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E-Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business

Building Massive Lists

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Title: Building Massive Lists
Author: Sharlene Raven

Learn How To Build Massive, Profit Pulling Mailing Lists Without Spending
A Single Dime On Traffic!

Aweber charges me more and more money every month as my lists grow and I love paying them every penny! I do not have to worry about paying the fee every month anymore!

Are You Ready To Finally Break The 10,000 Subscriber Mark?

Dear Internet Marketing Colleague,

We all hear how building a mailing list is one of the most important aspects of being successful online. Time and time again, day after day, we hear "The Money Is In The List."

And you know what? That statement is 100% correct.

So, if everyone keeps going on about building mailing lists and people keep asking "how do I start to build a mailing list" there obviously must be insufficient information on the market detailing how people can start, and then grow their own profitable mailing lists.

There is also the million dollar question - "How do I get traffic to my 'squeeze page' to start building my lists?" Now, forgive me if I am wrong here, but this must also mean there is still a huge flaw in the information that is being sold and shared already.

Hence the reason for this report. As with everything I do and teach, there is work involved. If you still expect to grow your business by doing nothing then this report is

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Category: E-Business

Build Your Own Cash Pipeline

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Title: Build Your Own Cash Pipeline

"Learn The Secret 'Fool-Proof' Strategies Of How To Succeed In Network Marketing And Build Your Own Cash Pipeline!"

There are generally two ways of building wealth today: you can either take up one-time contracts/jobs and get paid only once, or build your own business and earn residual income.

Obviously, the most desired state is earning residual income whereby you earn over and over even though you only put in the effort once!

The majority of professionals that enjoy this type of income are found in lucrative fields such as actors, writers, musicians, singers, and inventors - those who earn residual income from their past accomplishments.

While not many of us can sing that well or direct the next smashing box office movie, making residual income is still feasible through Network Marketing.

Build Your Own Cash Pipeline shows you the essential ins and outs of how to succeed in Network Marketing - from choosing the 'right' Network Marketing company to avoiding the 5 main pitfalls and 12 secrets of successful heavy-hitting Network Marketers!

Build Your Own Cash Pipeline includes:

  • Network Marketing Reviewed!
  • Residual/Recurring Income Explained
  • Choosing a Network Marketing Company!
  • Secrets of the 'Heavy Hitters'!
  • Network Marketer's Survival
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Category: E-Business

Video Profits

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Title: Video Profits

"Discover How One Simple Man Went From Internet Zero To Internet Hero Saving His Family, His House, Even His Fulltime Job In The Process All Through The Power Of VIDEO!"

If you haven't been able to make significant money with online videos, then this eBook may well be the most powerful book you'll ever read.

Dear Internet Marketer,

I'm interested in making money online and I'm considered to be very successful at it. I'd like to show you how to make the same kind of money that I routinely make using one of my most effective tools: The online video.

You are reading this sales page because you want to make more money online, right? You are also probably reading this page because you know how powerful videos are and you want to find some way to take advantage of them.

"Well, You've Come To The Perfect Person To Learn..."

The world around us is changing quickly. That may not be a surprise, but the speed by which the world is changing is shocking. Do you realize that the techniques, skills and even the information you've learnt in the past few years may already be outdated and useless?

It is this exact reason why I've been able to consistently make money online and why I'm 100% confident that I'll be able to continue making money online for years to come.

Unlike 99%... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Cashing In BIG On The Health And Wellness Industry

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Title: Cashing In BIG On The Health And Wellness Industry

Learn How You Or ANYONE Can Milk Every Single Dollar From One Of The Highest Demand Markets In The World Today!

Description: Ever thought of making money in an industry with a HUGE market demand, UNPARALLELED growth potential and MASSIVE income possibilities?

How would you like to position yourself strategically and tap into one of the largest trends in the history of mankind? Look no further. Cashing In BIG On The Health And Wellness Industry reveals how the HEALTH and WELLNESS industry holds the key to any budding entrepreneur on how to cash in on this rising trend!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Who Are The Baby Boomers?

  • When Did It Happen?
  • The Growth of an Unstoppable Market
  • The Cultural Identity of a World Changing Generation

Chapter 2: What are the Baby Boomer Trends?

  • Boomers Start and Destroy Markets
  • Unparalleled Economic Demand
  • Keeping up with the Boomer's Trends

Chapter 3: Where are the Boomers Spending Their Money?

  • Where Would Their Main Priority Be?
  • What Age are they in Now?
  • Where Will They Start Looking For Solutions?

Chapter 4: Health and Wellness in the Network Marketing Industry

  • Feeding the Hunger
  • A Cost Effective Business... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Partnering With The Big Dogs!

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Title: Partnering With The Big Dogs!
Author: Doug Champigny

What Do All The 5-Figure, 6-Figure and 7-Figure Launches Have In Common - And How Do YOU Get Yours???

"Amazing New Report Rips The Lid Off The Internet Marketing Mega-Launches As Big-Dog Insider Reveals The Truth About Joint Ventures - And How YOU Can Use Them To Build Your Business, Expand Your Customer Base & Skyrocket Your Online Profits - Starting Almost Immediately!"

Dear Internet Marketer:

Have you heard about joint venture marketing and joint venture partners and you really do not understand the concept of how joint ventures are set up and how they can make YOU money? Joint ventures is the new internet industry buzzword that is getting new and established businesses more online traffic, more sales, and more profits then any other idea like it in years!

