E-Business ebooks

The Craigslist Cash Cow
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Title: The Craigslist Cash Cow
Are you struggling to make money online? Are you making money online but want another income stream? Have you ever wondered if there is a way to make quick and easy profits with little effort? Do you need more traffic to your website? Well, you are in luck!
The Craigslist Cash Cow
Simple Techniques for Pulling In Profits and Building Your List Using Craigslist
If you are sick and tired of wasting all your time and money to drive traffic to your website or affiliate product, read on...
Craigslist is a gold mine just sitting there waiting for you to drill into it!
You don't have to waste all your days writing articles, finding link partners, doing SEO, or any of that other time consuming crap.
Stop spending all your money on PPC, ezines, classifieds, and other online advertising methods. You can get all the traffic your website can handle for FREE!
There are numerous ways to profit from the incredible amounts of traffic that Craigslist gets every single day. In this report, I have compiled many proven methods into an easy to read, all-in-one manual for you to start making money today.
The possiblities of Craigslist are virtually endless and you don't have to spend all your time, energy, and money to tap into them.
Dear Friend,
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List Building Decoded
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Title: List Building Decoded
Insider Strategies To Building Profitable Email Lists
If The "Money Is In The List", You Are About To Become Filthy Rich..
"Join The Ranks Of The Wealthiest List Building Moguls Who Know Exactly How To Generate Massive Email Lists Of Targeted, Hungry Buyers!"
Dear Online Entrepreneur,
Are you ready to discover the insider strategies for building massive lists of hungry buyers, as you sit back and watch your online income double.. triple.. quadruple, overnight?
Believe it or not, one simple list is all it takes..
You may not have started your list building yet, or you've tried, only to learn, it's just not as easy as they've claimed it was..
No matter how new you are to list building, or how many times you have failed at creating a decent size list in the past, you are about to learn exactly how you can join the ranks of the wealthiest list building giants online.. (without it ever costing you a dime..)
One of the fastest ways to make money online is by using the power that comes with having a "ready-made" built in customer base, that you can instantly broadcast messages to, whenever you wish.
So, what has been holding you back?
- You don't know how to entice visitors into becoming subscribers,
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Facebook Social Ads Exposed
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Title: Facebook Social Ads Exposed
"Social Advertising on Facebook - will it really work for you?"
"Learn the Secret to Creating Social Ads on Facebook That Will Net you Facebook Fans - And Profitable Sales"
Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,
You may or may not frequently use Facebook... but I'm willing to bet you you've been just too busy to seriously think about Facebook ad creation.
Now, I know that's a bold statement to make, but it's based on solid research and fact.
People (and that includes marketers like you and I) often just use Facebook for one or two incredibly common reasons:
- To have fun and connect with friends
- To network your business
But there's a third use for Facebook... one that big companies like Coca-Cola and Nike quickly discovered (after using teams of paid experts to help them promote their brands). And while it's true that you will have to use different strategies, many of the principles remain the same.
So... have you ever seriously considered social advertising on Facebook.
Now, you've already got a handle on social networking. And you promote your business on Facebook and Twitter (almost) every day.
So Why Should You Pay to Actually Advertise on Facebook?
What real advantage will that give you?
The answer may shock you, because...
...it may not give you any advantage at all!
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The Internet Empire Focusing on the Big Picture
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Title: The Internet Empire Focusing on the Big Picture
Planning Your Business With The End In Mind
The secrets behind being an Internet Idol and Inspiring Others!
Dear Friend,
There are 2 elements involved in attaining a magnet personality. The first is your ability to draw in people. The second is your accessibility, the extent to which others perceive you as being open. Together, these 2 qualities create a positive attitude, one of the top traits of a master marketer. Together, they influence how magnetic you are for your business.
You've probably heard of a person having a magnetic personality. If something or somebody is magnetic, the object or individual has an extraordinary power or ability to attract.
The truth is:
If You Do Not Know How To become an Internet Idol and and have a magnetic personality you are spinning your wheels!
Fear is the number one reason people don't start conversations--fear of rejection, fear of inadequacy and fear of looking foolish. But practice will make this fear fade. The more you start conversations, the better you become at it.
If you have no idea how to be a magnet or self confidence it will be difficult to achieve any type of success.
But, you can discover how to dominate the internet and become an internet idol. I have the perfect manual available for you right
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Secrets to Create an Online Product and Make Thousands Daily
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Title: Secrets to Create an Online Product and Make Thousands Daily
Let's face it... one of the best ways to make money online is by selling e-books. If it is your e-book it is much better!! Your best bet in making money is to find out what people want to read about and giving it to them. You will only have a really successful business venture once you find a demand and satisfying that demand by supplying a product that will eventually make so much sales it will start selling itself just by word of mouth.
There are very few overhead expenses to start making money online through selling an e-book, what you need is some planning and just follow the manual in this e-book so you can start making some serious money without any big efforts.
First things first - at this time you may be an affiliate of some other owner of an e-book, maybe promoting his e-book, or maybe you have affiliates promoting your own e-book, but the real harsh truth is that no one except you will try harder to sell something. So based on this theory we can successfully conclude that only YOU can best market your OWN e-book, getting affiliates to help you sell it should not be your main focus, some of you may not agree with this but in the course of this e-book I will open your eyes to the truth.
