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Business ebooks

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Category: Business, E-Business, E-Marketing

Consumer Buying Secret REVEALED

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Title: Consumer Buying Secret REVEALED
Author: Paul Tunde Raji
A Marketer's Guide For Business

Don't be misled by the tag line above. This is not a package full of fluff trying to teach you how to be a better consumer or customer.

Au' contraire'! This is guide is a major source of information on consumer behavior for marketers and marketing students and will be the premier source for many years to come.

Why is that? Because Consumer Buying Secret REVEALED is the result of six years of practical and theoretical research. Now you have the opportunity tap in to this lucrative source and add it to your own library as a hot reference tool.

If you've been trying to figure out the puzzle of selling your products to consumers online, you have to's one of the most challenging problems on the Internet!

No sooner do you think you have it mastered when along comes another "how to" that dips into your wallet and completely turn you around and off in another direction!

First, let's brutally honest for a change. Consumer Buying Secret REVEALED is not some new regurgitated guru program that gives you a song and dance about earning untold riches. You have to be sick and tired of hearing those promises.

What exactly do you get? Here is the tip of the iceberg:

  • The process of buying decisions - Learn the five stages that motivates the buyer to purchase.
  • All about consumer behavior - Learn to understand the type of stimuli that can yield favorable response from consumers and also to... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business

The Power of Creative Selling

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Title: The Power of Creative Selling

"This book is for every person who has chosen salesmanship as career and livelihood. It teaches basically everything you need to become a successful salesman and how to make it a fulfilling craft"

Book Excerpts:
Every idea advanced in this book has one objective in view: your interest. Will it stimulate you? Will it instruct you? Will it inspire you? Will it increase your understanding? Will it contribute to your growth? Will it help you to be a bigger man and a better salesman?

Creative selling is both a science and an art. The science teaches you what to do, and the art teaches you how to do it. Creative selling is the ability and art of increasing the satisfaction of the prospect by convincing him that the thing you want him to buy will best fulfill his needs and desires.

In fact, it is creating a want that did not exist before. Creative selling is an individual accomplishment. It embraces you and the power within you to think and to create. These qualities and attributes are individual, and no one but
you can develop them.

Therefore, my purpose is to help you to develop them by drawing on the latent forces within you. During the past 42 years it has been my good fortune to
talk to thousands of people in all kinds of business, in all walks of life, in all kinds of places, and under all conditions.

In that time, I have sold both tangibles and intangibles by every conceivable

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Category: Business

One Million Items Wholesale

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Title: One Million Items Wholesale

One Million Items Wholesale!!!

Wow, that's a lot of information and even more opportunities for you to make an obscene amount of money on eBAY (TM)!! The list of wholesalers' addresses and valuable information can be found on this disk!


  • ASIAN SOURCES - Webs ite with over 40,000 products wholesale

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Category: Business, E-Business

Podcasting For Fun & Profit

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Title: Podcasting For Fun & Profit
Author: Jeremy J. Burns
Everything You Need To Know To Get Started Making Money By Podcasting

Who Else Wants To Start Make Money The Easy Way By Podcasting?

How Would You Like To Quit Your Slave Wage Day Job- And Start Making A Residual Income That Can Make All Of Your Dreams Come True...

The income, job security, and added perks that used to come with working for a great company have been steadily declining World Wide!
In fact, 9 out of 10 family's have to work two jobs in order to make ends meet. This isn't a choice, it's a necessity.

Take your income into your own hands! Start working from home right now as as an Internet Marketing Podcaster!

Dear Friend,

I don't know about you, but I'm a pretty skeptical person.

I see letters about "amazing opportunities" and "getting in the ground floor" and I usually trash them before I get to the end.

I don't want to offer you an "amazing opportunity" or a chance to "get in on the ground floor" because this letter will probably end up where all the others do.

I Want To Give You Some Valuable Information Totally Free To You, For Taking The Time To See This Message!

Information is good, right? I mean, without it, how would we make decisions?

We'd be floundering in a sea of indecision or (worse yet) a bad decision!

And free is good, right? You bet!

So what is this free information? It's simple,

I want to tell you about how you can be entertained and informed at your convenience,

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Category: Business

Hot Profit Seminars

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Title: Hot Profit Seminars
Author: Liz Tomey
Step By Step Guide To Profiting With Seminars!

"The Secrets To Planning A Money Making Seminar!"

Get the notebook paper out. Buy some binders and some dividers; pens and pencils with great erasers.

You've got a big job ahead of you. And if you plan on carrying it off as a big success while impressing your boss and/or peers, you're going to need to get down and dirty in the trenches.

Do you know what your first plan of action is? Do you have someone who is going to share all the little known, often overlooked details that you'll be held responsible for if they're not taken care of?

For someone who's never put together their own seminar, the job can seem overwhelming. And in truth, without the proper advice from an experienced voice, the job is really too much for any single man or woman.

The first step any event organizer should take when planning a seminar, is to research and find advice from someone who has done it before. Someone who can share all the nitty gritty.

Lucky for you - you can now find all the important but sometimes hard to foresee details for setting up your first conference or seminar written down in one expert course. One special tell-all course that will walk you through the process of making sure your event goes off without a hitch.

What's this course that you must get your hands on? It's called...

Hot Profit Seminars

So you've never been in charge of a seminar before? Are you nervous yet?

If you've

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Category: Business

Press Release Magic

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Title: Press Release Magic
How to generate $1,000's worth of exposure by writing and submitting your own press releases!

Introduction: Marketing to the Media Mindset -
An Overview of Why They Accept and Deny Your Submissions.

Submitting your well-crafted press release is a bit like standing behind the red velvet rope, hoping you have what it takes to make it past the doorman and gain admittance into an "A" list event. The competition is fierce, with only the best of the best making it to the editor's desk, much less into the hands of the public.

