E-Business ebooks

Joint Venture Extravaganza
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Title: Joint Venture Extravaganza
How To Make Your Million With Joint Ventures
I've personally used joint ventures to build an online business that exceedes my goals on a regular basis. Now it's your turn. Join the top entrepreneurs and build your wealth with joint venture partnerships.
Hi, you're listening to Terry Telford from TheBusinessProfessional.com. This audio is copyrighted by Bridgeport Communications and The Business Professional. All of the material you're about to hear is for informational purposes only. The results you here are not a guarantee. Any results you achieve are based on your own individual efforts.
We're lucky to have Marc Goldman from GoldBar.net on the call today. Marc is a joint venture expert. He's going to tell us exactly how to work a successful joint venture. So, I'd like to start off by saying thank you very much for being on the call, Marc.
Thanks for having me, Terry. I'm excited to be here today and share information with your listeners.
Thank you so much. I think the first thing you could do is tell us a little bit about yourself and your background and whatnot.
Sure thing. I'm 32 years old. I was born and raised in New York. One thing that I think people might find interesting, but maybe I'm wrong, is that I was never really
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The Unstoppable Internet Entrepreneur Mindset
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Title: The Unstoppable Internet Entrepreneur Mindset
The Indispensable Manual To Creating Unlimited Wealth Online
Internet Marketers are more than just fly by night individuals. Gone are the days of making that quick buck and running from one location to another under a 'pet' name. It's time to discover the art of building a long term business the right way!
Table Of Contents
- Your Internet Business - How Far Can It Take You?
- Creating the Mindset for Your Internet Business
- Unleashing the Power of the Law of Attraction on Your Internet Business Chapter 4:
- Internet Business - Preliminary Steps
- Looking for the Right Business Opportunity
- Taking Your Internet Business Forward with Social Networking
- Balancing Personal and Professional Life
- When You Love Your Work, You Don't Work Anymore
- Taking Second Chances - When Primary Efforts Fail
- What to Do When Your Internet Business Becomes a Success
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How to Build Products that Run Businesses
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Title: How to Build Products that Run Businesses
The secrets behind Having Inner Peace and Inspiring Others!
Dear Friend,
As we've gotten to the point of fact that everyplace we look, we're inundated with messages that our country is in dyer straights. Numerous people are being laid-off, downsized, or working extra hours to accommodate the decrease in fellow workers.
It's hard not to feel out of sorts under this pressure. But, you can discover how to come through not only this crisis, but any crisis that should come your way. Learn how to go from victim to victor and how to tap into your inner strength that will help you endure any adversity. Discover how your perceptions create stress and how to challenge and alter them.
The truth is:
If You Do Not Know How To develop Inner Peace you are spinning your wheels!
Are you inspired by your goal? Does thinking about it make you smile? If not, then you need the tools to change until you are excited about it. Goals take effort and an inner balance. They often require that we change and do things that may be a stretch for us.
If you have no life balance or inner peace it will be difficult to achieve any of these.
But, you can discover how to have inner peace and help others along the way. I have the perfect manual available for you right here!
(Read on to find out more...)
Inner Peace Is The Most Important Tool
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Non-Stop Viral Traffic
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Title: Non-Stop Viral Traffic
(PDF Transcript)
"Unleash The Massive Traffic Potential Of Sites Like YouTube and Facebook To Dramatically Increase Your Profits"
Learn How You Can Use The Power of 'Word of Mouth' To Dominate Your Niche And Boost Your Profits
Dear friend,
Have you ever visited YouTube? Do you have a Facebook account? Ever received an email from a friend telling you to visit a cool site they found?
Chances are you can answer 'yes' to at least one of those questions. Most of us can. And what do each of those three things have in common?
They're all examples of viral traffic in action. Any time you go to a site or buy a product that is recommended to you by somebody else, you're experiencing the power of viral marketing.
YouTube got so big because people would email their friends and family with a link to a video they liked so much that they wanted to share it.
Facebook became the giant it is because of word of mouth - people started signing up, finding old friends, and spreading the word on how cool it is.
Wouldn't you like it if you could tap into that same huge traffic funnel and send it to your site instead? What if I told you that not only could you, but I'm going to show you 21 proven techniques to send a flood of viral traffic to your site!
Marketing Expert Reveals... Click here to read the full description!
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Membership Site Income Strategies
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Title: Membership Site Income Strategies
"How Would You Like to Make Money From Your Customers Over and Over Again While Only Selling to Them Once? The Secrets to Massive Membership Site Profits Revealed!"
And if you think you're going to need tons of money or technical knowledge to create a membership program, think again!
Dear Fellow Lazy Marketer,
Doing work sucks. Back in the day, I was busting my tail doing all this work just to make affiliate sales.
Don't get me wrong - I was making a tidy income from selling other people's products.
At first, I didn't mind doing all that work because I was seeing some returns from it. So on I went, creating websites, writing content, and doing tons of boring guide stuff to bring in some sales.
One day, it hit me - I was working hard every single day just to bring in some cash.
I realized that I was just working at another job! This wasn't the lifestyle I had imagined when I started trying to make money online...
