E-Business ebooks

Targeted Traffic Simplified
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Targeted Traffic Simplified
Overview of Resource Management - Part 1
- The Working Concept - An Overview
- Exponential Resource Management 1
- What to Do with Your List
- What to Do With Your List - Continued
- An Important Tip
- Building Affiliates from Your List
- What to Do with Your List - Summary
- Turning Your List into JV Prospects
- What to Do with Your Customers
- Back to Managing Your Customers
- Organizing - The Key To Success
- Customers to Long-Term Customers
- What to Do with Your Customers - Summary
- Turning Your Customers into JV's
Overview of Resource Management - Part 2
- What to Do with Your Long-Term Customers
- Exponential Resource Management 2
- Long-Term Customers into Affiliates
- Long-Term Customers Back into Customers
- Long-Term Customers into Your List
- Long-Term Customers into JV Prospects
- Affiliates into Customers
- What to Do with Your Affiliates
- Affiliates into Long Term Customers
- What to Do with JV Prospects
- Affiliates into JV's
- JV Prospects into Affiliates
- Not Turning JV's into Customers
- JV Prospects into Your List
- The Final Diagrams
- Wrapping Up
- Three Steps to a Good Customer
Ebook Type: PDF

CPA Marketing Simplified
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: CPA Marketing Simplified
Table Of Contents
What Is CPA?
The Basics of CPA Marketing
Which CPA Offer Appeals to You?
- Getting your Foot in the Door
- CPA networks, and How They Work
- 2 Critical factors about CPA Networks
- About Your Website...
CPA Examples
- "Is This Really for Me?"
- CPA Design
- Ways to Promote your CPA Offer
Choosing CPA offers
CPA Website Optimization
- Types Of Ads You Display
- Content
10 Tips for Effective CPA Promotion
CPA Checklist
Ebook Type: PDF

The Instant Infoprenuer
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: The Instant Infoprenuer
Author: Liz Tomey
"Finally...Learn How You Can Create Quality In Demand Digital Products Without Spending Thousands of Dollars and Countless Hours..."
Simply by using easy to get a hold of private label rights offer, and this amazing course you could be well on your way to your own digital empire...
Dear Friend,
- Are you investing too much money on product development and not getting anywhere?
- Are you having problems finding product ideas?
- Are you wasting too much time finding the next big product ideas?
If you said yes to any of the above, then this will be one of the most important letters that will reveal to you how you can save money, save time, producing unique and high in demand products!
You can make money on the Internet through many avenues but creating your own product that solves a problem, yet helps your customers is a great way to make money online.
What may scare you is you don't know where to start or you don't know what type of digital product you should create. Worry no more because all those answers and many more will be answered here alone.
This system is so easy to follow that even for newbies. That means if you've never created a product in your life, you'll walk away knowing how to do just that with this video series.
There's no secret here. In fact it's all about using existing
Ebook Type: PDF

Fast Niche Product Creation Simplified
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Fast Niche Product Creation Simplified
Dear Reader,
Thanks for investing in this powerful product. Please note that while this product is only about 20 pages in length, it is full of amazing and powerful moneymaking ideas. So, be sure to read it several times so as to not miss anything important.
I could have gone into more detail on all the areas covered but I feel your time is precious and you'd rather get to the meat of the moneymakers than to read 100 long pages.
I promise you that by the time you're done with this ebook, you'll have at least one six-figure idea that you could easily take to the bank!
I hope that gets you excited. Let's get to it...
It's Easier Than You Think...
Most people who are new to the Internet, or even some who have been around for a while, believe that they can't create their own e-books (or CD's, videos, etc.) because they can't write.
There are also a lot of 'so-called' gurus who will have you believe that it's more difficult than it actually is.
What I'd like to show you through this special report is that you CAN create your own e-book and other products. And you can do it fast! Even if you've never written a word in your life! (If you're new to the field, your main challenge may be getting recognized as an expert. But creating your own products will be easy once you discover the shortcuts and tips in this e-book!)
You see, it's all about
Ebook Type: PDF

PLR Godfather
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: PLR Godfather
"Learning About PLR Godfather Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"
Insider Tips To Be The "Don" Of PLR!
Dear Friend,
'To bring in revenue, drive content and pick up subscribers utilizing PLR you need to take a step back from the gang, and get intelligent, while sustaining confidence 'Content makes cyberspace go round.....and if you are an net marketer that means you have to produce the material, or pay somebody else to produce it for you. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that increase your effectiveness and save hours everyday!
The truth is:
If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At PLR Godfather!
You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and with PLR? It's because they don't know that depending upon the 'license' that's issued with the PLR product, you are able to utilize the material in assorted ways - sell them to others as 'end users'. Or sell them to others to sell on again (resell or MRR), or you are able to break them up and utilize the material is different ways.
Which brings us to
Ebook Type: PDF

