If a law were passed giving six months to every writer of a first book, only the good ones would do it.
Bertrand Russell

E-Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business

21st Century Money Making

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Title: 21st Century Money Making

'21st Century Money Making' TM provides a step-by-step guide on how YOU can harness the extraordinary opportunities available for every-day people to generate additional income streams in the 21st Century

If you are currently plodding-on relying solely on the income from your 9-5 job then you may be missing the boat !

There are many opportunities to build a better quality of life and we will let you into some 'inside secrets'

  • most of which can be carried out from the comfort of your own home!

This brand new exclusive e-book includes:

  • where we believe the REAL money is to be made on ebay in the 21st century - and details of how you can do it !
  • how to give yourself a potential £7,000 pay-rise with just a few hours work !
  • harnessing the power of residual income i.e. being paid for selling the same item repeatedly !
  • access to what we believe are some of the best home-based business opportunities currently available - where the hard set-up work has already been done for you - so that you can start making profits immediately!
  • accessing keen potential customers which you already have - but never knew it !

Chances are that after reading this e-book, your mind will be buzzing with the opportunities available. Opportunities which are clearly spelled out so that you can get cracking immediately.

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Category: E-Business

List Management Secrets

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Title: List Management Secrets
Author: David Zohar
40 Snippets Of Proven Knowledge That Will Keep Your Customers Buying From You Over And Over Again Whenever You Ask Them To Do So...

Profitable List Building & Effective Management Methods Will Show You How To Generate More Customers And Profit From Your Number One Promotion Resource

Here's a little test that you might like to take part in. (It takes no longer than 30 seconds, I assure you). Stop for a moment and think about your business. What would be the ideal situation that you could wake up tomorrow morning and find yourself in? (Feel free to pull out that calculator and have fun with the numbers, I don't know any marketer that doesn't secretly do that one).

More specifically: How big do you believe your list would have to be to reach that goal?

Next, think about how your business is performing right now, as you read this. Is it pulling in as much profit as you'd like? (Calculator time again). Keep those two pictures right at the front of your mind. Now you've done that little exercise I have some good news, and some bad news for you.

The Bad News First

The bad news is, that the difference between what you first imagined your business to be like and what it's actually like, if you think about it, is probably pretty huge. To the tune of 10, 20 even 30,000 subscribers I'd bet. Was I close? Those are big numbers indeed, big numbers which could no doubt take you years to build.

And now for the good news.

You can throw out your pre-conceptions about list building and how big your list needs to be for you to be a success. It doesn't... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Ingredients for Success: A mixture of Marketing Knowledge

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Title: Ingredients for Success: A mixture of Marketing Knowledge
Author: Pam Renovato

A mixture of Marketing Knowledge: Discover from almost 50 top income producing web masters what works and what doesn't.

Profit From the Combined Marketing Wisdom Of Over 40 Online Entrepreneurs and
Discover What Works Online, What Doesn't and How You Can Get Better Results With
Less Time and Effort Starting In As Little As A Few Weeks!
Inside This Powerful e-Book You'll Discover...

  • Tips, Tricks and Techniques For Creating Web Pages That Get Results
  • How To Create Killer Press Releases For Anything You Sell
  • Creative Ways To Use Online Auctions To Generate Non-Stop Traffic
  • The Online Marketer's Manual To Reprint Riches...
  • Learn the 65 Most Important Places to Promote Your Ezine
  • Why If You're Not Publishing e-Books You're Throwing Money Away
  • 8 Innovative Ways Personalization Can Explode Your Profits
  • How To Make It Easy For People To Say "Yes I'll Buy From You"
  • The Secrets Of How Giving It All Away Can Make You Rich
  • And More...

Table Of Contents:

  • How To Navigate This e-Book Effectively
  • The Purpose Of This e-Book
  • How To Promote Your Site Successfully
  • Choosing Your Product -- ePublishing
  • Secrets To Creating Effective Web Pages
  • Marketing Your Business On the Web
  • What You Must Know To Succeed
  • Home Based Business -- Online and the "Real
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Category: E-Business

7 days to massive traffic

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Title: 7 days to massive traffic
Author: Brad Callen

Note: Before you begin, if you're NOT 100% serious about getting your website to the top of Google, don't read another word. Only read on if you plan to put into action, everything I will be teaching you. It's best to print each lesson off on your printer, highlight areas and take notes as you learn the exact steps needed for a top Google ranking.

