When you take stuff from one writer, it's plagiarism; but when you take it from many writers, it's research.
Wilson Mizner

E-Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business

How I Got 1,124 Subscribers In One Week... From Scratch!

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Title: How I Got 1,124 Subscribers In One Week... From Scratch!
Author: Bryan Kumar

In this report, I will reveal a simple strategy for building your list very quickly.
By saying that I got 1,124 subscribers "from scratch," I mean just that. I didn't use any of my current connections. I didn't use my name, my existing contacts, and I didn't use any subscription services that seem to be popping up everywhere.

You know what else? This list wasn't even for a marketing-related product. Which means, I couldn't go to my own existing lists either. So, it's as if I was a brand new marketer starting from scratch, without any connections, services, customers or prospects to rely on.

And that's really what I want to explain in this report - How to start from nothing and build a list worth talking about.

Let's get to it...


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Category: E-Business

Winning At Contests

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Title: Winning At Contests
Author: Richard Dean

"Think you can't ever win? You need to read this report today!"

What does the average person usually dream about?

If you answered "getting rich", you're probably right!

All you have to do is look at some of the best-selling books of all time like, "Wealth Without Risk" and "How To Make Millions Selling Real Estate", and you soon realize what's on everyone's mind.

Winning a contest could be a short cut to wealth!

Look at the California and Alaska gold rushes. Or two of the more popular TV series in recent history: The Beverly Hillbillies and Dallas, where the heroes are oil barons; all indicating an interest in a short-cut to wealth and fame. Becoming a millionaire is a worthy goal, though most confine it to their dreams and only a few pursue the dream vigorously enough to make it. Many people feel it's "not in the cards" for them. They feel they have virtually no chance of ever making that much money, so they don't even bother to attempt it.!

There is a lot of wealth in this country still to be had.

In fact, a substantial amount of money and merchandise is given away every year in this country- in sweepstakes and other contests! This is not just the luck of the draw- people try to win at these contests, so why shouldn't you? If there are people willing to give this wealth away, why not get in line for your share?
You, like others, may be skeptical of prize money and... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Info-Product Creation Handbook

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Title: Info-Product Creation Handbook
Author: Bryan Winters
...How to Create a Profitable Digital Information Product in 2 Hours Flat!


In this report you're going to discover several of the easiest (yet little known) ways to compile a profitable digital information product of your *own* in minimal time.

...But before we get started, there are a few critical "online business basics" that you'll need under your belt :0)

For starters, your online business should be centered around something that you enjoy, something that you're passionate about. This will go a long way in determining your success, as your passion will shine through in every area of your business - whether you're aware of it or not!

...When your visitors and prospects sense your excitement, it will rub off on them, and greatly enhance your success.

Second, your product/offer must be unique. You must develop a unique selling proposition (USP). This is *so* important, I could repeat it to you 100 times and it still wouldn't be enough ;-)

Now, developing a unique selling proposition doesn't necessarily mean selling a completely different product than everyone else. Often it simply means coming up with a different *way* to sell the same products as your competitors.

A lot of people are selling Internet marketing related software and ebooks these days. They are definitely HOT right now, but there is also a lot of competition (everybody wants in on a good thing)...

So let's say you choose to get in on the action by setting up a direct-response web-site selling an ebook... Click here to read the full description!

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Positive Thiniking To Build Up Your Internet Business... And Yourself

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Title: Positive Thiniking To Build Up Your Internet Business... And Yourself
The Biggest Key To Success In Internet Marketing - And In Leading A Highly Successful Life Can Be Found Right Inside Yourself!
  • The Power Of Positive Thinking Can Be The Difference Between A $30,000 A Year Day Job - And That Million Dollar A Year Internet Life Style You Have Been Dreaming Of!
  • Did you know that 99.92% of the people trying to earn a living on the Internet are failing miserably?
  • The problem is the frame of mind that most of these dreamers are in!
  • They are working an 8 to 10 hour a day job and then coming home and staying up until 3 am trying to make money on the world wide web!
  • The problem is not that its hard to make money on the net.. in fact it is just the opposite, making money on the net is actually easy!
  • For you my friend, that is about to change!

