each of the... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: Video Included,
Title: Steve Reeves Hercules Cookbook
Author: George Helmer
The new Steve Reeves Hercules Cookbook is packed with photos, insider stories about Steve Reeves, and of course, his favorite recipes.
Inside, you will have instant access to incredible information about nutrition, health, fitness, and so much more that you will never find anywhere else.
- Find out about how I found Steve's personal copies of these books and how I noticed that he underlined several vital sections. You will learn exactly what he underlined and the page numbers for easy reference
- Learn about the 3 forgotten books from the 40's and 60's that Steve used to put together his plan… that is just as relevant today as they were back then
- Steve's exact 100% natural “Competition Diet” he ate each day when he was training for competitions. Full breakfast, snacks, lunch, and dinners down to the exact measurement of each ingredient
- Ultra-fast muscle building secrets: Discover the framework of the never-before-revealed muscle building diet and foods Steve ate that allowed him to gain 19 pounds of muscle in a three week period (Privately, this was referred to the Mr. Universe Diet)
- Discover a little-talked about liquid that Steve drank daily with nearly every meal and swore by
- You'll get the full recipes for meals like: the muscle-building omelet, hamburger steaks, Pompeii garlic chicken, steak, the Hercules salad, side dishes and yes, even desserts
- Specific seasonal... Click here to read the full description!
Title: MASS Intelligence Training Manual
Author: Benjamin Pakulski
Discover How You Can Immediately Double Your Muscle Gains, Remodel ANY "Weak" Bodypart, Smash EVERY Plateau, All While Revealing Your Abs At The SAME Time...
A eye-opening article by IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski
Component 1: The 40-Day MASS Intelligence Training Manual
MI40 stands for Mass Intent is the only muscle-gaining system that makes a conscious INTENT to create TENSION in the muscle, relies on the intensifier NOS and exploits the scientific significance of the number 40 when it comes to rapid and permanent muscle growth.
The manual goes into depth explaining the science behind the intensifier technique NOS and how to execute Intent. I have used NOS & Intent to become one of the best bodybuilders on the planet and will rely on it right until the Mr. Olympia. You can use it to change your body & life.
Component 2: The 40-Day MASS Consumption Nutrition Manual
The Nutrition Manual teaches you how to achieve the most common goal -- building muscle & losing fat in less time. You want to get big & lean. You want to bulk up while staying ripped. You want size & cuts! They don't call me The Master Molder for nothing!
Component 3: The 40-Day MASS Instruction Workout Videos
Get coached by Big Ben and watch him guide world-class athletes like Figure Champ Emily Stirling, Bodybuilding Champion Matt Stirling, Pro Fitness Model Vince
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:
Title: Visual Impact Muscle Building
Author: Rusty Moore
Gaining 20 pounds of muscle is NOT impressive if 15 pounds of that is on your butt, thighs, and waist.
Why Simply Gaining XX Pounds of Muscle "Wherever it Winds Up" is Not the Route to An Attractive Body!
Gaining untargeted muscle is easy and over-rated. The problem with following the standard advice of concentrating on the "big 3" lifts (deadlift, squat and bench press) is that it will most likely create a terrible looking, bulky physique.
Just a Few of the Topics I Cover in this Course...
- Why simply training heavy and using "progressive resistance" doesn't guarantee that you will add muscle mass. Here is what does...
- A detailed explanation of what a mass building set "feels" like. This way you can be sure that each set actually builds the muscle instead of just making you sore.
- Why lifting heavy is better for tone and lifting light is better for mass. Almost everyone gets this switched around...get this right and you will be able to create the perfect look.
- How to specialize on a lagging body part without over-training...turning your weak body parts into strong points.
- A "bonus phase" strategy that will pack 5-10 pounds of fat free mass quickly onto your physique right before an event...insuring shrink-wrapped skin and full muscles.
- How to split up your routine if you don't want to add mass to your legs, hips, and butt...& how to structure routine if you do need to add size
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