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Josh Billings

E-Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business

eBay Reports

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Title: eBay Reports
Author: Referralware

A step by step approach and a strategy to apply to virtually any product on ebay, the specifics are related to your own niche market interest and merchandise.

With over 1000 categories, you can sell anything on eBay, choosing what to sell is one of the most important considerations.


  • Valuable Time Saving eBay Software and Resources
  • The eBay Reports
  • How You Can Make A Recurring Monthly Income With This e-Book


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Category: Affiliates, E-Business, Internet

How To Get And Promote Your First Affiliate Products

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Title: How To Get And Promote Your First Affiliate Products

Hey, I know!

Creating your own product and selling it online may seem too difficult right now. There's the product to create ... the sales page to write ... uploads ... downloads ... customer support ...


And, selling a bunch of physical products on eBay is just too much like real work. Creating listings ... answering stupid questions ... boxes and styrofoam chips ... lugging parcels to the post office ...


But ... there is a much easier way.

Affiliate marketing (n): A web-based marketing practice in which a business rewards you for each and every buyer you send to their site.

Basically -- as an affliate -- you recommend a website to other Internet users ... they go to the sales page ... and if they buy the product, you get a nice fat commission.

Not selling = fat commissions

And, those commissions can be quite fat indeed!

With programs handing out 60% ... 70% ... 80% commissions, it's not long before you have some very sweet daily income.

And ... you're not even selling. Just a few simple recommendations ... and let the company's sales page take care of all the hard work.

But ... the question remains: How do you get started? Where do you go? What do you do? Who is offering those juicy 60, 70, 80% commissions? How can you guarantee your piece of the

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, E-Business, E-Marketing


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Author: Michael Kimble
The ultimate collection of winning ads and Sales letters by Michael Kimble.

An amazing collection of killer advertisings and order pulling sales letters that have generated thousands of dollars in pure profits. Now available for you to see, adapt and model on your own business.

Can you use the one simple (but jealously guarded) secret that direct response marketers use, to skyrocket your income through the roof?

The answer is YES, if you know what their secret is!

Would you like to know one simple secret that can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams? If so, then pay close attention- because this may be the most important message you will ever see.

Here is why: have you ever wondered what it is that separates mail order millionaires from people who struggle day to day... just to make ends meet? Do they have a special talent, connections in high places, or were they just born rich? The truth is... none of the above! They just know a secret. One simple secret.

What is this secret- one that you too can use to bring in as much money as you want as fast as you want? What is it they do, that ordinary people don't? Quite simply,

They Steal!

Yes, you see it right- they steal. But, they do it in a perfectly legal, perfectly ethical fashion, in a way that allows them to make as much money as they want... while working only a few short hours each week.

How can they (and you) do this- and do it in a perfectly legal way?

I'ts pretty simple.... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Information Gold Mine

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Title: Information Gold Mine
Author: Pam Renovato
Sell Your Knowledge

Information is the best way to make money on the net.

There have been millions of words written on the subject of information, and millions more will follow. Many publications tell you how others have made it big, but few get down to the bare bones of how they did it.
With the internet users increasing at a phenomenal rate, the information business has found a second home.
When referring to an internet information business, a lot has been said for instant access. This is merely the concept of customers receiving their purchase instantly after payment. In todays fast paced world, instant access has been welcomed with open arms. There is no longer a need for a 4-6 week waiting period. This makes buying information 10 times more appealing than before. (as if that were possible) Instant gratification is there to satisfy your needs quickly! What could anyone possibly need more than information? Of course, to provide instant access you will need to accept credit cards from your e-book buyers.
The simplest solution is to sign up with clikbank. You don't need a  merchant account and they will send you a check twice a month.

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Category: E-Business

Dynamic Ebook Design

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Title: Dynamic Ebook Design
Author: Pam Renovato


E-book design is an important issue that is often over looked. You know how to write it, you know how to promote it. Do you know how to design it?

The quality of your e-book speaks for you. It tells people what kind of people we are- If we don't care about our work, no one else will either. Content worth millions can easily be overshadowed by bad design.

There is no one to one on the internet. We have to rely on our work to make a good impression! We only have a short amount of time, and then a decision on whether or not we are professionals will be made.

We must make our readers believe that we are an expert in our field, and that we can be trusted. And most importantly that we are professionals.

One instance we have at presenting ourselves to viewers is our e-books. That is why it is so important that we spend a good amount of time designing our e-books in a professional manner. First impressions are very important. We must make the best of them. We are only allowed one first impression.

This e-book will briefly discuss basic design principles. These will help with the design of your e-book. These principles also apply to e-book cover art, web graphics, and web sites as well.

Part of the reason for my color choice is to show you that we need not limit our selves to blacks and whites. We can use a variety of interesting colors and still present ourselves as professionals. My styles tend to be on... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business, SEO and Promotion

Online Traffic Generation Methods

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Title: Online Traffic Generation Methods

Setting up your online business presence is a major accomplishment. However, it is only the beginning. Contrary to popular opinion, people will not come just because you built it. Part of the reason for that set of circumstances is that no one is likely to visit a web site that they do not know exists.

So, after you have put together the most spectacular, intuitive, and fun to browse web site, the time has come to get busy and find ways to generate the traffic to your little corner of the Internet.

The good news is that there are many options when it comes to the task of driving traffic to your site. While many of the strategies involve online methods, there are also some offline effective procedures that will also lead to more hits and thus increase the chances of making a sale... and these are all covered in Online Traffic Generation Methods.


