E-Business ebooks

9 Hidden Success Barriers Revealed
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Title: 9 Hidden Success Barriers Revealed
Author: Shawn Nelson
Learn Which of The 9 Hidden Success Barriers You Must Overcome To Succeed In Life!
I bet you're wondering, "Do I suffer from the 9 Hidden Success Barriers?" Let's find out!
How often do you ask yourself "Why is my life the way it is? Where did I go wrong? Why am I not successful yet?"
Does this sound like you?
- Worked hard to get good grades and to improve your skills
- Went to college or a trade school
- Got a job with a very good salary and benefits
- You feel as though life and success is passing you by
- Now you are tired of your job and the long hours
- Trying to figure out what success barriers are blocking your efforts
Do you feel you are still in the same position you were five or ten years ago? You could be suffering from the 9 Hidden Success Barriers.
Sure, you may have a car, home, wonderful children, investments, and take vacations. Yet, you are still unhappy with where you are in life. It seems as though success has skipped you!
Turn Your Success Barriers Switch Off
How would you like to get rid of the sleepless nights, indigestion boiling up in your throat, eyes open, staring at the ceiling worrying about:
- Paying for the kids education
- Paying bills
- Losing your job
- How to find more time to spend with family
- Not having enough money
- Your... Click here to read the full description!

Pricing for Big Money
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Title: Pricing for Big Money
Author: Kunle Olomofe
Dear Friend,
Today is your lucky day! Why do I say that? Simple. I'm about to hand over to you a product package that will instantly catapult your business profits in multiple profitable ways!
Now, within just 3 minutes the exact same product package can become yours to sell for 100% profits! However before we jump into discussing that, lets find out exactly what it's inside and how it can help YOU and YOUR prospects -- immediately!
How can YOU benefit from THIS proven success?
It's very simple. About 3 and a half weeks ago I released this brand new special report on pricing for big profits and it simply stunned many net marketers who saw it...
If you're looking for fresh, insider ideas and tactics that will put your profits into INSTANT hyper-drive...
...I have really great news for you! This special report reveals what the "experts" and their in-the-know clients are doing with these same proven pricing secrets to earn upwards of $600,000 and more, and why I'm certain almost anyone can use the same ideas ...and be super-successful!
Once you order instant access now, you will instantly learn EVERYTHING about the pricing secrets of SUPER-WEALTHY marketers like..
- Corey Rudl,
- Mike Enlow,
- Dan Kennedy,
- Michael Kimble,
- Jonathan Mizel,
- And others too many to list here!
These people are doing millions of dollars in sales (in a
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Resale Rights Profits
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(priced for $24.95 or less).
Title: Resale Rights Profits
Author: Allan Wilson
I Just Don't Tell You What To Do - I Take You By The Hand With Pictures and Video Tutorials To SHOW You HOW To It!
From the desk of Allan Wilson
Re: Generating OUTSTANDING profits with resale rights.
I surveyed my newsletter subscribers with the following question.
What things related to Internet marketing do you want to discover more about?
The overwhelming reply was...
Every e-book you see tells you WHAT to do but not how to do it... Please SHOW us step by step HOW to do these things!
Well my friends Resale Rights Profits is the first in a series of ebooks that will indeed SHOW you what to do...
In Resale Rights Profits, you'll not only learn how to maximise the huge profit potential from resale rights products... You get tutorials for every step in the process. ...
Inside this 74 page instructional guide, you'll learn all of the following...
- Places to buy different types of resale rights products - Including the advantages and disadvantages of each and traps to look out for.
- My real life success story and how I'm working at home as a full time Internet marketer selling products with resale rights - Learn the most important thing you MUST do if you are going to succeed in the resale rights business.
- YOU NEED A WEBHOST - I show you the webhost I use however you can also find webhosting FREE when you get resale rights from the right... Click here to read the full description!

