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E-Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business

Create, Publish and Profit from Information Mail Order Products

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Title: Create, Publish and Profit from Information Mail Order Products
Money-Making Software that details a recipe for the ideal home business!

Q. What kind of business requires practically no start-up funds, no complicated equipment, no employees, and no expensive office, can be carried on from anywhere and yields outrageous profits year after year?

A. The information-by-mail business.

In today's Information Age, it's truer than ever that the easiest, most profitable item to sell, regardless of location or experience, is information. Nevertheless, tens of thousands of people goof in their attempts to cash in on the potential of this money-making method.

This Info-Report Software demystifies the ultimate home business and reveals how to make serious money whether you live in the heart of a metropolis or in an isolated outpost, whether you have lots of ebook smarts or barely an eighth grade education, whether you have lots of space from which to carry on your business or only a corner of the kitchen table. No wonder the information Mail Order business has been called the perfect money-maker!

Not only does it explain how to build a Mail Order empire starting from nothing, this stunning program becomes your first lucrative Mail Order product! Customers love the fact that they can not only use the tips to start up their own lucrative business but also resell the product along with complete resale and reproduction rights.

What this Info Report Software Contains

"Create, Publish and Profit from Information Mail Order Products" for Windows

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Category: E-Business

About Niches - A 6 Step System

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Title: About Niches - A 6 Step System
Author: Patty Baldwin
How To Sell Anything To Anyone

Discover How To Sell The Way Your Customer Wants To Be Sold & You Will Open The Floodgates On Niche Marketing!

How many emails did you get today from people trying to tell you how to sell online?

That's not a "trick" question. There are thousands of people on the Internet trying to tell you how to sell.

Have you ever asked yourself how many of them have actually sold anything in the real world. . .ever? Not to mention selling to niches.

Everywhere you turn you are reading, "target this or target that," or "niches equal riches." Yes, niche marketing is important. The truth of the matter is that ALL marketing is niche marketing if you are doing it right!

Back in the olden days

Sometimes we get so caught up in the "newness" of the internet that we forget how business used to be conducted. I'm talking about back in the days when sales people weren't afraid to admit that they sold stuff for a living and actually went out in the world and met people and made sales. What a concept!

Have you ever heard the term, "natural born salesman?" Or maybe it was, "she could sell ice cubes to Eskimos?" There are people who seem to have a natural talent for selling anything to anyone. They have no trouble selling to a niche.

Learning how to sell anything to anyone doesn't require a magic wand. Nor is there any "divine intervention" that determines that one person will become a

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Category: E-Business

Making Money With Affiliate Programs

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Title: Making Money With Affiliate Programs
Author: David McKenzie
"Do You Know The Best Way To Start Making Money Online Quickly And Easily?"

Dear Friend,

If you're looking for a fast, easy, and legitimate way to get started making money on the internet, listen to this:

It's now possible for you to begin making as much money as you want on the internet. And you can do it without having a product of your own. Without previous business or marketing experience. And without a big budget to eat through.

And you can get started and be making money as soon as tomorrow!

Sound hard to believe? Here's why you should believe what I have to say, and why what I'm about to reveal is different from the thousands of "get rich quick" offers all over the place...

1. I'm not going to tell you that you'll be able to make $1,000 a day, $10,000 a week, $30,000 a month or anything of that sort. There are just too many factors to consider...and I don't know enough about you to make any kind of claims.

2. I won't tell you that there isn't any work involved. Because there is. And the more money you want to make, the harder you're going to have to work for it. Anyone who tells you otherwise is flat out lying to you.

Basically, I'm going to tell it like it is. I'm not going to sugar coat things for you.

But I do want to help you start making money. And I can help you do it with less time, effort, hassle, and frustration.

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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Blogging Made Easy

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Title: Blogging Made Easy
Author: Bob Bastian
A Quick-Start Guide to Profitable Weblogging
  • Blog Responsibilities & Etiquette
  • Creating & Publishing Your Blog
  • Blogs & Journalism
  • Blog Reviews
  • 2 Blog Case Studies

Introduction To Blogs

A few months back, at the ITEA conference I saw this guy sitting next to me typing constantly into his wireless laptop. He was making notes on what the speakers had to say, was finding relevant links and then hitting the send key - instantly updating his Web site. No sooner the site was updated; he would get responses back from readers around the globe. He was a Blogger.

