Borrowed thoughts, like borrowed money, only show the poverty of the borrower.

Self Help ebooks

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Category: Philosophy, Self Help, Nonfiction

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Title: 100 Diamond Files
Author: RVM

In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations penned down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievement to a life of Fulfillment. This book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations pened down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievemnt to a life of Fulfillment. This book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspirinf quotations penned down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievement to a life of Fulfillment. The book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations penned down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievement to a life of Fulfillment. The book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations penned down by him. He  believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievemnt to a life of Fulfillment.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Mind, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Feel-good Treats
Author: Luisa Rodrigues

Feel-good Treats is a fusion of inspirational spiritual writings that serve to soothe, inspire and instruct.


In Feel-good Treats, the author has added her voice to the many who would urge us to yield ourselves to the current that would carry us back to God. She has incorporated various Spirits' counsels for life that she believes exemplify spiritual truths for progressive living.


This thought-provoking book encourages the reader to think on these things and explore right thinking. These magical feel-good treats inspire thinking that reveals the inner world of the soul and the way of the indwelling spirit. Inspiring faith, holding fast, choosing truth, understanding the power of our thoughts, manifesting a positive reality that goes beyond survival and examining the eternal oneness of life are some of the themes that promise to thrill and inspire the reader with much hope to live life more in fulfilment of that great law - Love.

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Category: Relationships, How To, Self Help

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Title: What Women Really Want
Author: Alec Ross

Never Struggle With Women Again!

Dating Insider Reveals His Proven Techniques For Hooking Up With ANY Woman of your dreams, Guaranteed!

Indiser Secrets to Seducing Women of your dreams, even if you lack experience!

The #1 thing you must do when Approaching Women to gain the overall advantage!

How to use a simple analysis 'trick' to get girls to fall for you right on the spot!

How exploiting the 'curiosity factor' will boost your success rate by up to 200%!

How to use the simple 'knock down' strategy to break the ice with the hottest women you meet!

Let's face it, when it comes to picking up women, you could use a little help.

Don't feel bad, you're certainly not alone. In the big old wolrd of dating, its common knowledge that women run the playing the field, controlling situations, ending conversations and walking away with who ever they choose.

Hooking up with quality women takes practice, because regardless of what you've read in play guides, seduction is an art form.

You need to know how to approach women so that they melt while hanging onto your every word.

Grab a Free copy of What Women Really Want to learn more about Attracting, Approaching and Dating Women of your dreams.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, How To, Self Help

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Title: How To Be Happy Right Now!
Author: Jason Jeter

For most of us we are always looking for something more and better then what we currently do have. For example we may want; more money, a better job, better relationships, the perfect body, more confidence, or whatever it is you desire. But what we all really want from these things is true happiness. In the ebook, "How To Be Happy Right Now!" you will learn the 8 best tips and tricks to be happy right now and forever. Stop waiting for great things to happen to you and take control of your life now by being happy. If you do not learn happiness, you will always know failure. But once you learn happiness you will be well on your way to achieving the success you deserve!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Self Help, Fiction, Spirituality

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Title: Diary of a Human Target (Book Two)
Author: Isidora Vey

Leaving back her traumatic past, Yvonne makes any possible effort to dispose of old obsessions and live a normal life.

She also feels the need to develop her psychic abilities and approach cosmic truths.

She seeks guidance in various sects but she soon questions their beliefs and intentions.

Therefore, she begins to teach herself and develp her spiritual powers.

However, she still feels lonely, insecure and dissatisfied: She has a permanent, yet dead-end job; she has plenty of friends, all of whom are wayward and enigmatic; she suffers extreme noise pollution all around her house; she is still dogged by negative omens, bad luck and odd coincidences; she gradually comes to certain conclusions about the secret construction of the human society.

Although she knows she is still a target, she doesn't hesitate to discuss her ideas and experiences to anybody who seems to be interested - maybe because she can't imagine the consequences..


Also available by Amazon Kindle

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Category: Self Help, Nonfiction

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Title: The most important Principles of success
Author: Daniel Yordanov

Find out the secrets to success and how to take your life to the next level in this concise ebook. To learn more and something you will absolutely love if you are into self-development is

The book is very small: Only 15 pages but the information is golden. You are going to find out what is success. You will find out what to do in order to meet with success. You will learn how to achieve roaring success. You will learn principles such as habits, belief system and so on.


You belief system is one of the key elements on success and you will learn how to change it, discover negative beliefs and eleminate them.


You will learn how to harness positive habits that will change your life.


You will learn how to motivate yourself so that you can take massive massive action.


You will learn how to create the mindset for success so that you can keep working hard but also feel good about it.


We are going to lay the foundation to your success and what you can do in order to become the best version of yourself.

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Category: Self Help

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Title: The book to life
Author: Sim Bonnet
This book has been made for you, really for you. 

It’s natural solution and cure, without contraindications, which are just words written on white paper.
 My words... Your words... Our words...
 Knowing how to identify your needs and learning how to satisfy yourself is the one greatest keys to happiness, success, victory, good health...
 You will find here the tools to obtain this.
 I made long journeys in my being and I discovered that...
 ...Finally, find you yourself, the important here is you !

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Religion, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Proof Of GOD
Author: Scott Zarcinas

Proof of God, is the fourth and final ebook serialized from Your Natural State of Being, completing the adventure of self-empowerment that began with What Am I Doing With My Life?

Evoking the inner Wisdom and Peace of our Natural State of Being, Proof of God reveals the truth of everyday existence - our thoughts determine our experience.

We see what we believe!

Scott Zarcinas is a writer, doctor, husband, father, public speaker, and very average soccer player. He lives in Adelaide with his wife and two daughters.

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Category: Self Help, Health, Remedies

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Title: The Single Most Effective Technique to Manage Anxiety!
Author: Georgiana Carollus

Are you suffering from anxiety or panic attacks? Anxiety is widespread in our overly-stressed society and it can show up in our lives as worry, nervousness, fear, and panicky feelings. Often anxiety is only a nuisance and inconvenience but sometimes it can paralyze us and stop us in our tracks. The sensations of anxiety and panic can be truly overwhelming. The great news is that there is a proven method to help you manage and even prevent anxiety and panic attacks. This technique is simple and can be used by anyone.

This ebook clearly and simply explains the technique and how to use it most effectively. While the technique can provide immediate relief, practicing the technique and incorporating it into your daily life will have even greater benefits. Exercises are provided to help you take the greatest advantage of this method.

Apply this technique and find relief from your anxiety!


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Category: Business, E-Business, Self Help

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Title: Paid Surveys Blueprint
Author: David Richard

Make money online with paid surveys is easy but you can lose money and time if you didn't do enough research. Paid Surveys Blueprint will tell you what to be aware of and provide real example of how to make real money with paid surveys.


The Author started passive income entrepreneur more than 10 years, experience failure, failing into traps and losing. After trial and error for many years, now he can be able to earn active income through passive income portfolio.


He would lilke to put one of his passive income source - paid surveys into a ebook, Paid Survey Blueprint to provide advise on how to make money through paid surveys but still need to be aware of any traps and losing money.


Success is difficult, so this ebook is not teach you how to earn income fast but to take steps to choose a paid survey company carefully and start to earn passive income.


Hope you all enjoy the ready. The most important is to take action. Study takes time but most important is to take action fast!

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