Fitness ebooks

Walking for Fitness
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Title: Walking for Fitness
Have you always wanted to be as fit as an athlete but did not know how?
Here are some great tips on walking fitness that will really help you!
Do you ever wish that you could get in better shape, tone those muscles, lose some weight and achieve better health?
Fitness walking is an excellent way to do this; however, without the right tools and information, it could take you years to figure out the secrets to successful walking fitness. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to learn how to fitness walk the way you've always dreamed.
A few years ago, after a health scare, I knew I needed to get in better shape. Fitness walking seemed to be a great option; however, I didn't have a clue where or how to start.
With my health on the line; however, I knew I had to do something.
What I discovered completely changed the way I approached walking fitness! Now I walk for fitness all the time and love every minute of it.
How did I do it?
I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on walking fitness does just that!
Introducing ...
Walking for Fitness!
Everything you need to know about walking fitness is included
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Cycling For Life
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Title: Cycling For Life
Table Of Contents:
- Bicycle Apparel and Gear
- Heading into the sunset with the wind at your back
- Bicycle Types
- Biking Accessories Make Cycling for Life Easier
- Bicycle Seats and Comfort Bikes Make Cycling for Life Easier
- Biking Trailers and Cargo Bags Make Cycling for Life Easier
- Cycling as a Family Activity
- Competitive Cycling is a Phenomenon
- Cycling as an Excellent Form of Exercise
- Cycling for Cardio Health
- Cycling to Better Health
- Cycling for Life in the Best Biking Cities
- Cycling for Life By Biking to Work
- Great Bike Trails Around the United States
- Travel Trips for Cyclers
- Making the Most of Cycling With Biking Events
- How to Get Started
- Making the Most of Cycling With Organized Bike Rides
- The Cycling Vacation
- My neighbor is into biking like no one else
- No mud puddles to worry about on this bike
- The Health Benefits of Cycling for Life
- So, you're looking for a exercise program
- The Environmental Benefits of Cycling for Life
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Body Building: Get Ready To Get Ripped
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Title: Body Building: Get Ready To Get Ripped
Discover The Proven Secrets Of Pro Trainers In Achieving Massive Muscle Growth, Quickly & Easily!
Dear Friend,
Admit it. You're sick and tired of spending your life in the gym trying to bulk up your body, as you train endlessly for hours a day, with very little to show for it.
If this sounds like you, let me tell you; it's not your fault.
Ineffective methods are being taught all over the country, in gyms, training manuals and even by personal trainers who have absolutely no clue how to effectively gain weight and build muscle, not only quickly and easily but so it's sustainable.
There's no point in busting ass trying to get the body you're looking for only to discover that a few months down the road, you're back to the condition you were in before. The way you training right now is probably the VERY reason you have yet to experience the results you want, and need.
We're Not Genetically Blessed..
I used to believe that there was no physical possibility of ever bulking up and adding layers of muscle on my scrawny frame. I wasn't interested in jacking up on steroids and I wasn't going to put my health in jeopardy just for the chance to tower over the other guys at the gym.. just wasn't worth it.
I came from a family of rail thin dudes, and I figured there was no humanly way possible that I would ever be
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How to Get Perfect Abs
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Title: How to Get Perfect Abs
Want to lose the wobbly belly?...
"Learn The Secret of How to Get Perfect Abs!"
Dear Friend,
Do you want to have the body of your dreams, including six pack abs that are sculpted and perfect? Do you look at other people on the beach and envy their good bodies and wish that you had the body to wear the bathing suit you have always wanted? Have you tried starving yourself and exercising, only to find out that you did not achieve any sort of results?
You are not alone. There are a great many people out there who would love to have perfect abdominal muscles. A flat stomach and perfect abs not only make you look nicer, but they make your clothes fit better, too.
There are plenty of abdominal machines and exercise gadgets that promise results, but fall flat. How much money have you wasted trying to get the perfect abs, only to have some gadget sit in the back of your closet? This can be very frustrating, especially when you feel as though you are throwing your money away and not getting results.
Most of these products fail because they only give you one way to get to the abs of your dreams. And if this way doesn't work for you, you're out of luck. But it seemed that all of the advice to get flat abs was geared towards buying some type of gadget or some magic pill.
The only advice....until now!...
What if someone
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Distance Running
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Title: Distance Running
Discover How You Can Increase Your Running In A Matter Of A Few Months!
Dear Friend,
Now, you can implement the same kind of training that runners use to train for marathons, races and other running events! You can steal the strategies that runners use to get to the next level. You will be able to discover the secrets that they use to get to where they are at today.
If your running speed is not up to par, this report, "Distance Running - Pick The Perfect Running Program For YOU!", can help you get up to speed on the level that you need to be at with your running. There are six different running programs that explain how you can do just that, along with other tips that are crucial to your running success.
This could be the most important thing that you will ever read to make those strides that you need to make in your running pursuits.
This report will explain how you can train to be like some of the other runners that are involved in different races and marathons. Before you know it, you will be running in some of the most well known running events and being able to win, just because of the training that you received.
Also You Will Discover...
How eating right can help you while you are training. It is essential that you eat the right kinds of food in order to have the stamina you need to train. You must also have plenty of fluids to keep your body
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Title: Aerobics
Are You Looking For Effective Ways To Get Fit?
