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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Self Help ebooks

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Category: Fiction, Psychology, Self Help

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Title: Journey Through The Hidden
Author: BBJohnston

The novel follows Via, a college student battling grave mental struggles as each day passes. One particular strenuous timetable leaves her hitting rock-bottom, leading her to the ultimate conclusion, suicide. Jumping from an abandoned woodland bridge, Via's unusual adventure begins, but the question still remains. Did she succeed in her act of suicide? Her journey passes van Gogh, Christmas origins, medieval capture and magical experiences. Will she find the key to life itself?

Whilethe underlying theme is mental health, the issues are not directly pin-pointed. This is done so that the reader can truly experience the harsh realities and put themselves in the character's shoes. The novel still remains fictional and contains aspects of fantasy and thrill. It will make you both laugh and cry, all the while having learnt some life-changing morals which come from the character's experiences. In this sense, those struggling with mental health can use this as a self-help book whilst still an enjoyable adventure, and those without can further their understanding and raise awareness.

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Category: How To, Mind, Self Help

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Title: Re-Energize Your Life
Author: Mark Tinney

If you find it hard to get ahead and things rarely seem to go your way, you're going to find the words of wisdom in this book to be extremely helpful. Life can be more than a random roll of the dice. You have the skills and the power to have an influence over the things that happen in your life and you need to learn to master that power. There are two approaches you can take to living your life. You can bounce from situation to situation and hope the world is kind to you...or you can start to influence the events that happen in your life; you can bounce out of bed every morning with a clear idea of what you want to accomplish and where you are heading. In this book you will learn the secret to a happy life. You will learn about the things that hold us back from achieving our goals and dreams and what you can do about them. In this book you will learn the secret to a happy, successful, super-charged life. If you're looking for a way to re-energize and reinvigorate your existence, this is the perfect book for you. Give your life a new purpose and a new direction. Put yourself on track to the achievement of the goals and dreams you desire.

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Category: Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help

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Title: Inspire To Reach Higher: A-Z Empowering Quotes That I.N.S.P.I.R.E.
Author: Amey Hegde

As a motivational speaker I am often amazed to see the power that a single quotation contains to transform one's life and one's thoughts. This book contains beautiful full-color images and features hand-picked quotations by great minds like Mahatma Gandhi, Jim Rohn, Mother Teresa, Brian Tracy, Dale Carnegie, Paulo Coelho, Robin Sharma, Daniel Goleman, Zig Ziglar and other great thinkers arranged in alphabetically order by topic. I am sure the empowering quotes in this book will inspire you to achieve great heights...

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Category: Business, Home Business, Self Help

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Title: Don't Quit Your Day Job...: 7 Steps To Discover & Launch Your Passion Into Profits While You're Still Employed
Author: Shyra Smith

If you have always wanted to set off your own business but are not sure of where to begin, this short, clear cut ebook will give you some fundamental, practical and foundational insight on what it takes to get there in reality- while you are still employed. It will assist you shifting out of your employee mindset into an entrepreneur's mindset, uncovering your natural potencial; and giving you some nitty-gritty on the behind scenes activity that needs be done so as to get your business up and running.

You will discover...

- How to bring your joy anc cultivate passion in a way that it fuels your life.

- Why having aims is not sufficient unless you have this single driving factor.

- You can really create a standard of living around your business.

This e-book was written for the aspiring entrepreneus; individuals with a burning desire to make a lifestyle beyond the everyday 9-5 grind. This ebook will reverberate with you if are driven to accomplish something great in life and identify there is a higher calling for you. You will defelitely enjoy reading it.

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