Weight Loss ebooks

Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution
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Title: Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution
Are You Tired Of Failed New Year's Weight Loss Resolutions That Leave You Even More Overweight Than Ever Before?
Not Anymore - Finally Succeed With Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution Once And For All And Get The Body Of Your Dreams In //
- Are you frustrated that you end up even more overweight than you were the year before and find yourself making yet another new year's resolution to lose the weight?
- Sick and tired of trying year after year to lose weight but keep finding yourself back in the same rut?
- Do you feel like a failure because you are unable to stick to any diet?
Between 60% and 98% of American adults will be on a diet at some point in the new year, sadly most will fail within the first 90 days and will find themselves right back where they started and even worse, heavier than they were prior to dieting.
Why do people fail diets or rather, why do diets fail people?
Simply because they are unrealistic and provide only a temporary fix to a lifelong problem.
Whether it be your new years resolution or a goal to lose weight, you will never be able to have permanent, long lasting results until you first address the issue of why you gained the weight in the first place.
Get off the diet merry-go-round once and for... Click here to read the full description!
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100 Weight Loss Tips
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Title: 100 Weight Loss Tips
Discover 100 Weight Loss Tips, Feel Better & Become Healthier ...
Without Taking Any "Magical Pills," Buying an Expensive Gym Membership ... Or Going on a Dangerous Fad Diet!
Dear friend,
If you have been searching for weight-loss and better health tips that really work ... tips that you can begin using immediately to:
- Feel better than you have in years!
As well as:
- Melt away the body fat and keep it off for good!
- Get in the best shape of your life!
And more!
Then this is quite frankly the most important letter you will ever read!
Here's why:
I'm about to reveal to you an amazing new ebook that reveals 100 proven tips you can use to lose weight quickly and keep it off for good!
Introducing the "100 Weight Loss Tips" eBook ...
Believe it or not, there was a time not that long ago, when the thought of losing weight didn't even occur to most people in our society. Back then, people ate what mom cooked for dinner and they went to work. The difference between that society and today's society is that work back then was not at a desk with a computer screen on it, but on your feet in the fields or on a warehouse floor.
Back then people worked physically because that was the only way to work,... Click here to read the full description!
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Natural Weight Loss
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Title: Natural Weight Loss
Because You're Serious About Your Health!
I already know two things about you. (1) You are an intelligent person (2) who has a weighty problem. I know that you are intelligent because you are seeking help to solve your problem and that is always the second step to solving a problem. The first one is acknowledging that there is, in fact, a problem that needs to be solved.
You need to lose some weight and it might surprise you to know that how much weight you need or want to lose is not an issue. It really doesn't much matter whether you need to lose 10 pounds, 110 pounds or more....the process for losing weight is exactly the same for every pound that must be lost. Not only is the process the same but the formula for losing a pound is the same as well. We will discuss the process and the formula later in this ebook.
You have no doubt discovered that there are as many weight loss 'experts' as there are weight loss programs. You can find programs and gurus that will swear that counting carbohydrates is the only way to go and you will find programs and gurus that promise counting fat grams is the only way to go. You can find calorie charts and carbohydrate charts and fat gram charts everywhere. Some of them are even free.
The truth of the matter is that, yes, you are going to have to count something.....calories, fat, carbohydrates...or
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Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself
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Title: Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself
"Tired of Trying To Loose Weight And It Never Works or You Have To Starve Yourself Well Here's A Weight Loss Plan That takes Care of Your Weight Problem And You Can Still Eat!"
In This Book, You'll Learn How To Lose Weight And Not Feel Hungry! In An Easy Step-By-Step Process That Enables You To Feel Good About Loosing Weight As Well As Feeling Good Because Your Stomach Is Still Full!
Dear Friend,
According to recent surveys done, over 66 percent of Americans age 20 and over are overweight by at least 20 pounds. Obesity is at an all time high as America becomes the fattest nation on the
face of the earth! If you're like me, you think that's troubling!
Most of us could stand to lose a few pounds, or at the very least start down the road to a healthier lifestyle. We have become a nation dependent on fast food chains and quick-fix pre-packaged
foods in order to accommodate our busy lifestyles.
If you've found yourself with a couple of spare tires around your mid-section, you probably know you should go on a diet. But you dread doing that because you don't want to have those hunger
pangs that you think inevitably come with diets and weight loss.
Change Your Thinking Today...
You don't have to be hungry when you diet. In fact, you might find yourself enjoying the kinds of foods you never thought
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General Weight Loss Tips
1. Set realistic goals. Anyone who has ever set an unrealistic weight loss goal will tell you that not meeting your own expectations is the fastest way to fail at weight loss. You should plan to lose no more than 1-2 pounds per week. In general, people who set realistic goals will exceed it during at least the first few weeks. Exceeding your weight loss goals will give you something to get excited about, and keep the weight loss process positive.
2. Get support. When you make the decision to lose weight, enlist the help and support of your friends and family members. Having people around you who will encourage you through the process is a great way to start. Be careful about telling those people who might be discouraging, either by not supporting your goals or by hounding you every time they see you eat something that they deem inappropriate for someone who is dieting. Neither of these scenarios is helpful!
3. Discover to keep things in moderation. When your goal is to lose weight, remember the old saying...all things in moderation. By following this mantra with eating and working out, you will lose weight at a reasonable pace and feel good while doing it!
4. Join a program. Weight loss groups like Weight Watchers are popular for more than just their diet plans. They help people to form a
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Weight Loss All Star
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(priced for $12.95 or less).
