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E-Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business

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Title: Wow! I didn't think of that!
Author: Pam Renovato

Before you make a move online - check here first!

Wow! I Didn't Think Of That! .. An Internet Marketers ebook of cheklists, grocery list style.

Internet marketers ebook of checklists - in easy to follow grocery list fashion.

Before you make a move online - check here first!

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Category: E-Business

Podcasting Made Easy

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Title: Podcasting Made Easy
Author: Michael Rasmussen, Jason Tarasi
Who Else Wants To Break Into The Ground Floor Of The Podcasting Industry? A Brand New Arena That's Tapped And Ready To Start Pouring Out Profits Like Niagara Falls!

Revealed For The First Time! Give Me 45 Minutes And I'll Teach You How Smart Marketers Are Jumping On This Brand
New Opportunity - And You Can Too!

Greetings Friend,

What would you do to get your hands on "secret" information smart marketers are riding all the way to the bank?

Internet entrepreneurs who are on the look out for the "next great opportunity" have found their target. A new "tech" trend that's guaranteed to make smart marketers a ton of cash has been spotted.

It's called Podcasting and it's similar to radio station broadcasts. (Except for anyone can do it with little more than a microphone). Podcasting is bursting onto the scene - just look at the stats!

In September 2004, Google had less than 25 hits for "Podcasting." Just one year later (September 2005) Google had produced more than 61 million hits! The market's booming!

Expert marketers are jumping on this opportunity. Now you can:

  • Stake your claim in residual profits with monthly "podcasts" that ensure members put cash in your pocket 12 times a year
  • Create best-selling information products without writing one word
  • Conquer an untapped market before the masses hop on board.

And unlike past "technology advances," podcasting is very simple for even the beginning computer user. In fact, there's...

  • No special license or training to fight for (like regular radio broadcasts... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

How Do I Get Started?

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Title: How Do I Get Started?
Author: Bryan Winters
The Practical Guide To Starting a Thriving Online Business!


  • Soul-Searching
  • Tools of the Trade
  • Essential Software
  • Web-Site Strategy
  • Your Business Plan
  • Web-Site Design
  • Automating
  • Accepting Payment
  • Developing Credibility
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Additional Information

Chapter 1

Developing a successful Internet business is the ultimate goal of the Internet entrepreneur. However, statistics show that most Internet businesses never make any real money.

Making money on the Internet isn't easy -- it takes a great deal of time and effort and requires a total commitment. You must be completely passionate about your business and have a sincere desire to succeed. Anything less will be a complete waste of your time and will most likely result in failure.

You must also realize that success isn't going to happen overnight. There will be many obstacles along the way and a great deal to be learned. However, anything worth having is worth working towards and won't come easy. There will be long days and sleepless nights. However, if everything falls into place, and you plan each step very carefully, the end will justify the means.

The largest obstacle you will ever encounter is fear -- fear of the unknown -- fear of change -- fear of failing. Fear is the root of failure and prevents dreamers from living their true passion. They fail to

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Affiliate Marketing A-to-Z

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Title: Affiliate Marketing A-to-Z

Join the ranks of super affiliates, the easy way!

Being in the affiliate marketing business is not that hard now with the internet at your disposable. It is much easier now compared to the days when people have to make use of the telephones and other mediums of information just to get the latest updates on the way their program is coming along

Some of the things covered:

  • Top 3 Ways To Boost Your Affiliate Commissions Overnight
  • 3 Things All Affiliate Marketers Need To Survive Online
  • Which Affiliate Networks To Look Out For When Promoting

And much more ...


Being in the affiliate marketing business is not that hard now with the internet at your disposable. It is much easier now compared to the days when people have to make use of the telephones and other mediums of information just to get the latest updates on the way their program is coming along.

So with technology at hand, and assuming that the affiliate is working from home, a day in his or her life would sound something like this...

Upon waking up and after having breakfast, the computer is turned on to check out new developments in the network. As far as the marketer is concerned there might be new things to update and statistics to keep track on.

The site design has to be revised. The marketer knows that a well-designed site can increase

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Classified Marketing Secrets

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Title: Classified Marketing Secrets
Shows You Exactly How To Rake It In Like The "Heavy Hitters" And Earn "Big Player" status!

I want to level with you right here, right now.....I'm really super lazy! No, seriously! I don't like putting out more effort than I absolutely have to! I've been just "getting by" for most of my life and in all honesty, it hasn't got me anywhere until recently. Very, very recently.

You see, I discovered some very powerful secrets that all the gurus use to make money online. In fact, once I figured them out, I started making money like it was magic! Well, not exactly magic, but easy enough to where I'm not scratching my head anymore, wondering how in the hell I'm ever going to make any money with my stupid computer.

I'm sure you know what I'm talking about don't you? So what's this have to do with you? Well, simply put...."I'M PAYING IT FORWARD!" That's right...I'm now giving you the opportunity to sit in the driver's seat and see what's it's like to wrap your hands around the wheel of a brand new Ferarri and FEEL THE POWER!

I mean c'mon..that's what we all want isn't it? POWER, FREEDOM, AND STATUS? Don't sweat it...it's ok to admit you want all the best things in life. There's nothing wrong with wanting a new car, a better home or that desperately needed vacation. I mean, who doesn't want to live the "good life" and have everything they need right at their fingertips?

There's only one thing that separates you from the "Heavy Hitters"

It's true...all the gurus understand one small principle that

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Ebook Type: ZIP
Category: Business, E-Business, E-Marketing

How To Sell In Any Market Manual

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Title: How To Sell In Any Market Manual


Dear Internet Marketer,

A national CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released on Thursday, March 20th, 2008 found that rising prices and declining home values have left Americans strapped for cash. Of the more than 1,000 American adults surveyed in the poll, 59% said they have cut back on clothing purchases, 75% have spent less on leisure activities, and 61% have postponed major purchases such as furniture or appliances.

