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E-Business ebooks

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Category: Business, E-Business, Home Business

999 Great Business Ideas

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Title: 999 Great Business Ideas

Are you stuck for a moneymaking idea?

Have you been racking your brains out for a part time lucrative business venture that you can build on?

If so, then this quick manual could just be what you are looking for.

With 999 different money making ideas there's bound to be some to suit you. All can lead to lucrative projects and most can be operated from home in your spare time without leaving your current employment.

"999 Different Money Making Ideas" is 63 pages of brief descriptions of different money making ideas. Some requiring little capital; some requiring no capital. Some requiring little effort; some requiring hard work! Some risky; some not so risky. Some tried and tested traditional methods of making money; some quite brilliant business concepts for the aspiring entrepreneur. A complete cross section of different business ideas to suit people with or without any special skills.

Here are just the first 20 in this fantastic ebook

  1. Make money from renting out expensive children's toys. The toys you rent out will include remote controlled models and computerised games. Use a little van to deliver the toys to customers. Paint in toy town colour scheme. Call the van a toy mobile or similar suitable name.
  2. Produce Christmas cards
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Category: E-Business

High Response Sales Letters

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Title: High Response Sales Letters

"How To Write High Response Sales Letters In Just 25 Minutes With These 6 Quick And Easy Steps That Work Every Single Time... Even If You've Never Written One Before!"

I was talking to a good friend of mine last week. He just got into online marketing maybe two weeks ago, in contrast to my seventh anniversary edging ever closer. He pays close attention to what others are doing, so I'm always happy to answer his questions. Anyway, during that conversation he asked me probably the most important question he could have asked that immediately told me that he's going places, and fast.

This is what he said to me...

"Do you know if there's something I should be working on, a skill I should start developing right now that will help my business grow quickly? What's the most important job an online marketer can discover to do well?"

The answer was simple

"Discover to write sales copy" I told him. Why? Because if you can't write sales copy, it doesn't just affect your sales, it affects your lead generation, the response to your ads, your resource building, your profits, the quality of your products, everything."

There was a short silence...

And then the reply came "That's a problem, you know that I dropped out of school at 17 and can't afford to pay a copywriter $3000+ for a sales letter every time I want to sell a product... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business


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When I first started on this report, it was only supposed to be a couple of pages long. The main reason was to give a little bit more detail into a method that I use to generate a nice income every month.

Since then however, I have been contacted more times than I can count asking to expand the scope of the methods used and get more in detail about the things I do.

What I quickly realized is that many people simply do not know where to start and that many of the products out there today assume that we all know everything already.

So, I have taken this a bit further and am going to go in detail and in depth about everything. When you finish this, you should have no doubt that you will be able to generate an income online.

It is going to take work and effort on your part however, anything in life that is worth having does.


  • Getting Your Head Right
  • Doing Keyword Research
  • Picking The Right Keywords
  • Picking A Niche
  • Analyzing Your Competition
  • Coming Up With Content
  • Setting Up Your Virtual Real Estate
  • Intermission
  • Generating Traffic
  • Add Value To Your Real Estate

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Category: E-Business

The E-Entrepreneur Success Mindset

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Title: The E-Entrepreneur Success Mindset

Unearth The Minds Of Successful Internet Entrepreneurs From Around The Planet!


Why Do So Many Internet Startups Fail Today?

How you can avoid being part of this dreadful statistic.

The Cornerstones of Successful Internet Entrepreneurship
Some people can only see what successful Internet Entrepreneurs do on the outside, but even fewer can read the minds of these unique individuals.

The Key to Continuous Growth and Expansion
Even if you are handicapped, know little about Internet Marketing, or low on resources, they are no legit excuses to not giving yourself a chance to succeed online.

The Razor Edge Difference Between Work and Deals
What constitutes a fruitful task and something else either of less importance or simply a waste of time.

It's Your Call Now: Take Action!
You now know more than what many Internet startups do not. But to be different and unique from them, take action and discover how you can get started now in the right direction!

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Category: E-Business

Make Exponential Profits with Backend Sales

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Title: Make Exponential Profits with Backend Sales

"How to Achieve Success with Backend and Make Piles of Cash!"

No matter what type of business you are in, or whether you market your products online or offline, the backend offers are the ones which determine whether you are going to make marginal or staggering profits.

Why Is The Money In The Backend? There is no additional customer acquisition cost, as you will be selling to customers you have already acquired, for one. Assume that the selling price of your initial product (frontend) is $97, while its original cost price is $30. You run an advertisement for $600, which got you ten customers. Your gross profit will thus be $670 ($97 X 10 customers) - ($30 X 10 customers), while your net profit will be $70 ($670 gross profit - $600 ad costs) for 10 customers.

This is just one small example of how powerful the 'backend' concept can prove to be. Even if you do not make profit from your initial sale, you can always compensate and make more from your 'backend' sales!

Pages: 34

Table Of Contents

What is a Backend Product?

  • Why Is The Money In The Backend?

The Importance of a Backend Strategy

  • Taking the Advantage of Backend Selling

Getting Started with Your Backend Strategy

  • Conducting Surveys

Why Need a Backend Marketing

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Category: E-Business

The Video Cash Blueprint

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Title: The Video Cash Blueprint
Author: Liz Tomey

"Video Marketing Is Literally On Fire... Do You Have What It Takes To Use This Medium To Catapult Your Internet Business To The Next Level Of Online Success Or Will You Be Left Eating The Dust Of Your Competition?"

