Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more human world.
Andre Maurois

E-Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Video Blogging for Profits

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Title: Video Blogging for Profits
Finally! Video Blogging Explained ...

Dear Friend,

Have you been thinking of breaking into the world of blogging but are afraid to try something in new. Perhaps you have been experimenting with Google Adsense, affiliate programs, and other sales programs without success.

I know how hard it is to start something new especially after I have tried and failed with so many different money making ventures. I know from personal experience that it is easy to get enthusiastic about a new profit generating venture only to be disappointed in the long run.

Many methods and manuals I have used are either incomplete or require more time and money than I can comfortably invest in an Internet venture. These days I am extremely skeptical of ventures even when I am assured by experienced Internet entrepreneurs that the method will work. I am always afraid that I will get caught up in some new "fad" that will fizzle out in a few months.

The truth is that a new form of blogging, video blogging, is becoming the next big thing. Video blogs, also called vlogs, are becoming popular with people of all ages and while many considered them a fad they are far from it. Hundreds of thousands of people have started watching vlogs for pleasure.

With the growth in technology it has become easier for people of all ages and backgrounds to upload the latest video posts on their computers, iPhones, iPods, PDAs, and more.

Why not profit for Vlogging?

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

PLR Profit Formula

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Title: PLR Profit Formula

"Learn The Magic Formula For Making a Fortune, Over and Over Again With Private Label Rights Products, Even if You Have NO Knowledge, NO Skills, and Have NO Idea Where to Start!"

At this very moment there is a HUGE number of people with open wallets, and they want to buy what you're selling! What is it exactly that all these people are practically waiting in line to purchase, almost immediately after you release it? Private Label Rights Products. If you're a webpreneur looking to launch your business, finally turn a profit, or just crank out an extra few $1,000s per month, the only thing you need to know is:

How to profit, again and again, using private label rights products.

Now it's your time to shine. Since you'll be producing amazing products, you'll have every marketer on your order page, cash out and ready to complete the sale. They know they are going to make a fortune, so of course they'll buy it. There is a PROFIT for you every time!

But remember. You don't have to have a clue as to what the product is, how to sell it, or how to make it. You'll be generating huge profits around the clock with the very simple and very successful PLR Profit Formula. You'll soon see how...

Introducing PLR Profit Formula ...

 PLR Profit Formula is a 26-page... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

7 Easy Ways To Make Big Money While You Sleep!

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Title: 7 Easy Ways To Make Big Money While You Sleep!


"This REVEALING Ebook Will Help You Earn Bucket Loads Of Hard-Cold CASH, Even While You're Fast-A-Sleep!"

Dear Friend,

Have you ever dreamt or imagined that's its possible to make money even when you are relaxed & fast asleep in your bed? Well it's true! And, we can help you make those dreams or thoughts a reality with our new explosive Ebook "7 Easy Ways To Make Big Money While You Sleep!".

Inside you will find it jammed packed with money making ideas & everything you need to make it happen! It fully reveals over 7 BOOM money-makers you can get into right now no matter what your current position/job/etc... in life is!!

So what have you got to loose? NOTHING! Don't wait any longer. Get this revealing eBook today.

Getting On The Road To Financial Freedom First Starts With Believing In YOURSELF!

This eBook is over 30 pages in size & delivers the "punch" revealing the exact simple money-making secrets many ordinary, successful individuals are using every day to make money in they're sleep.

Discover Extremely Profitable Secrets Like...

  • Learn how to start with less than a $1000 and grow a "Desk Top Business". Even without a computer you can still make a small fortune. I show you a simple plan to get
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Category: E-Business

Yahoo 2.0 Traffic

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Title: Yahoo 2.0 Traffic

Want To Make Tons Of Cash?
"Yahoo 2.0 Traffic" Will Help You Use One Of The Fastest Growing Sites On The Web To Make More Money!

Would You Like To Make Insane Amounts Of Money?

