Perpetual modernness is the measure of merit in every work of art.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Self Help ebooks

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Category: Auto, Education, Self Help

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Title: Pass your Driving Test
Author: Nadav Snir

Introducing... "Pass Your Driving Test"

Pass Your Driving Test is the culmination of everything I learned about passing your driving test first time. It covers absolutely everything you need to know, and nothing extra (I don't want to waste your time giving your boring junk you don't need to know).

  • What to do on the day of the test, and during the test itself to give yourself the best chance of passing, including a list of things you should absolutely NOT do. These quick and simple rules are easy to follow and can make a HUGE difference to your results.
  • Exactly when your test ends - I've heard some horror stories about people who thought their test was over before it actually was. They failed because they didn't know they were still being tested!
  • Exactly WHY mirrors are so important, and how you should use them during maneuvers like changing lanes to demonstrate to your examiner that you are a safe driver.
  • The specific criteria examiners are looking for. If you give your examiner what he (or she) wants, you'll get what you want: a license!
  • A set of practical test exercises to practice with your instructor to prepare you for your big day.
  • Find out what to do in special conditions like poor visibility, poor weather or on dangerous roads. Many learners don't experience these conditions during their lessons, so you'll be prepared for... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology, Self Help

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Title: The Emetophobia Eraser Program
Author: Jillian Stevens

You Don't Have to Live WIth Emetophobia...

Many people struggle with the fear of vomiting and have their days and thoughts interrupted by their need to avoid throwing up and situations that may make vomiting a possibility. It's called emetophobia, it's dangerous, it ruins lives, and it's curable.

Here's just some of the things you'll learn in the program...

  • We're going to work together to figure out what you're REALLY afraid of, and it's not as simple as "vomiting".
  • When to NEVER try and face your fear.
  • How to stay motivated even when it gets tough. You'll get so good at this that you can actually be happy when you don't do as well as you wanted.
  • The simple 4-step technique that can bring your anxiety and obsessing about vomit to a stop. You'll learn it in about 15 minutes and have the power to control your fear for a lifetime.
  • The 5 patterns of faulty thinking you MUST avoid to be successful at overcoming your phobia.
  • What you're probably doing now that's making your emetophobia worse every time you do it.
  • A teeny-tiny adjustment that's going to shoot your confidence about handling any situation through the roof!
  • How to design your personalized plan for overcoming your emetophobia.
  • Why you
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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Category: Psychology, Self Help

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Title: Visualize and Achieve
Author: Remez Sasson

Discover and utilize the powerful techniques of mind power, creative visualization and positive thinking!

Full and detailed information, guidance and instructions, all in one eBook!

This ebook guidea the reader through a fascinating and captivating journey to self-improvement, inner transformation and to success in all walks of life.

You will find lucid and down to earth information, guidance and instructions that take the subject of mind power and creative visualization out of the fogs of mystery and the supernatural, into practical and solid reality.

Discover what creative visualization can do do for you:

  • Travel abroad!
  • Solve problems!
  • Quit smoking!
  • Possess a home of your own!
  • Own a new car!
  • Manifest your dreams desires!
  • Lose weight!
  • Improve your relationships!
  • Improve your life!
  • Improve your health!
  • Get a better paying job!
  • Gain money and wealth!
  • Find true love!
  • Develop positive habits!
  • Achieve your dreams!
  • Achieve success!

Visualize and Achieve contains a wealth of practical information, and complete instructions and guidance on how to activate the creative powers of the mind, create success and achieve dreams and goals. It has been written with the reader's questions and doubts in mind, and provides clear and logical explanations and

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Category: Self Help, Women

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Title: Pregnancy Miracle
Author: Lisa Olson

"I Thought I Was Infertile But Contrary To My Doctor's Prediction, I Got Pregnant Twice and Naturally Gave Birth To My Beautiful Healthy Children At Age 43, After Years of "Trying".
You Can Too! Here's How..."