Finally, The Secrets Of Video Marketing Are Revealed! Know Everything That You Need To Know To Master This Field And Discover A Whole New Plateau Of Online Wealth Just Waiting To Be Conquered!"

Dear Online Marketer,

Back in 2004, article publishing became one of the biggest Internet marketing weapons in cyberspace. Many NETrepreneurs realized the amazing power of original, well-written articles in building a sizable number of back links that generated loads upon loads of traffic for their websites.

Then, in 2005, blog and ping became the hottest online marketing strategy in existence. Blogs, after all, are simplified content management systems that empower just about anybody - including those who absolutely do not have a clue on how a computer works - to publish content on the World Wide Web.

Additionally, by using the ping strategy, you'll be able to draw the attention of the search engine spiders, which will eventually result in the rapid indexing of your latest blog entries. Given the fact that search engines adore regularly updated content, blogs DO appear prominently in relevant search engine results pages. The result is a higher

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Category: E-Business

How to Set Up and Use Joomla!

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Title: How to Set Up and Use Joomla!

Discover How to Use Joomla to Get Your Website Up & Running & Earning HUGE Profits in No Time!

Dear friend,

While Joomla has quickly become one of the most powerful open source content management systems in the world today, chances are - unless you are a professional programmer - you aren't very familiar with it.

But don't worry.

Now you can quickly and easily learn everything you need to know to become a Joomla expert and begin using it to create money-making websites like crazy ... all from one convenient, inexpensive ebook!

It's true.

Please allow me to introduce ...

"How to Set Up and Use Joomla!"

This is your chance to discover how to install, configure and take advantage of all of Joomla's features - even those that self-proclaimed Joomla experts don't know about - to best manage your website!

But, first, before we go any further, let me answer the question many of you are asking right now and that is: What exactly is Joomla?

Joomla is a revolutionary open-source system that is just as cool to work with as it sounds.

If you have a webpage that needs to be continuously updated, Joomla will quickly become your best friend.

With Joomla, you can download it and then completely forget about coding, programming and designing.

That's right, you can just sit back and

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Category: E-Business

Information Product Infantry

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Title: Information Product Infantry

"100 Ways To Explode Your Info-Product Income!"

It's Like Having 100 Foot Soldiers Ready And Willing To Defend Your Info-Product Income At ALL Costs!

Dear Friend,

Don't worry, I won't waste your time with this. There's a strategic proposal aimed right at you and I don't want you to duck...

Here's what this is all about: I'm offering you a new report called "Information Product Infantry: 100 Ways To Explode Your Info-Product Income!".

It includes some of the most covert tactics ever released and they're all together for you in one top secret report.

Are you missing out on NOT knowing these 100 secrets?

  1. The "Time Involved" Tactic
  2. The "Author It" Tactic
  3. The "Turn The Page" Tactic
  4. The "Mega" Tactic
  5. The "Chopped Up" Tactic
  6. The "Original Recipe" Tactic
  7. The "Can't Be Ignored" Tactic
  8. The "Royalty" Tactic
  9. The "I'll Support You" Tactic
  10. The "Complete Resource" Tactic
  11. The "Sell It" Tactic
  12. The "Choose It" Tactic
  13. The "Trivia" Tactic
  14. The "Real Life" Tactic
  15. The "Bestseller" Tactic
  16. The "Kid" Tactic
  17. The "Access Time" Tactic
  18. The "No Confusion" Tactic
  19. The "Free Refill" Tactic
  20. The "Nowhere Else" Tactic
  21. The "Pick Your
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Category: E-Business

Niche FAQ

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Title: Niche FAQ
Author: Elliot HansonЙќa

Table of Contents

  • 3 Ways to Market Your Product or Service
  • How to Be a Niche Marketing Master
  • Niche Frequently Asked Questions
  • Top Internet Using Countries
  • International Questions
  • Procrastinators Push
  • Resources

How to Be a Niche Marketing Master

People search the web everyday for specific answers to any and every kind of problem you can imagine. The success of Yahoo Answers is epigenous of the fact that people constantly need information.
Whatever you do in life and wherever you go, you build and absorb knowledge. Some people think what they know isn't important or people wouldn't be willing to buy a product about what you know. You'd be surprised.

There are people who are waiting for your knowledge right now, in some cases what people want information about isn't readily available online and a large group of people are searching the net trying to find more information about the topic.

As you look over this list ask yourself a couple of questions and consider what you want to offer your target market. You can literally build a business around just answering one question.

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Category: E-Business

Ultimate List Builders Course

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Title: Ultimate List Builders Course

Tired Of Looking For New Customers & Yearning For Residual Income Streams?

"Discover How YOU - Or Anyone - Can Quickly & Easily Create Your Very Own Recurring Income Generating Asset Online...

... Allowing YOU To Increase Profits From Your Repeat Customers While Building Your Own Expert Status & Credibility In The Process!"

Dear Internet Entrepreneur,

Perhaps you're here because you are still seeking the *right answers* for your Internet business and you need them fast... or perhaps because your business is still really struggling for success.

Let's work together on changing all of that today!

You probably already know the secret to creating recurring riches online... You know, the one that allows you to make money at will and pull in sale after sale, just like clockwork?

Yep, you have probably guessed it: it's having a responsive mailing list.

You see, Internet users (that's you and me and billions of others) often act on impulse when they surf web sites online. And high chances are that people who visit your web site right this moment, may quickly forget you and your web site in 10 clicks later or sadly, even sooner.

And when these visitors leave, the chances are even higher that they won't ever come back... unless they remember to, or are

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