Dear Friend,

I know how hard it is when you really, really are trying to get ahead by going into this Internet marketing craze with your eyes wide shut!

You want so badly to start making a nice side income. An income that may be able to soon unleash you from your 9 to 5 day job and allow you to start living the lifestyle that you have only heard about or dreamed about, or maybe even seen photographs of in magazines like the Robb Report™ or Lifestyle.

You see, I probably know you, better than you know yourself because I was in your shoes also.. only a few short years ago.

Now maybe you have heard my name before and maybe you haven't- but that's not what's important here... What is important is that I went form earning a slave

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Category: E-Business

Sen Ze's Mini Encyclopedia

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Title: Sen Ze's Mini Encyclopedia
Discover Multiple Low-Cost, High-Profit Internet Businesses As Set Up And Marketed By TOP Internet Entrepreneurs From Around The World!

Learn also how you can set up your very own low-cost, high-profit Internet Business with this Mini-Encyclopedia by next week - even if you've never set one up before, and you have absolutely no web designing or programming skills!

Dear Aspiring Home-Based Internet Entrepreneur,

How would you like to own and operate a STRING of Internet Businesses all generating THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for you every month even as you laze around in your pajamas at home?

And how would you like to do this with an operating cost of less than $300 a year for EACH Internet Business that you do?

That's A YEAR.


Especially when you know that a conventional business would GOBBLE up thousands of dollars PER MONTH in the rental of office space alone, and you haven't taken into account the staff's salaries yet?

Well, believe it.

Because that's the truth, IF you know EXACTLY what to do!

My name is Sen Ze. I'm been an Internet Entrepreneur and Coach for many years now after having been exposed to the power of Internet Entrepreneurship way back in 1995.

I currently own multiple Internet Businesses selling various products and services. I use 5 different credit card Processors for different web sites. Just one of them has processed over $300,000.00 in sales. I've also received huge commissions from other Internet Entrepreneurs who paid me for referring Prospects to them.

In addition, most of my

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Category: E-Business

Nickelmania Exposed

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Title: Nickelmania Exposed
Author: Gary Ambrose

Hi, this is Gary Ambrose, and I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this audio e-Book, NickelMania Exposed. And before I get started I just want to congratulate you on actually taking the time to listen. You can guarantee that there are going to be plenty of people who purchase the rights to listen to this who just have it sitting on their hard drive collecting virtual dust. So you're already ahead of the pack in terms of taking your business seriously and actually being willing to put in the time necessary to take your business to the next level. So I'm really glad you're listening, and I'm going to get right into things.

This audio e-Book focuses on a promotion I ran that started on November 16 called NickelMania, and hopefully, if you're listening to this, you saw part of it, but if you didn't, don't worry. I'll get into a little bit of how it worked later on in this audio. Basically what I want to do is explain to you the thought process that went into creating the NickelMania promotion, and that's really what this audio e-Book is about.

The NickelMania promotion itself was very successful, but really it's not going to help you all that much to just clone what I did and try to do it yourself, and I'll get into that, like I said, a little bit later. So basically what I want you to get out of this is getting the thought process down of how do you actually come up with a successful promotion and know that it's actually going to work... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Paid Customers Gold Mine

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Title: Paid Customers Gold Mine
Author: Edmund Loh
"Discover How You - Or Anyone - Can Build The BEST Kind Of Gold Mine Online From Scratch And Reach Out To Your Money ONE Email Away!"

If You Haven't Been Turning Any Of The Resell Rights Products In Your Hard Drive Into Cash, Here's How You Can Exercise Creative Use In Building Your Very Own Paid Customers List - Even If You Don't Have A List To Begin With!

Dear Friend,

You've definitely heard that "the money is in the list". But what is the best kind of list you can build?

Answer: A paid customers list. Which also means, the best money money is found in your customers list!

