Self Help ebooks

How to Eat Right and Manage Your Life
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: How to Eat Right and Manage Your Life
The secrets behind Gaining Optimal Living and Inspiring Others!
Dear Friend,
When it concerns finding the most certain road to success, everybody agrees: human talent is your most treasured resource. The question is: what do you do about it?
To meet your performance anticipations, people need to devote their full mental, physical, emotional and relational resources to their work. If they lack staying power in any one of these categories, it's costing you in terms of productivity, innovation ability, health care expenditure, profitability and morale.
The truth is:
If You Do Not Know How To achieve Optimal Living you are spinning your wheels!
To mention an obvious example, no one performs at their best when they're sleep deprived. Some may think they've learned to function at a reasonable level without adequate sleep but truthfully, they're at sub-optimal capacity. Not what you want from yourself, or your team members.
You can certainly bet that mega name network marketers already know all this, and that is why they are a big success at what they are doing!
But, you can discover how to achieve Optimal Living. I have the perfect manual available for you right here!
(Read on to find out more...)
Optimal Living Is The Most Important Tool You Will Ever Need For Your Business... A Lack Of the
Ebook Type: PDF

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-19
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book"Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program"as by reading this book one will learn how to stop not only smoking habits but also various other bad habits.
Reviewed by Roger Kevin Johnson on 2011-11-22
My Rate 5
I quit smoking weed thanks to this program.
Thank you so much
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Title: Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program
Author: Gary Evans
The Cannabis Coach™ is a complete "how to stop smoking weed" program with very fast results.
The Cannabis Coach will not only help you to stop smoking pot but it will also help you with other bad habits.
After many years of successfully helping weed smokers the "Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program" has demonstrated to be an authority when it comes to marijuana addiction.
Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by Marion on 2009-09-29
My Rate 5
Inspired me and been looking for resources pertaining to these subjects on the website.
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Title: Will Power and Self Discipline
Author: Remez Sasson
Attain self-confidence, assertiveness, perseverance and decisiveness!
Remez Sasson introduces in "Will Power and Self Discipline" unique and practical methods that are suitable for everyone, and which can be carried out everywhere, at anytime. Most of the exercises do not require setting any special times for their performance. The greatness of the techniques presented in this ebook is that they can be practiced throughout the day, without interfering with your daily life and activities.
The eBook is packed with information, guidance, practical advice, instructions and exercises that are simple to follow, and which can be performed by everyone.
- You may be young or old, strong or weak; the development of will power and self-discipline will certainly improve your life and give you more control over your life.
- Learn to choose consciously and intently your actions and reactions, and free yourself from angry and rash reactions and negative behavior.
- If you feel the need to be stronger, if you cannot say 'no' when you want to, if you always postpone what you need to do, feel lazy, do not persevere with your actions and plans or haven't enough inner stamina, then this is the ebook for you.
- How many times have you wished you were stronger, more resolute and persistent? Now you can get and the necessary guidance to be so.
- How many times have you wished you were strong enough to concentrate your... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-26
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "The Natural Secrets to a Healthy Brain System" because it tells the Ten Natural strategies to achieve a Healthy Mind and Stress Free Brain and makes brain strong.
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Title: The Natural Secrets to a Healthy Brain System
Author: Nick Hodgson
Please let me share with you my Top Ten Secrets for Maintaining A Healthy Brain...
You will discover...
- Ten Natural strategies to achieve a Healthy Mind and Stress Free Brain - and this could improve YOUR life dramatically.
- The Ten Natural Secrets to a Healthy Brain developed through 22 years of clinical experience.
- Ground breaking research that explains how we achieve a sense of wellbeing and the syndrome that interferes wih this.
- AND: How to get instant access to the Super Brain Self-Help Resources.
Read On...
Follow the steps for achieving a healthy brain, and you can improve your health, mental function, concentration, thinking ability, focus and productivity - as a result you will feel enormously better, have more energy and discover a body that heals more efficiently...
