Art has an enemy called ignorance.
John F. Kennedy

Self Help ebooks

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Category: Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: My Goal! Achieve Your Life Goals
Author: James Pang

So, you've learnt a great deal of new knowledge. And you realize you're having a few bad habits you want to change. Most people learnt something new and do nothing about it. After a few weeks, they totally forgot about it.

If you want to change yourself for a better tomorrow, what must you do? Firstly, you must have a strong determination. Secondly, you must take action. And thirdly, you must be persistent. Here's what you'll learn from this bonus report.

  • Why a girl slapped her boy friend for not "taking action"?
  • What can we learn from salmon fish on persistence.
  • Liaonan wanted to become a nun. But she faced with many different obstacles along the way. See how her strong determination helped to achieve her goal.
  • A guy asked his girl friend, "Can I kiss you?" But why his girl friend jumped up in anger although she wanted his kiss very much?

Bonus to the "Why Angry? Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul"

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Category: Beauty, Self Help

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Title: I'm Great!Boost Your Self Confidence
Author: James Pang

Let's face it. One of the causes for getting angry is low self confidence. You're really fragile and easily hurt when you have low self confidence.

Unfortunately, many people chose the wrong method to build their self image. They worked on the outside instead of working from the inside. Here's what you'll learn from this bonus report.

  • My small daughter said I looked like a ghost! How did I react?
  • How do you choose your ideal life partner?
  • Do you really need to do breast enlargement?
  • Can you accept your look? How about doing some plastic surgery to become more beautiful?


Bonus to the "Why Angry? Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul"

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To, Relationships, Self Help

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Title: So you have a date, NOW what are you going to do.
Author: JD and Z Alex

Need help planning your next date. Want some great ideas on where to take this new friend? Well we give you all the insight to make this date the best on of your life. We cover everything from how to dress for you date to how to act after the date is over. Don't be unprepared for your next date. Pick up a copy of this ebook and feel inner peace as you set up a date that will make him/her think you are a major catch.

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Category: Cats, Dogs, Self Help

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Title: Surviving Pet Loss
Author: Jean Kavanaugh, Licensed Mental Health & Grief Counselor

Surviving Pet Loss
If you've lost a pet or anticipate losing one, this ebook is a must. It provides a way for an individual or family to share feelings and do healthy grieving together.

It is written by a psychotherapist and grief counselor with over twenty five years of experience.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Family, Relationships, Self Help

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Title: Building Better Relationships
Author: Mike King

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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Category: Self Help

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Title: Rapid Fitness: How To Fit Physical Activity Into A Busy Schedule
Author: Ryan DRH

If you have no time in your day . . . If you don't know the difference between a barbell and a cowbell . . . In this ebook you will find ways to add simple, quick exercises to your daily regimens for a slimmer waistline, increased energy, and a happier life!

Bonus to the "Bounce Back System "

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Category: Self Defense, Self Help, Women

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Title: How to Pickpocket Proof your Purse or Shoulder Bag
Author: JHWhite

Be aware that when you withdraw money from the ATM, especially when you are traveling abroad, pickpockets watch to see where you stash the cash. If it's easy for you to access, it's equally easy for them, and you've just become a target.
And nothing will keep thieves out of your purse if you leave it on the restaurant table, hooked over the chair back, on the grocery cart or any other place where it is not on your person.
In a crowd, your purse or shoulder bag is not even safe if you are wearing it on your body. BUT IT CAN BE. Two small items from the hardware store will do it. You won't even need any tools, a nail file at most. And thieves cannot get into your purse without you knowing it! They know it and don't even try.

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Category: Relationships, Self Help, Romance

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Title: Make Him Fall in Love with You
Author: Laudiaann Sylvest

How would you like to find your soul mate. This ebook will draw the right mate for you. If you already have one you can be sure this free e-book will help you better your relationship with your mate, spouse, boyfriend. I Love helping people and as the Author of my ebook I hope you like it. Hi! My name is Laudiaann Sylest. I Love to write ebooks and create them. I Thank you so much for reading my free download ebook and there will be more from me. Everyone need to get more educated when it involves in relationships.You have to be treated with respect and you also must learn to respect others and who you love. Treat others as how you want to be treated. You must learn to love one another unconditionally and must be selfless and caring. You see it is how you approach someone. Gifting is giving Love and respect. Showing and caring is an action and steps that you need to learn. Learning to love the proper way I believe in my heart that your man will adore you and Love you as a queen THANKS!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Self Help

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Title: How To Solve Customer Service Problems ... Fast
Author: Andrew Lawrence

Want to solve those irritating nightmarish customer service problems ... fast? Whatever customer service problem you have - and we all have them - this mini-book reveals the easy, simple effective 3-step technique that can get your problem fixed - fast!

When you have customer service problems ... here's how to fix them ... fast!


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Category: Health, Self Help, Women

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Title: 30 Days to a Sexier You! A self help guide for women suffering from low libido
Author: Linda L. Ryan

Studies on female sexuality suggest that over 40% of women suffer from some form of female sexual dysfunction disorder(FSDD).

The intimacy and pleasure that comes from a healthy, satisfying sex life are essential feelings of a loving relationship. The desire to express your unique sexuality into your relationship builds the comfort, security and satisfaction inherent in a healthy sex life.

So when your desire for sexual closeness wanes-or disappeared completely-it can become very distressing and even unhealthy.

The 30 Day to a Sexier You! A self help guide for women with low libido is a daily reminder to make your sexual health a priority. It's easy to read, easy to understand, and most importantly, easy to relate to. It provides daily insights, tips and simple, actions you can take to help re-ignite your passion.

Changing habit patterns is best done by initiating small changes every day. 30 Days to a Sexier You! will help you feel better about yourself, your sexuality, and your relationship.

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