Americans are feeling the pinch of the economic recession and are expected to drastically cut back on discretionary purchases over the next several months.

So what does that mean for those of us whose livelihoods depend on online sales to the American market? Are we doomed to see our sales fall and our income dry up?

Not if we change our marketing strategies to match these economic changes!

Introducing "How To Sell In Any Market Guide"!

 In This Guide You Will Discover:

Chapter One: What Does Recession Really Mean?

  • How Does A Recession Affect Consumer Buying Habits?
  • What is a Recession?
  • How Long Will The Recession Last?
  • So What Does That Mean For Me?

Chapter Two: The

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business

The Nettle Annual 2006

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Title: The Nettle Annual 2006
Author: David Congreave
You Missed Out The 1st Time Here's One FINAL Opportunity!

During 2005, subscribers to The Nettle Magazine have, twice a month, enjoyed reading brand new, 100% original, articles on running a home business online.

As much as I'd love to take credit for the quality of these articles, the tribute has to go my team of writers who never cease to amaze me with the quality of their work.

Trust me, if you've not been reading The Nettle Magazine, you have missed out on some ABSOLUTE GEMS.

But, It's Not Too Late!

Looking back over my archive from 2005, it seems to me that it would almost be immoral to let these articles hide away on my hard drive when there are so many home business owners out there that have yet to benefit from reading them.

So I sat down and carefully reviewed each of the 17 issues from last year and picked out the highlights. And by highlights, I mean the articles that I know I could read and re-read again and again for their combination of education and entertainment.

Not only are these articles filled with useful tips and insights, many of which I have not heard anywhere else, but the quality of the writing makes them an absolute joy to read.

Let's take a look at some of the nuggets of information tucked away in The Nettle Annual 2006:

  • How to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to boost your creativity
  • The three incentives you must use to make your viral marketing campaign take off (includes a genuine case study of how one article received... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

The Newbie's Guide To Profiting Online

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Title: The Newbie's Guide To Profiting Online
Top Tips For Easy Cash At Home

It's hard isn't it? Knowing just where to begin when you're new to the whole online selling game. With so many others already earning money and touting the praises of their methods, where exactly do you begin?

Many "newbies" give up before they've really begun. That's due in part to the unrelenting maze of courses, e-books, and other assorted sources available as soon as you log in! It's confusing. Who's right? Who's wrong? And who's in it just to make a quick buck from the inexperienced?

Well, hopefully, this manual will point you in the right direction! After all, that is the purpose of it :-)

Let's first discuss why people feel compelled to sell products online. . .

Why To Sell

E-Z Money
Everyone wants to make money. That's a given. And the internet can present some pretty lucrative possibilities. But it can also create a breeding ground for scammers. Sometimes it's tough to know what is a scam and what isn't. No one can tell you in all honesty that they haven't, at some time in their online career, been taken at least once by a hyped up scam. You have to understand that there are some folks who are a constant source of helpful information, and those that are hanging out looking for the quick cash. While you can make some easy profits doing business on the internet, you still must be vigilant and careful when buying. The old adage still rings true, especially online: "Let The Buyer Beware".

Plus, when you sell... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

The Biggest Mistake That Hinder Your Sales And How To Avoid It

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Title: The Biggest Mistake That Hinder Your Sales And How To Avoid It
Author: Juste A. Gnimavo

My name is Juste A. Gnimavo and I publish this special report to share with you the secret to avoid the biggest mistake most affiliate make when marketing online, that hinder their affiliate commissions.

If you are making this common mistake, you can fix it now. Read carefully each complete transcript of the interview Louis Allport had recently with J. F. Straw, and with Neil Shearing. And you'll discover the response. Apply this simple strategie, and I'm sure you'll see the difference in your profits.

You will Discover:

  • How to develop a successful affiliate program and bring a lot of traffic to your site?
  • The First Steps Neil Shearing used to Get At Least One-Million Visitors A Year To his Website, and how you can copy that success.
  • 11 avoidable Popular Affiliate errors & How to fix them
  • How To Create A Best-Selling Info-Product! -
  • The Info-Product Creation And Marketing Secrets That Have Made J. F. Straw Over $82 Million In Sales Over The Last 30 Years ...Both On And Off The Internet!
  • How To Quickly & Easily Give Your Business The Protection It Needs and be on compliance with the latest Can-Spam laws !
  • And much more....


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Category: E-Business

Truth or Dare

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Title: Truth or Dare

The Truth About Money - The Internet - And You


Tahir Shah and Terry Telford recently recorded a tell-all TeleClass that debunks the common myths people are being fed in the internet marketing and business development communities. The following excerpts were taken directly from the TeleClass.

You're about to learn:

  • One Way Street - Going The Wrong Way
  • The Importance Of Credibility
  • Niche Marketing Lies

The Importance Of Credibility

I come from an offline background in sales, sales training and consulting. But I've pretty much always been involved in business offline at some point. I've helped turn companies from start up enterprises into multi-million dollar organisations.

But I don't want to waste any time on this call without sharing a learning experience with the listeners, so I'm going to focus on something with your permission, Terry, from my background - but as a learning point for people, if I may, rather than just ramble on about my background.

My first taste of business was 21 years ago at the age of 17. I started a business importing oil paintings from Hong Kong and Taiwan. These were brilliant. The two types of paintings I concentrated on were Old Master Copies, and Portraits painted from

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