Some books are to be tasted; others to be swallowed; and some few to be chewed and digested.
Francis Bacon

Self Help ebooks

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Category: Self Defense, Self Help

Preventing Identity Theft

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Title: Preventing Identity Theft

If you're set on not falling victim identity theft...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

Who Else Wants To Know All The Different Types Of Identity Theft, Be Aware Of What Actions To Take If You Do Fall Victim, And Become More 'In Tune' With Your Personal Information In Just 5 Days?

It doesn't matter if you've never fallen victim to identity theft a day in your life, or your the protective person in the world... This Identity Theft guide will help you not only get MORE prepared, but make
you feel more confident if it did perhaps happen to you!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on starting to protect your identity or simply want to ? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough book created just for people just like you!

And, if you really want to get the best results possible without putting in countless hours in at the local library, then this book is definitely for YOU!

I myself have been a victim of identity theft, but it wasn't easy for me when it happened! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on preventing identity theft!

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Category: Self Help

The Science of Being Well

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Title: The Science of Being Well
Author: Willace D. Wattles

Chapter 1

The Principle of Health

In the personal application of the Science of Being Well, as in that of the Science of Getting Rich, certain fundamental truths must be known in the beginning, and accepted without question. Some of these truths we state here: The perfectly natural performance of function constitutes health, and the perfectly natural performance of function results from the natural action of the Principle of Life.
There is a Principle of Life in the universe, and it is the One Living Substance from which all things are made. This Living Substance permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. It is in and through all things, like a very refined and diffusible ether. All life comes from its life is all the life there is.
A human being is a form of this Living Substance, and has within him a Principle of Health. (The word Principle is used as meaning source.) The Principle of Health in a person, when in full constructive activity, causes all the voluntary functions of his life to be perfectly performed. It is the Principle of Health in a person which really works all healing, no matter what system. or
.remedy. is employed, and this Principle of Health is brought into Constructive Activity by thinking in a Certain Way.
I proceed now to prove this last statement. We all know that cures are wrought by all the different, and often opposite, methods employed in the various branches of the

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Category: Self Help

The Secret Of Success

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Title: The Secret Of Success
Author: William Walker Atkinson

"Success, the book is A Complete Collection of Rules That are Vital to Success. This book was Approved and Formulated by no less than the Successful Men of the World who became acquainted with these Rules only after they had Attained Success".

This book is a lesson on how to apply latent powers found in everyone to create success and happiness and charm for oneself.

The author believes that anyone who reads his piece , carefully analyzes and applies its concepts will surely be on the way to greater achievements in life.

The central factor in the book is on perseverance and how that single character can send one to any height that he seeks. He writes that anyone who wants to achieve success must be goal oriented and that those goals themselves must be attainable.

He asks the questions " What is Success' and goes further to answer it in a revolutionary way. Read this book to learn of the dangers that lie ahead in the pursuit of success and how they can be overcome.


Book Excerpts:

The Secret of Success

It is with some hesitation that we bring ourselves to write this little book, entitled "The Secret of Success." Not that we are not in sympathy with the subject - not that we do not believe that there is a "Secret of Success" - but because there has been so much written on the subject of "Success" that is the veriest twaddle - masses of platitudinous wordiness - that we hesitate to take

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Category: Education, Self Help

Time Management For College Students

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Title: Time Management For College Students

If you're set on managing your time to the best of your abilities...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

Who Else Wants To Track Your Time Efficiently, Determine The Best Time Of Day To Schedule Your Homework, And Become More 'In Tune' With Your Partying Time In Just 5 Days?

It doesn't matter if you've never effectively managed time a day in your life, or your the most organized person in the world... This Time Management guide will help you not only get MORE free time, but make you feel more energized after each assignment!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on managing your time effectively or simply want to ? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough book created just for people just like you!

And, if you really want to get the best results possible without putting in countless hours in at the local library, then this book is definitely for YOU!

I myself have been managing my college time for 3 years now, but it wasn't easy for me when I first started! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on time management for college students!

This... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Education, Self Help

How to be a Public Speaking Superstar

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Title: How to be a Public Speaking Superstar

Attention: Public speaking plays a vital role in most people's success.

"Who Else Wants to Dazzle and Influence Any Audience with Super Impressive Speeches by Having Supreme Confidence and Masterful Public Speaking Skills?"

Picture this. You are invited to speak in front of a large audience. As you walk to the stage, you feel an overwhelming sense of confidence and mastery over the subject you'll be discussing.

The people look at you as if they are very eager and interested to hear what you are about to say. As you started speaking, you notice that all the listeners are leaning forward. They are all smiling and nodding their heads, as if signaling their approval in your ideas.

You feel more and more enthusiastic as your speech goes on. As the speech comes to an end, you are cheered with a standing ovation from the audience. You hear some of them saying, "Great job!" You can tell from the many faces that they want to hear more. It's an enjoyable experience for both the audience and you.

Then you wake up. You can't believe it's just a dream. "If only it's true," you say in disappointment, "but that ain't happening to me."

Stop wishing and whining! Let's turn that public speaking dream of yours into reality, right here, right now!