About Blogs

Several years ago, surfers started collecting information and interesting links they encountered in their travels through webspace. As the time passed they started creating logs of the information they collected and soon they started creating their own web logs. The web logs enabled them to update the information and links as often as possible. This was what the guy in the conference was doing. Improvements in Web design tools have certainly made uploading and updating easier for them.

Blogs are more permanent than posts to an online discussion list, more dynamic than older-style home pages. They are more personal than traditional journalism, and definitely more public than diaries. A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary site. So,

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Category: E-Business

List Building Secret

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Title: List Building Secret
Author: Amar Mehta
Discover How to Build Huge List of Targeted Subscribers using FREE tools

It will cost you practically nothing to get others to build your list happily and they will thank you while doing the same!

OK, you've probably heard claims like that before. Well, give me just 2 minutes of your attention and I'll prove it to you right now...

IF you have been online, even for a short time, I am quite sure you would have heard this famous quote, "The Money Is In The List".

Did you know that top marketers have been building huge targeted list, by allowing their affiliates/associates to promote their lists to presell the products and ir return associates get commissions for life time? Isn't that a neat technique to build huge targeted list without spending a dime on advertising!

But, if you are running tight on budget or just getting started with your online business or just want to try whether this technique actually works or not, then I have got 2 FREE tools that will allow you to test the waters!

In this Special Report you'll learn...

  • How to put your list building on steroids and how to rejunivate it every month (with very little effort) to keep the list streams never ending!
  • Two proven tools used by many people to build their list the FREE way. (Hint: These are not Co-reg services)
  • A special idea to use this technique in Niche List Building (Hint: No one is using it as of now!)

I will even share with you:

  • How to motivate
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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing, Internet

Build Your List

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Title: Build Your List
Author: Simon Hodgkinson
"Yes! You can promote the living daylights out of your web site! . . . But that's still not enough!"

Grab This Video Enhanced Crash Course In Email Marketing And Discover The Real Secrets To A Lifetime Of Maximum Profits!

Dear Friend

To survive on the Internet, promoting your web site and even making sales is not enough! If you'd like to see bigger and more consistent profits, there is one more thing that you absolutely must do right now!

You can increase your profits dramatically and lower your marketing costs at the same time, by adding just one simple technique to your marketing efforts!

Almost every major 'player' on the Internet uses it. Companies like Microsoft, Amazon.com, Yahoo and all the marketing gurus are using email marketing for one simple reason....

... It works!

And it generates profits immediately and consistently!

If you're using some marketing techniques right now that are producing good results for you, you can super-charge those techniques by adding email marketing.

This Is A Crash Course Designed To Help You Get Started!

Every business needs a low cost way to reach targeted customers. Email marketing is by far one of the most effective and inexpensive methods of advertising available to you.

There are right ways and wrong ways of doing email marketing. As you go through this special, video enhanced course , you'll discover the fundamentals for making your campaigns a success.

If your new to Internet Marketing or if you've already tried to build a... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

AutoResponder Secret Courses

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Title: AutoResponder Secret Courses
Author: Teresa King, Patty Baldwin

Learn The Way To Put Your Business On Autopilot...
Step by Step

With 7 Pre-Written AutoResponder Messages

Okay, you've bought your domain name, built your web site, placed some ads and now you're ready to have the profits come rolling in, right? Or maybe you've been online for a little while and are getting frustrated with the never ending task of following up with your prospects? Maybe you aren't following up at all?

Because there is so much to discover, many new webmasters are totally overwhelmed with how-to information. There really is a learning curve to doing business online, but all the time and money involved in preparation mean nothing if you are not following up.

Statistics say that it takes at least 5 times for a potential customer to see your advertisement before they act on it. You must follow up or perish! The question is where to start?

That's where the award winning "AutoResponder Secret Courses" comes in. These ladies know their stuff. What they know about marketing, advertising and sales hasn't even been written yet!

However, what they have done for you, is put together a comprehensive manual so you can put your business on autopilot with simple steps for you to follow.