Dear Friend,
Doing the same thing and not getting effective results is called insanity. You don't want to be labeled insane, do you?
When you are exercising, you want to be able to see results. Since you're not, it's time for some new strategies.
Aerobics is supposed to fun and also get you fit and toned. This report, Aerobics (Discover Effective Tactics for Total Fitness), can show you how to get in shape and be fit! Your body will be toned; your muscles will be built and made lean once you try some of these exercises in this report.
You can just do any kind of exercises-you have to implement those that will make a difference for you! Anyone can exercise, but if it's not affecting them in a positive way, then it's a waste of time. These exercises will have you feeling good in no time. Just give them a shot and don't look back.
With aerobics, there are different kinds of exercises that you can do in order to get and stay fit. This report will show you how to do exercises you probably did not think fit in the category of aerobics. Once you see what they are, you'll probably say wow! These exercises are easy to do-some of them a child can do! So don't delay getting this report so that you can be on your way to a fit body right now!
There is a Solution to Get SUPER Fit!...
Get started now with
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Fat Free Forever
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Title: Fat Free Forever
Finally - The Fastest, Easiest Way To Not Only Lose The Weight But Keep It Off!
"Learn Why All Those Other Diet & Exercise Programs You've Tried Simply Don't Work"
And discover the one simple secret that will guarantee you stay fat free forever...
- Fed up with trying and failing to lose the weight and keep it off?
- Sick of exercise routines you can't stick to and diets that leave you half starved?
I know. I've been there too. Trying to lose that extra weight and ending up losing my mind instead. You see, that's where it all starts - in the mind. And that's the reason almost every other diet & exercise program fails. Thing is, most of us end of running out of motivation way before we run out of steam on the treadmill. We get bored. We feel deprived. We don't care enough to carry on.
That's where this program is different. It sets your head straight so your body can follow. It gives you the oh so simple but little known techniques that will guarantee success this time. Until sooner rather than later you wake up and realise that you've done it. You're fat free. What's more, you're going to stay that way. Sounds easy? It is.
Introducing The Easiest Way Ever To Lose The Weight And Keep It Off - Permanently!
Fat Free Forever is a scientifically prove program that guarantees to get you in your best
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Title: Fitness
Learn Home Workouts for That Perfect Body!
Dear Friend,
Everyone wants to look their very best! It is only natural to want your body to be strong, trim, and attractive! Not only will looking great make you feel good about yourself, it can improve your overall health and make you feel as good as you look!
There are many other benefits to having a body that is in its very best condition! When your body is fit and healthy, it will increase your self-esteem! This can do wonders to improve your social life, your business life, and virtually every other area of your life, too! You may not have realized how much you can gain from a body that is in top-notch condition-- until you begin to see the results for yourself!
All it takes is a little knowledge and preparation...
Getting your body in great shape is not nearly as difficult as you may think! The only catch is knowing what steps to take in a home workout routine, and which kinds of errors you need to avoid! When you have the facts in hand, you will know exactly how to plan the home workout routines that are the best for you, and avoid the pitfalls that can slow you down or be counterproductive!
You do not need to waste time, money, or energy on home workout ideas that are not right for you! Instead, the handy tips in this ebook will help you to develop a plan that will seem almost custom-made, just for you! Every
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Fast Fitness
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Title: Fast Fitness
"Get In Shape, Stay Active, And Start Living A Healthy Life While Balancing Your Work, Home And Family Needs . . .
If you have no time in your day . . . If you don't know the difference between a barbell and a cowbell . . . You can find a way to add simple, quick exercises to your daily regimens for a slimmer waistline, increased energy, and a happier life!
It can be hard to get to the gym after a long day at work.
Your family expects you back as soon as possible. You're pent up in a cubicle all day, never able to stretch. Or constantly leaving for business trips.
Anyone who's ever been in your shoes knows it can be difficult to keep a regular workout routine.
The truth is, you can get exercise without working out.
Dear Future Fit Friend,
Can't fit a minute in edgewise to your busy schedule?
When you're waking up at the crack of dawn, zooming to work, racing back to take care of the kids and trying to create time for your significant other, making the decision to start exercising can seem insane.
But your about to learn how you can fit simple, quick exercises into your day...even if you have to multi-task.
You can melt away those extra pounds, increase your energy and feel good about your health.
You're about to discover all the tips, tricks, and tactics of
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Fire Up Your Core
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Title: Fire Up Your Core
30 Ways To Get Rock Solid Abs
If you weaken the center of any freestanding structure it becomes unstable. Eventually, everyday wear-and-tear takes its toll, causing the structure to buckle under pressure. This is exactly what happens when the core muscles are weak - it compromises your body's ability to support the frame properly.
In recent years, there has been a lot of buzz about the importance of a strong core - and there is a valid reason for this. The core is where all of the powerful movements in the body originate - so it can essentially be thought of as your "center of power."
When most people hear the term "core," they automatically think of the abdominals. But the core is more complex than having a great "six pack." This section of the body consists of several different muscles that work simultaneously to provide a solid base of support for the upper and lower body.
Benefits of Doing Core Strength Exercises
- Having a strong core improves your performance in sports.
- Strengthening your core reduces the risk of injury -- especially to your spine.
- A strong core increases your overall coordination and stability
- A strong core protects your spine and helps shield it from injury
- Having a strong core improves your posture.
- Having a strong core increases the effectiveness... Click here to read the full description!
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