E-Business ebooks

How I Sell Thousands of Products From Home Using the Net
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: How I Sell Thousands of Products From Home Using the Net
Author: Marlon Sanders
Dear Friend,
If you'd like to sell products like crazy from home using your PC -- without spending life's savings -- this report may be the single most important one you'll see this year.
Because I've sold hundreds of thousands of dollars of products and services using my computer, an Internet connection, my brain and common software.
My fixed overhead is low since I work at home. And the profits can be mind-blowing, considering that other people do my most of marketing and advertising for me.
Plus, since people around the world buy products from me, I'm diversified in case my country's economy goes to pot.
But enough about me.
This is about you. And how you can copy my system of selling products from home using your computer, common software -- and your brain.
Do you have a homebased business? Have you thought about starting one? Do you have a product or service to sell? Then this could be the answer you're looking for. It has been for many others.
I'm truly touched by all the letters we've received from around the world from people who have been helped by our information. We literally have over 200 pages of published, documented testimonials for our products.
You can see a few in the red sidebar.
As you can see, people get enthusiastic when they talk about my information and systems. Why? Because there is nothing more exciting than

Money From Home
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(priced for $39.95 or less).
Title: Money From Home
Simple Question - Are You Looking For Proven & Powerful Ways Of Creating Home Based Income Streams?
If You Answered "YES", Then "Money From Home!" Was Designed Just For You!
Dear Friend,
If you're really trying to make your way into the work-from-home field, but seem to be having no luck then I really sympathise - there is a lot of misinformation, a lot of phoney schemes and a lot of bold claims that can make anyone want to put their hands up in the air and sigh "I Give Up!".
Let me tell you though, there are many simple, easy and low cost ways of making money right from home. While I cannot guarantee that you'll make one amount or another (I don't even know you, so how could I), there are many people succeeding wildly using the very same methods and step-by-step techniques that are revealed in this stunning new ebook. Ordinary people like you are creating six figure incomes, and they are doing it while watching their favourite TV shows right out of their home office. You're literally moments away from discovering how you can do exactly the same.
The Information In This Course, And In The Resource Vault Plus Monthly Newsletter Is Worth Far More Than $1,000 IF You Use It!
Priceless. That's actually how I would describe even one of the blueprints that are waiting for you inside "Money From Home". It would be possible to create a full time income using just one of these methods - so what value would... Click here to read the full description!

The ezy ebook Guide
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: The ezy ebook Guide
Author: John Williams

Make Money From Home
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Title: Make Money From Home
Author: Shawn Nelson
This Is Far More Than An e-Book - It Is A Complete Package That Will Show You Exactly How & Where To Create Several Home Income Streams That Will Last For Decades Into The Future!
Dear Home Income Enthusiast,
I'm sure that like me you're getting sick and tired of long sales letters that take 2 pages to get to the point - after all your time is by far the most valuable resource you have so I promise to make this offer short and to the point.
My name is TUKS and for a while now I've been enjoying several income streams that have all been derived from the internet. If you like, I will share these with you so that you can do the same. Before going on let me tell you something that you really need to know:
"Only 10% of the opportunities that you see regarding making money online have a realistic chance of YOU profiting from them. Most are designed to make the system owners rich."
How can I be sure? Because since first starting to eek out a living on the internet many years ago I have invested thousands of dollars in trying out what works and what doesn't. Even the 90% of products that yielded nothing (autoblasters, pay to see email etc) were very valuable as part of my learning curve (and that's all making money online is about - mastering a learning curve before you hit the big bucks).
Now I'll Share With You The Exact Same Methods That Will Allow You To Create Multiple Streams Of Income
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Building A Virtual Corporation
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(priced for $49.95 or less).
Title: Building A Virtual Corporation
How Can A Minimum-Wage Paid Success Seeker Transform Into The Owner Of A Six-Figure Business...
...With As Little As A Phone And A $20 Internet Connection?"
Buckle Up... You're Seconds Away From Being Spoon-Fed Tons Of Valuable, Earth-Shattering Virtual Corporation Secrets!
If you're anything like me you want answers. Real, no fluff, no filler no BS answers. Grant me the simple favor of reading this message and you will leave this website knowing a lot more than you ever imagined!
Dear Friend,
I'm assuming you already know that more and more businesses are adapting to technology and converting to online selling methods, right? Today, no company is successful without understanding that going virtual is vital in creating a dynamic, profitable venture.
But Wait, Let Me Ask You This...
How is it possible... that someone who worked in a factory with the reading ability of a 12 year old... can kick total butt in business and embarrass a hoard of guru's by making a six, even seven-figure track record - without even having a company building?
How is it possible... that "wannabe" successful entrepreneurs are using shoestring budgets to transform their small, one-man home businesses into internet company's that carry the feel of respect, authority and trust -- and the profits to match?
Sounds too good to be true? You bet! But the fact

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People are always trying to save money, especially with today's economy. No matter what your reason for saving, through this ebook, you will learn ways never considered.
The price of everything has gone up, requiring people to be more conscientious about money. The problem is that by the time the mortgage, car, utilities, and credit cards are paid, there is little money to put aside. Saving money is not that hard, just a matter of learning all the different options and being creative.
In addition to the obvious of putting money into a retirement fund or savings account, there are hundreds of ways to save money. Although some ways of saving may not seem like much, once you add them up at the end of the year, you will see how substantial the savings really are. Keep in mind that saving is more than a single lump sum of money put aside. Saving is something found in your everyday life by the way you live and the choices you make.
Rome was not built in a day and neither will your bank account be. Each penny saved is one more penny than before. If you have the ability to save big, that is great. However, most people are not in that position, which is why this ebook will show you how little savings can add up quickly.
Be encouraged that it is never too late to start saving, regardless of your age. Set your mind that now is the time to start building your future.
Ready or not, here are 97 ways to begin saving a fortune!...