Why purchase the Natural Secrets to a Healthy Brain?
If you have problems with negative thoughts, uncomfortable feelings, crippling emotions, low energy levels, fatigue, even depression or anxiety...
If one of your loved ones show signs of ADHD, compulsive or addictive behaviors...
The Super Brain program will lead you on a journey of discovery about how the brain works, how it malfunctions, and will teach you simple and effective natural secrets for improving your brain chemistry and performance.
- You'll
Ebook Type: VideoAudio Included, Video Included,
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Title: The Handsome Factor Appearance Transformation System
Author: Mark Belmont
Step-By-|Step Techniques That Will Transform Your Appearance and Skyrocket Your Sex Appeal In 14 Days Or Less...
Once You Crack Open This eBook, You'll...
- Discover what type of skin you have, and how it can make a huge difference to the way you care for your skin.
- Learn how one $5.00 product will permanently change the way you view grooming and facial hair... and save you tons of time.
- Learn how to cure bad breath once and for all (and no, it's not as simple as brushing your teeth twice a day... you have to eliminate the cause!).
- Learn which hairstyles never go out of style and which ones you should avoid at all cost. (With lots of pictures to help you choose one...).
- Find out why poor hygiene habits - especially the ones that you aren't aware of - will have a profound impact on the way people interact with you.
- Learn about a secret way to safely and quickly remove moles and birth marks. They may be called "beauty marks" but they're anything but beautiful. Now is your chance to deal with them!
- Find out the five things you absolutely must check before you ever leave the house. Trust me, if you haven't taken care of these, you're shooting yourself in the foot...
- Learn the ten golden rules of fashion that you must never, ever break if you're
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by trace on 2011-09-02
My Rate 5
great product - I reduced my smoking to half in the first week and gave up in 3
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Title: Stop Smoking With EFT
Author: Joe Williams
Are you worried that one day smoking will cost you more then money
are you afraid of giving up and suffering the cravings
"EFT Can Remove The Fear Of Cravings, The Fear Of Weight Gain and The Pain Of Withdrawal...
Break Free From All The Worry And The Emotional Turmoil Of Giving Up Cigarettes, Regain Your Health Whilst You Actually Enjoy Quitting With EFT"
Quit cigarettes by releasing the emotions which keep you coming back for more.... Stop Smoking Now and Remain 100% Smoke FreeÂ
No wonder this program has now become the leading EFT Quit Smoking Program
Stop Smoking With EFT eProgram & MP3 Audio's
- The eProgram come as a PDF and contains all the information on how to use this program, and comes complete with copies of All the 56 Core Scripts - over 120 pages of Tapping
- The Core Stop Smoking Program contains 56 Scripts on MP3
- On Average Each Audio Script runs for 5 Minutes in Length
- These Professional EFT Scripts are in MP3 format, so they can be stored on your MP3 Player and Computer, or put on a CD and played in your car
- You receive Over 300 minutes of EFT Audio's, that's over 5 hours of Audio Scripts
- You also receive a 45 minute
Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by Diamond Sutherland on 2017-03-25
My Rate 5
I have hid behind my computer for years. Thank you for the book that helped me make eye contact, again. I have always wondered why some go here and not there.
Then there was the conversation about this and not that. It was helpful to avoid the not and refer to the this.
Page 137 was most helpful.
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Title: Get The Friends You Want
Author: Paul Sanders
“Could It Really Be Possible That Problems With Loneliness, Shyness, Social Anxiety And Inability To Have Conversations, And Make Friends GET WORSE As YOU GET OLDER?”