  • Have you been looking for a way to get your piece of the action and make lots of money, too?
  • Have you always wondered how other people manage to be so successful on the web?

If you answered yes to either of these questions then hang on because you're about to be blown away. You're about to discover the secrets and proven techniques for making money online.

It doesn't happen in an instant - but if you're willing to use these secrets and put in some effort the cash will quickly start flooding in!

Dear Friend,

Why are you at this page? Chances are you want to make money online and want to figure out the best way to do that. Maybe you've been looking for guidebooks and handbooks on exactly how to do this, but everything so far seem too good to be true.

You CAN find out the truth without wasting time and money on useless handbooks and guidebooks. All you need is the RIGHT information and the RIGHT guidance, tested and proven to make money for people just like you!

Don't fall for unrealistic hype. Many people looking to make money online fall into the trap of believing the unrealistic... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

EBook Reseller Riches

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Title: EBook Reseller Riches

How to Exponentially Increase Your Web Profits with Resell Rights!

There are massive profits to be made on the Internet. Most of them revolve around the million dollar industry of selling information products in the form of E-Books.

The reason why we have decided to release another ebook is to share our combined expertise in the Resell Rights arena and how we can help YOU to create runaway autopilot riches without chalking out a single word of your own in terms of product creation. Before we jump in, we must outline our reselling strategy with care.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step - so we must make sure we begin our first step in the right direction. Remember, our goal is financial freedom - achieving autopilot, recurring income long after you stop marketing!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Four Ways to Maximize Profits

  • Back-end Sales
  • Upfront Sales
  • Re-branding Fees
  • Selling Resell Rights

Chapter 3: What Type of Resell Rights to Offer?

Chapter 4: Executing Your Reselling Strategies

  • Creating your Product
  • Always Cater to a Hungry Niche Market
  • How to Price Your Product
  • How to Get Your Resellers Started as Quickly as Possible
  • What are Your Other Profit... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

The Joint Venture List Building

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Title: The Joint Venture List Building
Author: James Jackson
How I Gained 1037 Subscribers In Under Thirty Days Without Paying A Single Dime For Advertising And Without Writing Or Submitting Any Articles.

A Sep-by-Step Review Of How I Generated My Very First 1000 PREMIUM Opt-in Ezine Subscribers Using This Method And Generated $954 In Profits From This List With My Very First Mailing.

And How You Can Do The Same...


Many of you already understand the power of Joint Venture marketing. But I know some of you don't so if you are new to Internet marketing or you don't know what a Joint Venture is then click here right now to get an absolutely free e-book that explains joint venture marketing in detail...


To put it short the term Joint Venture Marketing simply means that you and another business owner will partner together in a marketing effort that both of you will benefit from. Both of you will be capitalizing on each other's resources so that you both will profit without risking much. This way both of you win in most cases even if you r joint venture partnership doesn't work out neither one of you will really lose much.

I used this simple Joint Venture marketing approach and I combined my first original e-book "Joint Venture Secrets... Revealed" with a contest where everyone who entered received the e-book with resell rights for free and one grand prize winner also had a chance to win a solo ad to 300,000 subscribers even though my own ezine was just over 2000... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business, E-Business

The Infamous $10.00 Profit Plans!

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Title: The Infamous $10.00 Profit Plans!

"Learn How You Can Make Your Bank Account Spit Out $10.00 Bills Over And Over Again With 5 Different Methods!"

Dear Struggling Netrepreneur,

Have you heard the phrase. . ."Work Smarter Not Harder"?

Or how about. . . "Sell Higher Priced Products To Cut Down Your Work-Load"?

Well, you are about to learn why those phrases pose a more difficult scenario than you might think right on this very page. So, if you've been struggling to make money selling information products, or digital products, then I urge you to continue reading.

Every once in a while you will hear from many an online digital info product seller that you must sell higher priced items to decrease your workload. But, do you realize how difficult selling a $80-$150 product really is?!?