So how can you rise above all others and make your press release gleam in the eyes of the publisher? All you need is a dash of researching skills, a pinch of creative talent, and a sprinkle of media insight, and you've whipped up a blue ribbon recipe for a results-oriented press release.

The media mindset is a very powerful entity. What filters through the desk of an editor to the pulse of America is whatever he or she deems newsworthy. Scandals. Tragedies. Triumphs. From international terrorism to Cousin Cathy's canine hero, the media hold all the cards when it comes to what we do and do not know.

They also decide, to a certain degree, the influence each story has on the public by the size of space they assign to it. Readers are obviously going to focus on a half-size, front-page feature article more than they will a 10-line blurb buried in the back of the local section. Placement is crucial because it determines how close your news will get to the reader's eyes.

Fortunately, news sells. So

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Category: Business

Business Tips Guide Collection

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Title: Business Tips Guide Collection
Here's Over 200 valuable business tips to help you on the road to online success...

Dear Friend,

As you probably know, most e-books these days are packed with fluff and filler, designed to pad the e-book out, purely to justify a higher price tag.

Our special Business Tips Guide Collection is a refreshing change,featuring nothing but concise powerful business tips to improve your business.

This great collection features a total of Over 200 valuable tips, packed into eight concise guides covering a range of important business topics.

Here's the details of each guide - and to give you an idea of what to expect, I've even included an example business tip from every guide...


Business Tips Guide Collection Little Known Net Business Advice

Example: You could offer your potential customers a bonus coupon when they buy one of your products. It could be a coupon for another product you sell. For example, you could say, "Free Bonus! A 30% Off Coupon For Our New E-book! How To..." Another example, "Free Bonus! My Good Friend (their name) Is Allowing Me To Give A Free 40% Off Coupon For His New Product (product name)!"

Secret Selling Blueprints

Example: Use a "P.S." at the end of your ad copy. This is where you either want to repeat a strong benefit or use a strong close, like a free bonus. For example, "P.S. You can get (product),

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Category: Business

Profiting With Press Releases

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Title: Profiting With Press Releases
Author: Liz Tomey
Your One Stop Guide To Getting Free Exposure Using Press Releases!

Revealed! The One Advertising Method That Wont Cost You A Single Penny As Long As You Follow This Secret Manual!

As business owners we have all been in the "no budget" advertising zone. I've been there and every time I create a new idea I'm in the "no budget" advertising zone. After creating several businesses and websites I have developed a full proof way to get targeted traffic to my site almost instantly.

No, this isn't any type of SEO trick, or some system that you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to make work. It's a simple technique that anyone no matter their marketing experience can do.

This incredible technique has brought literally thousands of targeted visitors to my site each and every time I use, and today I'm going to reveal EXACTLY how to do it in my "Profiting With Press Releases" e-book. This is your one stop manual to getting free exposure using press releases.

I haven't found anything that works better or faster than this amazing free publicity technique, and I suggest you take advantage of it right now before your competition beats you to it!

The "Profiting With Press Releases" e-book will take you step-by-step through creating your first press release all the way to how to get it published to thousands of targeted visitors.

The 63 page information packed e-book isn't full of fluff and garbage. It covers in depth techniques for:

  • The proper way to format your press
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Category: Business

Presentation For Profits

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Title: Presentation For Profits
Discover How To Increase Your Sales By 750% In Just 45 Minutes, Simply By Changing Just One Simple Aspect Of Your Business..

Let me take you back almost seven years to when I first started out in my online marketing career, I have an important lesson I'd like to share with you that almost destroyed my business, and if you can avoid it, all the better.

It all started with the very first site I put up. It was entirely online business based, and with dollar signs floating around in front of my face (you know how it is) I dove in headfirst and put up a membership site. This was no ordinary membership site though, it was packed full of live tools such as ad tracking, autoresponders, forums, conference rooms, reviews of services I'd tried and the like.

Everything went well for a few months...

I'd just started out with only bare bones knowledge of business and no online business experience, but before long I was sitting pretty with enough members to replace the income from my job and things were peachy.

The problem was, I was totally unprepared for what came next..

It all started one cold November morning when I received an e-mail from my host stating I'd used all my available resources (those autoresponders really took a lot to run I tell you). Anyway, from then on things went downhill. I had quit my job, but I'd spend all day wrestling with server resources to keep the site afloat, meanwhile my marketing was suffering, new customers were sparse and things started going south.

To cut a long story short..

Nine months later, I

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Category: Business, E-Business, E-Marketing

The Guru's Apprentice

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Title: The Guru's Apprentice
Author: Will Edwards
"The Rich Jerk Has Made a Fortune Using This Exact Method"


How did The Rich Jerk get rich? That's the question I set out to answer.

People keep asking me: who is the Rich Jerk? When I started out, I said I would not reveal his identity but, well, things have changed. His identity was leaked on other websites and now I feel able to give a straight answer to the question: the Rich Jerk is Kelly Felix.

Kelly is the brains behind He has also been involved in many other successful websites; several of which he has sold for large profits. Naturally, he is most famous (or perhaps infamous) for his Internet Marketing book The Rich Jerk.

Perhaps the most amazing thing about his book is the simplicity of his tactics. It's not rocket science - just plain common sense & quite a bit of flair for the subject.

Here's what he actually did to get mind-bogglingly rich: he wrote a book on Internet Marketing & that book became a best-seller. I know it's obvious, but that's what he actually did. So the questions I then became interested in were these: how come his book became a best-seller? What were his tactics? And why did people actually buy his book?

All of these questions are fully answered in my book How the Jerk Got Rich published by White Dove Books. The Guru's Apprentice book on the techniques used by the Rich Jerk shows exactly what you need

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