The Underground Secret Twitter Manifesto Exposed!
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: The Underground Secret Twitter Manifesto Exposed!
Author: Dean Shainin
What is the Underground Secret Twitter Manifesto going to do for YOU...
"You'll Learn How To Tap Into One Of The Most Powerful Viral Traffic Machines Online And Make More Money Than You Ever Imagined Using Twitter Marketing Secrets To Ethically Get Free Targeted Traffic On Auto-Pilot"!
And I Fully Guarantee... My Simple Results Producing Methods and Proven System Will Make You More Money... Generate Swarms of Pre-Qualified Targeted Twitter Traffic To YOUR Site...And Give You The Power To Quickly Get Thousands Of Followers Right Here...Right Now!"
"And If You Put My Proven System Into Action Without Making At Least 500% Return On Your Investment Within 45 Days...I'll Give You 200% Of Your Money Back...Plus I'll Let You Keep The Entire System For Free."
Dear Online Marketer,
- Are you struggling to build a decent targeted list of subscribers while others do it quickly with ease?
- Are you sick and tired of wasting your hard-earned money on PPC, CPA, CPM, CPL, classified ads, banner ads, co-registration leads and other expensive advertising costs?
- Are you trying to master the finer aspects of several social networking sites that take too much time, too much experience and too much ridiculous trial and error?
- Are you repulsed by sites like MySpace and many others that have become big SPAM machines for
Ebook Type: PDF

Easy Ebook Money
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(priced for $24.95 or less).
Title: Easy Ebook Money
Author: Jessie McCloud
"Learn The Secrets To Creating Fast Selling, Profit Packed, Info Products That Sell Like Crazy!"
Even If You Hate Writing And Know Nothing About Publishing.
Dear Friend,
I'm sure you already know that information publishing is big business, that it's a growing market and if you get it right you can make incredible profits.
However 90% of e-book authors will never make it. If you believe the hype surrounding information publishing I'm sure half the planet would be millionaires by now - but they're not, and only a limited number of people who create e-books will ever make those massive profits you see about.
WHY? Most reports / e-books / ecourses on 'how to sell e-books' only give you a single piece of the puzzle. If you search online you'll find thousands of 'How To's' mostly written by people that don't really know how themselves or those that do but really don't want to share all the facts with you.
Well it's time for something a little different. . . .
I'm going to tell you about my own ebook - "Easy E-book Money" which takes you through every step to selling information products you'll ever need to know in detail.
You get the whole picture - everything you need to know, and just to make sure...
I'm going to give you with it every other e-book on information publishing there is worth reading - YOU GET THE LOT.
When you download "E-book Explosion" and you'll own every vital piece of... Click here to read the full description!

7-PROVEN Insider Secrets
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(priced for $15.95 or less).
Title: 7-PROVEN Insider Secrets
Author: Marvin Haycock
Discovering 7-PROVEN & EFFORTLESS Insider SECRETS That I Have Learned and USED From over 4,904 Savvy Marketers From Around The World To Ensure Maximum Returns on ALL of My Online Ventures AND Generate A GREAT Full Time Income Online!"
From the desk(top) of:
Marvin Haycock
Have you ever wondered what makes a few online individuals hit a "home-run" with almost every new venture while others have to remain satisfied with a hit-and-miss policy and others still with a slew of dismal failures?
Well, it boils down to this: in life, business and on the Internet, there are really only 2 ways to get started. One way is trial and error, and the other is the subject of this letter, which is...
Discovering 7-PROVEN & EFFORTLESS Insider SECRETS That I Have Learned and USED From over 4,904 Savvy Marketers From Around The World To Ensure Maximum Returns on ALL of My Online Ventures AND Generate A GREAT Full Time Income Online!"
But even more than just having personal input, you'll also have to contend with website design, market research, product/service creation, merchant accounts and a horde of other practical mechanisms and systems if you ever hope to run a successful internet business, and that means...
You guessed it! Even more money!
So what does all of this add up to? Well, it basically means that there is no one that can start an online business without investing a lot of
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