Ezine Resource Guide
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Title: Ezine Resource Guide
Author: Jimmy Brown
....EVERY Publisher Needs to Use
218 Free and Low-Cost Resources for Ezine Publishers (like YOU!)...
Dear Ezine Publisher:
Let me make your life as an ezine publisher easier. (And earn you some extra income in the process :o)
I've asked Laurie Rogers (who is an absolute resource pack-rat and can't bear the thought of deleting any link from her bookmarks!) to put together a resource manual especially for folks just like yourself.
And she has assembled one of the most complete resource manuals available anywhere on the subject of publishing an email newsletter.
In the Ezine Resource Manual, you'll learn things like...
- 19 hot spots for obtaining FREE ezine content for any newsletter. You'll have a ready-made database of thousands of high-quality articles you can publish inyour own newsletter. HINT: And if you write articles yourself, you can add your own material to these databases and allow other publishers to publish YOUR materials!
- An all-in-one submission page for quick and easy access to the top 37 ezine directories. With this handy submission page, you can strategically submit your ezine, description and subscribe details to the top FREE directories online.
- 16 content lists that regularly send you the latest articles from well known publishers, allowing you to provide your readers with fresh, up-to-the-minute articles.
- 6 simple ways to swap advertising space via... Click here to read the full description!

InfoProduct Riches - Action Guide
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Title: InfoProduct Riches - Action Guide
Author: Bob Bastian
- You're About To Possess The World's Most Powerful Info Product Secrets That The 'Gurus' Want Hidden From You Forever!
This Step By Step Course Will Obliterate Every Obstacle To Your Information Empire And Hand You Wads Of Cash Like An Out Of Control Money-Sucking Machine...From Any Niche You Want And At Any Time You Want!
Dear Friend,
Let me put it to you bluntly - information sells like crazy!
It doesn't matter which market you go into, or if it's online or offline...the easiest and hottest selling 'commodities' are at their very core informative.
Here's why...
People buy things because they want to discover and know more about topics they're interested in, and they will continue buying because knowledge is infinite.
Think about it. When and why have you purchased information yourself?
You don't need me to tell you this but...
Information Sales Is Responsible For BILLIONS In Profits Every Year!
One thing's for sure: If you want to rake in huge income on a consistent basis on the internet, then you need to focus on selling information.
More importantly, you need to sell the right information to the right people who are looking precisely to buy it.
Sounds easy? It is. This is a real 'secret' to online success.
The question is...
How Can YOU Profit Like Crazy From This For A Real Slice Of The Multi-Billion Dollar Cash
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

eBay Dropship Profits!
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Title: eBay Dropship Profits!
Author: Tim Knox
- How can I use dropshipping to start my own eBay business?
- What is dropshipping and how can it work for me?
- Can I really start with no out-of-pocket costs?
- Where can I find reputable dropshippers?
- What are my profit margins?
- Where do I begin?
Table of Contents
About The Author
SPECIAL REPORT: eBay Dropship Profits
- What Is The Process of Dropshipping Work?
- What Is Dropshipping?
- What Is The Step-By-Step Process For Using A Dropshipper?
- Locate A Supplier Who Will Dropship For You
- Choose A Product To Sell
- Set Up An Account With The Dropshipper
- The Product Sells
- Advertise The Product For Sale
- Place The Order With the Dropshipper
- What Kind Of Profit Margins Can I Expect With Dropshipping?
- Step 7: Follow Up After The Sale
- Can I Make Money Off The Shipping Charges?
- What Are The Advantages of Dropshipping?
- Do I Need A Tax ID and Business License?
- What Are The Disadvantages of Dropshipping?
- Are All Dropshippers Reliable?
- How Do I Deal With Minimum Purchase Requirements?
- What Is A Middleman?
- What About Refunds?
- Who Is Responsible For Dealing With Customer Issues?
- How Can I Be Sure A Product Is

My Early Days on the Net
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(priced for $14.95 or less).
Title: My Early Days on the Net
Author: John Delavera
Warning: History does NOT have to repeat itself! With this information, you may be able to speed up your entry and expansion into the Internet marketing arena, spend less and earn more now. No experience necessary.
Dear Internet WannaBe-Marketer,
If you're tired of "Information Overload" and don't want to waste more hard earned $$ looking for just the right ebook, course or other information product that will really get you moving in the right direction, great. You can stop looking. It's right here.
Don't Spend Another Minute Struggling to Come Up With Internet Jargon Without This Powerful Resource
At Last! A Manual That Helps Average Joe, Newbies and ALL Wanna-be Marketers To Understand How Internet & Marketing WORK - in Simple English...!
My Early Days on the Net
A Collection of Powerful How-To Articles
You Get The Rights to Sell This New Resource and Keep ALL the Profits!
What's in it for me?" you might wonder...
Inside My Early Days on the Net, you will:
- Understand once and for all how HTML, Search Engines, Spiders, Robots, Meta Tags, and SSI tags work. I know there are other guides too - but this is the BEST one... I can and am going to make YOU understand how HTML works and how you can write your own CODE in just 1 lesson! That's a GUARANTEE! Put my knowledge to work and see the difference in your marketing and sales campaigns!
- Gain knowledge of
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