Ok, on to lesson 1...

If you're anything like me, you've probably created a brand new website. Submitted it to a few search engines and hoped that people would mysteriously show up at your site and buy whatever it is you were selling.

After a couple of weeks go by and only a few stray people show up at your website, you decide to try and "optimize" your website around your main keyword in hopes that you just might rank well in 1 of the millions of search engines. Another couple of weeks go by and still no luck.

At this point you probably give up and decide to either build another website around a different target market or just lose all hope and quit. Well, news flash, as you've probably figured out by now, this is not the way to go about doing things.

Let me give you a specific example of what your very first steps MUST be when creating any website.

In our example, let's create a weight loss related website. Before we start creating and collecting content for the website we need to do a little keyword research. This is VERY important and should not be skipped. To do our keyword

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Category: E-Business

The Blog and Ping Tutorial

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Title: The Blog and Ping Tutorial
How To Drive Traffic And Dollars To Your Site Almost Instantly With The Blog & Ping Method

Stop Waiting and Waiting to Get Your Website Indexed Into Search Engines

At Last! Get Your Website Listed In Major Engines Quickly
And Updated More Frequently

Previously Undisclosed Method for "Blogging and Pinging" Will Work For Anyone Wanting an Internet Presence--Quickly and Easily

Dear Internet Marketer,

Let's face it, putting together a website is tough-but getting that website into the major search engines like Google and Yahoo is even tougher!

There's no doubt, the most difficult marketing technique for any Internet marketer to discover is how to get your sites indexed. And until you master it, the web site that you are counting on to generate sales, build your reputation, or generate AdSense revenue is just floating in cyberspace--worthless. No wonder it seems to take forever and ever. And it sometimes it really IS Forever and Ever!!

That is why there are countless sites with advice, tons of expensive software, and plenty of costly seminars on how to get a search engine's "web crawler" to "spider" (that is "geek" for find and enter into the search engine) your site.

And yet, you and others just keep getting frustrated until you spend more hours in research, pour more effort into "tweaking" your site, or waste even more money on someone's outdated ideas--all while time and opportunity are still slipping through your fingers.

The simple truth is that until the search engine finds your

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Category: E-Business

Brian Garvin's MLM Secrets

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Title: Brian Garvin's MLM Secrets
Author: Louis Allport
How To Retrire In Five Years Or Less With Online Network Marketing

How To Make (At Least) $30,000 In Residual Income Every Single Month With Online Network Marketing

Dear Internet Friend,

All over the internet -- people just like you are making fortunes with network marketing.

If you're not one of them (yet), please read on...

When I say 'network marketing' I'm not talking about those silly pyramid schemes some people peddle ... I'm talking about multi-million dollar companies, with great products, that just happen to have a multi-level commission structure.

Picture this:

You start building your downline, and soon enough, it takes on a life of it's own and pumps out money for you round the clock.

Sound good?

But most people don't know how to build a network marketing business successfully. And that comes with listening to the right people...

Introducing Brian Garvin ...

I'm guessing you already know the name Brian Garvin. Am I right?

But if you don't let me tell you a little about him...

Brian's usual day consists of just a couple of hours work. And what does he get for that? Over $30,000 a month in residual income!

Perhaps that sounds crazy, but that is the beauty of network marketing - IF - you do it right. You work hard at the start, then after a while your downline takes over, you do less work, but your checks keep getting bigger!

Just as an example:

With just one network marketing company that Brian

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5 Quickest Ways To Massive Windfalls Of Cash Online

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Title: 5 Quickest Ways To Massive Windfalls Of Cash Online
Author: Ewen Chia
Stuff Your Inbox With Cash

Dear Friend,

These days everyone wants to know how to make money online...

Yet, for some, this lifestyle seems out of reach. Does this describe you at all?

If you've been banging your head against the wall trying to figure out the quickest and
easiest methods to generate some cash for yourself online, then these five tactics should
have you opening your eyes wide and wondering...

"Why didn't I think of this before?"

Cash Tactic #1: Affiliate Products

Affiliate products offer the small, home-based business owner the opportunity to make
truckloads of cash, while investing a minimum in over head.

Low overhead is the primary benefit of affiliate marketing. You don't need your own
merchant account. You don't need to pay a web designer and programmer to create a
huge e-store for you. You don't handle customer complaints, refunds or returns.