Setting up your online business presence is a major accomplishment. However, it is only the beginning. Contrary to popular opinion, people will not come just because you built it. Part of the reason for that set of circumstances is that no one is likely to visit a web site that they do not know exists.

So, after you have put together the most spectacular, intuitive, and fun to browse web site, the time has come to get busy and find ways to generate the traffic to your little corner of the Internet.

The good news is... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business

Insider Profits: Info-Product Success Secrets REVEALED!!

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Title: Insider Profits: Info-Product Success Secrets REVEALED!!


Chapter One
How to Create, Sell and Distribute Your Own Informational Product
With the recent explosion of e-Book sales, there is absolutely no better time than right now to develop your own informational product. Discover how to create, sell and distribute your own e-book.

Chapter Two
How To Create An e-Book
This chapter provides a complete overview of e-books, how to create one, where to get the software needed, suggested uses and more.

Chapter Three
A Crash Course in Ezine Publishing
A mini tutorial that answers a lot of commonly asked questions in regard to
ezine publishing.

Chapter Four
An Ezine Publishers Survival Manual
Tips and techniques to assist you in publishing and promoting your own
online publication.

Chapter Five
Write Reviews to Increase Sales
Writing product reviews is a very powerful way to increase your sales.
Discover how to write an order pulling review.

Chapter Six
Writing for Publicity
Writing Internet articles is one of the best forms of gaining free publicity.
This article provides a basic formatting manual, tips on getting published and
promoting your articles.

Chapter Seven
The Art of Writing Effective Web Site Sales Copy
Discover the art of writing effective Web Site sales copy specifically written to

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Category: E-Business

Web Copywriting Tune-Up Kit

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Title: Web Copywriting Tune-Up Kit
Author: Brian Keith Voiles, Jo Han Mok
"How To Catapult Your Conversion Rate Into The Cosmos With An Aggressive Copywriting Tune-up!"

"What would it be worth to you to seriously increase your conversion rate, and do it without having to pay an expensive copywriter to dissect your sales page?"

"Would you like to crawl into the six inches between the ears of one of the highest paid copywriters on the internet and discover all his dirty little secrets and tricks?"

The good news is that you can do just that at the fraction of the cost with a simple but comprehensive peek into the inner workings of a copywriting icon. What you need is a tuneup!

Dear Business Owner,

Does your website suck? Are you getting the hits but nobody's buying? Have you poured dollar after dollar into paid advertising that's unproductive? Do you feel like you're pouring money down a bottomless rat hole?

It's really frustrating and I understand exactly how you feel. We've all been then at some time or other.

There is a solution. You can place yourself on the waiting list for one of the elite, copywriting hired guns to give your sales copy a facelift.

That should only run you anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000 and take about 6 months of sitting on their waiting list.

There is another alternative.

In fact, it's a whole lot cheaper and you'll discover stuff that you wouldn't possibly discover by hiring out the job. You need a "tune up kit" for your sales copy.

Heck, you wouldn't expect... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Making Money Online Made Easy

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Title: Making Money Online Made Easy
Simple and Proven Business Models You Can Copy To Make Your Online Fortune!

If You Had a Business Model You Can Follow That Would Almost Guarantee You Success, How Many Times Would You Follow That Model?

"Discover the Most Profitable and Easiest Ways to Make Money On The Internet As Soon As Possible...From Small Tiny E-books That Make a Fortune, to Quickly Setting Up Businesses that Sell For Over $30,000, to Becoming a Super Affiliate that Gets Paid Gigantic Commissions!"

If you are stuck for ideas, want to make huge amount of profits in the shortest possible amount of time or simply want to learn about the most profitable yet simplest ways of making money on the Internet you have come to the right place!

Dear Friend,

Despite what you may have heard, Internet Marketing and making money online is not as hard as some people would like you to believe...

  • You do NOT need a lot of money to start
  • It will NOT take you years to learn everything you need to know
  • You do NOT need to know everything there is just to start earning good money
  • You do NOT need to come up with anything revolutionary

All you need is a proper step-by-step plan to a profitable and easy to start business. Of course you do need to follow the plan in order to get any results, but that is pretty self explanatory.

The key to starting a successful online business is...

Finding a successful and easy to follow business model and duplicating it over and over

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Category: E-Business

Millionaire Maker: Sites That Sell

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Title: Millionaire Maker: Sites That Sell

It's no secret - with the current economic situation, that many companies are downsizing & going out of business. Even most smaller businesses that are renting building, store & office space are closing their doors. In our area, it's common knowledge. What kind of future does that hold for you and your loved ones? Do you want to worry about where you are going to work & finding a job (if you can) or would you rather work for yourself...?

It's also no secret that today, thousands of highly successful home-based business entrepreneurs throughout the U.S. are successfully making their fortunes on this lucrative highway, we call the Internet. The internet is where it's at & in today's world, an online presence is vital for any business to be successful. It provides the perfect opportunity to extend business to a global audience!

Alot of these millionaires started their businesses entirely free. The amazing truth is, it is very easy to start a successful online business from scratch, even if you have no knowledge of anything at all!

Now you too, can make great money from home with your own auto-pilot Internet Money-Making Empire... " The Millionaire Maker - The Real Money Making Business Websites That Sell" is designed to get you started. This package was created & developed by us, and is not available anywhere else.

You choose what you want to do! Now you can get your own hosting business, your own domain registration

... Click here to read the full description!

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