A book is a mirror; if an ass peers into it you can't expect an apostle to look out.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

E-Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing, Internet

WordPress Plugin Confidential

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Title: WordPress Plugin Confidential
Author: Steven Wagenheim

"Turn Your WordPress Blog Into A Marketing Monster"

There are over 11.4 millions WordPress blog as of this moment...and that number is growing daily.

If you're reading this...you're most likely one of them.

And more likely than not...you're pulling your hair out of your head trying to optimize your blog to get the best search engine rankings and the most visitors possible.

And you probably know that the way to that optimization is through the use of plugins.

But which plugins?

There are currently over 11,000 in the WordPress catalog...not to mention third party sites.

Finding the right plugin for your needs can be an absolute nightmare.

WordPress Plugin Confidential To The Rescue

I have ransacked the WordPress archives and have picked out 100 of the most must have WordPress Plugins...hands down.

  • Avoid The Frustration Of Trial And Error
  • Save Countless Hours Of Search Time
  • Take Out The Mystery Of If It Will Work
  • Stop Wondering If The Plugin Is Outdated

WordPress Plugin Confidential cuts right to the heart of the plugins that you will need to fully optimize your blog and turn it into a marketing powerhouse platform.

How Would You Like To

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Ebook Type: ZIP
Category: E-Business

Concrete Confidence

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Title: Concrete Confidence

This ebook is designed to equip you with one of the most important skills in life - the ability to act in spite of fear... for that is the essence of confidence. Once you have achieved mastery of self, you will be able to do whatever it takes to succeed in any industry.


Monetization - the word has got a new meaning today. In these difficult times, people are trying to monetize just about anything and everything. Some are hitting the jackpot, achieving multiple monetization streams on a single product they have. While others are just wasting away, not quite able to come to grips with the concept of monetization.

Here is an e-Book that tells you how you go about monetizing things. How you can add to your income putting in minimal effort, and ensuring that that income keeps on flowing into your bank account.

Table Of Contents:

  • Making Money Out of Anything... Anything!
  • The Name of the Game
  • Why You Just Cannot Forget the Internet
  • Goodwill Hunting and Finding Niches
  • Build Something Successful
  • Promoting Your Stuff Online - When Does the Confidence Come?
  • Building Your Battalion of Interested People
  • The Power of Viral Marketing
  • Setting Up Streams of Residual Income
  • Realizing the Power of 'I Can'

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Products Creation Secrets

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Title: Products Creation Secrets

"Now Any Clueless Marketer Can Easily Create Cash-Pulling, Profitable Products That Sell Like Hotcakes !"

If You've Always Wanted To Have Products Of Your Own That Won't Take Much Time And Money To Create...Now You can!

Dear Friend,

As more and more people join the internet marketing world, they are always confronted by a glut of choices on how to make money. Now, this may seem like a good thing, but many people tend to lean towards the 'make money online' niches.

Soon enough, they realize that not only is this niche overcrowded, there are tons of people selling products for others, and they follow suit. Affiliate marketing, as popular as it is, has tons of newbie marketers gasping for air amidst a swarm of overcrowded affiliates touting almost the same kind of products!

So the novice marketer is faced with two important criteria if he wants to succeed:

  1. Try to branch away from the make money online markets
  2. Have a unique selling point to market!

And guess what the best option would be? Having your own product.

You see, if you have a product in a profitable niche, you've pretty much got a headstart over hordes of clueless, desperate newbie marketers still trying to figure out head or tail in the infancy stages of their online business.

Having a solid product in a profitable

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Home Business

21 Ways To Raise Fast Cash

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Title: 21 Ways To Raise Fast Cash

"How Would You Like The Thought of Knowing 21 Different Methods of Generating Cash Anytime You'd Like?..."

Using These 21 Methods, You'll Be Able To Raise Cash Quickly For An Emergency or Simply To Add More To Your Bottom Line!

Dear Friend,

Don't you get anxious about not being able to keep up with the enormous bills, especially when a sudden tax bill appears out of no where?

In these uncertain economic times, you just don't know what might happen.

Just like most average households you probably have a mortgage to pay off and you need to support your family and yourself.

One day you might get laid off from your job, or your business simply isn't generating any sales.

What would you do if you were in this situation?

I Know How You Feel...

I was in a situation of desperation.

I had been hit by a big tax bill from the tax office. It looked impossible to pay off considering I had a mortgage to pay off, a car to pay off, and basic living expenses.

I didn't want to sell my home or my car...

Hours and Hours of Research...

That day I received the big tax bill, I just sat there looking at the bill, and was in a depressed state.

I didn't know what to do, who to talk to, and how to overcome this crisis.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Squeeze Page Guru

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Title: Squeeze Page Guru

"Learning About How To Be A Squeeze Page Guru Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

How To Assemble Cash Pulling Squeeze Pages!

Dear Friend,

Prior to you beginning the endeavor of building a successful list or producing a mighty sales page, you'll want to begin with a rigorous introduction to Squeeze Pages.