I had heard of the term "passive income" before, but I didn't really know what it meant or how I could create some of it for myself.
After months and months of trial and error and research, I was finally able to create multiple streams of passive income for myself using membership sites.
This Stuff is Easy...... Click here to read the full description!
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The Money's in the Follow Up
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Title: The Money's in the Follow Up
"Don't join the majority of your marketing peers who only reap minimum profit!
"How to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible Through Properly Planned Follow Up Techniques!"
Dear Online Marketer,
You've created your product, and put a lot of energy into promotion - now it's time to tackle the follow up. Yet this is the part that 80% of all online entrepreneurs don't apply to their full advantage.
Too bad, because...
...68% of all sales happen during the follow up process!
There are all sorts of reasons why people don't buy, the moment
you release a product.
There are even more reasons why they don't buy even when you do remember to send a follow up email.
Understanding these reasons, and proactively planning how to solve their problems using focused follow up tactics has the potential to easily more than double your profits.
Why Do So Many Otherwise Dedicated Marketers Put in Only a Token Follow Up Effort?
... or (I kid you not) no follow up effort at all?
A lot of it has to do with gaps in knowledge, things taken for granted, unbalanced focus and a host of other "errors" that happen, when you haven't been in business for 20 years.
But seeing as how you don't want to take 20 years to build up your... Click here to read the full description!
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Instant Product + FAST Traffic!
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Title: Instant Product + FAST Traffic!
Author: Paul Coleman
Table of Contents:
- Product Topic
- Always Be BOSS
- Catchy Title
- Your Angle
- Quick Creation
- Put It Together
- Outsourcing
- Graphics
- Twitter Traffic
- Ezines Traffic
- Facebook Traffic
- Go High Profile
- Belcher Button
- Your Official Site
- Conversion
- Your LIST
- Your WSO
- Get Paid!
- Celebrate!
- Outsource Traffic
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Thin Slicing
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Title: Thin Slicing
Hyper Niche Your Business For Huge Profits
Learn how to tightly focus your business on a very targeted niche and become the leader in no time flat. Become the big fish in a little pond and generate huge profits.
Hey there. You're listening to Terry Telford from TheBusinesssProfessional.com and today we're very fortunate to have Kelly Robbins here with us on the call. Kelly is a copywriter and a marketing expert in the healthcare field. She specializes helping hospitals and non-profit organizations with their copywriting and marketing efforts. Her niche is very specialized, but her formulas and principles that she uses are very universal. What that means is that the information that Kelly is going to provide for us today, is something that you can use immediately in your own business.
Kelly operates two businesses: she has KellyRobbinsLLC.com, which focuses on the healthcare side of thing, and is working on TheCopyWritingInstitute.com with a partner, which is more focused to what you're looking at as a general entrepreneur and learning the ins and outs of copywriting.
Kelly has been in the business for about 15 years and has won various awards including the 40 Under 40 award, as well as getting many accolades from her clients and subscribers. You'll see that on her websites. I could go on and on about Kelly, but I think it's
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Public Domain Tycoon: Cashing In On The Public Domain
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Title: Public Domain Tycoon: Cashing In On The Public Domain
If You Have Ever Wanted A Free Source Of High Quality Content...
"Learn How You Can Legally "Steal" Thousands Of High Quality Ebooks, Images, Photos And Videos, And Sell Them For Thousands Of Dollars Without Ever Having To Pay Royalty Or Licensing Fees!"
Dear Friend,
If you could gain instant access into the world's largest library of FREE content, that you could use however you wish, how many websites could you create in just a few days?
How much more money would you make, if you had a limitless supply of content that you NEVER had to pay for, that you could sell for 100% profit?
Well, in about 11 minutes from now, you will know exactly how to swipe as much content as you could ever hope for, without having to hire a freelance writer, deal with copyright restrictions, or spend hours painstakingly writing documents and material yourself.
From Today Forward, You will NEVER have a shortage of Products to sell!
You are about to learn one of the best kept secrets of the info product gurus. This closely guarded source of high quality material, is an outright gold mine if you have ever wanted to make money selling high end content from some of the greatest minds in history.
These long lost documents are of incredible value, and hundreds of people spend hours searching for a copy of these ebooks, only to come up
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Social Bookmarking What Its All About
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Title: Social Bookmarking What Its All About
Unleashed At Last! An amazing collection of Social Bookmarking Strategies - the fastest way to get traffic to your website.
Learn the secrets of social bookmarking and drive traffic to your website
Are you deploying the latest trend on cyberspace to boost your profits? Did you know that social bookmarking could help you reach out to millions of Internet users? From the online branding of your company to massive traffic generation, social bookmarking is the number one tool in the arsenal.
Give A Massive Fillip To Your Visitors, Search Engine Rank and Profits
Have you heard of the 80-20 rule in online marketing? Statistics reveal that 80% of the people go after the WRONG professionals. So, while you spend thousands on consultants and experts, results elude you. Your return on investment is low and you are frustrated! You can avoid this through social bookmarking:
- Discover how to ensure the fastest indexing of your webpages by leading search engines. Entice the search engine robots to your website and get results within 24 hours
- Social bookmarking is a powerful technique by which you can target your market more accurately and
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