A man ought to read just as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good.
Samuel Johnson

E-Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Unlimited Profits & Traffic

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Title: Unlimited Profits & Traffic
Author: Simon Hodgkinson
"Who Else Wants To Discover The Real Secrets To Unlimited Online Profits?"

Here's Your Chance To Grab A "Crash Course" On Creating Autopilot Profits That Will Finally Make A Difference Between Mediocre Results and A Lifetime Of Unlimited Income.

Dear Friend,

One of the biggest mistakes I made, when I was younger, was in thinking that I already knew it all.

HUGE mistake....

Eventually, I came to the conclusion that - If I already knew it all, why wasn't I already making unlimited profits?

That's when I started to pay attention.

And that's when the profits really started to pile on!

If you're not satisfied with the income you make online and you want to take it to another level this report is written for you!

It's very possible you already know some of the strategies I will share here, at least at the very basic level. But you'll discover some interesting twists and important concepts that will make those strategies even more powerful.

All you need to do is take a few minutes for yourself, and take the time needed to really absorb and understand the strategies revealed within this report. Because it will be a powerful, and worthy investment in yourself and your business...

It has taken me over a decade to learn these strategies. And I am confident that anyone who is ready to learn them and put them to use, will see incredible results.


'Unlimited Profits & Traffic'

The most successful online marketers

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Category: E-Business

eZine Ad Solutions 2002

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Title: eZine Ad Solutions 2002
Discover Why 95% of All eZine Ads FAIL To Earn A Dime and How To Make YOURS Bring Home The MONEY!

If you're advertising in eZines or plan to in the near future . . . take two minutes to see this. It could literally change the future of whatever eBusiness you're involved in!

Now, we all know . . .

If you don't advertise consistently, and advertise in the right places, there is about a 100% chance that your Business will DIE!

Yet the cost of effective advertising is sky-high these days! It will definitely 'hold you back' when you're working with a limited advertising budget to begin with.

Well, what if you could get massive targeted exposure in a group of well see established eZines (I'm not talking about 'start-ups' with a few hundred subscribers) . . . and never spend a DIME on advertising?

Would you do it? Of course . . . who wouldn't!

And did you know there IS a great deal of RISK involved in placing 'paid' eZine advertising. SOME so-called 'experts' would have you believe you can simply place a gob of eZine ads . . . and the money just automatically rolls in.

I'm sorry. It's just NOT that easy!

Sure, eZine advertising is THE most powerful marketing method on the Net today. But there are also DOZENS of money-burning rip-offs, traps and pitfalls!

Do YOU know how to avoid them? Can you really AFFORD to risk your precious ad budget?

Of course not! But you NEED eZine ad exposure to SUCCEED . . . Right?

Then think about this . . .

What if you discovered a 'secret formula' that

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Category: E-Business

17 Skills & How-To's Every Newbie Reseller Needs To Know!

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Title: 17 Skills & How-To's Every Newbie Reseller Needs To Know!
Author: Kim Enders

"I Have More Resell Rights Products Than I Know What To Do With Them! What Now?"

Dear resell rights newbie,

It can be very confusing starting out. It's like being lost without a sign pointing where to go!

Take heart, though. There are various resources out there that will help you discover the various skills needed to work online.

One such resource of this E-book: 17 Skills & How-To's Every Resell Newbie Needs To Know!

If you are going to do business in the resell rights market, you're going to need to know how to:

  • Creating links.
  • Modify and upload sales pages.
  • Protecting folders on your server.
  • Know when to purchase a resell package and when to put your credit card away!
  • Create web graphics.


The 17 Skills & How-To's You Need

To find out what the remaining skills are how to do each, order yourself a copy of 17 Skills & How-To's Every Resell Newbie Needs To Know!

All of the topics covered in this E-book involve things you will be working with at one point in time or another. Most of the time, it's up to you to educate yourself on these things (which means drifting through the search engines, trying to figure everything out.)

Don't bother wading through the search engines. This E-book will teach you a lot of the skills and tidbits you need for your resell rights business. Includes screenshots and

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Category: E-Business

Autopilot Niche Ezines

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Title: Autopilot Niche Ezines
Author: Liz Tomey
Learn To Make Big Money Setting Up Auto Pilot Ezines In Multiple Niches!