Here Is a Small Sample Of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy Of The Pregnancy Miracle™ System Today:

  • The cardinal sin of infertility treatment almost every woman is guilty of, which instead of reversing your Infertility, weakens and destroys your body's natural ability to defend itself, thus putting your health in serious risk and making your reproductive system worse in the long run (and almost everybody's doing it!)
  • The shocking truth about conventional Infertility treatments and the medication trap and how you can finally free yourself and use the natural approach forever
  • REVEALED: The most potent vitamins which improve the quality of your cervical mucus dramatically.
  • Why this "almost magical" combination of three types of herbs will empower your body's self-immune mechanism and cleansing abilities (required to eliminate Infertility) dramatically!
  • Discover 3 simple things that your partner can do right to increase sperm count and motility.
  • Discover How the East and West Differ in Their Views regarding infertility and How It Can Help You Get the Baby You Dream Of. Learn the answer to the controversial question: Does Infertility Even... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Category: Psychology, Self Help

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Title: Beyond Suffering
Author: Ulla Sebastian

To expand your consciousness, you will discover:

  • The spiral nature of the process of life
  • The secret of true sharing
  • The power of counting your blessings
  • The illusion of romantic love, how it makes you unhappy and how you can move beyond it
  • The four pillars of how to grow joy in your life
  • The difference it makes when you say YES: YES to life, to the Self, to the other person, to your community, to human values and to the union with life and the challenges that you have to face in making these choices
  • The difference between guilt feelings and responsibility
  • The difference between a victim and a victim attitude
  • The balance of giving and receiving and how you can attain it
  • How you can use your life patterns as signposts for a fulfilled life
  • How you can use love as a growth process
  • How the creation of your own story keeps you in bondage and how you can change it
  • How self-forgiveness can set you free

You also need hand-on tools such as exercises and instructions. The ebook provides you with a manual of transformation providing you with tools on the mental, emotional and physical level.

To move beyond suffering, learn to:

  • use the power of your mind to create the reality that you want
  • use the power of your inner guide for direction
  • understand the higher meaning of painful life experiences
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Category: Psychology, Relationships, Self Help

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Title: Admirable You: A guide to Self-Confidence, Believing in Yourself and Making New Friends!
Author: Lloyd Richards

"Leave Your Lonely Days Behind. Discover How You Can Attract And Maintain Fruitful Friendships That Will Last A Life-Time."

Life Is NOT Meant To Be Lived Alone.

And thankfully, I can show you another way.

It's simply about loving life and spending time with people who make you happy and appreciate your presence. It may be about going out on weekends and partying, or sharing good food and drinking good wine. It may about staying in and sharing a movie, or chatting for hours on end. Whatever your desire...

The information contained within this ebook will help you attain a lifestyle full of amazing experiences, shared with amazing people! Everyday I thank myself for having the drive to overcome my problem and search for a better life. In doing so I found out allot of useful information - the hard way.

For you, on the other hand, it's all here for the taking. I would have paid allot of money for this opportunity if it had been presented to me a few years ago.

  • You will have people liking you for who you are. It's that simple.
  • You DON'T need to take risks or drugs, or feel as if you should constantly prove yourself.
  • You DON'T need to have good looks or lots of money.
  • You DON'T need to have 'the gift of the gab' or be something that your not.
  • I'll explain in full,
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Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Category: Health, Self Help

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Title: Better Health Today

How can any " CURE " reach the people without the support of the medical community?

The Answer is Here Today!

Advanced scientific health research now provides the answer for the health care crisis facing millions.

Find out how you can participate in the greatest health care movement ever.

