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John F. Kennedy

Weight Loss ebooks

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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: The Half Day Diet
Author: Nate Miyaki

Discover How To Crush Your “Carb Loop” Cravings, Trick Your Body Into Thinking It Is On a Low Carb Diet When It Is NOT, And Lose All The Weight You Want Without Going Hungry, Giving Up Your Favorite Foods, or Even Exercising…

“This Ingenious New Food Strategy Burns A Little Body Fat All Day Long While You Are Only ‘Dieting’ HALF a Day”

Let’s recap what you’re about to experience using this “half day” System…

  • You’ll experience all the benefits of a 24-hour low carb diet without being low carb.
  • You will enjoy eating yummy carbs every day in order to burn more fat.
  • Whether you are a man or a woman, you will optimize your fat-burning hormones.
  • You will sleep better. Carbs at night trigger serotonin release which makes you feel good and lets you sleep like a baby…
  • You will lose more weight and trim more inches from your waist than other folks who are eating the same amount of carbs and calories!
  • You’ll enjoy the freedom of eating delicious foods every evening with your family or your friends. (instead of watching jealously as they eat “normal” food while you submit yourself to another portion of boring “diet” food)
  • You will escape your “Carb-Loop” cravings and enjoyably lose all the weight you want without the hunger, brain fog, or low energy suffered by
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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Category: Weight Loss

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Title: The Smoothie Diet Health And Weight Loss Program

Over 120 pages containing everything I know about weight loss, nutrition, and smoothie making. You’ll learn how to be healthy and how to make healthy food choices. Includes over 40 smoothie recipes and my proven 5-week health and weight loss program.

Here is just some of what you’ll learn:

  • The 4 main culprits behind the obesity pandemic. (The great news is, your genetics are NOT to blame, and you can turn things around starting today!)
  • My unhappy prediction: Why you will become obese in the next 15 years if you don’t do something about it right now!
  • Why the Standard American Diet is TRULY sad, and what you can do to quickly lose weight. (Even if you are not from the US you can benefit from this…)
  • 3 reasons most traditional diets don’t work, including Atkins, South Beach, Jenny Craig, Acai Berries, and hCG. (Hint: All of these diets actually SLOW DOWN your metabolism!)
  • The 4 hidden poisons in processed and packaged foods.
  • 3 mouth-watering fats that will help you LOSE weight. (It’s hard to imagine, I know, but there’s really only one type of fatty food that you should always avoid.)
  • 11 reasons my smoothie diets work better than most traditional diets.
  • 4 ‘fat-free’ labels that are completely deceptive. (Yes, you have been eating fattening food all along, here’s how to spot the fakes)
  • A secret weapon for weight
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Category: Weight Loss

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Title: 80/20 Fat Loss Program

Now you really can…

  • Evaporate the fat cells in your belly, hips and thighs to reveal the healthy & slim body…
  • Finally have the slim, thin and perfect body you've always desired…
  • And trim down your waist and once again be able to wear the dresses and pants that you've bought years ago...

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Category: Health, Weight Loss

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Title: 21 Days To Healthy Eating
Author: Carolyn Hansen

Discover The Joys Of Healthy Eating  And Rebalance Your Appetite  For Automated Fat Loss

What's Inside 21 Days To Healthy Eating?
All of the truly important facts about this subject have been distilled and presented in a format that will make it easy for you to get started on what might otherwise be a fairly challenging process. 
1 - You Really Are What You Eat
This is where you discover that the old maxim You Are What You Eat is not only true, it is frightening in the context of today's appallingly low food quality.
2 - Both Calories And TOXINS Make You Fat
Would you be surprised to learn that the total calorie count of the food you are eating is not the only thing that is making you fat? It is true.
3 - How Clean Eating Speeds Your Weight Loss
This is the core of the book - an introduction to the concept of clean eating. 
4 - Banishing HFCS And Trans Fats From Your Diet
Prepare to take control of your shopping cart as we work to eliminate the most harmful foods from your pantry. 
5 - Become The Architect To Your Weight Loss Goals
Now it is time to begin using our newfound knowledge of natural and processed foods to make decisions on how to select the foods that best suit our goals for maintaining a healthy body weight.
6 - 21st Century Nutrition
Now that we have mastered food

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Category: Weight Loss

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Title: Fat Loss Accelerators 2.0
Author: Kate Vidulich

Discover The #1 Metabolism Boosting Secret Of a Top New York City Fitness Trainer That Will Triple Your Fat Loss Results In ONLY 4 Weeks!