Part 1: Overcome Loneliness, Shyness, and Social Anxiety
- You’ll (finally) be able to make sense of what other people do, socially : why they laugh at some things and not others, befriend some people and not others, go out to some places and not others, dress a certain way and not another. – page 11
- How you still vitally need friends, in this modern age, where live social interaction is mistakenly taken for granted. – page 8
- You’ll know the 8 motivators that get people to behave socially the way they do. Once you know this, you’ll basically CRACK THE CODE that’s behind people’s social behaviors. – page 11
- You’ll know why people keep ignoring loners, instead of cheering them up. (it’s about a specific behavior that loners have, that drives good people away) – page 16
- Why some people get REJECTED while others get CHASED. You’ll also know what to do about it so you avoid being rejected by the friends you need. – page 14
- You’ll be able to construct a vision for your social success. After going through this part, your social success will be as clear to you as a puzzle with all the pieces in place. You’ll be more ready to go for it than ever.
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by Anil on 2003-11-20
My Rate 4
Just want to try it for free
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Title: Save the Marriage
Author: Dr. Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.
Leading Expert Claims Over 90% Success Rate Saving Marriages.
Revealed: Step-By-Step Secrets On What To Say And Do To Stop A Crisis.
You Are About To Discover:
- THE secret to saving your marriage, starting today.
- The Top 5 Mistakes people make when a crisis arises.
- Why true intimacy is a lot closer than you think-- and how to get there!
- Why power is so destructive to relationships and how to change it.
- Why arguing is a waste of time -- and the amazingly simple secret to get around it.
- Why "low mood therapy" is destined for failure and how " high mood relating" makes the difference.
- Why "hard work" on the relationship isn't always the answer.
- What to do, what to say, and what to avoid in order to save your marriage!
- What the TIE Elements of Communication are, and how they can transform your communication.
- What the Practices of Marriage are, and how they can transform your relationship.
- The true secrets
Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Title: The Kidney Stone Removal Report
Author: Joe Barton
Attention Kidney Stone Sufferers:
"Revealed: How to Dissolve & Pass Your Kidney Stones PAIN FREE in Less Than 24 Hours From Right Now, Using A Safe, Natural, Home Remedy"
And You're About to See PROOF that My Remedy REALLY WORKS!
- Now you too can join the thousands of other kidney stone sufferers who put my secret home remedy to the test, and passed their kidney stones within 24 hours with NO pain.
- Imagine your kidney stones GONE pain free... in just a few short hours from right now...
- Imagine yourself calling your doctor to cancel your scheduled surgery...
- Imagine the peace of mind you'd have knowing you could prevent your kidney stones from ever coming back again --after you pass them naturally
- Imagine the pain and suffering you'd avoid, the thousands you'd save in ridiculous medical bills if you could painlessly dissolve your kidney stones and easily pass them through your urine...
Fact: 256 of the last 300 people who have used my remedy have passed their kidney stones without pain!
So how can you know if you are likely to be in the 80%?
My remedy
... Click here to read the full description!Rating: (3 after 1 votes)
Title: Happiness Now
Author: Andrew Matthews
A ebook for busy people!
It is about relationships, finding career success, prosperity and peace of mind.
Featuring 60 full color cartoon illustrations, Andrew Matthews' best seller is a true work of art.
Your Philosophy
One Day at a Time
When Things Get Tough
When Things Are Beyond Your Control
Mental Fitness
Kick the Worry Habit!
Isn't It Amazing?
Happiness Myths
"Where am I going?" Laws of Life
Your Mind Is a Magnet
Wishing for Things
Why Think Positive?
Why Set Goals?
The Law of the Seed
Self Talk
Peace of Mind
Making More Money
Enjoying Your Work
A Track Record Friends and Family
Trying to Change People
Other People's Relationships
Friends and Money
Forgiving People
"Make Me Happy!"
"I Love You!" Success Strategies
Your Best
When to Quit?
What to do Now
What We Have
What Surrounds You?
What Is Most Important?
Throw out the Junk!
Save First!
Just do it!
Just Ask
Get Serious
Focus on What You Want
Everything Is Connected!
"I Can't Do It!"
... Click here to read the full description!
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