If a law were passed giving six months to every writer of a first book, only the good ones would do it.
Bertrand Russell

Fitness ebooks

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Title: The Art of Scolling Steel

Discover How to Turn "Unbendable" Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.

The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.

Here's Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:

  • Maximize Your Leverage: You'll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
  • Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that'll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
  • Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb
  • How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you'll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
  • Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you'll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
  • Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
  • Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You'll learn what types of gloves and pads to use,... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: Video
Category: Fitness

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Title: Thrive90 Fitness
Author: Tony DiLorenzo, Dustin Riechmann

As we get older, get married and start a family, our priorities change and our schedules become packed with many good things.

As you focus on serving those you love, it’s easy to lose sight of how vital it is that you take care of yourself. That’s when the extra pounds start to pile on and bring their friends tired and stressed along for the ride.

Thrive90 Fitness was designed specifically to take you by the hand and lead you to the best shape of your life while keeping your family first.

Follow this proven “step-by-step” program in the comfort of your own home for only 15-30 minutes per day and immediately start to enjoy:Satisfaction Guaranteed - Burst Badge Blue

  • Watching stubborn flab melt away and be replaced with lean, toned muscle
  • Renewed energy that will put the bounce back in your step all day long
  • A re-energized sex life that will make newlyweds envious
  • Mental clarity that will keep you focused all day
  • Self confidence that will make you radiate at home, work & in the bedroom

Thrive90 Fitness isn’t like other programs you’ve tried – it’s designed specifically for you and your hectic life:

  • EVERY workout can be done in your home without the need to drive to, tolerate or pay for a gym!
  • EVERY workout is 30 minutes or less and many are less than 20 minutes!
  • This program was designed to be
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Ebook Type: PDFVideo Included,
Category: Fitness

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Title: Claim Your Six Pack Abs
Author: Carolyn Hansen

Strip Away Your Excess Belly Fat And You Won't Just Look Great - You'll Feel 10 Years Younger!

But You'll Need A Map To Get There - A SIMPLE BLUEPRINT For Sustainable Fat Loss Built On QUALITY Workouts And HEALTHY Meals. The Good News? We Just Happen To Have One...

The truth is, you don't need six pack abs to take over a social scene this way, or to improve your health to such an extent that your risk for chronic health conditions falls away dramatically. But in Claim Your Six Pack Abs I am going to show you how to go about getting that body anyway.

All you need is a proper fat loss blueprint to guide you, and that's something I can provide you with.

The content of the book has been broken into 4 core chapters as follows:

  • Truths You Must Understand If You Are Ever Going To Lose Your Belly Fat And Acquire Six Pack Abs
  • The Midsection Matters
  • Abdominal Exercise Routines
  • The Fat Burner Eating Plan

All up, Claim Your Six Pack Abs contains a little more than 100 pages of content. You will not find any extraneous material in the book placed there to simply get the page number up. I run my material past several trusted aquaintances before my ebooks ever go before the public, and believe me, if I add anything that isn't directly related to the subject of the ebook, or which begins to put them to sleep they tell me in no uncertain terms! So you will find that everything you need to know

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Category: Fitness, Sports

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Title: The Complete Guide To Core Training For Athletes
Author: Jerry Shreck

Discover the SECRET Methods most College Strength Coaches don’t share to develop Superior Athletes

This is exactly what I am giving you:

110 Selected Exercises

  • Weighted-Barbell, Dumbbell, Kettle Bells, Plates: These exercises involve a weighted implement and can be easily included before, during, or after a weight training session in the weight room.
  • Body Weight: Exercises that can be done anywhere and require no equipment. These are great for after conditioning sessions out on the field, court, pool deck, or track.
  • Stability Ball: These will require a stability/physio-ball. These exercises are not just about stabilization but also concentric and eccentric properties.
  • Bosu Trainer: These will require the use of a Bosu Trainer. These have become very popular lately and it is because they can produce great results in the area of kinesthetic awareness (knowing where your body is in space).
  • Medicine Ball: These movements will require a medicine ball or weighted D-Ball. These are great for power and strength development.
  • Cable Machine: A cable machine is the preferred tool for these listed exercises but if you are clever; the majority of these could be done with bands if a cable machine is not available.
  • Glute/Ham Developer: These are some of the most advanced exercises in this manual and are not for beginners or novice lifters.
  • 45 Degree Back Extension: All of these
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fitness, Sports

