If a law were passed giving six months to every writer of a first book, only the good ones would do it.
Bertrand Russell

Weight Loss ebooks

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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: The Harmony Earth 30 Day Energy Diet
Author: Christopher Westra

Ten Simple Secrets to Harmonize Your Body with the Earth and Increase Your Energy and Vibration in 30 Days!

Here are just some of the mind-expanding secrets this ebook has for you

  • Specific ways to get wild foods into your diet, even if you live in the city! 
  • How you can change habits easily and suspend your usual patterns of thinking.
  • The benefits to society that will occur when people start growing loved food, preparing loved food, and eating loved food! 
  • How to double your eating time and double the pleasure and enjoyment you get from your food.
  • The Art of Conscious Eating, and how to chew your food so you really taste it! 
  • The truth about wild foods, and why your ancestors couldn't have eaten a starchy diet. 
  • How to be patient and allowing with yourself as you make eating changes.
  • How to ensure your success by increasing your skills of intuition and awareness.
  • Six specific places to look for new foods, and how to have fun introducing new foods into your diet.
  • How to visualize the health you want in a way that activates your subconscious mind to create your health for you!
  • The importance of proper food preparation, and how doing it right will increase the vibration and energy of the meal. 
  • How to use the 5/5/5 rule in your diet to save time, money, and energy. 
  • How to rate foods on a
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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: The Guaranteed Weight Loss Diet
Author: Lori Murray

Lose 10-20 Pounds in 1 Month By Eating Right!

No Supplements - No Pills - No Special Foods

The Guaranteed Weight Loss Diet

  1. So Easy!

    "A diet must be easy to follow. It must have easy meals, easy ways to swap foods and an easy shopping list.

    So I created the EASIEST POSSIBLE diet-plan that's simple to follow and simple to adapt.

    It includes a complete 4-week eating plan, with a huge range of food-substitutes, lots of fast-food options, a huge range of snacks and you can 'mix-and-match' everything."

  2. Works Fast!

    "As a professional weight loss consultant, I know how important it is to lose weight fast AND keep it off.

    So I created a healthy diet that's guaranteed to help you lose weight AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.

    Depending on your present weight, you'll lose up to 20 pounds in one month and you'll feel GREAT!"

  3. Keeps Weight Off!

    "A diet must help to improve eating habits, otherwise any weight lost is quickly regained.

    That's why EVERY FOOD ITEM in my diet is accompanied by it's calorie-content.

    So you can see exactly what you're eating and learn what foods to eat in future."

  4. Gets You Moving!

    "Regular exercise is essential if you want to lose weight.

    That's why my diet explains all about exercise and calorie-burning and asks you to set aside 30

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Category: Fitness, Weight Loss

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Title: Banishing Cellulite Once And For All
Author: Marie Watkins

"Discover Natural Methods to Overcome Cellulite That Are Helping Hundreds Wear Their Bikini's With Pride."

100% All-Natural Painless & Simple, Step-by-Step Solution to Overcoming Cellulite...

This complete, quick to read ebook will help you to...

  • Take pride in how you look - the awful dimpling, the ugly cottage cheese look of your thighs, your belly or your butt has been virtually erased.
  • Shop for the sharpest, sleekest swimsuit you can find...and know (even in the dressing room) that you look absolutely great in it.
  • Love your workout and being in shape - you have energy, feel great and look fantastic, better than ever.
  • Look slimmer, trimmer and younger than your mother did at your age.
  • Know you've found the secret to staying cellulite free - it was really so much easier than you expected AND you have something you haven't had before - results!
  • Feel vital, alive and sexy again now that you've banished cellulite and all those lumps and bumps from your thighs, tummy and butt for good.
  • Catch the admiring glances of men, and the envious, wistful ones of other women who haven't yet discovered the secret to sending cellulite on its way.
  • Understand the role of proper breathing; skin brushing, massage and a detoxifying diet in getting rid of cellulite once and for all.
  • Understand how fat and cellulite are different, and how your body
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Category: Men, Weight Loss

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Title: The Bible of Effective Weight Loss
Author: Michael Collins

61 Fast Weight Loss Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

Everything you need to know to quickly build a lean, healthy, energetic body. (Without any equipment, previous experience, or starving yourself)

This ebook covers it all, and makes it easy for you to get started. No silly stories, no boring scientific explanations about glycemic index, ketones or leptin. You do not need to study the science behind fat loss. We did it for you.