Title: Weight Loss All Star
See Why 99% of Diets & Exercise Plabs FALL!! Discover a Weight Loss System That Actually Gives You The Results Your Looking For!
Dear Friend,
Are you looking to lose weight or even just tone up? What is stopping you from having the body you want and help you feel great at the same time?
Things weren't looking great for me at the age of 32. I was well over the normal weight for a 32 year old.
Then I began to think to myself....I want to see my kids grow up. Being 120 pounds overweight is not fun and an easy way to get diabetes, different diseases, hypertension and even a stroke.
In the past I tried a ton of things to help me lose weight.
Things just weren't working, I spent money on gym memberships that I didn't even use, pills that tell you just take 2 a day and watch an amazing tranfermation.
We all know how hard weight lose can be. Getting a gym memberships is the easy part, getting the motivation to get up and go is the hardest part.
Plus now days we just don't have the budget to fit in an extra 40 plus dollars on a memberships.
So I had to think of a plan that would actually work and wouldn't take a lot of money that I could fit into my daily busy life...and guess what I figured out that plan.
Introducing... Weight Loss
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Natural Weight Loss REVEALED
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Title: Natural Weight Loss REVEALED
Are you overweight and want to take off those extra pounds?
Weight Loss Made Simple - How To Lose Those Extra Pounds The Easy And Natural Way, Starting Today.
If you're overweight, and are tired of all the hype and all the latest diet fads, and "magic" pills that promise so much but don't deliver.
If you're fed up with being overweight and want to get serious and drop those pounds and keep them off.
If you're ready to get started right now, and start losing weight today.
Then this letter might be the best letter you'll read this year, because....
You're about to discover what it really takes to get the body of your dreams, the natural way, all from the comfort of your own home.
Dear Friend,
Here is a fact for you. Research shows that nearly 60% of all U.S. adults are either obese or overweight. So if you're one of these people, you're not alone. In fact, most of us need to lose a few pounds once in a while. With all the fast food places like McDonalds and Burger King, it's easy to put on a few pounds.
The problem is, once you do decide you need to lose some weight, how do you go about it? Where do you start?
There is so much misinformation and so much weight loss advice that contradicts each other, that it's hard to cut through all this junk and find out what's really
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4 Steps To Permanent Weight Loss
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Title: 4 Steps To Permanent Weight Loss
Real-Life Health and Fitness for Real People
Secrets from a Fitness Industry Insider
"Progress is impossible without change"
George Bernard Shaw
I can't believe I'rn actually writing "the" ebook that is going to help you achieve the level of health and fitness that you have always drearned of. Me. Little, scrawny, sickly Darlene that was always last picked in gyrn class and couldn't run a block to save her life. There's power in a good story so here is rnine:
I spent rnost of rny childhood and young adult years struggling with rny health. I battled severe allergies, asthrna, spastic colon and irritable bowel syndrorne (IBS) and low self-esteern for as long as I could rernernber. I grew up sickly, weak and defeated. I was told not to over-exert rnyself, take rny rnedicines regularly and rnake the best of it. I wasn't encouraged to play outside for fear of rny allergies and asthrna "getting stirred up" and needless to say sports were out of the question. One year I atternpted to play softball - but it's hard to want to try at sornething where you get rnade fun of regularly... so I rarely played. During rny college years I was in and out of the ernergency roorn with "turnrny" cornplications due to rny spastic colon, lBS and poor diet. I continued to battle with rny health until rny rnid 20's. One day I got
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Winning The Weight-Loss Battle
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Title: Winning The Weight-Loss Battle
Weight Loss Basics
Although there are an ever-growing number of diet ebooks, plans and groups, many people just want to achieve weight loss by sensible healthy eating, rather than following a particular fad or fashion. But where to start your weight loss program? Well, the most basic and probably one of the best manuals that you have, is your own common sense.
Most dieters these days have already amassed enough information about what is and isn't good for weight loss, to be able to decide whether or not a particular food is healthy, or is likely to help, hinder or otherwise affect their diet.
Very often it all comes down to a matter of balance. You know that there are certain things that, unless you have particular medical problems, are generally thought to be good foods that can help you to be healthier and lose those extra pounds.
Most dieticians would agree that eating good portions of fresh fruit and vegetables every day is going to be good for you. Also unless you are on a low carb weight loss diet wholegrain foods such as
pasta, whole grain bread and rice are usually accepted as being beneficial, both generally and for weight loss.
These days drinking is also very much in focus for those who wish to achieve both weight loss and a benefit to their health. It is generally thought that too much alcohol is not a good and may bring about a variety of health problems, although small amounts
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Lose 10 Pounds
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Title: Lose 10 Pounds
Top Secrets revealed...
Learn The Secrets to Losing 10 Pounds in 10 Days!
Dear Friend,
Do you have 10 pounds that you just want to get rid of so that you can fit into that bathing suit that you are dying to wear?
Are you looking for a way to jump start a diet so that you can get to the weight that is best for you?
Are you tired of promises from pills and potions that promise to take that weight off easily but do not work?
Are you sick of seeing ads to help you take off weight if only you pay a small fortune for a membership in some club, special food or some drug?
If so, then this is for you. You do not have to fork over a lot of money to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. You can do it right at home with a method that works every time - no matter what your age!
There are many products on the market that advertise that you can lose weight in a seemingly unnatural amount of time. There are many altered photos online of people who have supposedly lost quite a bit of weight and now suddenly have bodies of models in a week.
There are a lot of ads for diets and groups that always mention that the results experienced by the person who is pitching the ad "are not typical." In short, if you want to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, there are a lot of ways to help you part with your money that do not work.
I went... Click here to read the full description!
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