Art has an enemy called ignorance.
John F. Kennedy

Self Help ebooks

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Category: Self Help

Dreampedia - The Encyclopedia Of Dreams

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Title: Dreampedia - The Encyclopedia Of Dreams

Don't Read this Report....

Unless you want to miss out on the most exciting information about Dream Interpretation in a Decade...That's how important, and timely, this report is!

Dear Reader,

Every dreamer has asked questions about why we dream, and what those dreams mean. While every dream is unique to the person who dreams it, the world of dream interpretation is a rich, fascinating and exciting one.

Even in today's world, dream analysis and interpretation continues to be a source of wonder, inspiration and even healing. Psychologists and therapists often use dream analysis as part of their careers, and dream interpretation has been used in modern times to treat victims of trauma and help them heal.

Dream interpretation and analysis can be anything from a fun and interesting diversion to a serious, full time pursuit. Many people have been able to analyze their dreams and use the clues found there to address important issues in their waking lives.

Do you ever find yourself waking and asking what your dreams mean? I certainly did! Night after night I; morning after morning I would awaken only to recall dreams that made no sense to me. Sometimes I could recall all or almost all of my dreams and other times I would awaken only with the vague sense that I had dreamt something disturbing.

After several months, the whole cycle was really starting to get to me. I felt as

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Category: How To, Self Help

How to Increase Your IQ

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Title: How to Increase Your IQ

How Would You Like To Amaze People With Your Intelligence?


Increase your IQ and get prepared to receive accolades in every sphere of life

Do you feel dejected every time your boss praises a colleague for an intelligent professional move? Do you want to become a crucial resource to your company? Do you want to top your class? Do you wish to get admission in the world's best universities? Now there is a way you can achieve all this and more. Your dreams can become reality... All you need is to have above average intelligence. The magic wand can now be in your hands. Sounds unreal? No! It is possible.

Stimulate Your Intelligence Quotient And Realize Your Dreams

A person's intelligence is measured on a scale of 55-175. Around 50% of the people fall between 85 and 115. Anyone having an IQ in this range is said to have average intelligence. Those above 115 achieve more than the average person. Be it art or science, a high IQ can mean great accomplishments. Einstein and Mozart are said to have set a record of 160 on the same graph. Only 0.13% of the population are exceptionally gifted. Do you want to walk

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Category: Self Help

Lessons in Life

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Title: Lessons in Life
Author: Timothy Titcomb



"That blessed mood
In which the burden of the mystery,
In which the heavy and the weary weight
Of all this unintelligible world
Is lightened." WORDSWORTH.

"Oh, blessed temper, whose unclouded ray
Can make to?morrow cheerful as to?day."

"My heart and mind and self, never in tune;
Sad for the most part, then in such a flow
Of spirits, I seem now hero, now buffoon."

It rained yesterday; and, though it is midsummer, it is unpleasantly cool to?day. The sky is clear, with almost a steel?blue tint, and the meadows are very deeply green. The shadows among the woods are black and massive, and the whole face of nature looks painfully clean, like that of a healthy little boy who has been bathed in a chilly room with very cold water. I notice that I am sensitive to a change like this, and that my mind goes very reluctantly to its task this morning. I look out from my window, and think how delightful it would be to take a seat in the sun, down under the fence, across the street. It seems to me that if I could sit there awhile, and get warm, I could think better and write better. Toasting in the sunlight is conducive rather to reverie than thought, or I should be inclined to try it. This reluctance to commence labor, and this looking out of the window and longing... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Self Help

Defeat Drugs And Live Free!

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Title: Defeat Drugs And Live Free!

"Learning About Defeat Drugs And Live Free Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life!"

Prevent substance abuse and take control of your life!

Dear Friend,

Let's face it.... Being addicted to drugs is a complicated matter condition that's been specified as a disorder that evidences in the obsessional thinking about and utilization of drugs. It's a matter that might continue to get worse and become disastrous and deadly if left untreated. As the body becomes used to the effects of the drugs, it calls for more and more to accomplish the same impact, therefore beginning a ceaseless pursuit to accomplish this fake happiness - with dreaded aftermaths.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that show you how to quit drugs!

The truth is:

If You Want To Have Success With Stopping Drugs And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Defeat Drugs And Live Free!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire when it comes to dealing with smoking? It's because they don't know that for addicts to carry on such a destructive, self harming and detrimental way of life there needs to be a really potent level of denial existing to keep them from totally discovering the reality and truth of the illness. Consequently, self-denial lives as a survival mechanism

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Category: Self Help

The Force Of Fulcrums

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Title: The Force Of Fulcrums

"Learning About The Force Of Fulcrums Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

How simple shifts in your thinking will make you rich forever!