In blunt contrast to undifferentiated home pages, Squeeze Pages center specifically on getting leads for an e-zine or making sales for a particular product - and make no effort to give visitors another choice. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that increase your effectiveness and save hours everyday!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Squeeze Page Guru!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It's because they don't know that a crucial thing you'll wish to discover about squeeze pages is that every one bears the same parts and is centered on a exclusive goal - getting the visitor to turn into a subscriber or purchaser. All successful marketers

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business

The Mountain

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Title: The Mountain

Business Master Reveals The Million Dollar Secrets For Making A Fortune

Audio transcript in pdf format

Hi, you're listening to Terry Telford from TheBusinessProfessional.com. We're very lucky to have Dr. Joe Rubino here today who bills himself as North America's Success Coach. He has a best selling list of books, tapes, and courses about the length of my arm. They're available in 22 countries in 14 languages.

Just to give you an example, one that he has is, Restore Your Magnificence: A Life-Changing Guide to Reclaiming Your Self-Esteem. Another is, Secrets of Building a Million Dollar Network Marketing Organization: From A Guy Who's Been There, Done That, and Shows You How to Do It Too. Another one is 10 Weeks to Internet Marketing Success: The Secrets to Launching Your Very Own Million-Dollar Organization in a 10-Week Business-Building and Personal-Development Self-Study Course.

If you want to find out some more information about Joe, you can hop over to www.CPRSuccess.com. Joe is also a professional MLM kind of guy. So, I'd like to say thanks for taking the time to talk to me today, Joe.

Terry, it's a privilege.

Thank you very much. Maybe you can tell us a little bit about yourself. What's your background and how did you end up getting into the MLM industry?


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Google Tools to Help Marketers Succeed

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Title: Google Tools to Help Marketers Succeed

Leverage Google Tools And Become An Online Sensation


Leverage the power of Google to succeed in your online business! See your website getting flooded with potential buyers by simply using Google tools to your best advantage!

Has your SEO Company failed to yield adequate results? Are you broke after spending thousands of dollars on marketing tactics you thought were creative and potent? Are you still trying to unravel cyberspace trends and social media optimization techniques which continue to remain as elusive as ever? Is your cash crunch giving you sleepless nights? Are you depressed, dejected and completely disillusioned with the course your life has taken? Do you think your financial position is adversely affecting your social image? PAUSE ...there are tons of marketing tools and tactics. The challenge is to choose the RIGHT ONE! Discover GOOGLE TOOLS to pave your way to financial success!

Get Your Website Listed On The First Page Of Google

A research conducted by the NPD Group proved that the top 30 results displayed on the search engine... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business

Blogging Simplified

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Title: Blogging Simplified

Catch Up on the Blogosphere in the 21st Century!


  • Blogging in 21st Century: Introduction to Online Journaling
  • How to Start Your Own Blog in Less than 15 Minutes
  • How Can Online Blogging Be Profitable to Ordinary Individuals?
  • Writing Content and Getting Constant Traffic to Your Blog

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business

Membership Website Millionaires

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Title: Membership Website Millionaires

How To Create A Million Dollar Membership Website

We got two of the Internet's premier entrepreneurs with us tonight. We have Jeremy Gislason and Simon Hodgkinson with us, and were going to try and get as much information out of these guys in about the next 60 to 90 minutes as we can about setting up million dollar membership websites. Now, these two guys just keep pumping them out; they turn out membership websites together, have a list of products on their own and projects that they work on basically on their own as well.

I think it was back in June 2007 where one of their membership websites generated 1.7 million U.S. dollars in 10 days. Thats absolutely phenomenal. So, a lot of people are probably wondering how in the world you pulled that off. What were going do is really go in depth about that website, which was the MarketingMainEvent3.com project. What we want to do is look at everything from the brainstorming and the pre-launch right through the launch and post-launch.

Then, they wanted to move into having the new software, thats where MembersSpeed came from, which is software thats available for us today. We also have a very, very special guest for everybody on the call but were going get into that in just a few minutes. First of all Id like to thank you guys both for being here today and taking the time to really explain in depth what you guys did to generate 1.7 million dollars in 10 days. So, thanks very

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business

The Niche Blog Profitz Course

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Title: The Niche Blog Profitz Course

"Forget 'Pie In The Sky' Marketing And Build Your Business Around One Of The Most Dependable And Proven Ways Of Making Money Online..."

An open letter to struggling marketers...

Did you know that the people who made the most money online ten years ago are often STILL the people who are raking it in today?

Using the same method that's delivered a lifestyle most people can only dream about.

"I'm talking about a rock solid method of passive income that has outlived every 'pie in the sky' hyped up launch ever done!"

These guys might not be high profile gurus (they don't NEED to be) but they're the true internet marketers. The ones who know how to make money out of almost every single niche online, quickly, simply and effectively.

And in TRUE autopilot mode.

Welcome to the course that will teach you how to operate one of the original money making methods. One of the tried, tested and proven ways for anyone to start generating cash from the internet.

The Niche Blog Profitz Course

Q. Why do so many people ignore what's right in front of their very eyes?

A. Because they waste money on the shiny new launches that happen every week, without realizing that they could have a hands-free, passive income on autopilot and

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