How Hybrid Metabolic Complexes Can Help You Burn 3X More Fat

Once you’ve discovered HMC, you’ll get addicted to it. I know I did. I had more energy, more time to spend with my family and most of all – never faced a dreaded plateau again. The fat kept falling off.

Plus, all you’ll ever need is one single pair of dumbbells – that’s it.

  • No one stealing my workout space in the weights area
  • No more wasting time transitioning from one exercise to another
  • No wasting time with these fast, effective and fun workouts
  • No more waiting for treadmills or sweat machines at the gym

This method is proven to melt away the ugly fat.

Finally, the Workout Solution that GUARANTEES you will break any stubborn plateau, burn fat and build a lean, athletic body without going on a starvation diet. You don’t even need to start a whole, new program. Simply, a Fat Loss Accelerator is a short series of unique, total body exercises you can plug into your current program to raise the intensity.

This training method is definitely NOT for beginners.

This Powerful Training Method is Used by Olympic Athletes, but is it Right For You?

I will be completely transparent and honest... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Weight Loss

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Title: Goddess Body University

Discover how to flatten your tummy, reduce cellulite, look years younger while eating real foods, enjoying your favorite treats with NO calorie counting, bogus diet pills or yo-yo dieting

Can you relate to the questions below? If so, then you are not alone.

  • Frustrated with how your clothes fit you?
  • Are you hiding behind baggy clothes?
  • Clueless as to how to eat healthy?
  • Are you eating things like cookie dough, potato chips and soda on a frequent basis?
  • Possibly still carrying that “baby weight”?
  • Feeling hopeless on where to start?
  • Are you enemies with your scale?
  • Do you constantly yo-yo diet?

I know who you are, because I was in the same spot…

Can you relate…?

  • Feeling depressed, lack energy or have digestive issues?
  • Are you embarrassed about your body?
  • Would you rather just not leave the house than try to put on clothes that don’t fit?
  • Are you no fun to be around because you lack confidence or you have low self esteem?

Congratulations, you NORMAL are like most women I’ve met. The good news is that you are not alone and I am here to help you. I felt fat, disgusting, embarrassed about my body and never wanted to get out of the house. I was tired, suffered severe stomach issues, anxiety, depression, very low self esteem and had no energy for

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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: Jenny Hills

Discover the most Effective Natural methods to neutralize harmful toxins from your body to enhance your vitality and increase your energy levels

This EBook outlines the steps you need to take to thoroughly detoxify and cleanse your body from disease-causing agents.

Here is just a sneak peak at what you’ll learn in The Detox Guide:

  • Discover my top 6 secrets of a successful detox program.
  • Learn about the 11 warning signs of a toxic body - you shouldn't ignore them!
  • Discover the most powerful herbs and foods to flush toxins out of your liver.
  • Learn how to cleanse your colon with the help of 8 powerful foods.
  • Get a simple and powerful recipe for a DIY liver cleansing infusion.
  • Discover 2 mighty and natural ingredients to cleanse your colon and learn how to use them.
  • Find out which vegetable can cut your lung cancer risk by almost 50%!
  • Learn how to cleanse and protect your lungs from toxins.
  • Learn how to cleanse your kidneys with the help of powerful foods and herbs.
  • The top natural ways to boost a sluggish lymph system - this is great for stimulating your immune system!
  • 5 easy to make kidney detox juices to restore your kidney health.
  • Learn how to prepare powerful herbal infusions to cleanse your lymphatic system.
  • Learn how to harness the powers of baking soda, Epsom salt and Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to detox
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fitness, Weight Loss