Dear Friend,

If you wish to grow beyond your current state of being, you'll need to discover about the fulcrum precept. A fulcrum is the pivot point for a lever. Therefore, whenever you wish to properly utilize leverage, then, you'll need to place the fulcrum in the right place. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that increase your effectiveness and save hours everyday!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At The Force Of Fulcrums!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It's because they don't know that if you utilize a fulcrum is placed based on your cognition, skills, and ability. The levers that you utilize (or the resources that you utilize) are dependent on these elements. If you wish to utilize more leverage, then, you'll require more of one of these to effectively employ leverage.

Which brings us to a very

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Category: Self Help

Authority Anthem

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Title: Authority Anthem

" Learning About Authority Anthem Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Learn the truth behind how to take command of your life and discover to make crystal clear decisions!

Dear Friend,

Among the greatest things I've found out over the years is that "you are what you believe". You're able to produce your own fate merely by the matters you consider. If your anticipation is to fail, then that's what you'll likely do. If, however, you've total confidence that you are going to win then whatever "ups and downs" you go through you'll see them as stepping-stones or a learning curve to your final success.

Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that increase your effectiveness and authority everyday!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Authority Anthem!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It's because they don't know that acquiring the attitude of "if it's going to be; it's up to me" is the opening move to take charge of your life. Accepting

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Category: Self Help

Faith Formations

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Title: Faith Formations

"Learning About Faith Formations Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Live By Faith And Achieve Better Inner Peace And Tranquility!

Dear Friend,

Stress can cripple you. Today's fast-paced life-styles call for relief. Personal letdowns, broken family relationships and job related tensions are disabling thousands.

You need faith to navigate this world today. However being able to have faith that leads to inner peace means changing some things in your everyday life.
Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that increase faith and inner peace!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Faith Formations!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It's because they don't know that they really ought to let go of your picture of how you want it all to be. It means letting go of attempting to control things over which you've no control. Among the prime causes of our suffering is our wishing for matters to be different than they are.

Which brings us to a very

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Category: Self Help


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Title: Productivity

Learn Strategies for Getting Things Done!

Dear Friend,

Are you tired of ending a day at work, only to see how many things are still left undone? Does facing a weekend or even a vacation cause you to feel stressed and discouraged, rather than looking forward to fun and relaxation? Perhaps you are getting so little accomplished on the job that you may be thinking of quitting and moving onto something different. On the other hand, perhaps you have decided that all you really need are some good strategies-- some positive techniques to help you to get more done.

No matter what kind of job you have, whether you are just beginning or have an advanced role in your career, it is easy to get on the wrong track. All it takes is spending a little time there, and you may start to feel as if you will never move forward. While you know that quitting is not the answer, you may not be sure what kind of step to take next to begin advancing in the right direction.

All it takes is a little knowledge and preparation...

If you think about it there are actually three ways to go about doing your job. You may accomplish very little, and be extremely dissatisfied. You may do what you believe you need to do, yet still not feel completely satisfied with the results. Or you can get motivated, become much more productive, and take pride in all that you accomplish.

The good news is that you do not

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Category: Self Help

Beat The Battle With The Bottle

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Title: Beat The Battle With The Bottle

" Learning About Beat The Battle With The Bottle Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life!"

Easy ways to stop drinking or boozing and stay sober!

Dear Friend,

Let's face it.... Alcoholism is something that can't be formed in easy terms. Alcoholism as a whole refers to the circumstance whereby there's an obsession in man to keep ingesting beverages with alcohol content which is injurious to health. The circumstance of alcoholism doesn't let the person addicted have any command over ingestion despite being cognizant of the damaging consequences ensuing from it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that show you how to quit boozing!

The truth is:

If You Want To Have Success With Stopping Drinking And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Beat The Battle With The Bottle!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire when it comes to dealing with drinking? It's because they don't know that even if the individual who's an alcoholic faces social ridicule, family insistency, abuses, insults, and so forth he's in a condition whereby he can't dispense with the habit or compulsion which is beyond his command. His senses are entirely under the influence of alcohol and any sort of an attempt put forth by him to abandon the habit doesn't work.... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Self Help

Action Driven Living

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Title: Action Driven Living

"Discover The Truth Behind Getting Yourself To Take REAL Action And Watch How It Will Change Your Life..."

If You Are Not Living An Optimal Life, Then It Is Time To Grab Hold Of Your Dreams And To Turn Them Into A Reality!

Dear Friend,

Many people have a lot of dreams. They want to do this and they want to do that. But most of the time, only less than 1% of these people actually get things done.

Why is it so hard to live a fulfilling life?

Is it because your dreams are not big enough?

Is it because you do not have a compelling desire or you lack the will to carry out your duties?

Regardless of how you wanna look at things, you can't escape this very important fact:

Taking Action Is Everything! If You Do Not Take Action, All You Are Doing Is Wishful Thinking!

You see, what makes us different from all the cats, dogs, monkeys and insects out there is that those animals simply just exist. Humans don't simply exist... they LIVE.

If you are not living and breathing your dreams, you are merely existing like an animal and the key is to channel your energy the right way with all these dreams you have!

Ask yourself these important questions:

  • Do you have tomorrow to accomplish your goals? What if you do not have a tomorrow?
  • Are... Click here to read the full description!

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