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Self Help ebooks

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Category: Self Help

Your Retirement Planning Guide

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Title: Your Retirement Planning Guide

A Manual To Effectively Plan Your Golden Years.

Attention: Don't Blame Us If You End Up Enjoying Your Retired Life Like None Of Your Other Retired Friends...!

Already Freaked-Out About Your Retirement? Not Having Any Idea As To How You Should Be Planning For It? Started To Doubt If Your Later Years Would Really Be As Golden As They Promised? Fret Not! Right Guidance Is Just Around The Corner...!

Finally! You Now Have The Manual That Will Assist You With Expert Tips And Strategies To Plan Your Retired Life In Such A Way That It Is Fun-Filled And Full Of Activities... Spend Your Days Without Any Financial Worries And Get The Maximum Out Of This New Life!

Dear Friend,

A financially comfortable retired life is an achievable goal. All that it requires is a little bit of planning. With the help of the 71-page e-Book, "Your Retirement Planning Manual" you can easily create a golden retired life for yourself.

In simple, easy-to-understand language, this well-organized e-Book tells you everything you need to do in order to have a secure retired life.

These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Ebook :

Table Of Contents:

  • Diversity Is Key In Retirement Planning
  • Consider Your Financial Retirement Options
  • Final Notes
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Category: Self Help

Living an Inspired Life and Inspiring Others

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Title: Living an Inspired Life and Inspiring Others

Empower People Around You with a Powerfull Goal and Touch Their Lives in many ways!

The secrets behind Having Inner Peace and Inspiring Others!

Dear Friend,
As we've gotten to the point of fact that everyplace we look, we're inundated with messages that our country is in dyer straights. Numerous people are being laid-off, downsized, or working extra hours to accommodate the decrease in fellow workers.

It's hard not to feel out of sorts under this pressure. But, you can discover how to come through not only this crisis, but any crisis that should come your way. Learn how to go from victim to victor and how to tap into your inner strength that will help you endure any adversity. Discover how your perceptions create stress and how to challenge and alter them.
The truth is:

If You Do Not Know How To develop Inner Peace you are spinning your wheels!

Are you inspired by your goal? Does thinking about it make you smile? If not, then you need the tools to change until you are excited about it. Goals take effort and an inner balance. They often require that we change and do things that may be a stretch for us.

If you have no life balance or inner peace it will be difficult to achieve any of these.

But, you can discover how to have inner peace and help others along the way. I have the perfect manual

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Category: Self Help

Power Through Repose

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Title: Power Through Repose
Author: Annie Payson Call


THE literature relating to the care of the human body is already very extensive. Much has been written about the body's proper food, the air it should breathe, the clothing by which it should be protected, the best methods of its development. That literature needs but little added to it, until we, as rational beings, come nearer to obeying the laws which it discloses, and to feeling daily the help which comes from that obedience.

It is of the better use, the truer guidance of this machine, that I wish especially to write. Although attention is constantly called to the fact of its misuse,as in neglected rest and in over−strain,in all the unlimited variety which the perverted ingenuity of a clever people has devised, it seems never to have come to any one's mind that this strain in all things, small and great, is something that can be and should be studiously abandoned, with as regular a process of training, from the first simple steps to those more complex, as is required in the work for the development of muscular strength. When a perversion of Nature's laws has continued from generation to generation, we, of the ninth or tenth generation, can by no possibility jump back into the place where the laws can work normally through us, even though our eyes have been opened to a full recognition of such perversion. We must climb back to an orderly life, step by step, and the compensation is large in the

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Category: Self Help

Rules Of The Rich And Wealthy

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Title: Rules Of The Rich And Wealthy

" Learning About The Rules Of The Rich And Wealthy Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Learn the hidden rules and beat the rich at their own game!

Dear Friend,

The general population has a love / hate kinship with riches. They resent those who have it, but spend their total lives attempting to get it for themselves. The reason an immense majority of individuals never accumulate a substantial savings is because they don't comprehend the nature of money or how it works.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the hidden rules and beat the rich at their own game!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success And Improve Your Overall Wealth...You Need To Have A Look At Rules Of The Rich And Wealthy!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It's because they don't know being rich is much more about your mentality and your financial intelligence than it is about how much income you have..

Poor and middle class individuals center on earned income, and try to get rich by working doubly as hard. Rich individuals on the other hand center on the other two types of money, portfolio income and passive income. These are not dependent upon the number of hours in a day, so they... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Self Help

Unstoppable Upline

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Title: Unstoppable Upline

"Learning About Unstoppable Upline Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Ways To Be The Best Mentor For Your Team!

Dear Friend,

Beneficial mentoring relationships may be richly rewarding, not only for the individual being mentored, but for the mentor as well.

Mentors may, amidst other matters, supply exceptional learning experiences for their mantes and, in doing so, amplify their mentees' awareness, perceptivity and perspective. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase your effectiveness as a mentor.

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Unstoppable Upline!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It's because they don't know that being believable doesn't mean that you need to have all the answers. The best answers for your mentee will come from their own thought, with the help of your wiseness to support them.

Which brings us to a very important aspect I must talk about here:

You Can Have Better Success In Business And Life If You Discover

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Category: Self Help

Striking the Balance between Your Physicality and Your Spirituality

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Title: Striking the Balance between Your Physicality and Your Spirituality

The secrets behind Having Inner Peace and Inspiring Others!