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Title: Power to Pedal
Author: Robin Robertson



  • Do you miss the feeling of euphoria of physical accomplishment – or maybe want to find out what it is all about?
  • Are you bummed that you can’t compete (or push yourself) at the level that you used to? …Because too many things hurt or you are too out of shape?
  • Are you searching for something to make you feel more vibrant, stronger, and give you more energy…..
  • Maybe you haven’t ridden your bike since you were a kid and are worried about joining a spinning® class because it just looks too intense (don’t worry, I’ll show you how to do it, at your own level).
  • Or you are just tired and discouraged by always working hard but not seeing improvement or real results?
  • Have you had an adventure thinking that you could easily ride 10, 20, or even 30 miles and found that you were in a world of hurt and seriously wishing that you could hop a ride with the next truck that drove by?
  • Or was it that the last time you were on a bike you were working hard but found your knees, your back, your hiney were screaming at you by the time you finished. There was nothing fun about that…(and I will show you how to avoid all of those problems)
  • Maybe you already know the benefits of... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness

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Title: Elite Flow Program
Author: Wilson Meloncelli

At Long Last... Absolutely everything you will ever need to know to live in the Flow State in one easy place..

If your an athlete who is looking to take yourself to the next level, then you’re about to discover the fastest and simplest way to induce and train in the Flow State from just the very first workout...

In The Practise Of Flow You Will...

  • Harness the Flow State so you can access anytime
  • Boost your athletic performance
  • Calm under competitive pressure
  • Smash Personal Best's
  • Discover the tools that separate the champions from the competitors.
  • Have More Consistency
  • Maximise Physical and Mental Strength
  • Focus reactive mindset

You must know that flow isn't for everybody. In fact, if you fit into any of the brackets below then this powerful training technique simply isn't for you

  • Wants the easy way to get results
  • People that follows the latest fad
  • Lacking driver to successed.
  • Do not understand the mind body connection
  • Don’t want to put the hard work in
  • Lacking the desire to succeeded.

What does the Flow State feel like?

  • Strong concentration and focused attention.
  • Clear goals that, while challenging, are still attainable.
  • The activity is intrinsically rewarding.
  • Timelessness: a distorted sense of time; feeling so... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness

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Title: Bodyweight Pilates

Discover Why The Bodyweight Pilates Method Is The Perfect Fit To Achieve A Flat Tummy, Get Your Slimmest Body Ever, While Enjoying Your Favorite Foods And Get Long Lasting Results!

Here’s what you’ll discover…

  • How a series of Pilates workouts can positively transform your body with fewer reps than other workouts.
  • Done-for-you Pilates system designed to melt away fat and tone your body all in one functional short workout.
  • Fully demonstrated videos of all the exercises to make sure you are doing the moves correctly and effectively.
  • A simplified nutrition plan designed in a 6-week program that includes a grocery list to make it easy for you to shop.
  • How to do interval training with Pilates and Cardio without spending money on expensive equipment.
  • My functional body-toning techniques are designed to melt away fat, slim and strengthen your body; avoiding injury that can cause you to stop working out and gaining those unwanted pounds back.
  • How feeling taller, slimmer and stronger is just a few of the benefits of Pilates. The series of Pilates moves won’t leave your body stiff and bulky.
  • A complete plug-and-play system you can do in the comfort of your home. You won’t have that feeling of uneasiness with being starred at when you go to those fitness centers.
  • Your body will start to crave the Pilates workout and you find yourself
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Category: Fitness

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Title: Industrial Strength Grip
Author: Adam Glass

How YOU Can Dramatically Thicken Your Wrists, Forearms and Biceps FAST and Lift MORE WEIGHT With Every Single Movement.