How to Create a Web Site in 5 Days
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(priced for $29.95 or less).
Title: How to Create a Web Site in 5 Days
Author: Bina Omar
A web site is essential especially if you're thinking of starting an online business. You're convinced about it. Unfortunately, you just don't have the time to discover how to create your own web site or the money to hire someone to do it for you. After all, what's the point of paying someone $1,000 when before you're even sure you're on to something.
All you need is a simple fast loading yet professional web site and you need it now. You can spend all your money to promote your web site and product. And when you start making some serious money, you can always hire a professional web designer to spice up your web site.
This ebook will teach you how to create a web site in 5 days. This is by no means the perfect way and it will definitely not turn you into a web designer but it will enable you to have your own web site up and running in the least time with the least cost.
Okay then, if we're going to finish this in 5 days we better get going.
Table of Contents
Using this e-Book
Before You Start
- The Browser Problem
- Web Design Problems
- The Display Problem
- Conclusion
- Web Host
- CoolPage
Day 1 and 2: Planning
- What's Your
Flash Auctions
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(priced for $14.95 or less).
Title: Flash Auctions
Flash Auctions Manual:
When you unzipped the Flash Software you were given a folder named Flash Master. This folder contains all of the Flash Files. Each file is labeled with a name and a .swf extension.
Below you will find the categories to all of the files. Click each category to preview the flash files. We have done it this way to save you time in opening all the files you can simply pick the category below that you would like to see and then you will be able to preview ALL of the flash files at once!
When you see the Flash File you would like to use open up the folder and place it on your web site.
Manual To Add Flash Files To Your Site:
For Frontpage:
Go to Insert - Advanced - Plug-In and click on the "browse" button.
Find the folder that we gave you labeled Flash Master. Select the name of the flash file you would like to use after previewing them below. Now enter the appropriate size and click OK. Finally, save, and preview your file. You can also manually re-size the files in the Normal View of frontpage by using your mouse to control the size.
HTML Code:...
Click a category below when you see which file you would like to use simply look at the name of the file which is located at the top of the preview and locate it in the Flash Master Folder. Take the file and insert it into your web page. It's that simple. You can then adjust the size to
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Success 101
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(priced for $12.95 or less).
Title: Success 101
Author: Liz Tomey
Discover How To Be Successful With Anything You Want To In Your Life In Just 30 Minutes A Day!
No matter what goal you are trying to achieve in life, being successful with your goal is very important to you. If it weren't you would have never set your goal, right?
Success comes in all shapes and forms. You could want success in your job, in your marriage, in the raising of your children, or anything else that you can imagine.
Being a success is very important to you and to myself also.
Seven years ago, I was 19 years old and had dropped out of college. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I'd known since I was a small child that I wanted to work for myself. I did NOT want a boss. I think at 19 years old, none of us like the idea of having a boss, but I wanted my own business.
I started setting small goals for myself so that I could start my own business. After reaching these goals, I started feeling a since of success.
Seven years later, I am still setting goals and reaching them, and I have reached my goal of starting my own business. I am successful in my business, and the feeling I get from that since of success can't be expressed in words.
My path to success has been a very long and hard one, and I'm sure you are traveling this same long and hard to path also.
Becoming successful wasn't easy and every day I strive to be more successful in not only my business, but in my marriage, in the
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Stolen Success
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Title: Stolen Success
Author: Dale Calvert
YOU may feel the Internet could be your Goldmine. However, there is a 93.5% chance the Internet will do nothing more than steal from you a MANDATORY LAW, directly from the pages of...
"Think & Grow Rich"
Let's put it this way. After reading the ebook, if you don't think different, if you don't have a paradigm shift, if you don't have absolutely any doubt that this information is going to make a major difference in how you view your business, let me know and I will refund your seventeen bucks.....NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
- Suffer from information overload
- If you Feel frustrated and confused
- Are sick and tired of email
- Are having trouble focusing on your business
- Don't know if your upline or affiliate manager knows what they are doing
- Sick of your lack of progress in your enterprise
- Don't know how to spend your time productively in your business
- Don't know who to trust
- Have trouble completing projects
- Seem to be working harder, but making less $$$
- Tend to get lost in the Internet Surfing Time Warp
- Question if people are really making the kind of money online they claim to be
- Are a seminar junkie
- Upset with your dinky affiliate checks and bonus checks
- Have trouble making decisions
- Afraid the light at the end of the tunnel is really a train coming
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