Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star.

Fitness ebooks

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Category: Fitness

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Title: Cubicle Fitness
Author: Michael Stark

Lose Weight and Gain Muscle Without Leaving Your Office!

Getting in shape is hard. Now you don't have to take valuable time out of your day to do it!

  • Gain strength and muscle
  • Lose unhealthy pounds
  • Keep time for yourself

If You've Ever Struggled With Finding the Time to Get and Stay in Shape...

  • You're too tired at the end of the day to even think about working out.
  • Home treadmills and stationary cycles are expensive and end up gathering dust.
  • Driving to the gym can take forever, and gym memberships are expensive.

There's no need to struggle anymore.

I'll show you how to get and stay in shape, even if you're short on time and money, and don't have much energy left over.

Luckily, my research led me to create this program, Cubicle Fitness -- a new way to exercise, get in shape, lose weight, and even gain muscle, in just minutes a day. Cubicle Fitness:

  • Can be done in literally minutes a day
  • Does not require specialized, expensive equipment
  • Can be done whenever you have a spare moment
  • Can work almost every muscle in your body

Here's what's included...

The History

No, you don't need to know the history of this technique in order to make it work. But it's illuminating and it can also be motivational to know that this technique has been used for thousands of

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Category: Fitness

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Title: Powerlifting For Women
Author: Lili Von Ohlen

Here's what YOU get with the Complete Guide To Powerlifting For Women eBook...

  • Powerlifting smart phone apps, iphone, ipad, blackberry Details of each lifting category to help you choose which you would compete in.
  • Powerlifting smart phone apps, iphone, ipad, blackberry Explanation of lifting commands for each exercise.
  • Powerlifting smart phone apps, iphone, ipad, blackberry Breakdown of competition weight classes.
  • Powerlifting smart phone apps, iphone, ipad, blackberry What techniques to avoid to ensure you don’t get disqualified in a competition.
  • Powerlifting smart phone apps, iphone, ipad, blackberry Complete glossary of powerlifting terms.
  • Powerlifting smart phone apps, iphone, ipad, blackberry A breakdown of the gear top powerlifters use for each event.
  • Powerlifting competiton preperation A three month beginner workout guide, with training logs to simplify every step.
  • Powerlifitng equipment explained Step by step tutorial of the squat, bench press and deadlift.
  • Powerlifting Federations Introduction to moderate and advanced powerlifting programs.
  • Powerlifting smart phone apps, iphone, ipad, blackberry Walking you through your first competition so you are prepared to compete.
  • Powerlifting smart phone apps, iphone, ipad, blackberry Weigh-in tips and tricks including our pound flush guide
  • Powerlifting smart phone apps, iphone, ipad,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness

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Title: Creative Body Dynamics

Finally released to the public. The evolutionary Health, Wellness and Fitness System which focuses on improving 'All of YOU' like never before.

The ‘Creative Body Dynamics System’ is a EVOLUTIONARY Health, Wellness and Fitness System which focuses on improving ‘All of YOU’ (Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually).

The Creative Body Dynamics System will allow you to remember and realise that ‘You Were Born To Be Amazing’ and then take you on a FUN and EMPOWERING life changing journey, one step at a time.

It will GUIDE you from wherever you are now, to wherever you Desire to be.

This System will positively change your life, whether you are a...

  • BEGINNER (never trained before or trained very little or infrequently)
  • INTERMEDIATE (trains on average 4 times a week at a fairly high intensity)
  • ADVANCED (high intensity training 5-7 times a week)

If your emotions and will power play tricks on you and you find yourself procrastinating and eating the wrong things, even when you know you shouldn’t but you just cannot seem to help yourself, then this System is definitely for you.

If you have ever struggled to lose weight, put on weight or maintain weight, then this System is for you.

Within minutes you will be given the tools and guidance to positively change your life like never before.

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Category: Body, Fitness

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Title: The Trouble Spot Training

Now You Can Use The World's ONLY 3 Phase Training System Proven To Target Your Most Stubborn Body Parts and Transform Your Trouble Spots – All While Quickly Burning Fat and Building Lean Muscle.

Yes, starting TODAY you can instantly coax your most difficult body parts to transform - all while achieving your ideal body shape WITHOUT performing thousands of useless crunches or WASTING your hard earned money on dangerous creams, pills and potions.

Even if you;

  • Have tried expensive spot reducing gimmicks
  • Have failed miserably in the past
  • Have been working out for years (or hardly at all)
  • Have skinny guy's syndrome
  • Have considered getting implants
  • Have terrible genetics and a slow metabolism
  • Are over the age of 40 (like me!)...

Most trainers and dieticians are DEAD WRONG when it comes to transforming trouble spots and are actually causing you more harm than good!

Today’s Most Popular Workouts Are STOPPING You From Transforming Your Trouble Spots and Targeting Your Worst Problem Areas

And you want to know the best part?

This isn't some "elite method" reserved for competitive athletes, fitness models, and bodybuilders with superior genetics.

YOU can use the EXACT same techniques to produce the exact same results – regardless of your genetics.

Believe it or not…these results are achieved

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Category: Fitness

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Title: TRX Training Extreme
Author: Carolyn Hansen

How To Use Suspension Training To Train And Tone Your Body!

Nowadays, just about everybody wants to keep fit and healthyand to walk around with an attractive body. All the same, most of individuals do not get sufficient time to join training courses and visit a gymnasium.