What EXACTLY will you learn in Industrial Strength Grip Vol 2?

Section 1: Grippers

  • Why location really is everything. Three simple positioning tips that will increase your crushing strength by at least 25 percent when you use them.
  • Learn about the best grippers on the market — put your money here and you will never be disappointed.
  • The three most important items you will need with your gripper for continued gains.
  • Discover a proven strategy used by the worlds top grip athletes to consistently progress to tougher grippers while avoiding injury and stagnation.
  • How to use a grip master’s plateau breaker to smash through walls of frustrating stagnation.
  • Heed this word of warning: Ignore one common suggestion to avoid a painful hand injury and aching joints.

Section 2: Pinch

  • How to add 5 to 10 percent to your best lifts by adding just one extra exercise to your training.
  • Why pinch training is a must if you lift kettlebells or barbells.
  • Avoid the No. 1 mistake everyone else is making when they pinch lift. I'll give you a hint: It has nothing to do with the hands!
  • Learn the set-up technique that captured 9 pinch lift world records for me in just a single year of training.
  • Save your money by getting
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Ebook Type: Video
Category: Fitness

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Title: Superhero Sprints
Author: Dennis Heenan

This method is the best training style when looking to turn your body from a zero to HERO, fast!

So what exactly makes up the Superhero Sprints System?

SHS ResultsAs I am sure you can guess by now: Sprints!

Once again, don’t go running off because you hear the word sprints. Sprints are certain exercises that are done at your highest intensity for a short period of time, followed by a short rest and repeat.

When you sprint, you literally force your body to burn unwanted fat. And yes, this means the hard to burn belly fat! Not only that, but sprinting promotes:

  • Lean muscle growth
  • Maximal fat burn
  • Boosted metabolism allowing for longer periods of fat burn
  • Better heart health and cardiovascular
  • Improved insulin sensitivity

And that is just to name a few!

This easy to follow manual includes all 6 weeks of Superhero Sprint Workouts. These are the exact workouts that allow the ISMT method to work so well. PLUS, you will also learn:

  • Discover the real workouts that Superhero’s engage in so that you can burn tons of fat, add lean muscle, and transform your body like never before!
  • Revealed: Foods that suck the life out of you (these are your real life Kryptonite’s!)
  • Learn how to eat like a Superhero so that you can burn fat around the clock, be constantly energized and focused, and get fit... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: Video Included,
Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: Brilliant Yoga
Author: Sarah Sanders

Soon you'll experience....

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Eliminated need for toxic stimulants like coffee and energy drinks
  • Increased ability to exercise freely
  • A sleek, slim and toned body
  • Quicker recovery time from injuries
  • Improved aerobic capacity
  • Better, sharper balance and overall core strength
  • Less stiffness and soreness
  • Increased back, neck, shoulder and hamstring comfort and flexibility
  • Increased energy and vitality

Take A Quick Look At What You'll Find Inside....

  • Proven system for everything you need to know to make your yoga practice fun & exciting - whether you're a beginner or a longtime practitioner.
  • Complete step-by-step overview of all the ways yoga can cure, alleviate or minimize the most common problems you're dealing with - from stress to chronic fatigue, weight problems to athletic overuse injuries, and depression to prenatal needs.
  • Comprehensive, easy-to-understand eBook that covers EVERY aspect of yoga in a useful, informative and highly enjoyable way - from what yoga is to yoga and your body and mind, to designing the perfect yoga practice for yourself, to every asana you'll ever need, and specific prescriptions to "treat" fatigue and stress, depression, lack of energy weight loss, toning, and - for women - even help you thrive through your entire
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