Membership Websites Demystified
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Membership Websites Demystified
How To Set Up Your Own Membership Website
Owning a membership website is a sure fire way to join the internet elite who make hundreds of thousands of dollars each month...on autopilot.
Terry Telford
Welcome to the how to set up a membership website information session. We are going to be hearing from Darryl Graham who is the president of ISO register. I will be your host; my name is Terry Telford from thebusinessprofessional.com. I would like to first start off by saying thanks for being here Darryl.
Darryl Graham
Thank you very much; I'm glad you had me here.
I really appreciate it. Let's just set the stage by talking about your background before you set up ISO register?
I started out in corporate marketing and was there for about twenty years. I love marketing, love the sales, love advertising; I just got tired of the travel. I was making a lot of money, but the last month I was there I was home three days out of the month and that wears you down pretty quickly. So taking my marketing expertise and bringing it on line was a good fit. Which was where we started developing ISO register, about five and a half years ago back in 1999, and we've continued to develop it to where it is now.
Fantastic. So... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Google Adwords and Adsense Made Simple
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Google Adwords and Adsense Made Simple
Discover The Best Easy Online Ways to Make Money With Google Adsense Programm!
Table Of Contents:
- What is Google Adwords?
- Google Adwords and Adsense Explained
- Getting Started with Google AdWords
- 4 Things You Should Know Before Using Google Adwords
- Understanding Different Types of Targeting for Adwords
- Top Mistakes Made Using Adwords
- How to Keep Google Adwords Simple
- Ways to Increase Conversion Rates on Adwords
- Using the Search Based Keyword Tool for Google Adwords
- How to Stay Competitive with Google Adwords
- How to make Google Adwords Cost Effective for your Business
- How to Choose Appropriate Keywords for Google Adwords
- The Ugly Truth about Google Adsense... Not so Ugly
- Common Google Adsense Questions
- Disadvantages to Google Adsense
- Getting an Adsense Ad onto Your Website
- AdSense Advantages
- How to Make Money with Google Adsense
- How to Find a Niche Market for Keyword Marketing
- Finding Keywords for your Niche Market
- Tricks of the Adsense Trade: Ad Placement & Design
- Why Adsense Ads Give More Value to Your Visitors
- The Best Formatting for your Adsense Ads
- Make More Money with Higher Paying Keywords
- Required Skills to Make Money with Google... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Workaholics - The Modern Internet Business Insight
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Workaholics - The Modern Internet Business Insight
Attention Home Workaholics! Stay Ahead In The Rat Race But With A Stress-Free Mind.
Here's A Chill Pill to Help You Strike the Right Balance between Work & Fun.
Dear Reader,
You are reading this letter either because you are a workaholic or you know someone who might be so. Well, in that case you have hit this letter at the right time because workaholism is like a contagious disease and is not only fatal for you but also for those around you. Depression and stress related diseases are just some of the problems that hit those who are workaholics.
The advancement of modern insight Internet business has given birth to several home based business opportunities and more and people are increasingly joining the race of running their home businesses to earn a livelihood. This a wonderful opportunity to tap and bank upon however it has some disadvantages too and the biggest one being people tend to become, what we call these days - the home workaholics.
How to prevent boredom and stress and add fun to work:
In order to work and succeed, just earning money is not enough, you need to give enough attention to your health and spend some time with your loved ones to enjoy the bliss for which you are working so hard. Home based businesses are different from the usual office work. In office, over work to please the boss,
Ebook Type: PDF

The Beginners Guide to PPC
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(priced for $4.95 or less).
Title: The Beginners Guide to PPC
Is Your Online Business Floundering Because You Have Yet to Master PPC Programs Like Google Adwords?!
It's Time to Grow Up and Stop Hoping That Free Advertising Techniques Alone Will Make You an Online Millionaire!
Stop Trying to Beat the System and Pay for Clicks Again!
Scared You Will Lose Money?
You Won't If You Apply the Successful PPC Principles Describe in My New e-Book!
The Beginner's Manual to PPC
These strategies for creating keyword rich Pay-Per-Click Ads increase your monthly online income by thousands of dollars a month!
Revamp Your Online Business and Get Those Pay Per Click Keywords Paying Back Ten to 100 Times Your Original Investment!
Dear Fellow Internet Marketer -
You are most likely HERE reading this web page because you have figured out that the most important thing that you can ever do when building an online business is bring targeted traffic to your site.
This is where creating great Pay-Per-Click campaigns can really work for you. Used in conjunction with cleverly crafted SEO keyword that brings buyers (not window surfers) to your website you really can make a five figure
Ebook Type: PDF

Copywriting Simplified
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Copywriting Simplified
Table of Contents
- How to Mind Map Your Offer and Craft Your Sales Copy Flow
- Web Copywriting: Essential or Not?
- The Five Ps of Web Copywriting
- The Compelling Story Technique
- How to Write a Compelling Headline that Qualifies Your Prospects
- Introducing Your Offer and Instilling the Power Benefits
- Act Now - Not Later!
- Killing All Prospect Doubts - Leave No Chance to Excuse
- Final Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Copy
- Recommended Resources
Ebook Type: PDF
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