E-Business ebooks

Mining Gold From Ebay
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(priced for $5.95 or less).
Title: Mining Gold From Ebay
Author: Michael Rasmussen, Jason Tarasi
Finally Revealed: The secrets insiders use to earn the big bucks with online auctions!
Give Me 30 Minutes And I'll Have You Ready To Start Your Own eBay Empire, Sell Dozens Of Items Each Day And Claim "Superseller" Status!
Who Else Wants To Start Raking In eBay Profits With The Tips, Tricks, And Tactics Only The Pros Use?
You Don't Have To Be A Salesman To Master Selling On eBay!
Looking to get your share on the billions of dollars being passed around on eBay? After you click the button below, I'll share all my secrets for getting you started selling today. Click now or keep reading...
Dear Internet friend,
Thousands now make a full-time income from their own business who never thought they could!
Their secret isn't in who they know, a college education, or finding investors. Their secret equalizes the playing field between people just like you and big businesses who USED to have a strangle hold on the market.
The magic tool that allows anyone a chance to make a full-time income from home? eBay!
You may have heard of eBay before. But can you really make a living from online auctions? Yes, it's possible! In my report, I'll reveal...
- How a commercial fisherman found a ebook in an antique shop (for $15) and quickly turned around and sold it on eBay for $198,000!
- How a couple in Wyoming is raking in a whopping $600,000 a year off eBay!
- How a man from

1 Million Dollars In 1 Year
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(priced for $4.95 or less).
Title: 1 Million Dollars In 1 Year
Author: Russell Brunson
Dear Customer & Valued Subscriber:
Will you be one of the 3% who know?
At Yale University in the 1950's, there was a study done with a group of recent graduates. They were asked if they had set goals for their future, and if they had written them down.
Of these graduates, only 3% had written specific goals.
They did a follow up years later with these students and found something very interesting. The researches discovered the those 3% who had written specific goals not only achieved most of the goals they set, but their net worth was more than the other 97% of their class combined!
Are You Planning On Failing?
There's an old saying "If you fail to plan you plan to fail." Writing out the things that you want to achieve and setting your sights high can have a major impact on your level of future success. If we don't set very high standards for yourself, it is easy to become complacent because we aren't stretching ourselves.
With that said, I set a very large goal for my own personal business this year. It is to generate $1,000,000 in sales in 2005. If you do some simple math you would find that to reach this goal a person would have to generate exactly $2739.73 a day for a whole year.
I am committed to achieving this goal, and I want to help my subscribers and friends achieve their sales goals this year as well.
On Thursday December 30th 2004, during our closed door mastermind group we brainstormed
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Resell And Grow Rich
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(priced for $45.00 or less).
Title: Resell And Grow Rich
Find Out Why You Are Cheating Yourself Out Of Bigger Profits And How You Can Use The Power Of Resell Rights To Become The Next Best-Selling Author Rather Than Just A Struggling Writer!
Dear Frustrated Internet Marketer,
Are you tired of hearing the same old lines like: "Write an e-Book, start an affiliate program, and get your affiliate army to sell thousands of copies for you"?
And you've been trying to do just that without any success right?
The truth is while in 'theory' it's a great business model in reality IT SUCKS!
95% Of affiliates don't make money! Some because they're lazy, some because they lack motivation. And without wanting to sound unkind, most of them just don't know how to market products effectively - as a result they don't make sales BUT THAT MEANS... you don't make any money either!
In the last five years I could count on my fingers the number of truly successful affiliates I've worked with....
.... Don't get me wrong, there ARE super affiliates out there that can sell hundreds/thousands of your products and make you rich in the process but finding them and, more importantly, persuading them to actually work with you can be almost impossible unless your a 'name'
You're cheating yourself out of a better solution.
Before you see any further let me set this out properly, this information is specifically for you if.......
You've written an
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