Dear Friend,
As we've gotten to the point of fact that everyplace we look, we're inundated with messages that our country is in dyer straights. Numerous people are being laid-off, downsized, or working extra hours to accommodate the decrease in fellow workers.

It's hard not to feel out of sorts under this pressure. But, you can discover how to come through not only this crisis, but any crisis that should come your way. Learn how to go from victim to victor and how to tap into your inner strength that will help you endure any adversity. Discover how your perceptions create stress and how to challenge and alter them.
The truth is:

If You Do Not Know How To develop Inner Peace you are spinning your wheels!

Are you inspired by your goal? Does thinking about it make you smile? If not, then you need the tools to change until you are excited about it. Goals take effort and an inner balance. They often require that we change and do things that may be a stretch for us.

If you have no life balance or inner peace it will be difficult to achieve any of these.

But, you can discover how to have inner peace and help others along the way. I have the perfect manual available for you right here!
(Read on to find out more...)

Inner Peace Is The Most

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Category: Self Help

Time Manage Strategy

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Title: Time Manage Strategy

What If You Could Triple Your Productivity And Profits, Instantly While Working LESS Than You Do Right Now?

"Learn The Millionaire's Secret Method Of Dramatically Boosting Productivity While Working LESS Than You Currently Are Right Now!"

Dear Online Entrepreneur,

There are only so many hours in a day.. and as much as you fight to stretch that time out so that you are able to meet deadlines, finish projects and still find time for your family, the clock continues to tick as you run out of time.

How do they do it? How do so many successful marketers and online business owners manage to market their websites, recruit new business, establish a brand, make money on auto pilot and STILL have time for hobbies, interests and vacations while you are strapped to your keyword, deperately aching for a break but knowing there is absolutely no way you can fit in it.

So, you continue to drain yourself, day in - day out, hoping that eventually all of this work will pay off and you will find that magical ability to freeze time.. at least long enough to re-charge your batteries.

Do you know that all of those long hours you are putting in could be completely eliminated while you are still able to GET MORE DONE in LESS time than you are currently spending on your work?

Did you have any idea that marketers and business owners, just

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Category: Self Help

Feng Shui

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Title: Feng Shui

Tips to Enhance & Harmonize Any Home or Business

Are You Looking For Ways to Receive More Wealth, Abundance and Peace of Mind?

Learn How Feng Shui Can Transform Your Life!

Dear Friend,

Feng Shui is starting to revolutionize people in ways never thought of before. This ancient Chinese secret can change the way you do things and provide you all of wealth and abundance that you've been searching for!

More people are interested in learning this method, but don't know how to go about it. In this report, Feng Shui - Tips To Enhance And Harmonize Any Home Or Business, you will learn the secrets and strategies used to transform your entire life.

The manual begins by explaining the definition of this Chinese practice and how it came into being. It also list five methods of Feng Shui, including the Ba-Gua method. In addition to that, there are five elements that play a major part in the Feng Shui practice and how they operate.

In this report, you will learn the following:

  • What are Productive and Destructive Cycles and how they work in conjunction with the Feng Shui practice
  • What is "Chi" and how does it work in relation to Feng Shui
  • What is the one thing that is the same about them

It is very

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Category: Self Help

Improve Your Self-Esteem In Just One Weekend!

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Title: Improve Your Self-Esteem In Just One Weekend!

Is Low Self-Esteem Keeping You from Achieving Your Hopes, Dreams & Goals, or Making You Feel Inferior, Unimportant And Unworthy?

It Doesn't Have To Be That Way Anymore! Learn How You Can Build And Restore Your Value And Worth Through his Amazing Easy To Follow E-Book

Dear Friend:

Does low self-esteem cause you to feel frustrated, cheated out of the good things in life or make you feel inferior to others? Are you afraid of rejection and failure, and feel very alone in the world?
If you are tired of this never ending cycle of frustration and disappointments from low self-esteem, this might be the most important letter you have ever read.

You Are Worthy Of Everything You Aspire To Be!

How you derive your feelings of self-esteem and feelings of value is a complex process. It's quite possible that every life event you experienced and everything ever said to you, all contribute to your feelings of self worth.

Suffering from low self-esteem can not only affect your mental well-being, it can affect you physically as well. It can create stress, anxiety, and physical ailments along with the emotional issues. Get Rid Of That Baggage!

It's time for this all to stop. You are a worthy, wonderful, valuable individual. You deserve to live up to your potential and embrace the wonderful person that is inside of you. We

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Category: Self Help

Immediate Gratification For Breaking Bad Habits

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Title: Immediate Gratification For Breaking Bad Habits

"Getting Immediate Gratification For Breaking Bad Habits Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Learn About Making A Huge Difference In Your Life-And Gain Power By Learning How To Banish Bad Behaviors To Create Amazing Results!

Dear Friend,

The work demanded in finding and challenging the reasons for our self-defeating behaviors and negative emotions can take time. Occasionally, this is a luxury we don't have. Still, what can we do when the habit springs up?.

However the unusual thing is: For several people, the thing holding them back the most in life are bad behaviors.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover how to get rid of those bad behaviors once and for all so that you can get all of the the success you deserve.

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Be able To Get Immediate Gratification For Breaking Bad Habits!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in life and getting rid of bad habits? It's because they don't know that a habit is any process that we have executed so often that it becomes virtually an involuntary response. If we believe this habit to be unsuitable then we might label it a "bad habit".

Individuals spend infinite

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