"Exposed! New Niche Marketing Strategy That Will Finally Give You Multiple Streams Of Autopilot Income Quickly And Easily!"

Niche marketing has been the latest buzz on the Internet for several months now. A lot of times a "buzz" will start on the Internet that goes as fast as it came. This hasn't been the case for the niche marketing topic.

Why? Because niche marketing has been around forever, and it's where people are making thousands sometimes millions of dollars every year. This is not a new concept or the latest greatest technique that will be over and done with in a few months.

So, what is niche marketing?

Niche marketing is finding a small area of a big market and selling products or services to that small area.

For instance, the cat market is not a niche, but cat toys are a niche within the cat market. The travel market is not a niche, but European travel is a niche within the travel market.

Get the idea now?

So what does all of this mean?

This means that YOU can find these tiny niche markets, find out what they want to buy, and make a good living with very little work. Better yet, you can find several of these tiny niche markets and make an INCREDIBLE living with very little work.

I've taken niche marketing a step further, and want to show you a little secret I have stumbled on with creating ezines for niche markets.

By creating ezines

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Category: E-Business

Website Flaw Special Report

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Title: Website Flaw Special Report
Author: Chuck McCullough
Who Else Wants To Stop Losing Customers and Potentially Thousands of Dollars Due to a Simple Website Flaw?

I'll keep this short, because as I sit here writing this to you today my blood is boiling (so forgive me if it shows ;-).

I've run into a problem no less than 10 times today that is literally sucking money out of thousands and thousands of websites.

There's a good chance that your website could be one of them, and this is money that should be going into your pockets!

Yes, there is a VERY good chance you have made this fatal flaw and at this very moment are losing hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

  • Money that is gone forever.
  • Money that you can't get back.

What's even worse, is that money could at this moment be in the process of landing in your competitor's hands!

Now, let's put this into perspective:

How much is a customer worth to you or your company?
Hopefully by now you've heard of the term Lifetime Value (LTV). And hopefully you've done everything you can to increase their LTV through backend sales, discounts, coupons, referrals, etc.

In most cases it is easy to find that customers are worth many hundreds or even thousands of dollars to you over the time they remain your customer.

Would you agree? (If not, then you need to work on increasing that value!)

For the sake of argument, let's assume you determine that your average customer is worth at least $500 to you. That's initial sales, and repeat purchases that

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Category: E-Business

Setting Up Your Site for Automatic Sales

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Title: Setting Up Your Site for Automatic Sales
Author: Teresa King
Internet Money Revealed - Volume 4

In Volume Four, Teresa shows you what you need to do
to get your product online, to accept credit cards, and be ready for your orders and the necessary sales page to make that happen.


This is not a free book. It is part of a five-volume set written by Teresa King to teach you what you need to know about creating a winning product.

Writing this book is going to a challenge for both you and I. Because the marketing book is the last volume to work on, I will have to refer to things that are not introduced to you yet as to why we have to do certain things. I will make a note such as: You'll learn why in the next book.

You'll have to trust that I am not going to lead you astray. Nor will I attack your wallet if I don't have to.

Any money you spend above the absolute necessities to get your site online will be up to you. I started with nothing. It was a tougher road than if I had money. However, there are reasons why I am most grateful that I did start out that way.

One of them is that it forced me to learn way more skills than the average person on the Internet. Those skills made me money. I used them to make money by doing things for others for a price that someone else was willing to pay.

In fact, skills you learn can bring you an easy $100.00 per hour for doing small tasks for other people. So, if money is your problem, do not despair. It might take you a little longer, but you must stay focused on... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Niche Fortune Exposed

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Title: Niche Fortune Exposed
Author: By Ewen Chiaumbe


Dear Valued Subscriber,
Thank you for downloading this special report. You're about to learn something so simple, yet so powerful, you'll be absolutely blown away with this information and the profit potential it presents.

I wouldn't be surprise that you'll start getting new ideas to improve and implement this little gem across different niches ?