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Title: 1000 Calorie Accelerators
Author: Kate Vidulich

Finally! A Workout That Burns 1,000 Calories ?and Triples Your Fat Burning So That You Can? Quickly Melt Away Even The Most Stubborn Fat ?Off Your Body Without Having to Diet Or Count Calories Ever Again…

In the 1000 Calorie Accelerator Fast Start Guide you will discover:

  • How to use the powerful combination of high intensity training, metabolic resistance training and hybrid metabolic complexes to boost your calorie burn for hours after you workout
  • The cutting edge workout assessment to determine the right Accelerator workout level for you (including beginner, intermediate or elite)
  • Comprehensive guidelines for any fitness level to help you accelerate your results and maximize your fat burning hormones.

In the 28 day 1000 Calorie Accelerators Workout Plan you will discover:

  • A day-by-day workout plan for beginners, intermediate and elite levels, that shows you exactly what you need to do to destroy your plateau and get fast results.
  • The latest, customized high intensity workouts strategically designed to burn 300, 500 or 1000 calories each and every workout for 28 days.
  • High quality exercise descriptions and comprehensive workout logs so you can track your progress!

In 1000 Calorie Accelerators Exercise Index you will discover:

  • Over 80 pages of unique and never-before released fat burning exercises that you can do at home or in the
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Weight Loss

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Title: The Thigh Gap Hack

As I worked with more and more women, I realized how many had been harming themselves and their metabolisms in a quest for a beautiful body. They falsely thought it was the only way.

It became apparent that I needed a bigger platform to spread the word and squash the highly perpetuated myths that women were clinging to.

Those myths included...

  • Pairing High Intensity Interval Training with 3000 calorie meals (an excuse to binge)
  • Lifting heavy and squatting/lunging to create feminine shaped legs
  • Branding cardio as evil and avoiding it completely

and other cooky things that only put women 2 steps back from the model-like physiques most coveted.

This interview reveals:

  • How to change your ineffective and boring cardio routines into super fat burning workouts
  • Dozens of mistakes most people make in choosing the wrong exercises & how to supercharge your abs training
  • How to eat healthier for fat loss while enjoying your food more and eating more satisfying flavor rich foods the truth about how many calories you really need daily, weekly, etc whether your goal is fat loss or muscle loss
  • Why you've wasted way too much money on bogus fat-burner pills and other supplement scams the facts about whether you really need protein powders and/or meal replacements
  • Why crunches, situps, and leg raises have almost nothing to do with getting a
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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: Easy Veggie Meal Plans

Discover How To Quickly Lose Weight The Healthy Way With New SIMPLE, CHEAP, And EASY Veggie Meal Plans

Plus, you’re about to discover secret vegetarian protein sources and uncover the biggest “scam” health foods that food companies deceptively market to you for weight loss. But first…

  • Do you want to avoid the acne, bloating, diarrhea, and other embarrassing side effects that go along with eating unhealthy meat?
  • Do you want to lose fat without factory farmed meat and Franken-Foods that came from “Who Knows Where”?
  • Are you frightened by slaughterhouse horror stories, animal butchering, E. coli hamburger outbreaks, and other health epidemics and diseases associated with eating meat?
  • Do you want to avoid cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses caused by eating an unhealthy diet full of processed meat?
  • Do you want to stop risking your health every day when you eat the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.)?
  • Are you sick & tired of every fat loss nutrition book telling you to overdose on dry chicken breasts, slimy deli meats, mercury-laden canned tuna, and grizzly red meat for EVERY meal?
  • Do you want more energy, fat loss, health, vitality and confidence?
  • Are you confused by the high-protein diet propaganda put out by the Atkins diet, supplement companies, bodybuilding magazines, and the corporate fitness industry?


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