PodCast Teleprompter
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(priced for $49.95 or less).
Title: PodCast Teleprompter
Author: Jeremy J. Burns
Don't sound like an amateur when you do a PodCast...
Sound Just Like A Professional News Anchor....
The Next Time You Create Your Own Podcast Or Vblog!
Podcasting or Vloging can be loads of fun when you are doing it just to play around...
But If if you are creating audio or video for your professional web site...
Don't sound umm like ughh a dork that can't remember what the heck umm they are trying to ughh say!
Do it like a real PRO with Podcast Teleprompter starting today!
Dear Friend,
PodCast's and Vblog's are a pretty incredible new technology, aren't they?
If you're like me, you've probably thought about doing some PodCasting of your own. Maybe you've taken the first step and done a recording.
I did that, too, and I was really stoked about it...until I played it back. It went something like this:
"Uh...yeah... I'm gonna review this CD from-no, wait, it's a DVD. OK, I'm reviewing the latest, uh, DVD from Coldplay..."
Oh, THAT was impressive. Yeah, right. Like I'd want to send that out over a PodCast or Vblog, with all the "um's" and "ah's". No way, Jose.
But then I got an idea...
Suppose you could use a simple tool to edit out all the "um's" and "ah's" and "do-overs."
Imagine...you do your PodCast or Vblog, talking just like you normally do without having to be self-conscious or think about what to say. Then you use a simple tool to
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

How to Suck Up Hungry Customers Faster Than a Vacuum Cleaner on Steroids!
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(priced for $4.95 or less).
Title: How to Suck Up Hungry Customers Faster Than a Vacuum Cleaner on Steroids!
Author: Sydney Johnston
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- What KIND Of Business Can Use Auctions?
- Why YOU Should Be Using This Almost-Unknown Marketing Method
- Always Advertise Your Other Treasures
- Stop Throwing Away Your Profits!
- ALWAYS Let Them Know About Your Website
- Becoming an Expert
- Focus on Becoming a Friend
- Creating an Autopilot System
- Putting It All Together or How to Make This Simple, Easy and (Almost) Effortless
- How to Multiply Your Profits
- Addendum: That All-Important Copy
- About the Author
Are you interested in ...
- Thus attracting large numbers of hungry customers?
- GUARANTEED placement on some of the internet's top sites?
- With money to spend?
- For a very low price (or even free)?
- Who are perfectly targeted to your products or services?
- Spending only a few minutes a month, once your system is running smoothly?
- And - perhaps best of all - your competition knows nothing about this?
No, you haven't entered fairy land or the Emerald City of Oz! It's all true, and we'll prove it to you.
Speaking of Traffic ...
Consider this:
1. Today on http://www.100hot.com, the most heavily trafficked internet sites... Click here to read the full description!

5 Ways to Kill Your Business
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(priced for $14.95 or less).
Title: 5 Ways to Kill Your Business
Author: Brian Schaeffer, Brenda Schaeffer
Many internet marketers and "online gurus" are still using made up numbers to scare new business entrepreneurs into purchasing their business building products.
They state that over 95% of small businesses fail and they have the "secrets" to being in the other 5%, but this 95% number was actually picked out of the hat as a marketing ploy and is in no way approaching reality.
I n fact, we were recently investigating one such site touting four sure-fire business strategies for a successful business. This particular author cited the same old 95% scare tactic in his online sales letter webpage.
Our first reaction was that if he got this statistic wrong (or perhaps deliberately using it), what else in his eBook is incorrect or misleading?
By the way, he was selling his eBook for $97 - a guaranteed waste of money for new-to-the-net folks, but a whopping money earner for him!
Was it an incorrect statistic or an immoral duplicity?
Only the author can answer for sure, but our best educated guess is that it was a "scare-them-into-buying-my-product" marketing scam; something that is unfortunately quite prevalent online these days.
The Real Deal -
According to the U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the real number of small business failures, over a period of the first five years of business life, and sustained by the most current and rigorous scientifically based research studies, indicate that the failure rate
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:
Online Private Label Resell Rights Barrage
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(priced for $9.95 or less).
Title: Online Private Label Resell Rights Barrage
"An endless variety of ways to promote your Niche site, just as if you'd written it or programmed yourself!"
Last year, the 'buzz' word on the internet marketing scene was NICHE. Now, marketers are looking for something they can not only sell, but call their very own! Enter the NEW buzz words PRIVATE LABEL RESELL RIGHTS.
Let me explain it in lame-man's term:
- Copy and Paste on to your Niche website
- Get unlimited access to Niche content or products
- Modify the content them if you want
- Make content look like you have written them
The Next one is a BIGGIE...
- NEVER have to credit the original article author!!
NO Experience Necessary!!
What we are not selling: In this E-book we are not going to show you how to use RSS to grab copy protected content for your website.
What we are not selling: We are not going to show how you can create 1000's of Keyword Spam Pages in 2 minutes.
What we are not selling: We are not selling secretes to traditional Master Resell products.
What we are not selling: We are not selling outdated inefficient information on Public Domain content.
What we are promoting is something brand new and is just a ground floor opportunity!! Believe me you will be AMAZED on how much money you will be making.
Dear Reader,
First things first. Let me tell you what Private Label
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