To make up for this issue, they may look for workout equipment that can assist them in losing a considerable amount of weight and getting in shape at home.

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Category: Fitness, Weight Loss

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Title: Rapid Abs in 7 Simple Steps


  • Do you feel frustrated because after doing 1000s of crunches, you deserve to see your abs?
  • Have you been searching for your abs for years?
  • Are you sick and tired of wearing one piece bathing suits or t-shirts to hide your stomach and feel like you’re doomed to be unhappy with your body forever?


  • Are you thinking that maybe you don’t even “have” abs at all?
  • Why haven’t your abs shown up yet? What’s taking so long?
  • Why are you still stuck on the endless treadmill of crunches and killer abs classes at your gym with nothing to show for it?
  • Are you eating all the wrong foods? What are the secrets that other people know that you don’t know about?


  • What if you could pull your shorts low and proudly show off those super flat abs?
  • What if you could strut around in that cute little bikini you saw at the boutique last week?
  • How amazing will you feel when you throw on that old pair of jeans from high school, and the waistband is actually loose on you! Imagine all your friends, and even complete strangers, coming up to you and asking you how you got such an amazing six-pack?
  • What will it mean to you when people start coming up to you and asking you – “What’s your
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness, Weight Loss

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Title: Ripped Cardio
Author: Dustin Boswell

The Following Techiques are Proven to Burn 3x More Fat...in Just 10-30min.!

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar to you?

  • You’ve become bored with regular old cardio and need more variety in your workouts to get inspired again
  • You don’t want to think about creating your own workouts at the gym (You would rather just “pick a done-for-you workout” and get to it)
  • You are working out regularly but you are not seeing fast enough(if any) results and your motivation is slipping
  • You need fat loss results faster than your current plan is providing
  • Or you’re just tired of having to do…loooongggg….slow….cardio consisting of an hour or more to get results

If you are familiar with any other these thought processes then listen up!

When you work out at a higher intensity you create a ‘metabolic disturbance’ which allows the body to continue burning calories at a much higher level after your workout is completed – up to 24 hours!

We call this effect Afterburn

Ripped Cardio promises to teach you:

  • How you can easily and quickly achieve the “Afterburn” Effect (to continuously burn calories for up to 24 hours post workout)
  • How you can use High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to burn fat 3x faster than normal cardio
  • How you can maintain lean muscle mass while burning
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Body, Fitness

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Reviewed by Wilson on 2022-09-13
My Rate 5
Excellent!!!Success starts in the mind. . . where the mind
flows. . . the body goes. I cannot stress enough how
important the mind factor is.

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-09-03
My Rate 5
this is very useful book its help a lot . thank you ebook

Reviewed by kinshuk prawal on 2016-03-12
My Rate 4
very useful book. contains easy to understand language and tips

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Title: Instant Muscle Advantage

Your  no-nonsense ebook to building maximum muscle in minimum time with the least amount of effort… scientifically based and real world tested by former Mr Australia and personal trainer, Richard Hargreaves.

Just Add Water (and a little sweat)” covers 4 main areas. Author considers these the 4 key elements to muscle building success: Exercise, Attitude, Diet, and Ergogenics (performance enhancers). The exercise section reveals a secret muscle building training routine that has proved to be the most effective for packing on muscle fast that Richard has come across in his 3 decades of experience.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.66 after 3 votes)
Category: Diet, Fitness, Health

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Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-09-01
My Rate 5
i wanna try this. i really like the idea of this book i dont need to worry about loosing my fat belly,,

Reviewed by Satish on 2016-03-14
My Rate 5
Obesity is the mother of all problems. And weight loss industry is expanding leaps and bounds. People are craving for different methods in getting their weight reduced. Majorly several victims are wasting money by not choosing proper weight loss methodologies.

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Title: Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss
Author: Mike McCloy

Intermittent fasting is quickly becoming the most discussed weight loss concept in the weight loss industry today. Like a lot of other breakout diets, intermittent fasting (IF) is spreading very rapidly. A huge difference to most of the other diets though is that IF is gaining ground regardless of the fact that the practice challenges many long-held beliefs about nutrition. In fact, incorporating IF as a lifestyle forces you to eat much differently to those assumptions. The major difference in eating habits, along with excellent testimonials is what's creating the vast popularity.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Body, Health, Fitness

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Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-11-14
My Rate 5
Great ebook really i find so much info in it help me

Reviewed by Yasin Aberra on 2014-08-27
My Rate 5
I learned so much from reading this book. I was able to start my my journey in building muscle with such a easy guide.

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Title: Muscle Building 101
Author: Jacob Stern

Bodybuilding is the process of developing muscle fibers through various techniques. It is achieved through muscle conitioning, weight training, increased calorie intake, and resting your body as it repairs and heals itself, before restarting your workout routine.

Workouts are designed to focus on speciific muscle categories or groups, and foods are consumed with the intention to build the bodys metabolism and increase overall mass.

Some people refer to weight training as strength training. While they are not exactly the same, the are both similar to each other.

The basic priniciples of weight training are pretty much the same as those of strength training..

Equipment used in weight training includes barbells, dumbbells, pulleys, and stacks in the form of weight machines or the bodys own weight as in push ups and chin-ups.

What you eat is also a big factor in gaining muscles, its actually said that gaining muscle is 70 percent what you eat and 30 percent working out.So knowing what exactly to eat can benefit you a lot.

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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
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