The Early Gold Rush Days Vs. Today's Virtual Gold Mines

Today, it's more than possible to actually build your own "virtual" gold mine from scratch without having to join the early days of the Gold Rush. Just to offer you some ideas to start with, your neighbors or anyone with computer and Internet access can form your gold mine so you can rake in cash over and over and over again.

That's right. Today's gold mine is found in customers. And customers are really abundant. Anyone who exchanges money is your potential customer. In the case of marketing online, you could be reaching out to customers beyond your neighborhood, something your average grocery store can't possibly do!

Here are even more good reasons to build a paid customers list:

  • They have the money to pay,
  • They are ready to pay,
  • If they like your product or service for the first time, they'll likely return!
  • Customer response rate towards your offer can be
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Category: E-Business

The Ultimate Autoresponder Info

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Title: The Ultimate Autoresponder Info
Author: Michae Keenan
Site Promotion Now

Everything You Ever Needed To Know  About Autoresponders & About Building Your Very Own Email Opt-In List.

An Introduction & Overview

The Money Is In The List
I am certain you have heard the online marketing super quote 'The money is in the list'. I can guarantee you there is no other method that will bring you greater success online than this method.

For those of you who have not heard of this quote before, I will give you the basic outline
for what is involved in starting an autoresponder email service yourself.

1. You sign up to an autoresponder service. Large proportions of these services are free. But each service differs in the services that they provide. For example, the format that is available for sending your autoresponder messages in e.g., text or html format. The choice in providers of autoresponder services is up to you. I won't give you any biased links here, but please do the research and make a decision, decided around the ideas and/or requirements you want to create in this exact task.

2. Set up your autoresponder messages in a sequence that you want your prospects to receive them. (A more detailed mention shortly about this important task.)

3. Cut and paste your html code etc, provided by your autoresponder service so that your prospects can sign-up to your email list from your web site.

This is a basic 3 step process which gives you an outline of just how

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Category: E-Business

How to Make Six-Figures Online

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Title: How to Make Six-Figures Online
Author: Jimmy D. Brown
Your Blueprint For Success

This report will help anyone who is selling...

  • physical information products
  • ebooks
  • subscriptions or memberships
  • advertising
  • affiliate products
  • reprint rights
  • goods at online auctions
  • ghostwritten materials


There's an old saying that's been around much longer than the Internet that really does have a wealth of truth to it.

And that saying is simply this:
"Those who fail to plan, plan to fail."

Now, I'm not some kind of great philosopher and we certainly don't have the time to grab some breakfast tea and sit around for hours discussing the great amount of wisdom encapsulated in this short saying.

Let's just cut to the chase and say...

... "it's true".

And it certainly is true when it comes to growing an Internet business. If you don't carefully plan your business strategy, you'll likely become another one in the long line of those who fail.

Some estimates show that as much as 95% of online businesses fail.

And a major contributing factor to that unsettling statistic is undoubtedly the failure to set a realistic plan in motion.

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Category: E-Business

Public Domain Profiting

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Title: Public Domain Profiting
Author: David Vallieres

Discover the incredibly low-risk and extremely profitable world of creating businesses from scratch using recently expired copyrighted works that are now in the public domain! There is a vast treasure of information and creative works such as movies, music, books, manuals, photographs, posters, and more that you can access at ZERO cost (NO royalties or copyright payment fees, EVER!) that you can resell for 100% profits...

FROM: David Vallieres, Editor, The Public Domain Report
RE: Profiting From Public Domain Information

Dear Internet Friend,
I want to tell you a 100% true story about how a simple man with seemingly no ambition (and was constantly teased for too often 'day dreaming' while in school) created a business empire worth billions (yes, billions) using books that were in the "public domain".
But first, if you're not familiar with the term "public domain" allow me to help give you at least a general idea of the legal and business power contained in these two words. At a very basic level, "public domain" means...
...anything that is NOT protected under US copyright law. This includes ALL works published before 1923 AND, under certain conditions, works published up to 1978. A 'work' can be anything: a book, a play, music, photographs, movies, instruction manuals, courses, reports, posters, etc...
Re-publishing and re-packaging public domain information and other creative works can make you a lot of

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