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William Lyon Phelps

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7 Infamous Resell Rights Questions Answered

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Title: 7 Infamous Resell Rights Questions Answered

How would YOU like to have your Frequently Asked Questions ANSWERED?

In the last 4 to 5 years, the popularity of Resell Rights soared and crept into the Internet Marketing arena, even though the concept of reselling and retailing have been practiced for a very long time in the conventional world of business.

If you have no clue as to what Resell Rights is, how Resell Rights work and how you can make full advantage of Resell Rights to explode your profits with digital products, this ebook is for you.

7 Infamous Resell Rights Questions Answered compiles a collection of seven (7) most Frequently Asked Questions on the topic of Resell Rights with their answers, clearing the fogging myth and busting the hype!

Table of Contents

Infamous Question #1:
Are all Resell Rights products the same in terms and conditions?
Infamous Question #2:
What is the difference between Resell Rights & Pvt. Label Rights?
Infamous Question #3:
How do I compete with other Resellers who own the same product?
Infamous Question #4:
What Ways Can I Profit from Resell Rights products?
Infamous Question #5:
What Should I Look for in a Product before Purchasing Its Rights?
Infamous Question #6:
Where are the Best Places to Search

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Traffic, Signups, & Sales System

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Title: Traffic, Signups, & Sales System
Author: Brett Ingram

"You're About to Learn the Biggest Secret to Building Any Type of Online Empire without Risking 1 Penny."

Dear Friend,

If you have dreams of building an Internet Marketing empire that generates enough cash for you to quit your job, requires only a few hours of work per day, and allows you to live your dream lifestyle, this letter could be the turning point in your business, your finances, and your life.

I'm not sure what you think or know about running a profitable online business, but the truth is you only need to do 3 things to make it work:

Generate traffic to your sites - I'm sure this isn't a new idea to you, but the first step in making any money online is getting people to visit your site. The important point that's often missed about traffic, however, is that you need to do it consistently, and you need a way to do it that you know costs you less than you earn from it. All the traffic in the world is great, but if you go broke getting it you won't have much of an empire.

Capture targeted prospects on an email subscriber list - the fact is, the most valuable asset you'll ever own for your online marketing is your list of subscribers. Why? Because they are targeted, they believe you can offer them some value, and they will buy on your recommendation again and again--which is the #1 source of

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Category: E-Business

Public Domain Profits

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Title: Public Domain Profits

Are you lost trying to build a successful online business? Then drop at once what you are doing and...

Discover the magic secret of creating instant content!
And create best-selling information products again and again and again!

Dear Friend,

Do you want a secret that:

  • You can use to build a virtual empire of information products?
  • Can help you start your online business in as less as a week?
  • Will give you the 'inside dope' on the best source of FREE content?

(Yes, you read that right, FREE content!)

Imagine have an almost endless supply of fresh, high quality niche content that you can use time and time again to create instant information products day in and day out? No expensive ghostwriting fees, no sleepless nights spent furiously writing up new content for your next bestseller.

What am I talking about? What's the big secret?

Every Internet Marketer selling you pre-packaged content is giving you little value for your money!

How can I make this tall claim? Look at the facts:

  • Every other week or so a new public domain or niche content package is released - with hundreds of buyers snapping up the products, you get market saturation - Everyone is selling the same content, so immediately your chances of being a niche leader... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business


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Author: Jimmy D. Brown

How to Actually Produce Profits By Using the Power of Ema

Hi. This is Jimmy D. Brown of Welcome to this special report that I've put together to share with you a new strategy that very few people are using with their email marketing.

In fact, after applying what I'll teach you, there's a good possibility that you may be the ONLY person using this strategy in your particular niche.

And, even if you are involved in some highly competitive, overly saturated field like "internet marketing", only a few will be up to speed on using this one.

Here's your chance to separate yourself from the competition.

What I want you to pay particular attention to as you discover this technique and think of ways to apply it yourself is this: watch it unfold before your very eyes.

You see, THIS REPORT - the way it was requested, the way it was delivered, the way it is structured - is a case study of the strategy itself.

That's right, what you are now reading IS the very system I am about to describe to you IN ACTION.

So, as you read through the "keys" for success a bit later in this report, take a closer look at what you are reading ... and you'll see that I "practice what I preach".

This very report is the strategy come to life.

As you read each "key", think about how I have applied that key here and you'll be able to see better how YOU can apply it to your own email

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Category: E-Business

BBO Adwords Formula

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Title: BBO Adwords Formula

Tired Of Paying Too Much For Google Adwords?

Discover How An Ex-Google Employee Built An Opt-In List of 5322 Subscribers In Just 10 Days While Paying Only $0.06 Per Click!

If you want to start from scratch and use an inexpensive method to build up a powerful list in the next 10 days, then grab this special interview right now...

Ok, let me ask you a simple question.

If you could talk to somebody who has worked at Google for over 5 years and has helped thousands of clients make more money with Google Adwords, what would you ask?

Would you ask...

  • How can I pay only $0.06 per click and build a list of over 5000 prospects in only 10 days...
  • How can I prevent my account from being "slapped?"
  • How can I build the perfect squeeze page that Google not only accepts, but loves?
  • How can I make $5 for every dollar that I spend on Google Adwords within my first month?!

Well, now is your chance.

You see, I interviewed Simon and found out exactly how he did it.

This isn't some interview that simply contains incomplete information - I actually convinced Simon to spill his guts on how he built his 5000+ list in only 10 days...

I'll be honest - I am NOT a Google Adwords expert.

I do use Adwords quite regularly, but I have struggled

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Category: E-Business

CPA Explosion

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Title: CPA Explosion

"Not Making Money With PPC Anymore? Explode Your Profit Potential With CPA"

AdSense and other PPC forms of website monetization are dead.