Chapters Include:

  • Synthetics, Chemicals, Additives, and Toxins (As Secondary Causes)
  • Preliminaries (How did we get here? )
  • Foundational Research Results Summary (Nobel Prize Science )
  • Enzymes and Health (As the Basis of Life)
  • Summary and References (Tie It All Together )
  • Essential Fatty Acids, Oxygenation, and Cancer (Nobel Prize Science )
  • ASH Formulas and Rationale (What and Why)
  • Food and Nutrient Considerations (Maximize Your Benefit)
  • Cancer and Cesium pH Therapy (Root Causes )
  • Coronary Heart/Vascular Disease (Root Causes )
  • Chelation of Arterial Plaque and Fibrin (What You Can Do)



  • Now the atmosphere is 20% oxygen, and through a genetic fluke sometime in history, the body quit producing ascorbates.
  • Oxygen is essential to metabolize food and create high energy, and it is also impossible for cancer to exist... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Psychology, Self Help

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Title: Emotional Detachment for Happier Life
  • Do you take everything too personally?
  • Do you allow worries to fill your mind?
  • Do people's problems, words and stress affect your state of mind?

Learn how emotional detachment can help you let go of negative thoughts and emotions, and start enjoying inner peace and happiness in your everyday life.

  • Think how much physical, emotional, and mental energy you could spare, if you could avoid becoming upset, angry or moody.
  • Imagine how free, relieved and happy you would be, if you could stay calm and poised in the midst of whatever is happening in your life.
  • Imagine how free and calm you would feel, if you do not take things personally and can stop becoming upset by what people say and do.

You can create a state of inner peace, undisturbed by circumstances, nor by people's words, moods, or state of mind, and this book will show you how to do that.

What You Will Learn from This eBook:

  • You will learn to avoid anger, resentment, fears, stress and worries, and prevent them from affecting you and robbing your inner peace.
  • "Emotional Detachment for Happier Life" will teach you effective emotional detachment techniques, which would help you stay composed, levelheaded, and undisturbed by other people's moods and stressful state of mind.
  • You will learn how to let go of negative thoughts and emotions and stop taking everything
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Self Help

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Title: Urban Survival

Here's a sampling of some of the areas that you'll master:

  • How to quickly & cheaply fortify your home to protect it from forcible entry & armed attack, without looking like the neighborhood kook or advertising yourself as a target.
  • How to reunite your family, even if you start in multiple locations, your phones are down, & your primary meeting point is destroyed & hazardous.
  • How to know the parts of your city that pose a chemical or biological threat to you on a daily basis, how to prepare for it, and still sleep at night.
  • How to force your body & your family to react with stunning speed to threats while everyone around is paralyzed with fear.
  • Many people who were prepared and survived Katrina in place reported experiencing survivors' guilt within 5-7 days. Learn how to avoid this crippling condition and keep your mind sharp in times of crisis.
  • Why your survival depends on your mindset more than your skill set & how to train your mind to become your most valuable survival tool.
  • How to stay "invisible in plain sight" to protect yourself from burglaries now and mobs of hungry looters in the future.
  • Get inside the mind of an angry mob of parents with hungry children so your family is the last one to be attacked and looted.
  • Gain the peace of mind that comes with KNOWING that your family has a plan to follow if you're away from home or "out of action" when
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Self Help

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Title: The book of est
Author: Dr Joe Vitale

The Greatest Self-Help Book of All Time

Why is The eBook of est the greatest self-help book of all time?

There are only a handful of books that have dramatically influenced my life. There's The Magic of Believing and The Robert Collier Letter Book. But number one on the list is The eBook of est. It beat out Think and Grow Rich, and even the Bible. I know that's bold and controversial. But it's also the truth.

Here are two reasons why I love the ebook:

The ebook is the famous est experience in written form. est, or Erhard Seminar Training, was the controversial self-help movement of the 1970s and beyond. Anyone who withstood the heat of the weekends were never the same again. Lives were transformed forever. You faced yourself and your story in a way that was confrontational and oh so real.

The eBook of est puts you into the room and gets you to feel the intensity. You somehow experience est. When my late wife began to type up the ebook to be republished by me, she had to keep stopping. She said it was intense and dramatic. She died during the transcription process. But that had nothing to do with the ebook. It had more to do with her choices and what the ebook urged her to face.

The second reason I love this ebook is because the writing is, well,

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