"AutoResponder Secret Courses" takes you, step by step through the process of setting up an automated delivery system for your product or service. In just a very few minutes you

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Category: E-Business

eBay Feedback - Keeping it Positive

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Title: eBay Feedback - Keeping it Positive
Author: Jeff Willis
How to Obtain and Maintain a Healty eBay Feedack Rating

Your feedback rating on eBay is crucial to your success.
Learn how to keep yours positive!

A huge amount of money is spent every day on eBay and thousands of people log on to see what bargains can be had or if that hard to find collectible happens to be up for sale.

Buyers and sellers alike live and die by one thing on eBay - Feedback!

If someone has received negative feedback it is highly likely that a percentage of people will not deal with them and they could lose out on future transactions.

In 'eBay Feedback - Keeping it Positive' I lay out all you need to know to
Obtain and Maintain a Healthy and Positive eBay Feedback Rating.

Inside this great ebook you will learn all about:

  • Feedback abuse and removal
  • eBay rules and regulations
  • Mutual feedback withdrawal
  • Effective communication
  • Obtaining and maintaining a positive feedback rating
  • Non-paying bidders
  • Choosing the right products
  • Quality service techniques

I have decided to include some bonus items!

Bonus Item #1
101 Auction Secrets Revealed - 101 bits of information packed into one easy to read ebook.

Bonus Item #2
Auction Money Machine (Insider Secrets to Successful eBay trading) - This ebook is 18 pages of great info to help assist you in making your eBay selling dreams come true!

Bonus Item #3
Auction Hints - A great 'how

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Category: E-Business

Private Label Empire

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Title: Private Label Empire

300+ Private Label Articles

25 Computer Security And Online Safety Articles:

  1. About Encryption and Making Your System Secure
  2. Security Watch
  3. Beware Internet Explorer Plug-Ins
  4. CounterSpy 1
  5. Computer Viruses that Come a Calling
  6. Department of Defense Crackdown on Secuity - 2006
  7. Fighting Spam
  8. Fighting of Viruses_Advancements in AntiVirus Sofware Suites
  9. Finding the Security Suite that meets your needs
  10. Name Rank and Social Security Number
  11. How Many Spyware Items are Infecting my Computer
  12. Parental Peace of Mind
  13. Protection You Can Afford
  14. Phishing for your Identity
  15. Securing Your Computer System
  16. Surfing the Web Anonymously
  17. Spam Buster
  18. The Advancement of the Keylogger
  19. Website Security Rules of the Road
  20. Trojan Horses
  21. What are Intrusion Detection Systems
  22. Who are the Players in the Antivirus Industry
  23. What the Heck are Botnets
  24. Why Do I Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me
  25. ZoneAlarm

25 eZine Marketing Articles:

  1. Making Money from Selling Advertising Space
  2. Why Publish an eZine
  3. Mailing List for Affiliate Marketers
  4. Publishing Your eZine - the Pros
  5. Which One is More Important - Product or... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business

Profits Every Month

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Title: Profits Every Month
Author: Jimmy D. Brown
Would you lke to earn... Profits Every Month... in less than 3 hours of work?

"How ANYONE Can Easily Earn Guaranteed* Profits Every Month With Reprint Rights Licenses"

In less than 3 hours of work each month, YOU can earn a nice income on the Internet with this easy, 5-step system...

Dear Friend:

It happens every single day of my life.

I receive, on average, about 300-400 emails per day. And, among those emails I always find a couple dozen similar questions...

  • What is the best way to earn an income in the next two weeks?
  • How can I quickly earn money online?
  • Is there an easy way to really produce profits?
  • Is there something I can do TODAY?
  • I'm a beginner, where should I start?
  • I just want to earn an income online...is that too much to ask?

There is a definite heartbeat to the internet today...
...people are confused, frustrated and heading towards bankruptcy.

They're running up their credit cards searching for the Holy Grail of eCommerce.

And they're coming up empty.

Sound familiar?

They are being pushed and pulled in so many different directions that they just don't know which way to turn. "Join this" and "buy that" and "you need this" seems to be the only answers anyone is offering.

Until now.

I am going to show you, in a step-by-step format, how YOU (yep, I'm talking about YOU, the person reading this article) can *literally* start profiting... Click here to read the full description!

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