Here's a little taste of what makes the Black Book of Secrets different from other diet books...

  • Why NOT eating can actually force your body to store fat
  • What liquid to take a shot of *before* you go out drinking
  • What is a Negative Calorie, and how you can maximize the negative for incredible fat loss
  • The best drink to start your day with energy and vitality- without caffeine
  • The 7 best snacks you can eat at ANYTIME to actually create a fat loss environment
  • The 7 POWER foods that should always be in the cabinets
  • The 2 GOLDEN food combinations and the 1 food combination that having at even 1 meal can ruin a weeks worth of hard work (you could be eating this combination often)
  • Learn how the way you THINK can add flab to your midsection (Hint: this has nothing to do with your diet)
  • How to strategically switch foods in and out during the day to lose fat at a comfortable pace
  • Crush late- night cravings with our
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Category: Cooking, Weight Loss

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Title: Paleo Cookbooks

Finally! A cookbook that provides recipes which are both gluten and dairy free!
Paleo Cookbooks
Have you Been Looking For a Cookbook Which Contains Recipes That Are All 100% Gluten Free, Dairy Free And Preservative Free?
If you are tired and frustrated trying to find recipes that use only natural ingredients, then you are REALLY going to enjoy these cookbooks!

The Paleo Cookbooks Are Ebooks Containing 120 Delicious Recipes EACH!

And you will feel confident cooking delicious recipes without pasta, rice, bread and dairy.

  • Simple and Easy to Create Paleo Recipes - With clear step by step instructions you will produce paleo friendly meals that will get rave reviews from friends and family every time!
  • Over 150 Recipes Per Cookbook - Using 100% raw, natural, healthy ingredients with exciting flavors that will boost your enjoyment for eating truly healthy meals.
  • 8 Recipe Categories - Recipes under the following categories will excite your taste-buds and have you cooking an easy three course meal:
    • Omellettes
    • Desserts
    • Meat
    • Snacks
    • Fish and Seafood
    • Soups
    • Chicken
    • Salads
  • Special Recipe... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: Fat Loss Troubleshoot
Author: Leigh Peele

Learn how I never fail to achieve fat loss, and how you won't either.

The truth is this ebook pleases all of you and all of the time. Here are a few brief examples...

  • In the Metabolic Repair Manual I explain what long term dieting down and fat loss efforts can to your metabolism.
  • In the Metabolic Repair Manual I discuss the more advance techniques of thyroid function in the body and how it may be slowing your fat loss be it male or female.
  • In the Fat Loss Troubleshoot I explain why there is only 1 supplement that Everyone needs to be taking and why you should be taking it.
  • In the OPT Remix I discuss how long you should wait before a re-feed and why they are important.
  • In the Fat Loss Troubleshoot I talk about how calories work in the body, I talk about how energy is stored and burned in the body, and I talk about how to figure out for yourself the answer to the questions of how much you use and how much you don't.
  • In the Metabolic Repair I show you the only food list that almost anybody, regardless of allergies or intolerance can eat from and it not interfere with their results and even increase them!
  • In the Water Manual I tell you my top method for getting clients competition ready on the final days before a show.
  • In the Water Manual I also tell you the only supplements you should ever take for
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Category: Weight Loss

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Title: The Natural Cellulite Solution

Imagine Losing Your Cellulite in as Little as 4 Weeks!

The cellulite industry makes millions of dollars every year selling us all a bunch of crap that they know doesn't work.