If you have not "made a name" for yourself, or you are someone just beginning in the info-product industry, or even someone fairly known, it will still be quite impossible for you to gain the trust of customers to shell out that kind of money. Especially to someone they've never heard of before.

That is why to see any money when you begin, you must set your goals lower. Yes. I said l-o-w-e-r. Bet you never thought you'd hear someone tell you that, huh?!?

But it's the honest to goodness truth. If you hope to see any type of cash flow from selling info... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Following The Guru

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Title: Following The Guru
Author: Jessie McCloud

"Learn How To Quickly Copy The Proven Profit Tactics That Work To Guarantee Your Own Online Success!"

Set Yourself Apart From The 95% Of Marketers Struggling To Make A Living Online By Modelling Your Business On The 5% Who Are Already Wildly Successful . . .

Dear Friend,

If you aren't considered an internet marketing guru, you're probably amazed at how easily they seem to manage such impressive sales figures. And how all of their products seem to be huge successes.

If you experience launch after mildly disappointing launch with products that you know rival some of those being offered by the "big guns." And if you're looking to elevate your results then it may be time to stop being in awe and to objectively evaluate exactly what these guys are doing...

In "Following The Guru", you can discover some valuable lessons that will ramp up even your 'non-guru' offerings and have other marketers looking to you in amazement.

You'll learn how to get people lining up to order your new products.

Internet marketing gurus aren't on top of their field because of luck . . . and in most cases, they aren't there because of the right product, either. As you read this new ebook you'll understand what really does set them apart from the 95% of marketers who are struggling online.

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Winning The Online War The Wordpress Way

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Title: Winning The Online War The Wordpress Way

"Wordpress Is Not Going Away, So Unless You Fight The Online Battle, It Will Be You Who Loses!"

Unless you have never used the internet before, then it is unlikely that you haven't heard of a blog before. Blogs have become so much part of the internet because they are easy for anyone to create and update even if they have no experience with graphics, HTML or in fact anything else which makes the internet part of an unknown goldmine.

The real purpose of blogs is so that people can keep a record of what they are doing and their friends and family can read about them. It may sound pretty lame to you, but they were incredibly popular when they first started and now they are even more so.

In fact, they were so popular that Google bought one of the biggest blogging platforms called Blogger as they were able to predict that this was the way that the internet was turning.

With the entrance of Google into the online blogging arena, blogging exploded and many thousands of blogs were started every single day.

While Blogger was becoming more and more popular, another blogging platform called Wordpress was also exploding. The difference between them was that with Wordpress you had total freedom to do whatever you wanted with it. What slowly happened was that lots of 'geeks' started to use it and develop it further until it turned into an

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Top Secret Methods To Earn Fast Money Online

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Title: Top Secret Methods To Earn Fast Money Online

Attention: DO NOT Buy Another "How I Made XX Dollars Online" Until You Read This Entire Page!

Learn How You Can Honestly Earn Hundreds Of $$$ Every Month Online In Just A Few Simple Steps - Secrets Finally Revealed

Dear Frustrated Fellow Marketer,

We all know that information is the easiest thing to sell and is what everyone is searching for! But, how do you know what will actually sell? Or where you need to sell it from to see any profits?

Wouldn't it be nice if the money made a bee-line straight to you instead of you chasing it all the time?!?

Or. . .

Wouldn't you like to finally have in your hands the only manual you'll ever need to discover to make money with and only pay for it once?

Hold on tight, because this may just shock you out of your seat!

You have the opportunity to all of the above right now, starting today, when you download this time tested money making system information, you will be able to. . .

  • Pay Your Bills On Time
  • Have The Ability To Earn Money Whenever You Want or Need It
  • Take Your Family On Vacation Without Pulling MASSIVE Amounts Of Overtime At Your Daily Job
  • Start A "Rainy Day" Fund For Cash Emergencies
  • Afford All Those "Extras" You've Always Wanted - Fancy Cars, Expensive Home Electronics, Extravagant Jewelry,
... Click here to read the full description!

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