The concepts are simple and anybody that has a product or service to sell can participate in these money-making ventures. This new e-book will explain the do's and the don'ts regarding joint venture projects and how to succeed the first time you try.

Do you understand how online traffic is driven to a specific website? Do you understand the complexities that surround Internet marketing and how a good spot on a keyword search page can make or break a business?

A business person who wants to try to put their name in the hat of the Internet marketing world needs to know how to make

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Category: E-Business

Instant Niche Expert

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Title: Instant Niche Expert
Author: Liz Tomey

Crank Out Articles & E-Mails That Sell Products Like Crazy, Generate Loads Of LIFETIME Traffic & Position You As The Expert In Your Field Quickly, Easily & Without Hundreds Of Hours Of Training!

PLUS Discover The Secrets Of Publishing Masters And How To Avoid Costly Mistakes, Get Past Spam Filters, Use Personalization MORE Profitably And Increase Response!

Dear Friend,

Do you have any kind of trouble when it comes to writing E-mails to promote your products or the products of others?

Do your promotions just never produce the kind of sales that you know the product is capable of achieving and you don't know why?

Or do you try and write articles and not get the response or traffic from them that you thought you would?

Do you get confused when trying to figure out how to profitably use personalization, auto responders and how to get your message past the Spam filters?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, don't worry, you're not alone. There are literally thousands of people out there just like you that own websites or newsletters that face the same problems every day.

You've probably thought "There has to be some sort of solution to this problem that I can use and embrace to make the whole writing process not only easy and fast but also fun"

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Category: E-Business

Web 2.0 Sites Exposed

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Title: Web 2.0 Sites Exposed

Leverage Your Business & Marketing Power On The Latest Wave On The Internet!


Web 2.0 Sites Exposed!

What Web 2.0 exactly is and why it is the latest wave of the Internet that is totally here to stay!

Join the Online Journal craze and learn how a network of web logs can offer a huge boost of popularity, leads and income to your Online Empire!

Social Bookmarking
Social Bookmarking is a recognized way to store, classify, share and search links through the practice of folksonomy techniques on the Internet. Learn how you can use it to your advantage!

Social Networking
Find out how you can have fun and do some serious business at the same time in this increasingly popular Web 2.0 as used by infamous sites such as Friendster, FacE-Book, MySpace, and more!

In the advent of wide establishment of broadbands and wireless networks throughout the world, these digital entities become more recognized and useful than ever. Here's how you to use it to maximize your business profits and advantage!

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Category: E-Business

Fast Track To Online Profits

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Title: Fast Track To Online Profits

Fast Track to Online Profits is your one-stop guide to learning everything you need to know to stop being at your boss' mercy and start taking control of your life and your finances.

Learn different ways to earn cash online, simple tips to get your online business up and running and PROFITABLE in record time, the "work from home" mindset and way to go about your business to practically guarantee you succeed, and much more!

"You're About to Learn How To Get On The Fast Track To Online Profits And Earn Real Cash From Home in 30 Days or Less! "

If you're tired of working the daily grind, you're going to love what you're about to read...

The fact is, you don't need to keep working hard to make others wealthy while you struggle and worry. How would you like to work from home--your own schedule, your own hours, be your own boss--and get paid MORE for doing it?

There are 1,000s of people out there right now that are just like you, and they are doing exactly that. Fed up with the routine, they took action and changed their lives. And now you can too!

Introducing, , "Fast Track to Online Profits: 30 Days to Earn Real Cash From Home!"

Fast Track to Online Profits is your one-stop guide to learning everything you need to know to stop being at your boss' mercy and start taking control of your life and your finances.

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

How To Design A Profitable Website

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Title: How To Design A Profitable Website
Author: Dirk Dupon

Stuck designing a professional website? Don't give up, because here's first class help...

"You're About To Discover How You Can Quickly And Consistently Crank Out Traffic-Hungry And Automated, Profit-Generating Web Sites That Guarantee Results And Boost Your Income!"

Creating A Profitable Web Site Is One Of The Most Valuable Skills You Can Ever Master In Today's E-Commerce Market... And In Just A Few Minutes From Now... I'm Going to Show You Exactly How You Can Turn Your PC Into An Automatic Cash-Generating Machine!

Dear Info-Marketer, Webmaster, Business Owner,

f you're doing business online, you may know that a professional looking web site is one of the most important aspects of your success.

No matter what products or services you offer, your visitors first impression of your web site (sales page) will instantly determine whether or not you're going to make the sale.

A professional (and profitable) web site will...

  • Make your visitors feel comfortable, and bring you more sales
  • Contain useful content, increasing your sites popularity, providing you with additional links pointing to your site
  • Contain the right keywords, increasing your Search Engine ranking, which results in bringing additional traffic to your site
  • Increase the perceived value of your products... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Magical Way For Making Money Online

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Title: Magical Way For Making Money Online

Easily, Quickly...
And Without Hardly ANY Money!


You've Found A Place To Actually Get Step-By-Step Manual On How To Build A Good, Solid Web Business That Gets TRAFFIC, Sells Products...
AND Makes You Money!

This is NOT one of those brand-new, just-out-of-the-box, try-it-and-see-if-it-works type of thing... this is the EXACT method the marketing masters have used for YEARS to make their living online!


This ebook explains their method of marketing in 90+ pages filled with step-by-step manual on EXACTLY how to quickly and easily build a stable, recurring income using these POWERFUL marketing techniques.

As You Can Imagine, This Is Gonna BE BIG!

In this 90+ page blockbuster, you'll learn:

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