It's a fact that the real big money is in OTHER NICHES besides internet marketing. If you realize, up till now internet marketers are SELLING the opportunity to profit from niche marketing, and they have been very successful doing so.

Why? Because as I mentioned...

The money's out there in other niches!

Got that into your mind? GOOD.

Now, I want to do things a little differently here. Instead of selling you the information to profit from these other hot money-making niches...I'm going to give it to you at no cost.

The other niches are simply too big to be selfish.

In "Niche Fortune Exposed!", you'll have in your hands a powerful system known as the "Niche Fortune Formula". With this you can easily enter and profit from almost any niche online in as little as 72 hours.

To walk you through the system, I'll be using the example of a rabid red hot niche that is both huge in size and demand. Meaning, the people there have the money to spend on information and they are also LOOKING for this information.

The market in

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Category: E-Business, Home Business

Paid Surveys

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Title: Paid Surveys

You won't want to miss this...

Get Paid Taking Surveys In Your Spare Time!

Dear Friend,

I know what you're thinking, 'Oh great, another get rich quick scheme'.


This is your guide to making money from home by participating in paid surveys on the internet!

You WILL NOT get rich in a hurry, but you will make a good deal of cash if you read what this ebook has to say about this lucrative undertaking.

More than 7 million people work from home using the internet.

Mom's are staying home with their kids and setting their own hours working at the computer, filling out surveys for different companies.

Teenagers are finding a great way to make money working on the computer taking paid surveys.

Many people have built a business around participating in paid survey sites, and make a living at it.

You Can Work At Home Too!

You do not need to be away from your children and family to make money on the internet. Set your own hours, be your own boss, and take care of your home and family at the same time.

The high cost of child care and the rising gas prices have sent most of us looking for an alternative way to make money and keep it. This is an easy way for you to achieve your goals without stepping foot out the door.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Internet

Search Engine Traffic Secrets

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Title: Search Engine Traffic Secrets
Author: Sameer Khan

If you've been trying to figure out the puzzle of search engine optimization, I'm sure you'll agree...it's one of the most challenging problems on the Internet! Just about the time you "think" you've mastered it, along comes another "how to" that dips into your wallet and completely changes everything else you've learned.

First, let's be upfront for a change. "Search Engine Traffic Secrets" is not some high-powered new program that gives you a false impression of earning untold riches. If you aren't sick and tired of hearing those promises, you've probably only been online for a very short time.

What exactly do you get? Let me explain...

First of all "Search Engine Traffic Secrets" is not another re-hashed version of complicated information from some cookie cutter guru repeating everything you have heard previously that confused the heck out of you!

But that's just the beginning...it gets even better..."Search Engine Traffic Secrets" is written by a regular guy. Like many of us he was in a fog about search engines and search engine optimization.

After spending way too much money on countless numbers of courses from the so-called gurus he decided enough is enough! What all his research did was allow him to develop a no holds barred SIMPLE explanation of the ins and outs of search engine traffic.

Now he is sharing it with you. Here's what he has to offer us:

  • What is S.E.O?
  • How Do... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Creating an Online Business 101

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Title: Creating an Online Business 101

Don't spin your wheels and waste your hard earned cash on ANYTHING...until you read the definitive guide to success online!

Creating an Online Business Has Never Been Easier...IF You Know Where to Begin! Order Today!

Don't spin your wheels and waste your hard earned cash on ANYTHING...until you read the definitive guide to success online!

The Total Guide To Creating an Online Business

Here's 2 Good Reasons to Start an Online Business:

1) It requires no expertise, no special skills and even no merchandise in many cases!

Online businesses allow you, the owner, to succeed in a setting where everyone is equal, regardless of their prior knowledge. You don't need to have a physical product, which means it can be easily run by a SINGLE person (meaning no employees to worry about).

2) Freedom to do whatever amount of work you want, whenever you want.

Unlike a regular job or business, online businesses can be run from your house...and at any time you choose to work on it. You don't need to clock in, you don't need to worry about being late...and best of all, you dictate when and how much free time you have!

Here is just a taste of what you will learn inside this guide....

  • What kind of business should you start? It may
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