I'm sorry, you've heard that already?

AdSense has been dead for a while now - it's nothing new.

Most people know that AdSense isn't profitable anymore and that the best days of the whole PPC advertising model have already passed them by.

Here's the funny thing though. Everyone I talk to tells me how horrible business is with PPC and how much profits have dwindled, but no one tells me they stopped using it to monetize their site.

If AdSense isn't making you money, why do you continue using it? I've long since ditched PPC for my advertising profits, switching instead to CPA. I couldn't be happier.

Cost Per Action, or CPA, is a fresh new way to monetize your website. If you are having difficulty making money with your current websites, then it's time to start learning how CPA can work for you.

CPA is a system that has the potential to pay you significantly more money than conventional campaigns. While with PPC you might be making $0.30 per click, with CPA you can make as much as $40 per action. You can drive less traffic, have fewer hits on your website, and still make MUCH more money.

CPA is an easy and innovative way to capitalize on whatever traffic you are getting, even if it's just a few dozen hits a day.

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Category: E-Business

Exploiting Ezine Articles

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Title: Exploiting Ezine Articles

Little Known Secrets Of The Guru's To Be Revealed...


Now YOU can be one of the select few to test drive this potent secret weapon and finally earn what you have been longing to online!!

Dear Promising Internet Marketer,

Did you know that you could be missing out on tons of leads, opt-in's, and sales right this very moment?

Did you know that you could be increasing your online income by leaps and bounds all by exploiting one of the most popular websites on the internet today?

If you haven't figured out which site I'm talking about, let me let you in on a little known secret that only the top Guru's have been using for their own selfish gain...


Some of you may have heard of this powerful online resource, from people like Travis Sago, the pioneer of "Bum Marketing".

However, many do not know the stunning raw untapped power lying dormant within this simple looking website!! can be used to enrich just about every single aspect of anyone's internet business, including YOURS!!

Right now, you might be thinking....

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Category: E-Business

Opt-In List Building

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Title: Opt-In List Building

"Discover How to Build a Large Opt-In Subscriber List & Send Your Sales & Profits SKYROCKETING ... in No Time!"

Dear friend,

Want to know what the key is to succeeding as an online marketer today?

It's being able to build a large, targeted, responsive opt-in email list.

Building such a list is like having your very own money-printing machine!

Unfortunately, building large, high-quality opt-in list is extremely difficult and can take years of hard work and effort - years that most online marketers simply don't have.

So what can you do to speed up the process?

Well, luckily for you there is a new ebook available that reveals exactly what you need to know to build your own opt-in subscriber list and begin milking that list for maximum profits faster than most other online marketers dare dream possible!

Introducing the "Opt-In List Building:
Driving Your Traffic Back To Your Site" ...

At last, there is a comprehensive, yet inexpensive guide that reveals all the tips, tricks, techniques and secrets you need to know to grow your list just like its on steroids.

This ebook will shave months and even years off your struggle to become a successful online marketer!

Here is just some of what you will learn by reading it:

  • How... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Killer Conversion Tactics

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Title: Killer Conversion Tactics

"Who Else Wants To Learn The Secrets To Pulling In More Orders, In Less Time And With Less Effort!"

Are You Already Trapped In A Cycle Of Hard Work That's Dooming Your Business To Failure?

Dear Fellow Marketer,

This letter is all about saving your time . . . So before we go any further let me tell you that if you're already raking in more orders than you can handle then you don't need to read any further than this paragraph - It was nice to see you here but you can leave now . . .

. . . Still here?

Thought so, because if you're like 99% of all other hard working, online marketers you share an all too common problem - Lack Of Sales -

You're going to find this information very refreshing because for once you're going to get some fluff and hype free straight taking . . . From personal experience I know that when you've slaved away creating products, spent hours building wonderful web sites and almost killed yourself to bring in more traffic a poor response to your offer and a distinct lack of sales is a kick in the teeth.

If you've ever sat staring at your monitor in disbelief and you've read and re-read your sales page over and over wondering why visitors wont buy then you're far from alone.

And if you've done that I bet you've done this too . .

Given up and moved onto the next project..

We all do

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Category: E-Business

Resell Rights Renagade

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Title: Resell Rights Renagade

"Uncover 101 Ways To Boost Your Product License Sales!"

It's Like Having 101 Credit Cards With No Limits That You Don't Have To Pay Back!

Dear Friend,

I'll make this short and sweet. There's an amazing proposal right in front of you and I don't want you to ignore it...

Here's what this is all about: I'm offering you a new report called "Resell Rights Renegade: 101 Ways To Boost Your Product License Sales!".

It includes some of the most potent resell rights marketing strategies ever invented and they're all together for you in one incredible report.

Are you missing out on NOT knowing these 101 secrets?

  1. The "Tedious Labor" Strategy
  2. The "Growing Demand" Strategy
  3. The "Grab Your Share" Strategy
  4. The "Those Look Good" Strategy
  5. The "Copywriter" Strategy
  6. The "Ghost" Strategy
  7. The "Times It By 12" Strategy
  8. The "Ready To Roll" Strategy
  9. The "Loaded Up" Strategy
  10. The "Package It Up" Strategy
  11. The "Brand It" Strategy
  12. The "Free To Profit" Strategy
  13. The "Junk Yard" Strategy
  14. The "Instant Business" Strategy
  15. The "Keep It All" Strategy
  16. The "Don't Charge Them" Strategy
  17. The "Only A Few" Strategy
  18. The "Opt-In Incentive" Strategy
  19. The "Hard... Click here to read the full description!

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