  • Fact: Over 90% of Women Have Cellulite!
  • Fact: You Need Certain Fats to help you Burn Cellulite Fat!
  • Fact: Smoking Cigarettes is Linked to Cellulite!
  • Fact: Your Birth Control Pills Might be Giving you Cellulite!

What is the Cellulite Solution?

"The Natural Cellulite Solution" is an ebook which reveals the specific natural remedies Specific Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and Techniques to get rid of cellulite.

I know there are other ebooks, and websites just saying take this herb or that potion, but in order to truly eliminate cellulite forever you need to use a specific combination of things! It is the Only way to lose cellulite forever!

This ebook is the result of over many years of experience specializing in Natural Medicine for Women. Inside the ebook I will dispel common cellulite myths.

I will explain to you why you have cellulite and why your husband doesn't. I will tell you what specific topical products actually do work, and why they work! And much, much

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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: Dr. Mauro 3 Week Detox & Vitality Diet Plan

Dr. Mauro's Simple Step-by-Step 3-Week Detox Program Quickly Flushes Toxins from Your Body and...

  • Reduces anxiety (gets rid of negative emotions that cause you stress)
  • Burns ugly fat (lose weight fast - up to one pound a day!)
  • Boosts energy (feel more energized than you have in days)
  • Clears up skin (no more unsightly pimples that appear out of nowhere)
  • Improves gut health (eliminates bloating, gas and indigestion)

In this ebook you'll discover...

  • One benefit that can help eliminate your need for allergy medication!
  • Which food item you should eliminate during a cleanse that will help get your GI tract back on track!
  • Why the liver plays such an important role in a good cleanse.
  • How a good detox plan not only helps you to lose weight but keep it off for good!
  • How a certain craving (that you probably have!) can be wiped out completely after a thorough cleaning!

Your Liver is Worth It, Trust Me...
You'll notice the word "live" is contained in the word "liver." In fact, at one time in the English language it was called "lifer." The word derives from a Babylonian word which means "that without which life cannot continue."

Your liver is the second largest organ in your body (your skin is the

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Category: Body, Weight Loss

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Title: Turbulence Training
Author: Craig Ballantyne

Here Are The Scientific Facts About Fat Loss

  • Traditional fat burning programs typically don't even mention strength training in their instructions, because most trainers and clients don't understand how resistance training will help fat loss.
  • The fat-loss programs you read about in muscle mags from the 80's and 90's are based on out-of-date exercise science and nutrition information.
  • Exercise science has advanced by leaps and bounds just in the last two decades. The latest fat loss research, which Turbulence Training is based on, allows you to lose more fat while keeping your hard-earned muscle, and doing so with less time working out than ever before.
  • You need to use more advanced, modern training methods, such as Turbulence Training Intervals, to help you burn more calories in and out of the gym.
  • Fat loss programs that require you to do endless hours of long, slow, boring cardio workouts will rarely help you achieve your fat loss goals and may lead to over use injuries.
  • If you want to maximize your metabolism, and get defined arms, abs, and legs, then you must include strength training in your fat loss workout.

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Category: Weight Loss

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Title: Old School New Body's 10 Ultimate Body Transformation Secrets
Author: Steve Holman, Becky Holman

This ebook was written to help you achieve a lean, healthy muscular body, a more youthful appearance and a happier, sexier disposition with sensible tips and strategies.

So many people want and need a physical makeover—a total-body transformation. And so many people have made resolutions to make it happen. But the usual result is that they fall flat, some after only a few weeks!

  • Is it lack of motivation?
  • Why is it so difficult for so many?
  • Is it weak will-power or lack of discipline?

Those can contribute, but the real culprit is misinformation. People just don't know the fastest methods, or tactics, if you will, to make their body-transformation efforts a rousing success—and that's a darned shame!

We're convinced that if more people exercised correctly - it doesn't take as much as you think - and ate right most of the time, our health-care and obesity crisis in this country would be nonexistent. In fact, many doctors would have to get part-time jobs because there wouldn't be enough business.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves.
Let's get to the "secrets" that can get you healthier and in fantastic shape, tips you can use to literally transform yourself!

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