All you do is refer the prospect to the merchant's site, and the merchant handles the rest.

I believe the best affiliate products to promote are information products. Your
commissions on information products tend to be higher simply because the author can
price an information product higher than what the average shopper spends on a tangible
product sold online on a typical day.

This is because the value of information is ambiguous at best, and subjective to how the
prospect sees value. People are willing to spend much,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

List Builder Mentor System

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Title: List Builder Mentor System
Author: Liz Tomey
"Brand New List Building System Shows You Exactly How To Build A List That Will Throw Their Money At You Over and Over Again!"

The "List Builder Mentor System" is an all in ONE system for anyone wanting to build a list quickly and easily!

  • Profit with your list over and over again!
  • From start to finish you'll learn to build a profitable list!
  • Do it all on autopilot!

Dear Internet marketer,

The biggest mistake I made as an Internet marketer was not focusing on building my list. I heard so many marketers claiming that "the profits were in your list". I didn't believe them and it cost me months of not making any money and lots of frustration.

Even when I did start to build my list, I was totally lost. I didn't know where to start and it seemed that anything I did just wasn't working. I had everything in place, but just couldn't "connect the dots".

Now that I have successfully built my own profitable list, I've taken every successful step that I have used and have complied it into an easy to follow list building course that will teach you how to quickly and easily build a list that you can sell products to and make profits anytime you want.

The "List Builder Mentor System" gives you all of the following in one easy course:

  • You'll learn exactly how to start a newsletter from scratch...

I'll show you exactly what you need to do to start your own newsletter. From building a website all the way to creating bonus products to give to people for subscribing.

You'll also

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Category: E-Business

Newbie's Guide To Resale Rights

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Title: Newbie's Guide To Resale Rights
Confused When It Comes To Understanding 'Resale Rights'?

What If You Had A "Right At Your Fingertips" Guide To Explain It All In Plain English? Would That Get Your Attention??

"The Newbie's Guide To Resale Rights Is Your One Stop Resource For Deciphering The Resale Rights Mystery By Providing You With Clear, Consise, Explanations Of Every Kind Of Resale Rights There Is!"

Dear Internet Marketing Newbie,

It's tough, isn't it? When you finally make the decision to jump in and begin your own online resale rights business. There is so much to do and learn that it can make your head spin almost completely off your shoulders! The last thing you want to worry about is making sense of individual resale rights licenses.

I know.

I've been there, done that.

Authors of resale rights products can make it tough on you when you're just beginning. All the rules and stipulations when it comes to reselling their products. And that just gets tougher if you don't really understand what resale rights are to begin with. Let alone all the various types of them!

Honestly though, I don't think they mean to. But still it's a fact that many new to the online information product reselling industry find it difficult to grasp all the 'in's and out's' of resale rights.

Newbie's Guide To Resale Rights will end the confusion once and for all! It was designed to make your job as a reseller easier, with the 'everyday Joe, or Jane' in mind. Believe me, the last thing I want to

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Category: E-Business

The High Rollers Guide To Joint Ventures

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Title: The High Rollers Guide To Joint Ventures
Author: Liz Tomey
Wouldn't You Like To Know The Secrets That The Top Gurus Use To Successfully Contact And Get Accepted By Joint Venture Prospects That Push Their Product Sales Into The Millions?

Even if you've never done a single joint venture, I've got the exact step-by-step information you need to get in with with some of the best joint venture partners possible, and I'm going to reveal everything to you!

Dear Joint Venture Seeker,

When I first started out in online business (coming on 7 years now) I was one of the most annoying people you could have met on your travels. If you knew your business facts, I'd ask you about everything you can possibly think of, from list maintenance, making sales, traffic, joint venturing, you name it, I would have asked you. It's this single factor that I attribute to the success I've seen online.

There was always one question though that I was particularly interested in...

It was a simple one, although not quite as simple to answer as it was to ask. This question was "Hey, I saw the massive launch of your site the other day. I hear you secured a circulation of almost half a million on launch day, how did you manage it?". Apologies to those in that I asked this over and over again, every single time they launched a product, but hey who wouldn't, after all, what would a circulation of half a million on your product launches mean for your sales? Anyway..

The answer was always the same.

Joint ventures they told me. So my next question was "Right, so you go out and find all those who are successful, and send them offers and deals trying to get access to their promotion

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