Dear Future Public Speaking Superstar,

Have you ever... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Self Help

Self Improvement Guide

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Title: Self Improvement Guide

Table Of Contents:

  • 10 Inspirational quotes than can improve yourself
  • 10 Questions you should ask yourself
  • 10 Ways to empower your communication
  • Be happy
  • 10 Ways to start taking control
  • Bring innovation into your life
  • Coaching an easy way to make things happen
  • Build your self esteem a starter guide to self improvement
  • Develop your intuition
  • Energy healing
  • Dream your life
  • Enjoy your life change your point of view
  • Good use of relaxation
  • Every problem has a solution your guide to creative problem solving
  • Grow spiritually a guide to spiritual development
  • Herbal supplements is it worth the risk-yes
  • Harnessing your attraction power
  • How natural medicine can help you
  • Its time to start a Healthy life
  • How to be genuinely happy
  • Make it happen be a leader
  • Motivation the heart of self improvement
  • Meditation techniques
  • Positive attitude can change the world around you
  • Self improvement and success
  • Self empowerment using people unlock your social potential
  • Start your own coaching
  • The basics of goal settings
  • Take decision live your own life
  • The power of relationships
  • Unlock your self improvement power
  • Unleash your creative thinking
  • What can... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Self Help

How To Live To Be A Hundred

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Title: How To Live To Be A Hundred

At Last, the Ultimate Secrets of Healthy Heart & Longevity Finally Revealed! - Learn How You Can Add 10-20 More Years To Your Life With the New Discoveries in Medical Science...

If you are under 20, you can increase your life-span by as much as 15 years. Even if you are over 60, you can still enjoy more than two golden, "bonus" years by following the advice in this life-changing book!

Dear Friend,

At long last, you can live to be 100!

Here are the six things that this information will do for you:

You may well ask-"What will this book do for me?" or to paraphrase Ben Franklin, "Can it bring me health (which is really wealth), happiness, and wisdom?" It can, for many reasons.

A growing number of books for laymen on the subject of health have appeared in the past decade. Never before has there been such widespread popular interest in medical science.

Much of this interest has been motivated by the unprecedented advances in medical research that have been made in our time.

One discovery has led rapidly to another and many old views are radically changed. New information, new diagnostic tools, and new drugs have provided new answers to many old problems that were believed to be without solution.

Even the practicing physician cannot always keep abreast of these swift developments in medical progress. He cannot take time from treatment of his

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Category: How To, Self Help

POWER Up Your People Skills

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Title: POWER Up Your People Skills
Author: Jane Foreman

How to Win Friends and Influence. . .Well, You Know the Rest

Talk about exercising people skills, Andrew Carnegie is probably the most well-known of all self-help heroes. Ever since he penned those words, countless numbers of people have read them and really tried to use them as a mantra in their daily lives.

While the words and the meanings are timeless, adapting them to our frantic lifestyle today requires some tweaking so the meaning isn't lost in translation.

If you have a belief system that is anchored in the knowledge that most people would "do better" if they "knew better" then you are off to a good start. Now it's time to fine tune and hone your people skills so you really can "do better" at getting along with others.

That's a worthy goal, especially now in the midst of the financial crisis. While hundreds of people are losing their jobs and scores of others are walking a tightrope of uneasiness, you couldn't ask for a better reason to "Power Up Your People Skills."

Sure, some of the people who are losing their jobs are losing them as a result of budget cuts. However, when your name and a co-workers name are on a list and only one will be cut, how can you be sure it isn't you? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that your people skills have a HUGE affect on their decision.

How long has it... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Dogs, Self Defense, Self Help

Dog Attack!

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Title: Dog Attack!

Survival Tips To Keep You And Your Family Safe

A Short Introduction Beforehand

A dog attack can happen to any person at any time and for any reason. Just because an animal is domesticated doesn't mean that they aren't capable of attacking another animal, or more importantly, a person.

A very important thing to remember about dogs in general is that ALL DOGS CAN ATTACK! Even the tiny breeds can be killers. It may seem silly, but it is quite true.

Case in point, in October of 2000 a news-story reported that a family's pet Pomeranian had mauled their 6 week old baby. As a result, the baby died shortly thereafter. ("Baby Girl Killed by Family Dog," Los Angeles Times, Monday, October 9, 2000, Home Edition, Metro Section, Page B-5.)

So if you are living under the assumption that just larger dogs can inflict fatal wounds, you had better start re-thinking!

While it's true that larger breeds are responsible for much of the dog attack fatalities reported, you should never underestimate a smaller breed though. Most of the fatalities that occur are within two groups of people, children and the elderly. In the United States alone there were an estimated 304 dog attack related deaths between 1979 and 1996 from an estimated 30 or so different breeds of dogs. Sadly, it seems this fatality number is on the rise.

But, this doesn't have to happen to you! This guide will give

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Category: Health, Self Help

Banish Bad Habits

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Title: Banish Bad Habits
How To Free Yourself From Bad Habits, Forever!

The Secret to a Happier and Healthier Life

Dear Friend,

Everywhere you look, people want to know why they're unhappy. And they want to know what they can do about it.

Have you ever asked yourself why intelligent people let bad habits keep them from living happier and healthier lives? I ask myself that question all the time.

We live in a world where 30-second commercials offer instant solutions. We shouldn't be surprised when easy solutions don't work: There are no magic bullets, no quick fixes on the path to lasting change.

People are overwhelmed with options today. It's beginning to seem that the more solutions there are, the harder it is to find one that works.

Programs that promise easy change fail because they gloss over the necessary stages that people have to go through on the path to lasting change. People who regain more weight than they lost by following the latest fad diet are victims of programs that ignore the need for a lifestyle change.

Many people have learned the hard way that lasting change is only possible when you have the right information.

New Year's resolutions usually fail. They don't work because people jump into them without the right preparation. As I learned from my own experience, you can't be successful in the action stage if you haven't been successful in the preparation stage.

Most people make New Year's resolutions when they wake up with a hangover-or... Click here to read the full description!

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