1001 Newbie-Friendly Tips
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(priced for $18.95 or less).
Title: 1001 Newbie-Friendly Tips
Author: Bob McElwain
To all seeking success on the Web:
I hope these notes help you achieve your personal and financial goals, and make it easier for you to do so.
-- Bob
Table Of Contents
Introduction - How To Use This Ebook
Chapter 1
Stake Your Claim
How Do You Define Success? - While making a million bucks is unlikely, you can make a good living.
What's It Cost To Start An Online Business? - There are costs in starting any business, online or offline.
One Path To Online Success - There are lots of paths leading to success; this is one of the best.
Niche Finding Made Easy - Niche marketing is the only way to go.
Define A Niche, Then Conquer! - Success depends upon defining a niche within which you can dominate.
Knock Off The Guru! - If you find a guru dominating the niche you want, see if he or she can be toppled.
The Vortals Are Coming! - If you have found a niche, but lack a great product, consider building a vertical directory.
Who Do You Want To Sell To? - The key question may not be what to sell, but who to sell to.
Plan Your Way To Success - Without a solid business plan, you are doomed to fail.
Discover How To Win - Many willing to do the work required are not prepared for the associated learning task.
The Ultimate Shoestring Startup! - Follow this plan to start a... Click here to read the full description!

Millennium Info Reports
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(priced for $3.95 or less).
Title: Millennium Info Reports
Author: Cash-In.Net
Dear Friends,
I am sure you have seen information report e-Books in the past, some of you may have even purchased a few of them. Well, this information e-Book is nothing like any of the others! Its a combination of four e-books that had hundreds of reprintable information reports in each one! These e-Books were designed with ease of use and quick reference ability!
Virtually everyone else on the internet with 'reprintable riches' reports are selling nothing more than text files that are unorganized, untitled and a pain in the butt to make good use out of them! But with the Millennium Info Reports e-Book its a whole new ball game! Its easy to use, fun to browse, has a great design and a virtual library of information you can utilize and resell!
These reports can be used for:
- Newsletters
- Website Content
- Articles
- Reference or exams
- Your own e-Books
- and much more!
Here is a partial list of the reports:
- Start Your Own Escort Agency
- Improve Your Memory Course
- Make Money As A Computer Consultant
- Where To Meet Eligible Women
- Beat Traffic Tickets
- Where To Meet Eligible Men
- How To Rebuild Your Life After A

How To Do Joint Ventures The Correct Way!
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: How To Do Joint Ventures The Correct Way!
"Discover The Secrets Of Joint Ventures Done Correctly and Launch Your Products To Thousands Of Hungry Customers The Easy Way"
When I first started out in online business it always intrigued me to see marketers go out and pull a circulation of half a million potential views for their products just by getting themselves ten or fifteen deals with other marketers. Half a million targeted, almost guaranteed to be interested, ready to buy viewers, customers even. Wow. Imagine what that would do for your business.
So how did they do it?
Well that's what I wanted to know too, especially as I was on a budget and didn't have much cash to hand, meanwhile they were doing all this for free. So I went around and bought courses, bought info products, bugged people in the know with all sorts of questions.
The methods they were using all seemed suspiciously similar.
They'd say to me, it's easy. Go check out google (or yahoo, and what's now known as Overture.com back in the day) and search for 'Online Business'. Then all you have to do is find the people who are successful, and e-mail them with your offer.
Something wasn't right here. What was it?
Think about it for a moment. If these marketers are really selling thousands of their 'How to Joint Venture' products, then how many people are contacting everyone on the first 10 pages of these search engines! They must be getting hammered... Click here to read the full description!
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