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E-Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business

Profiting from CRAP advertising

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Title: Profiting from CRAP advertising

Are you looking for a way to earn a full time living online?

"They Laughed At Me When I Told Them I Make $3,300 Each Month From The Crappiest Advertising On The Internet"

Are You A Frustrated Internet Marketer Looking To Make A Full Time Living Online? Finally, Here Is A Step-By-Step Plan That You Can Follow And Copy That Almost Guarantees Success... Keep Reading To Discover How.

It's true! Each month Steve consistently puts $3,300 or more in his pocket by simply using what other marketers have declared to be the most awful forms of advertising that you can possibly imagine:

  • Safelists
  • FFA Sites
  • Message Boards
  • Traffic Exchanges

Do these advertising methods sound familiar?

I'm sure YOU'VE used all of them... but never even made a single dime for your efforts...

The sad part is you probably don't have ONE CLUE WHY.

Well, I'm going to tell you why... It's because you haven't discovered the profitable secrets to making these advertising methods work like I have... the secret that I've kept to myself for over 5 years.

Until now...

Learn The Power Of Crap Advertising!

I've put together a profitable blueprint (no fluff) on EXACTLY how to use

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Red Hot List Building

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Title: Red Hot List Building
Author: Geoff Shaw

Here's an Opportunity for You to Make Some Quick Cash and Discover While You Do It...

Make Easy Money Selling a Fantastic Product For Peanuts!

This is a Hot and In Demand Topic

Everyone Knows the Money Is In the List...

So - Give Them the Information They Need And Make a Pile of Cash Doing Just That!

How would you like to have the opportunity to make a ton of cash by selling something for a few bucks that everyone else needs?

Here's the deal...

I am going to sell you this manual on one of the Hottest Topics in Internet Marketing and I am only going to charge you a fraction of what it is worth - and here's why....

Because I have made the ebook rebrandable, so you have the opportunity to make a whole lot more by selling it to other people for peanuts.

It doesn't really matter what you get from the initial sale because you should make a lot more money from the commissions you can earn!

And here's another reason why you can sell it for next to nothing...

You will build a bigger list faster by selling it for pennies, and all the people on the list you will create, will be 'buyers' and that is VERY important because all freebie seekers do is waste space on your autoresponder account - It's TRUE... You are better concentrating on people who actually have a credit card where they can buy something

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Selling Your Way to Your First Million

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Title: Selling Your Way to Your First Million

Attention: Anyone who wants to become a human cash- generating, sales machine!

"Who Else Wants to Convert Uninterested Prospects to Highly-Responsive Paying Customers and Cash-In Your Way to Selling Success?"

You encounter salespeople all the time.

Some of them are so good that you end up buying from them, even if you initially don't have any intention to. Some are able to instantly gain your approval and trust, even if you've conditioned yourself not to shed out any money.

How do they accomplish such feat? Do you want to find out how to sell anything like crazy? Look no further!

"Be a topnotch salesperson in no time!"

Dear Future Sales Superstar,

Do you realize that you can earn thousands, even millions of dollars, just by selling alone? Well, you know Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. And they both built an empire selling computers. How did they start? All they have is a few innovative ideas, the right attitude, and the will to succeed.

"Just like them, you can start building your own empire too!"

Many people believe that the money lies in marketing and sales. Unfortunately, some detest the idea of selling to others. They don't consider it as a possible career option. Some want to earn by selling but can't seem to get their game right. But some have learned the craft and are

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Income Blueprints

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Title: Income Blueprints

Income Blueprints: 100 Sure-Fire Profit Plans!


1 Make sure you show your readers that they are getting a bargain. Tell them the usual price you sell your product for is $99. Then tell them if they order today, they can buy it for $69.95. You could also show them the difference they would be saving -

2 Direct your ad headline to your target audience. Your readers will feel important and enjoy belonging to a select group of people who buy your product. For example, "Attention! Accountants, Learn A New Way To Increase Your Client Base!" Another example, "Warning! Ebook Publishers..."

3 Build a popular directory of freebies. It will draw a lot of traffic to your web site and you can request that people who submit free things place your link on their home page. You could also trade links with other freebie sites or submit your own free items to their web site.

4 Use bullets to highlight the benefits of your products or services. Benefits are the key to selling anything, make them stand out in your ad. You can use dots, dashes, or circles to highlight them. You also could convert your product's features and bonuses into bullet format.F

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Category: E-Business

Video Marketing For Lazy Cash Lovers

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Title: Video Marketing For Lazy Cash Lovers

"SIZZLING Hot Off The Presses Report Reveals How To Make A Killing With Video Marketing Even If You're Lazy, Inexperienced, And Nearly Broke"

Dear Opportunity Seeker,

As a struggling entrepreneur I have been trying to make it in Internet Marketing for several years and until very recently my success has been very hit or miss....sometimes I hit a homerun and other times I just waste a lot of my time and money.

Fortunately I'm not the type of person who gives up very easily and, despite numerous disappointments and setbacks, I have kept at it.

After all, where there is a will there is way right?

A couple of months ago I started doing a little experimenting with online videos to see what kind of traffic I could pull in, if any.

I started off creating my own crumby little videos and submitting them to Youtube. My videos did okay but they were a pain to create and I hate spending a chunk of my time on something hoping it pays off.

Then one day while I was watching some amateur online videos a little light bulb went off in my head.
Why not just ask other amateur video makers (whose videos were much better than mine) if I could use their videos for my video channels?

I sent out a few promotional requests to some content producers and was delighted to learn that most of them didn't mind at all and some of them were actually thrilled by the request!