Ebook Type: PDF

Traffic Is King
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Title: Traffic Is King
Want free traffic? This is for you...
Learn SIX Proven FREE Traffic Methods That Will Never Stop Working... Guaranteed!
These traffic strategies are being used right now by the top online marketers to send 100% FREE traffic to their web sites, blogs, and affiliate links!
These are free methods of traffic that really do work and have been proven over and over again... and they will continue to work for a long time to come.
Dear friend,
I am writing this message today because I keep seeing in forums, blogs, and everywhere online about how frustrated new online marketers are in driving traffic to their web sites. Since web site traffic is the key for everything on the internet, it's no wonder that every site owner is trying their hardest to find what traffic methods actually work, instead of wasting time and money on those methods that don't work.
There are dozens of little tricks that can bring you some traffic here and there, but for long-term success and sustained traffic, you need to learn what has been proven to work and simply copy those methods. Don't get fooled by all those "new" tricks, many of which can get your site banned or taken out of the search engines... stick to what works!
- Have you spend hundreds or thousands of dollars for traffic courses which haven't resulted in any more traffic for... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Direct Mail Secrets Exposed
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Title: Direct Mail Secrets Exposed
(PDF Transcript)
How To Profit Wildly In The Direct Mail Industry
The direct mail industry is a multi-billion dollar giant. Making it in this industry has it's challenges, but the rewards are huge. 365 days from today, you could be sitting on a mound of cash. Find out if you've got what it takes.
Hi there. You're listening to Terry Telford from TheBusinessProfessional.com, and we're very lucky to have someone today who is an extraordinary marketing person, both online and offline. His name is Jeff Sands. He's actually developed a direct marketing/direct mail business. He's been in the mail ordering business for 22 years, and he has built a list of over 500,000 people. But, that's not even the most impressive part. The most impressive part is that those 500,000 people are not prospects; they're actually customers. He actually has 500,000 customers on his list.
He's basically in the offline world, but he has stepped into the online limelight, and he has some very interesting stories and perspective of doing online business as opposed to working in the offline world. Today, Jeff will actually let me pick his brain for a while and get an insight into the world of direct mail, from both an online and offline perspective. First, I'd like to say thank you very much for being here with us today, Jeff.
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21st Century Networking And Social Dominance
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Title: 21st Century Networking And Social Dominance
"21st Century Networking And Social Dominance!"
Be A Leader And Build Connections With Anyone In Your Industry!
In this book, you will learn all about:
- Methods on how to capture leads using a simple lead capture page and suck in tons of leads 24/7...
- All the techniques you will ever need to generate endless leads for any network marketing business!
- Learn to craft masterful emails to entice people to join your opportunity
- How to submit a few articles and drive lots of traffic in!
- How to make money with free traffic and inexpensive paid traffic
- The best way to network with people in your industry using the most sophisticated methods in the 21st century!
Many MORE!
Table Of Contents:
- Why Traditional Network Marketing Does Not Work Anymore
- Differences between Traditional Network Marketing and New Age Network Marketing
- The Two Main Devices of 21st Century Network Marketing
- Making Great Lead Capture Pages
- Lead Generation for the 21st Century
- Online Recruiting for the 21st Century
- Enhancing Network Marketing Emails
- Email Marketing for Today
- Using Autoresponders and Always Being There!
- Patience Is a Virtue
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Pumping Out Your First Email List
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Title: Pumping Out Your First Email List
Think Mailing Lists Are Obsolete?
Without A Mailing List You're An Online Disaster!
They Will Never Get That Credit Card Out to Buy!
Don't waste time with trendy theories about the "new" SEO and Web 2.0!
Get back to basics and create your own double opt-in mailing list and do it in less than one month!
Increase Conversions, Sales and Affiliate Income Using Tried and True Email Marketing Methods!
Create an avalanche of profits using the PROVEN email marketing methods that are still secretly used by the best marketing gurus in the business!
Read How In My New EBook!
Pumping Out Your First Email List
These email strategies put your message right in front of the nose of your customers that WANT to hear from you and increase your chances of making a first or second sale!
Discover how to grab their attention without being obnoxious! They will offer you their email address on a silver platter!
Make maximum profits from every single customer who visits your website even just once!
These email
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eBook Creation for NEWBIES
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Title: eBook Creation for NEWBIES
"Learn How YOU Too Can Create Your Own Collection Of In-Demand, Profit-Pulling Info Products In Just Minutes From Now"
Dear New Marketer,
If you would study the successful Infopreneurs, Niche Marketers and Internet Marketers of today, you would find that they all have one thing in common: they create their own products.
And if you are serious about joining their ranks, you would want to create your own Info Products, too!
For starters, you make instant sales every time you sell a copy of your Info Product, something which you cannot achieve through affiliate marketing because the principal can only pay you after the product guarantee policy expires. Oh, and did I mention that you make only a certain percentage of sales?
Sure, you can cover that loophole by reselling products with Resale Rights and earn 100% sales. But on the drawback, you have very limited flexibility towards the product rights because the copyright and ownership is still owned by its original author!
While I am obviously NOT implying that you can't make money from affiliate marketing and Resell Rights - I make a decent income from them - but the point I'm driving home is this: if you want to make BIGGER bucks then the pot of gold is found in creating your own Info Products!
With your own Info Products, it means an infinite number of choices and flexibility in the rights.
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