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Profit Tricks

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Title: Profit Tricks

Profit Tricks: 100 Magical Income Streams!


1 Create two versions of your e-zine so people can choose if they want ads included with it or not. This'll attract the people who hate ads to subscribe. You could also charge a subscription fee to the e-zine without ads. This will make up for the lost advertising revenue.

2 Create a long-term relationship with your entire customer base. You can stay in touch with them through an e-zine, with greeting cards, opt-in lists, autoresponders, messages boards, chat rooms, e-mail discussion lists, instant online messages, etc. When you stay in touch, people don't forget about your business.

3 When you write and give away a free ebook you will become known as an expert. This will enable you to gain people's trust and they will buy your main product or service quicker. You may get offers from other people wanting you to speak, consult, coach, etc.

4 Give your new customers surprise free gifts. This will increase their loyalty and give you more word-ofmouth advertising. For example, your customer could tell your friend, "I just ordered this new advertising ebook and they gave five other ebooks as surprise bonuses! I really got a great bargain!"

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Category: E-Business

Profiting After The Sale

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Title: Profiting After The Sale

"Is There Only One Buy Now Button On Your Page? If You Think So, You Are Flushing Good Money Down The Drain!"

How hard do you work to drive traffic to your website?

If you are anything like the thousands of other Internet Marketers I've met with, I'm sure that you kill yourself working 12 hour days to ensure that you are driving enough traffic to your website to make it profitable. You probably wrack your brain thinking up new traffic driving ideas and spend hours analyzing your conversion numbers to make sure that you are making the amount of money that your site ought to be making.

But have you ever wished that instead of one sale each, everyone who buys from you would buy twice. Maybe you've wished for a glitch in the PayPal computers or a browser problem that records every click twice. Have you ever sat down and figured out the math? How much money would you make if even half of everyone who has ever bought from you, bought twice?

I know, it's a ridiculous scenario, but if it were possible or if it did happen, how great would that be, huh?

You know, one of my websites had just such a problem and in correcting it, I figured out one of the most tightly controlled secrets in the IM business. If you listen closely, I'll do my best to explain everything to you...

It all started when one of my affiliate sites actually did have a glitch on it.... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

List Building Unmasked

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Title: List Building Unmasked

Simple Strategies For Maximizing Your Income With Email Marketing

Shred The Veil Of Secrecy And Learn Exactly How To Create Your Push Button Income System!

Dear Friend,

According to the majority of successful online entrepreneurs, the fastest and easiest method of building online wealth is by building a mailing list and then broadcasting promotional based messages to your audience.

Make sense, but there's one problem with that concept; it's a heck of a lot easier said than done.

When you first thought of building your online business, you probably never even considered a mailing list as part of your marketing arsenal.

In fact, for the most part, building a list and effectively marketing to it is one of the last things most of us ever do because we're far too busy trying to create a reputation, build a brand and establish ourselves within our markets.

But here's the thing: If you actually focus ALL of your efforts on list building and email marketing, you can simultaneously achieve ALL of these things without ever having to spend a penny on advertising your business or spending every waking moment trying to push your brand out in front of your target audience.

In fact, you can build a brand, make money, advertise your products, maximize your income AND still have time at the end of the day to focus on everything... Click here to read the full description!

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Super Opt-in List Secrets

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Title: Super Opt-in List Secrets

Real Secrets! Real Strategies! Real Results!

Grow Your Opt-In Mailing List Virtually Overnight!

Dear Friend,

Have you had enough of spending day after day going around in cyberspace promoting your site, only to have your opt-in mailing list grow at the speed of molasses?

Are you looking for a way to grow your mailing list and increase your customer base virtually overnight without having to spend hundreds of dollars for a pre-existing mailing list? Are you about ready to give up and throw in the towel altogether on the idea of operating an opt-in mailing list because it's more of a migraine than it's worth?

I know how you feel, because I've been there. There's nothing more frustrating than launching a great business idea out onto the web, confident it's going to be a success, only to have it crash and burn because you haven't been able to get it far enough out into the public eye-because your opt-in mailing list just isn't doing its job.

The Good News Is, I Can Help!

Since I've been in your shoes I know the frustration and irritation you're feeling right now. The good news is that I can help! I've spent the last two years studying every marketing strategy in existence out on the net, and I can say with absolute confidence that I've finally stumbled across a guaranteed set of techniques that will help you (or anyone else, for that matter!) turn

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Category: E-Business

Cash Building Strategies

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Title: Cash Building Strategies

In our new e-book you'll discover how to turn any niche into an automated cash machine easily and swiftly. You will also discover how to duplicate this newfound information to double and triple your earnings and so on and so on. This e-book is a must have for any online marketer who wants to achieve total success and independence upon working for someone else.

The money is out there. Let us show you how to go get it.



Busting Out The Myths

Getting Started

Types Of Legitimate Online Businesses

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Service Based Businesses
  • Selling On eBay
  • Making Money From Selling Products
  • Making Money From Membership Sites
  • Make Money The PLR Way
  • Make Money Blogging
  • Make Money From Selling Informational Type Products
  • Make Money Coaching Others
  • Make Money With Desktop Publishing
  • Make Money In The Genealogy Business
  • Creating A Business From Unusual Ideas

Marketing Your Online Businesses

  • Email Marketing
  • Website
  • Articles & Other Written Content
  • Miscellaneous Marketing Techniques
  • Socializing For Marketing

Marketing On The Fun Side

Ending Thoughts

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